Package providing integration of
with Spring concepts.
Contains helper classes, a template plus callback for GemFire
access and an implementation of Spring's transaction SPI for local
GemFire transactions.
ClassDescriptionAbstract base class for
classes, used to create Apache Geode peerCache
instances, respectively.Callback interface for initializing aCacheFactory
or aClientCacheFactory
instance, which is used to create an instance ofGemFireCache
.Callback interface to configure PDX.Abstract base class encapsulating functionality for (externally) configuring an Apache GeodeClientCache
or peerCache
as a bean in the Spring context.Abstract base class encapsulating logic to resolve or create aGemFireCache
used to construct, configure and initialize a peerCache
instance.CacheResolver<T extends GemFireCache>Strategy interface for resolving a instance reference to aGemFireCache
is an abstract base class encapsulating functionality common to all configurableRegion
.The DataPolicyConverter class converts String values into GemFire DataPolicy enumerated values.SpringFactoryBean
used to create aDiskStore
to create a instance of theFixedPartitionAttributes
is a base class forGemfireTemplate
to encapsulate common operations and properties, such as accessors to aRegion
.Abstract utility class featuring methods for Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire Cache or Region handling.Callback interface for GemFire code.GemFire-specific class for exceptions caused by system cancellations.Gemfire-specific subclass thrown on Index management.GemfireOperations
defines the {Region
data access operations that can be performed using the Template software design pattern.An Enum (enumeration) of Apache Geode subclass ofInvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException
thrown on invalid OQL query syntax.GemFire-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for GemFire system errors that do not match any concreteorg.springframework.dao
class simplifies Apache Geode data access operations, converting Apache GeodeGemFireCheckedExceptions
into SpringDataAccessExceptions
, following theorg.springframework.dao
is an abstract utility class encapsulating common functionality for accessing features and capabilities of Apache Geode based on version as well as other configuration meta-data.The GenericRegionFactoryBean class is an extension of the abstract, base PeerRegionFactoryBean class enabling developers to define a GemFire Cache Region with defaults.SpringFactoryBean
used to construct, configure and initialize anIndex
.The IndexMaintenanceTypeConverter class is a Spring Converter and JavaBeans PropertyEditor capable of converting a String into a specific SDG IndexMaintenancePolicyType.TheIndexMaintenancePolicyType
enum is a enumerated type of GemFire Index maintenance update options.IndexType
is an enumerated type of Apache GeodeIndex Types
.The IndexTypeConverter class is a Spring Converter implementation as well as a JavaBeans PropertyEditor that converts a given String value into a proper IndexType.The InterestPolicyConverter class is a Spring Converter implementation and Java PropertyEditor handling the conversion between Strings and GemFire InterestPolicy values.The InterestPolicyType enum is an enumeration of all the GemFire Subscription, InterestPolicy values.The JndiDataSourceType class is an enumeration of valid JNDI DataSource implementation types supported by GemFire.SpringFactoryBean
used to configure, bootstrap and initialize an Apache GeodeLocator
using theLocatorLauncher
class.The LookupRegionFactoryBean class is a concrete implementation of ResolvableRegionFactoryBean for handling >gfe:lookup-region/< SDG XML namespace (XSD) elements.SpringFactoryBean
for creatingPartitionAttributes
used to create an Apache Geode PARTITIONRegion
and abstract base class extended by other SDGFactoryBeans
used to construct, configure and initialize peerRegions
used to createRegionAttributes
interface is a Strategy interface used to encapsulate different algorithms (Strategies) used to resolve a cacheRegion
.The RegionShortcutConverter class is a Spring Converter implementation converting String value Region Shortcut representations into actual GemFire RegionShortcut enumerated values.The RegionShortcutWrapper enum is a Java enumerated type that wraps GemFire's RegionShortcuts with Spring Data GemFire RegionShortcutWrapper enumerated values.SpringFactoryBean
used to look up or createRegions
class is a SpringConverter
and JavaBeansPropertyEditor
that converts aString
into aScope
.The ScopeType enum is an enumeration of GemFire Scopes.SpringFactoryBean
used for defining and constructing an Apache GeodeSubscriptionAttributes
object, which determines the subscription policy used by cache Regions declaring their data interests.