All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract base class encapsulating functionality common to all Spring Data for Apache Geode (SDG) annotations and configuration classes used to configure Apache Geode objects using Spring Data for Apache Geode.
AbstractAnnotationConfigSupport.TypeResolver is a FunctionalInterface defining a contract to encapsulate logic used to resolve a particular type.
Abstract class and basic implementation of the AuthInitialize interface used to authenticate a client or peer with a secure Apache Geode cluster.
Abstract base class for CacheFactoryBean and ClientCacheFactoryBean classes, used to create Apache Geode peer Cache and ClientCache instances, respectively.
Callback interface for initializing a CacheFactory or a ClientCacheFactory instance, which is used to create an instance of GemFireCache.
Callback interface to configure PDX.
AbstractCacheConfiguration is an abstract base class for configuring either a Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode client or peer-based cache instance using Spring's Java-based, Annotation Configuration support.
Thread-safe, abstract CacheResolver implementation to "cache" the instance reference to the (single) GemFireCache so that the GemFireCache object is only ever resolved once.
RegionResolver implementation capable of caching the results of a Region resolution (lookup) operation.
Abstract base class for Apache Geode client-side Function Execution.
Abstract base class encapsulating functionality for (externally) configuring an Apache Geode ClientCache or peer Cache as a bean in the Spring context.
The AbstractDependencyStructuringBeanFactoryPostProcessor class is a Spring BeanFactoryPostProcessor post processing the Spring BeanFactory to help ensure that the dependencies between different Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire objects (e.g.
An abstract Spring FactoryBean base class implementation encapsulating operations common to all Spring Data for Apache Geode (SDG) FactoryBean implementations.
Abstract base class and configuration source for Function Executions.
AbstractGemfireAdminOperations is an abstract base class encapsulating common functionality supporting administrative (management) operations against a Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode cluster.
AbstractGemFireAsLastResourceAspectSupport is an abstract base class encapsulating functionality common to all AOP Aspect extensions/implementations involving the Apache Geode JCA ResourceAdapter object registered in the JNDI context of a managed environment.
AbstractIndexSupport is an abstract base class supporting the implementation of the Pivotal GemFire / Apache Geode Index interface.
Abstract base class for Configurer interface implementations, encapsulating logic and functionality common to all lazy resolving, composable Configurer implementations.
The AbstractPageSupport class is an abstract Spring Data Page type supporting the implementation of application specific Page implementations.
Abstract Spring XML parser for peer Region bean definitions.
The AbstractPropertyEditorConverterSupport class is an abstract base class for Spring Converter implementations that also implement the JavaBeans PropertyEditor interface.
Abstract base class encapsulating logic to resolve or create a GemFireCache instance.
An abstract base class implementation of Apache Geode's SelectResults interface and Java Collection interface, which delegates to, and is backed by a given, required SelectResults instance.
The AbstractSliceSupport class is an abstract Spring Data Slice type supporting the implementation of application specific Slice implementations.
AbstractSmartLifecycle is an abstract base class implementing the SpringSmartLifecycle interface to support custom implementations.
Abstract base class for WAN Gateway objects.
The AddCacheServerConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that registers a CacheServerFactoryBean definition for the CacheServer configuration meta-data defined in EnableCacheServer annotation.
The AddCacheServersConfiguration class registers CacheServerFactoryBean bean definitions for all EnableCacheServer annotation configuration meta-data defined in the EnableCacheServers annotation on a GemFire peer cache application class.
The AddPoolConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that registers a PoolFactoryBean definition for the Pool configuration meta-data defined in EnablePool annotations.
The AddPoolsConfiguration class registers PoolFactoryBean bean definitions for all EnablePool annotation configuration meta-data defined in the EnablePools annotation on a GemFire client cache application class.
The AdministrativeConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration class that registers SDG Administrative Functions used by SDG's EnableClusterConfiguration without HTTP enabled.
The AnnotationBasedExpiration class is an implementation of the CustomExpiry interface that determines the Time-To-Live (TTL) or Idle-Timeout (TTI) expiration policy of a Region entry by introspecting the Region entry's class type and reflecting on any Region entries annotated with SDG's Expiration-based Annotations.
The ExpirationMetaData class encapsulates the settings constituting the expiration policy including the expiration timeout and the action performed when expiration occurs.
Annotation based configuration source for Function Executions.
The ApacheShiroSecurityConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration component responsible for configuring and initializing the Apache Shiro security framework in order to secure Apache Geode administrative and data access operations.
A Spring Condition to determine whether the user has included (declared) the 'shiro-spring' dependency on their application's classpath, which is necessary for configuring Apache Shiro to secure Apache Geode in a Spring context.
ArrayUtils is an abstract utility class used to work with Object arrays.
ASM based InstantiatorGenerator implementation.
Spring FactoryBean for constructing, configuring and initializing AsyncEventQueues.
The AuthConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that applies additional configuration using Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Properties to configure Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Authentication and Authorization framework and services.
Abstract Data Type (ADT) and FunctionalInterface defining a contract to model the details of a security authentication request.
Spring Configuration class used to configure and register an Authentication object based on security (auth) configuration metadata supplied in the EnableSecurity annotation.
The AutoConfiguredAuthenticationConfiguration class is a Spring Configuration class that auto-configures Apache Geode Authentication by providing an implementation of the AuthInitialize interface along with setting the necessary Apache Geode Properties.
The AutoConfiguredAuthenticationInitializer class is an AuthInitialize implementation, which auto-configures security, and specifically authentication, for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire.
The AutoRegionLookupBeanPostProcessor class is a Spring BeanPostProcessor that post processes a GemFireCache by registering all cache Regions that have not been explicitly defined in the Spring application context.
The AutoRegionLookupConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that enables the automatic lookup of GemFire Regions, which may have been defined else where, such as in cache.xml or using GemFire's Cluster Configuration Service.
The BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessorSupport is an abstract class supporting the implementation of the Spring BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor interface.
Cacheable CacheResolver implementation capable of resolving a GemFireCache instance from the Spring BeanFactory.
The BeanFactoryLocatorConfiguration class extends the Spring application configuration by enabling Spring Data GemFire/Geode's GemfireBeanFactoryLocator in order to auto-wire and configure any GemFire/Geode Objects declared in GemFire/Geode config (e.g.
PoolResolver implementation that uses the Spring BeanFactory to resolve managed Pool objects.
RegionResolver implementation used to resolve a Region by name from a Spring BeanFactory.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize a peer Cache instance.
Cacheable CacheResolver implementation resolving a Cache using the CacheFactory API.
Strategy interface for resolving a instance reference to a GemFireCache.
The CacheServerApplication annotation enables an embedded GemFire CacheServer instance in a Spring Data GemFire based application.
Spring Configuration class used to construct, configure and initialize a CacheServer instance in a Spring application context.
The CacheServerConfigurer interface defines a contract for implementing Objects in order to customize the configuration of a CacheServerFactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize an instance of CacheServer.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize a CacheServer.
The CacheTypeAwareRegionFactoryBean class is a smart Spring FactoryBean that knows how to create a client or server Region depending on whether the GemFireCache is a ClientCache or a peer Cache.
CacheUtils is an abstract utility class encapsulating common operations for working with Cache and ClientCache instances.
The CachingDefinedRegionsConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration class that applies configuration to a Spring (Data GemFire/Geode) application to create GemFire/Geode cache Regions based on the use of Spring's Cache Abstraction to enable caching for application service classes and methods.
CachingDefinedRegionsConfiguration.AbstractCacheNameResolver is an abstract base class encapsulating reusable functionality common to all CachingDefinedRegionsConfiguration.CacheNameResolver implementations.
CachingDefinedRegionsConfiguration.CacheNameResolver is a FunctionalInterface declaring a contract for all implementations used to resolve all cache names declared and used by a Spring application.
The CallableCacheLoaderAdapter class is a Callable and GemFire CacheLoader implementation that adapts the Callable interface into an instance of the CacheLoader interface.
The ClientCacheApplication annotation enables a Spring Data for Apache Geode based application to become an Apache Geode cache client by creating a ClientCache instance.
Spring Configuration class used to construct, configure and initialize a ClientCache instance in a Spring application context.
The ClientCacheConfigurer interface defines a contract for implementing Objects in order to customize the configuration of a ClientCacheFactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize an instance of a ClientCache.
PoolResolver implementation used to resolve the DEFAULT Pool from a ClientCache instance by lazily resolving the ClientCache instance and calling ClientCache.getDefaultPool() on DEFAULT Pool resolution.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize a ClientCache.
Cacheable CacheResolver implementation resolving a ClientCache using the ClientCacheFactory API.
The ClientCachePoolBeanFactoryPostProcessor class...
Annotation defining the Client Region in which the application persistent entity will be stored.
The ClientRegionCollector class is an extension of the RegionCollector which applies additional filtering to find only client Regions in a given context.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize a client Region.
ClientRegionPoolBeanFactoryPostProcessor is a Spring BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementation ensuring a proper dependency is declared between a client Region and a client Pool it references and uses, providing the client Pool has been defined and configured with Spring Data for Apache Geode configuration metadata (e.g.
The ClientRegionShortcutConverter class is a Spring Converter implementation converting String value Client Region Shortcut representations into actual GemFire ClientRegionShortcut enumerated values.
Spring Converter to convert a ClientRegionShortcut into a DataPolicy.
The ClientRegionShortcutWrapper enum is a Java enumerated type that wraps GemFire's ClientRegionShortcuts with Spring Data GemFire ClientRegionShortcutWrapper enumerated values.
Spring @Configuration class defining Spring beans that will record the creation of Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire Regions defined in Spring config (i.e.
The ClusterDefinedRegionsConfiguration class configures client Proxy-based Regions for all Regions defined in the cluster to which the cache client is connected.
Abstract utility class used to operate on Java Collections Framework and classes.
Composition of CacheResolvers using the Composite Software Design Pattern that acts, and can be referred to, as a single instance of CacheResolver.
Composite of PoolResolvers functioning as a single PoolResolver.
RegionResolver implementation used to compose a collection of RegionResolvers.
The ComposableSchemaObjectCollector class is a SchemaObjectCollector implementation composed of multiple SchemaObjectCollector objects wrapped in a facade and treated like a single SchemaObjectCollector using the Composite Software Design Pattern.
ComposableSchemaObjectDefiner is an implementation of SchemaObjectDefiner as well as a composition of SchemaObjectInstanceHandlers composed using the Composite Software Design Pattern.
The ComposableSnapshotFilter class is a GemFire SnapshotFilter implementation of the Composition design pattern allowing 2 or more SnapshotFilters to be combined by logical AND and OR operators acting as a single SnapshotFilter.
Operator is an enumeration of logical operators (AND, OR) used to compose SnapshotFilters into a boolean expression.
An implementation of Apache Geode's TransactionWriter interface that uses the Composite Software Design Pattern to compose multiple TransactionWriter objects into a single instance.
A Spring Lifecycle that implements the Composite software design pattern composing 1 or more Lifecycle components as a single, logical, composite Lifecycle object.
A Spring TypeFilter implementation using the Composite Software Design Pattern to compose multiple TypeFilters acting a single instance of TypeFilter.
The CompressionConfiguration class is a Spring ImportAware implementation capable of enabling Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode cache Regions data compression.
ConfigurableRegionFactoryBean is an abstract base class encapsulating functionality common to all configurable Region FactoryBeans.
The Configurer interface defines a contract for implementing objects that can modify some aspect of configuration given a reference to the Spring component responsible for the configuration of some Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire Object declared as a bean in the Spring container.
The ConnectionEndpoint class models a GemFire connection endpoint in the format of hostname[portnumber], where hostname is the network name or IP address of the host.
The ConnectionEndpointList class is an Iterable collection of ConnectionEndpoint objects.
The ContinuousQuery annotation to define a GemFire/Geode Continuous Query (CQ) on a POJO method which handles all CQ events and errors.
The ContinuousQueryConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration class enabling Continuous Query (CQ) Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode capabilities in this cache client application.
Class type for defining a CqQuery.
Continuous Query (CQ) listener listening for events and notifications by a GemFire Continuous Query (CQ).
Event listener adapter that delegates the handling of messages to target listener methods via reflection, with flexible event type conversion.
Container providing asynchronous processing/handling for Apache Geode Continuous Queries (CQ).
The ContinuousQueryListenerContainerConfigurer interfaces defines a contract for implementing Objects in order to customize the configuration of a ContinuousQueryListenerContainer when enabling Continuous Query (CQ) functionality in a Spring Boot, Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire ClientCache applications.
The CreateIndexFunction class...
The CreateRegionFunction class...
CustomEditorBeanFactoryPostProcessor is a Spring BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementation used to register custom PropertyEditors / Spring Converters that are used to perform type conversions between String-based configuration metadata and actual Apache Geode or Spring Data for Apache Geode defined (enumerated) types.
The DataPolicyConverter class converts String values into GemFire DataPolicy enumerated values.
Abstract base class for implementing Spring aware, Apache Geode Declarable components.
The DefaultableDelegatingPoolAdapter class is a wrapper class around Pool allowing default configuration property values to be provided in the case that the Pool's settings were null.
Implementation of GemfireEntityInformation and Spring Data's PersistentEntityInformation that returns the Region name associated with the PersistentEntity.
DefinedIndexesApplicationListener is a Spring ApplicationListener used to create all "defined" GemFire Indexes by using the QueryService, defineXxxIndex(..) methods.
DelegatingPoolAdapter is an abstract implementation of GemFire's Pool interface and extension of FactoryDefaultsPoolAdapter that delegates operations to the provided Pool instance.
Spring ApplicationContextInitializer implementation that disables the Spring container's (ConfigurableApplicationContext) default behavior of bean definition overriding.
The DiskStoreConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar used to register a GemFire/Geode DiskStore bean definition.
The DiskStoreConfigurer interface defines a contract for implementing Objects in order to customize the configuration of a DiskStoreFactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize a DiskStore.
The DiskStoreDirectoryBeanPostProcessor processes any GemFire DiskStore, DiskStoreFactoryBean.DiskDir Spring beans defined in the application context to ensure that the directory actually exists before creating the DiskStore.
Spring FactoryBean used to create a DiskStore.
The DiskStoresConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar used to register multiple GemFire/Geode DiskStore bean definitions.
DistributedSystemUtils is an abstract utility class for working with the GemFire DistributedSystem.
An abstract base class supporting the configuration of Apache Geode embedded services.
Spring BeanPostProcessor used to process before initialization Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode Properties defined as a bean in the Spring application context.
The EmptyPage class is an implementation of an empty Spring Data Page.
The EmptySlice class is an implementation of an empty Spring Data Slice.
The EnableAuth annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure and enable Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode's Authentication and Authorization framework and services.
The EnableAutoRegionLookup annotation configures a Spring Configuration annotated class with the ability to automatically look up and register any Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire Regions which may have be defined in cache.xml or by using the Cluster Configuration Service.
The EnableBeanFactoryLocator annotation annotates a Spring @Configuration class enabling SDG's GemfireBeanFactoryLocator in order to auto-wire and configure GemFire/Geode Objects declared in GemFire/Geode config.
The EnableCacheServer annotation configures a Spring Configuration annotated class with a GemFire CacheServer bean in the Spring application context.
The EnableCacheServers annotation enables 1 or more CacheServers to be defined and used in a peer cache application configured with Spring (Data GemFire/Geode).
The EnableCachingDefinedRegions annotation marks a Spring @Configuration application annotated class to enable the creation of GemFire/Geode Regions based on Spring's Cache Abstraction Annotations applied to application service methods and types.
The EnableClusterConfiguration annotation enables Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire schema object definitions defined in a Spring [Boot], Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire ClientCache application using Spring config to be pushed to an Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire cluster, similar to how schema commands (e.g.
The EnableClusterDefinedRegions annotation marks a Spring @Configuration application annotated class to enable the creation of client Proxy-based Regions for all Regions defined in an Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire cluster.
The EnableCompression annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated application Class to configure and enable Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Region data compression.
The EnableContinuousQueries annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated application configuration class to enable Pivotal GemFire / Apache Geode Continuous Queries (CQ) feature.
The EnableDiskStore annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure a single GemFire/Geode DiskStore bean in the Spring application context in which to persist or overflow data from 1 or more cache Regions.
The EnableDiskStores annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated application class to configure 1 or more GemFire/Geode DiskStore beans in the Spring context in which to persist or overflow data from 1 or more GemFire/Geode Regions
The EnableEntityDefinedRegions annotation marks a Spring @Configuration application annotated class to enable the creation of GemFire/Geode Regions based on the application persistent entities.
The EnableEviction annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated class to enable Region Eviction.
Definition for a specific Eviction policy that can be applied to 1 or more Regions.
The EnableExpiration annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated class to enable Region entry expiration for individual entries.
Definition for a specific Expiration policy that can be applied to 1 or more Regions.
EnableExpiration.ExpirationType defines different types of GemFire/Geode Expiration policies such as (Entry) Idle Timeout (TTI) and (Entry) Time to Live (TTL).
The EnableGatewayReceiver annotation creates a GatewayReceiver within an Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire peer Cache.
This Annotation is responsible for configuring a single GatewaySender.
This Annotation is responsible for the configuration of multiple GatewaySenders.
The EnableGemFireAsLastResource annotation is used to enable GemFire as a Last Resource in a Spring, CMT/JTA Transaction.
The EnableGemfireCacheTransactions annotation enables Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode Cache Transactions in Spring's Transaction Management infrastructure.
The EnableGemfireCaching annotation enables Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode as a caching provider in Spring's Cache Abstraction.
Enables classpath scanning for interfaces annotated as GemFire function executions (function invocations).
Enables GemFire annotated Function implementations.
The EnableGemFireProperties annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated class to configure GemFire/Geode System properties at runtime during [Spring Boot] application startup.
Annotation to enable Apache Geode, Spring Data Repositories.
The EnableHttpService annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure and enable Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode's embedded HTTP service.
The EnableIndexing annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated application class to enable the creation of GemFire/Geode Indexes and LuceneIndexes based on application persistent entity field/property annotations, such as the {@link @Id}, {@link @Indexed} and {@link @LuceneIndex} annotations.
The EnableLocator annotation configures a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to start an embedded Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Locator service in this cluster member.
The EnableLogging annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure and enable Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode system logging.
The EnableManager annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure, embed and start a Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Manager service in this cluster member.
The EnableMcast annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure and enable Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode's multi-cast networking features.
The EnableMemcachedServer annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to start an embedded Memcached Server (Gemcached) service in this cluster member.
Valid values for the Memcached Network Protocol on-the-wire transport.
The EnableOffHeap annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated application Class to configure and enable Off-Heap Memory data storage in cache Regions.
The EnablePdx annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to enable the Apache Geode PDX features and functionality in this peer cache, cluster member or cache client application.
The EnablePool annotation configures a Spring Configuration annotated class with a "named" GemFire client Pool bean in the application context.
The EnablePools annotation enables 1 or more GemFire Pools to be defined and used in a GemFire client cache application configured with Spring (Data GemFire).
The EnableRegionDataAccessTracing class...
The EnableSecurity annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure and enable Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode's Security features for authentication, authorization and post processing.
The EnableSsl annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure and enable Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode's TCP/IP Socket SSL.
The EnableStatistics annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure and enable statistics and runtime metrics of a running Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode system.
The EntityDefinedRegionsConfiguration class is Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar used in the EnableEntityDefinedRegions annotation to dynamically create GemFire/Geode Regions based on the application persistent entity classes.
The EntityDefinedRegionsConfiguration.RegionBeanDefinitionMetadata class encapsulates details for creating a Region from application persistent entities.
Generic serializer for all Java Enums.
The EvictingRegionFactoryBean interface specifies Region FactoryBeans capable of supporting Eviction configuration, that is, evicting Region entries.
The EvictionActionConverter class is a Spring Converter and JavaBeans PropertyEditor that converts an Object value into an instance of GemFire EvictionAction.
The EvictionActionType enum is an enumeration of all the GemFire EvictionAction values.
Simple utility class used for defining nested factory-method like definitions w/o polluting the container with useless beans.
The EvictionConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration annotated class to enable Eviction policy configuration on cache Regions.
EvictionConfiguration.ComposableEvictionPolicyConfigurer is a EvictionConfiguration.EvictionPolicyConfigurer implementation that composes multiple EvictionConfiguration.EvictionPolicyConfigurer objects into a composition using the Composite Software Design Pattern making the composition appear as a single EvictionConfiguration.EvictionPolicyConfigurer.
EvictionConfiguration.EvictionPolicyConfigurer configures the Eviction policy of an Apache Geode Region.
The EvictionTypeConverter class is a Spring Converter used to convert a String value into a corresponding EvictionType enumerated value.
The EvictionPolicyType enum is an enumeration of all GemFire Eviction policies, where the Eviction 'policy' is a combination of the Eviction algorithm mixed with the monitored resource (e.g. such as JVM HEAP memory).
A FunctionException indicating a timeout during execution.
Expiration is an enumerated type encapsulating custom expiration settings for application domain objects to express their general expiration policy.
The ExpirationActionTypeConverter class is a Spring Converter used to convert a String value into a corresponding ExpirationActionType enumerated value.
The ExpirationActionType enum is a enumeration of GemFire ExpirationActions on expired Cache Region entries.
The ExpirationAttributesFactoryBean class is a Spring FactoryBean used to create GemFire ExpirationAttributes to specify Expiration policies for Region Time-to-Live (TTL) and Idle-Timeouts (TTI) as well as Entry Time-to-Live (TTL) and Idle-Timeouts (TTI).
ExpirationConfiguration is a Spring Configuration class used to configure expiration policies for GemFire/Geode Regions.
ExpirationConfiguration.ComposableExpirationPolicyConfigurer is a ExpirationConfiguration.ExpirationPolicyConfigurer implementation that additionally implements the Composition Software Design Pattern to treat a collection of ExpirationConfiguration.ExpirationPolicyConfigurer objects as a single instace of the ExpirationConfiguration.ExpirationPolicyConfigurer.
Interface defining a contract for implementations that configure a Region's expiration policy.
ExpirationConfiguration.ExpirationPolicyMetaData is a ExpirationConfiguration.ExpirationPolicyConfigurer implementation that encapsulates the expiration configuration meta-data (e.g. expiration timeout and action) necessary to configure a Regions's expiration policy and behavior.
The ExpiringRegionFactoryBean interface signifies Region FactoryBeans that support Expiration configuration.
The ExportSnapshotApplicationEvent class is a Spring ApplicationEvent signaling a GemFire Cache or Region 'import' snapshot event.
The ExportSnapshotException class is a RuntimeException indicating an error occurred while saving a snapshhot of GemFire's Cache Regions.
FactoryDefaultsPoolAdapter is an abstract implementation of the Pool interface and extension of PoolAdapter that provides default factory values for all configuration properties (e.g. freeConnectionTimeout, idleTimeout, etc).
Used to inject a set of cache keys into a function execution, The annotated parameter must be of type Set.
The Filter interface defines a contract for filtering objects.
Spring FactoryBean to create a instance of the FixedPartitionAttributes.
Parser for a <function-executions> bean definition.
Interface for Function Execution configuration sources (e.g.
The FunctionGemfireAdminTemplate class is an implementation of the GemfireAdminOperations interface supporting the Pivotal GemFire / Apache Geode administrative functions/operations via Function execution in the cluster.
Annotation to bind an interface method to a GemFire function id
Spring FactoryBean for registering instance of GemFire Function with the GemFire FunctionService.
Spring Configuration class used to construct, configure and initialize a GatewayReceiver instance in a Spring application context.
GatewayReceiverConfigurer used to customize the configuration of a GatewayReceiverFactoryBean.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize a GatewayReceiver.
A BeanFactoryPostProcessor to associate the configured GatewaySender onto the corresponding Region.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize parallel and serial GatewaySenders.
Spring Configuration class used to construct, configure and initialize GatewaySender instances in a Spring application context.
GatewaySenderWrapper is an Adapter around an Apache Geode GatewaySender providing the ability to control manual start and stop of the sender.
GemfireAccessor is a base class for GemfireTemplate to encapsulate common operations and properties, such as accessors to a Region.
The GemfireAdminOperations interface defines a set of operations to define schema objects in a remote Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire cluster.
The GemFireAsLastResourceConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration annotated class used to configure the GemFire "Last Resource" Spring Data GemFire Aspects.
The GemFireAsLastResourceConnectionAcquiringAspect class is a AbstractGemFireAsLastResourceAspectSupport implementation responsible for acquiring a GemFire Connection from GemFire's JCA ResourceAdapter, GFConnectionFactory after a CMT/JTA Transaction is began, which is initiated by Spring's Transaction infrastructure.
The GemFireAsLastResourceConnectionClosingAspect class is a AbstractGemFireAsLastResourceAspectSupport implementation responsible for closing the GemFire Connection obtained from the GemFire JCA ResourceAdapter deployed in a managed environment when using GemFire as the Last Resource in a CMT/JTA Transaction initiated from Spring's Transaction infrastructure.
The GemfireBeanFactoryLocator class stores a reference to the Spring ApplicationContext / BeanFactory needed to auto-wire user application Apache Geode objects implementing the Declarable interface and defined in Apache Geode's native configuration format (e.g.
Reference holder storing a reference to a Spring BeanFactory.
Spring Framework Cache implementation backed by a GemFire Region.
Core Spring Framework CacheManager implementation backed by a GemFire cache instance (either a client or peer cache).
The GemfireCacheTransactionsConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration class used to enable Spring's Transaction Management infrastructure along with SDG's GemfireTransactionManager to manage local, cache transactions for either Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode.
Abstract utility class featuring methods for Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire Cache or Region handling.
The GemfireCachingConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration class used to configure Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode as the caching provider in Spring's Cache Abstraction.
Callback interface for GemFire code.
GemFire-specific class for exceptions caused by system cancellations.
The GemFireComponentClassTypeScanner class is a classpath component scanner used to search for GemFire components based on Class type.
The GemfireConstants class define constants for Spring GemFire component bean names.
Convenient super class for GemFire Data Access Objects (DAO) implementing the Spring DaoSupport abstract class.
A Spring BeanFactoryPostProcessor used to register a Client Region beans for each Region accessible to an Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire DataSource.
EntityInformation capturing GemFire specific information.
The GemfireFeature enum is an enumeration of features available in Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire combined.
Used to declare a concrete method as a GemFire function implementation
Spring BeanPostProcessor that discovers bean components configured as Function implementations, i.e. beans containing methods annotated with GemfireFunction.
A callback for Gemfire Function Templates
An interface for invoking Gemfire functions
A Proxy FactoryBean for all non-Region Function Execution interfaces.
Abstract class defining useful Java Functions for Apache Geode
Utility class for registering a POJO as a GemFire/Geode Function.
Gemfire-specific subclass thrown on Index management.
Exception thrown when the execution of a listener method failed.
Spring Data AbstractMappingContext implementation defining entity mapping meta-data for GemFire persistent entities.
An AbstractFunctionTemplate implementation for executing a Function on a target Region.
Interface define Region Function data access operations.
Creates an OnServer Function Execution initialized with either a RegionService or a Pool.
Creates an OnServers Function Execution initialized with either a RegionService or a Pool.
GemfireOperations defines the {Region data access operations that can be performed using the Template software design pattern.
PersistentEntity implementation adding custom GemFire persistent entity related metadata, such as the Region to which the entity is mapped, etc.
PersistentProperty implementation to for Gemfire related metadata.
An Enum (enumeration) of Apache Geode
The GemFirePropertiesConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar capable of configuring additional GemFire Properties on a (Spring Boot) application class at runtime during startup.
GemFire-specific subclass of InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException thrown on invalid OQL query syntax.
QueryMethod implementation for Apache Geode.
Apache Geode extension of the Spring Data PagingAndSortingRepository interface.
RepositoryConfigurationExtension implementation handling Apache Geode specific extensions in the Repository XML and Annotation-based configuration metadata.
The GemfireRepositoryExtension class...
RepositoryFactorySupport implementation creating repository proxies for Gemfire.
Abstract base class for Apache Geode specific RepositoryQuery implementations.
The GemfireSimpleTypeHolder class is a Spring Data Commons SimpleTypeHolder implementation adding additional simple types to the collection.
GemFire-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for GemFire system errors that do not match any concrete org.springframework.dao exceptions.
The GemfireTemplate class simplifies Apache Geode data access operations, converting Apache Geode GemFireCheckedExceptions and GemFireExceptions into Spring DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao Exception hierarchy.
Gemfire-specific subclass of TransactionException, indicating a transaction failure at commit time.
Local Transaction Management for Pivotal GemFire.
Holder of GemFire cache transaction state.
GemFire local cache transaction object.
GemfireUtils is an abstract utility class encapsulating common functionality for accessing features and capabilities of Apache Geode based on version as well as other configuration meta-data.
The GenericRegionFactoryBean class is an extension of the abstract, base PeerRegionFactoryBean class enabling developers to define a GemFire Cache Region with defaults.
The GeodeIntegratedSecurityConfiguration class is a EmbeddedServiceConfigurationSupport implementation that enables Apache Geode's Integrated Security framework and services.
The Hint class is a annotation type indicating a GemFire OQL Query Hint.
The HttpServiceConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that applies additional configuration by way of Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Properties to configure Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode's embedded HTTP service and dependent services (e.g.
IdleTimeoutExpiration is an enumerated type encapsulating custom expiration settings for application domain objects to express their idle-timeout (TTI) expiration policy.
The Import class is a annotation type indicating a GemFire OQL Query Import to refer to the class of an object in cases where the same class name resides in two different name scopes (packages), then you must be able to differentiate the classes having the same name.
The ImportSnapshotApplicationEvent class is a Spring ApplicationEvent signaling a GemFire Cache or Region 'export' snapshot event.
The ImportSnapshotException class is a RuntimeException indicating an error occurred while loading GemFire Snapshots into the GemFire Cache Regions.
The IndexCollector class is an implementation of the SchemaObjectCollector that is capable of inspecting a context and finding all Index schema object instances that have been declared in that context.
The IndexConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar and extension of EntityDefinedRegionsConfiguration used in the EnableIndexing annotation to dynamically create GemFire/Geode Region Indexes based on GemfirePersistentEntity GemfirePersistentProperty annotations.
The IndexConfigurer interface defines a contract for implementing Objects in order to customize the configuration of Entity-defined Indexes when a user annotates her Spring application Configuration Class with EnableIndexing.
The {@link {{@link IndexDefiner }} class is responsible for defining an Index given a reference to an Index instance.
IndexDefinition is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) encapsulating the configuration meta-data used to define a new Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire Region Index.
The Indexed annotation is used to index a GemfirePersistentEntity GemfirePersistentProperty, which creates a GemFire/Geode Index on a GemFire/Geode Region.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize an Index.
The IndexMaintenanceTypeConverter class is a Spring Converter and JavaBeans PropertyEditor capable of converting a String into a specific SDG IndexMaintenancePolicyType.
The IndexMaintenancePolicyType enum is a enumerated type of GemFire Index maintenance update options.
IndexType is an enumerated type of Apache Geode Index Types.
The IndexTypeConverter class is a Spring Converter implementation as well as a JavaBeans PropertyEditor that converts a given String value into a proper IndexType.
FactoryBean that eases registration of custom Instantiator through InstantiatorGenerators, inside the Spring container.
Factory that generates Instantiator classes to improve instantiation of custom types.
The Interest class holds details for registering a client interest.
Type of interest registration.
The InterestPolicyConverter class is a Spring Converter implementation and Java PropertyEditor handling the conversion between Strings and GemFire InterestPolicy values.
The InterestPolicyType enum is an enumeration of all the GemFire Subscription, InterestPolicy values.
The InterestResultPolicyConverter class is a Spring Converter and JavaBeans PropertyEditor capable of converting a String into a GemFire InterestResultPolicyConverter.
The InterestResultPolicyType enum is an enumeration of all client Register Interests (result) policy values.
Java class to represent the current version of the JRE or JVM.
The JndiDataSourceType class is an enumeration of valid JNDI DataSource implementation types supported by GemFire.
Spring/AspectJ AOP Aspect adapting a Region to handle JSON data.
Cache Region interest based on individual keys.
Composition for CacheServerConfigurer.
Composition for ClientCacheConfigurer.
Composition of DiskStoreConfigurer.
Composition of GatewaySenderConfigurer.
Composition for IndexConfigurer.
Composition for LocatorConfigurer.
Composition of PeerCacheConfigurer.
Composition of PoolConfigurer.
Composition for RegionConfigurer.
Implementation of Apache Geode's Declarable interface that enables support for wiring Apache Geode components with Spring bean dependencies defined in a Spring ApplicationContext.
The Limit class is an annotation type indicating a GemFire OQL Query Limit on the number of results that are returned.
The ListablePage class is a Spring Data Page implementation wrapping a List as the content for this page.
The ListIndexesFunction class...
ListRegionsOnServerFunction is an Apache Geode Function returning a List of names for all Regions defined in the Apache Geode cache.
Annotation defining the Local Region in which the application persistent entity will be stored.
Spring FactoryBean used to create a RegionShortcut.LOCAL peer GemFireCache Region.
The LocatorApplication Annotation enables a Spring Data for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire application to become a Locator based application.
Spring @Configuration class used to configure and bootstrap an Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire Locator.
The LocatorConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that applies additional configuration by way of Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Properties to configure an embedded Locator.
A Spring Configurer used to apply additional, customized configuration for an Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire Locator.
Spring FactoryBean used to configure, bootstrap and initialize an Apache Geode Locator using the LocatorLauncher class.
The LoggingConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that applies additional configuration using Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Properties to configure Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode logging.
The LookupRegionFactoryBean class is a concrete implementation of ResolvableRegionFactoryBean for handling >gfe:lookup-region/< SDG XML namespace (XSD) elements.
LuceneAccessor is an abstract class supporting implementations of the LuceneOperations interface encapsulating common functionality necessary to execute Lucene queries.
LuceneAccessorSupport is a LuceneAccessor class implementation providing support for extending classes.
The LuceneIndexed annotation is used to index a GemfirePersistentEntity GemfirePersistentProperty, creating a GemFire/Geode LuceneIndex on a GemFire/Geode Region.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize Lucene Indexes on application domain object fields.
The LuceneIndexRegionBeanFactoryPostProcessor class is a Spring BeanFactoryPostProcessor ensuring that a LuceneIndex is created before the Region on which the LuceneIndex is defined.
The LuceneOperations interface defines a contract for implementations defining data access operations using Lucene queries.
LuceneOperationsSupport is a abstract supporting class for implementations of the LuceneOperations interface.
The LucenePage class is a Spring Data Page implementation supporting Spring Data style paging of PageableLuceneQueryResults complete with Spring Data projections.
Spring FactoryBean used to get an instance of the GemFireCache LuceneService.
LuceneTemplate is a Lucene data access operations class encapsulating functionality for performing Lucene queries and other Lucene data access operations.
The ManagerConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that applies additional configuration using Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Properties to configure an embedded Manager in this cluster member.
PdxSerializer implementation using the Spring Data for Apache Geode GemfireMappingContext to read (deserialize) and write (serialize) entities from and to PDX.
The McastConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that applies additional GemFire configuration by way of GemFire System properties to configure and use multi-cast networking for GemFire communication and distribution rather than the (preferred) Locator-based location services.
The MemcachedServerConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that applies additional configuration using Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Properties to configure an embedded Memcached server in this cluster member.
Abstract utility class providing functions for networking.
The NoOpBeanFactoryPostProcessor class is a Spring BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementation that performs no operation.
The OffHeapConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar capable of enabling Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode cache Regions to use Off-Heap Memory for data storage.
Annotation to declare an interface as a GemFire OnMember Function Execution
Annotation to declare an interface as a GemFire OnMembers Function Execution
Annotation to declare an interface as a GemFire OnRegion Function Execution
Annotation to declare an interface as a GemFire OnServer Function Execution
Annotation to declare an interface as a GemFire OnServers Function Execution
The OqlKeyword enum represents the complete set of keywords (Reserved Words) in Apache Geode's Object Query Language (OQL).
A Strategy interface for executing Apache Geode OQL queries (e.g.
The OrderPolicyConverter class is a Spring Converter and JavaBeans PropertyEditor used to convert a String into an appropriate GatewaySender.OrderPolicy enum.
The OrderPolicyType class is an enumeration of GemFire Gateway Order Policies.
QueryString implementation handling paging functionality and behavior.
An Apache Geode SelectResults implementation with support for Paging.
Utility class used to work with Collection, Page and Pageable objects.
Spring FactoryBean for creating PartitionAttributes.
Spring FactoryBean used to create an Apache Geode PARTITION Region.
Annotation defining the Partition Region in which the application persistent entity will be stored.
PartitionRegion.FixedPartition defined fixed partition meta-data within a DataPolicy.PARTITION Region.
GemfireRepositoryQuery backed by a PartTree, deriving an OQL query from the backing QueryMethod's name/signature.
The PdxConfiguration class is a Spring Configuration class that configures PDX on a GemFireCache instance.
PdxDiskStoreAwareBeanFactoryPostProcessor is a Spring BeanFactoryPostProcessor that modifies all GemFire Async Event Queue, Region and Disk Store beans in the Spring container to form a dependency on the Cache's PDX DiskStore bean.
The PdxInstanceMethodInterceptor class is a MethodInterceptor wrapping a PdxInstance to back a proxy during intercepted method invocations.
The PdxInstanceMethodInterceptorFactory class is a Spring Data MethodInterceptorFactory used to identify PdxInstance types and instantiates an instance of the PdxInstanceMethodInterceptor in order to intercept and handle invocations on the PdxInstance for the proxied projection.
The PeerCacheApplication annotation enables an embedded GemFire peer Cache instance in a Spring Data GemFire based application.
Spring Configuration class used to construct, configure and initialize a peer Cache instance in a Spring application context.
The PeerCacheConfigurer interface defines a contract for implementing Objects in order to customize the configuration of a CacheFactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize an instance of a peer Cache.
Spring FactoryBean and abstract base class extended by other SDG FactoryBeans used to construct, configure and initialize peer Regions.
Invokes a given POJO Method as a (remote) GemFire/Geode Function.
The PoolAdapter class is an abstract base class and default, no-op implementation of the Pool interface that conveniently enables implementing classes to extend this adapter and choose which Pool methods/operations are supported by this implementation.
The PoolConfigurer interface defines a contract for implementing Objects in order to customize the configuration of a PoolFactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize a Pool.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct, configure and initialize a Pool.
Callback interface to initialize the PoolFactory used by this PoolFactoryBean to create a Pool by providing additional or alternative configuration for the factory.
PoolManagerPoolResolver is an implementation of PoolResolver that delegates all Pool resolution logic to the Apache Geode PoolManager.
PoolResolver is a strategy interface for resolving references to Apache Geode Pool instances.
ProjectingLuceneAccessor is an abstract class supporting implementations of the ProjectingLuceneOperations interface encapsulating common functionality necessary to execute Lucene queries and work with application domain object views.
ProjectingLuceneAccessorSupport is a ProjectingLuceneAccessor class implementation providing support for extending classes.
The ProjectingLuceneOperations interface defines a contract for implementing classes to execute Lucene data access operations and mapping the results to entity domain types.
ProjectingLuceneOperationsSupport is a abstract supporting class for implementations of the ProjectingLuceneOperations interface.
ProjectingLuceneTemplate is a Lucene data access operations class encapsulating functionality for performing Lucene queries and other Lucene data access operations and returning the query results as application-specific domain object views.
Builder for Properties.
The QueryPostProcessor interface defines a contract for implementations to post process a given query and possibly return a new or modified version of the same query.
QueryString is a base class used to construct and model syntactically valid Apache Geode OQL query statements.
Cache interest based on regular expression rather then individual key types.
Annotation declaring the Region in which the application persistent entity will be stored.
Spring FactoryBean used to create RegionAttributes.
The RegionCollector class is an implementation of the SchemaObjectCollector that is capable of inspecting a context and finding all Region schema object instances that have been declared in that context.
The RegionConfigurer interface defines a contract for implementing Objects in order to customize the configuration of Entity-defined Regions when a user annotates her Spring application Configuration Class with EnableEntityDefinedRegions or EnableCachingDefinedRegions.
Used to inject Region data into a function execution.
The RegionDataAccessTracingAspect class...
The RegionDataAccessTracingConfiguration class...
The {@link {RegionDefiner} class is responsible for defining a Region given a reference to a Region instance.
RegionDefinition is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) encapsulating the configuration meta-data used to define a new Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire cache Region.
The RegionResolver interface is a Strategy interface used to encapsulate different algorithms (Strategies) used to resolve a cache Region.
Simple value object to abstract access to Regions by name and mapped type.
RegionResolver implementation used to resolve a cache Region identified by name using the configured RegionService.
The RegionShortcutConverter class is a Spring Converter implementation converting String value Region Shortcut representations into actual GemFire RegionShortcut enumerated values.
Spring Converter to convert a RegionShortcut into a DataPolicy.
The RegionShortcutWrapper enum is a Java enumerated type that wraps GemFire's RegionShortcuts with Spring Data GemFire RegionShortcutWrapper enumerated values.
The RegionUtils class is an abstract utility class for working with Regions.
Annotation defining the Replicate Region in which the application persistent entity will be stored.
Spring FactoryBean used to look up or create Regions.
RestHttpGemfireAdminTemplate is class implementing the GemfireAdminOperations interface, extending the FunctionGemfireAdminTemplate to support administrative (management) operations on a Pivotal GemFire or Apache Geode cluster using the Management REST API interface over HTTP.
Configurer for a RestTemplate.
The RuntimeExceptionFactory class is a factory for creating common RuntimeExceptions with the added convenience of message formatting and optional causes.
The SchemaObjectCollector interface defines a contract for implementing objects to search for and find all schema objects of a particular type in a given context.
The SchemaObjectDefiner interface defines a contract for implementing objects that can reverse engineer a schema object instance back into a definition of the schema object.
SchemaObjectDefinition is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) encapsulating the definition of a single Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire schema object (e.g.
SchemaObjectType defines an enumeration of all the types of Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire schema objects (e.g.
The ScopeConverter class is a Spring Converter and JavaBeans PropertyEditor that converts a String into a Scope.
The ScopeType enum is an enumeration of GemFire Scopes.
Simple, basic PagingAndSortingRepository / CrudRepository implementation for Apache Geode.
CacheResolver implementation that resolves to a configured, single GemFireCache instance.
PoolResolver implementation that resolves a single, configured Pool.
RegionResolver implementation resolving a single, configured Region object.
Spring FactoryBean used to construct a custom, determined CacheResolver that strategically and lazily resolves a cache instance.
The SmartLifecycleSupport interface is an extension of Spring's SmartLifecycle interface providing default, convenient behavior for many of the lifecycle methods as well as a serving as a FunctionalInterface.
The SnapshotApplicationEvent class is a Spring ApplicationEvent signaling a GemFire Cache or Region snapshot event, used to trigger a snapshot to occur.
The SnapshotServiceFactoryBean class is a Spring FactoryBean used to configure and create an instance of an appropriate GemFire Snapshot Service to perform data import and exports.
The ArchiveFileFilter class is a Java FileFilter implementation accepting any File that is either a JAR file or ZIP file.
The CacheSnapshotServiceAdapter is a SnapshotServiceAdapter adapting GemFire's CacheSnapshotService.
The RegionSnapshotServiceAdapter is a SnapshotServiceAdapter adapting GemFire's RegionSnapshotService.
The SnapshotMetadata class encapsulates details of the GemFire Cache or Region data snapshot on either import or export.
The SnapshotServiceAdapter interface is an Adapter adapting both GemFire CacheSnapshotService and RegionSnapshotService to treat them uniformly.
SnapshotServiceAdapterSupport is an abstract base class for all SnapshotServiceAdapter implementations encapsulating common reusable functionality.
The SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer class is a GemFire configuration initializer used to bootstrap a Spring ApplicationContext inside a GemFire Server JVM-based process.
Abstract utility class encapsulating functionality common to Objects, Class types and Spring beans.
The SpringServerLauncherCacheProvider class overrides the default behavior of GemFire's ServerLauncher to bootstrap the GemFire cache using a Spring ApplicationContext instead of GemFire cache.xml inside a GemFire Server JVM-based process.
The SslConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that applies additional configuration using Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Properties to configure SSL.
The StatisticsConfiguration class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar that applies additional configuration using Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Properties to configure Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode Statistics.
The StreamUtils class is a abstract utility class for working with Streams.
GemfireRepositoryQuery using plain String based OQL queries.
Spring FactoryBean used for defining and constructing an Apache Geode SubscriptionAttributes object, which determines the subscription policy used by cache Regions declaring their data interests.
Enumeration of the various client subscription policies for CacheServer.
The SubscriptionEvictionPolicyConverter class is a Spring Converter and JavaBeans PropertyEditor for converting Strings into a SubscriptionEvictionPolicy enumerated value.
OqlQueryExecutor implementation using SDG's GemfireTemplate to execute Apache Geode OQL queries.
TimeToLiveExpiration is an enumerated type encapsulating custom expiration settings for application domain objects to express their time-to-live (TTL) expiration policy.
The Trace class is an annotation type to enable GemFire OQL Query debugging.
The TransactionApplicationEvent is an implementation of ApplicationEvent which is fired during a transaction.
The TransactionListenerAdapter class is an Apache Geode TransactionListener and TransactionWriter implementation that publishes the TransactionEvent to application components and beans declared in the Spring ApplicationContext using the ApplicationEventPublisher.
An FunctionException indicating a Function Execution RuntimeException that has not be categorized, or identified by the framework.
A Java RuntimeException indicating that the Apache Geode OQL query could not be executed (i.e. handled) by the OqlQueryExecutor.
UsesGemFireProperties is a meta-annotation used to mark other SDG Annotations that uses GemFire properties to configure the Spring-based GemFire cache instance.
Declarable support class used to wire declaring, implementing instances through the Spring container.
Apache Geode Instantiator that performs instance wiring using the Spring IoC container, allowing common properties to be injected before the object is hydrated/deserialized.
Simple value object holding an entity along with the external key in which the entity will be mapped.