Copyright © 2011-2015 Pivotal Software, Inc.
Table of Contents
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.appmaster
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.appmaster.launchcontext
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.appmaster.localizer
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.appmaster.resource
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.appmaster.containercluster
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.appmaster.containercluster.clusters.<name>
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.appmaster.containercluster.clusters.<name>.projection
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.endpoints.containercluster
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.endpoints.containerregister
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.client
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.client.launchcontext
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.client.localizer
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.client.resource
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.container
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.batch
configuration propertiesspring.yarn.batch.jobs
configuration propertiesSpring for Apache Hadoop provides extensions to Spring, Spring Batch, and Spring Integration to build manageable and robust pipeline solutions around Hadoop.
Spring for Apache Hadoop supports reading from and writing to HDFS, running various types of Hadoop jobs (Java MapReduce, Streaming), scripting and HBase, Hive and Pig interactions. An important goal is to provide excellent support for non-Java based developers to be productive using Spring for Apache Hadoop and not have to write any Java code to use the core feature set.
Spring for Apache Hadoop also applies the familiar Spring programming model to Java MapReduce jobs by providing support for dependency injection of simple jobs as well as a POJO based MapReduce programming model that decouples your MapReduce classes from Hadoop specific details such as base classes and data types.
This document assumes the reader already has a basic familiarity with the Spring Framework and Hadoop concepts and APIs.
While every effort has been made to ensure that this documentation is comprehensive and there are no errors, nevertheless some topics might require more explanation and some typos might have crept in. If you do spot any mistakes or even more serious errors and you can spare a few cycles during lunch, please do bring the error to the attention of the Spring for Apache Hadoop team by raising an issue. Thank you.
Spring for Apache Hadoop provides integration with the Spring Framework to create and run Hadoop MapReduce, Hive, and Pig jobs as well as work with HDFS and HBase. If you have simple needs to work with Hadoop, including basic scheduling, you can add the Spring for Apache Hadoop namespace to your Spring based project and get going quickly using Hadoop. As the complexity of your Hadoop application increases, you may want to use Spring Batch and Spring Integration to regain on the complexity of developing a large Hadoop application.
This document is the reference guide for Spring for Apache Hadoop project (SHDP). It explains the relationship between the Spring framework and Hadoop as well as related projects such as Spring Batch and Spring Integration. The first part describes the integration with the Spring framework to define the base concepts and semantics of the integration and how they can be used effectively. The second part describes how you can build upon these base concepts and create workflow based solutions provided by the integration with Spring Batch.
Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.1 is built and tested with JDK 7 (generated jars are usable in JDK 6 and above), Spring Framework 4.1 and is by default built against Apache Hadoop 2.6.0.
Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.1 supports the following versions and distributions:
Any distribution compatible with Apache Hadoop 2.2.x or later should be usable.
Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.1 is tested daily against a number of Hadoop distributions. See the test plan page for current status.
Instructions for setting up project builds using various supported distributions are provided on the Spring for Apache Hadoop wiki - https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-hadoop/wiki
Regarding Hadoop-related projects, SDHP supports HBase 0.94.11, Hive 0.11.0 and Pig 0.11.0 and above. As a rule of thumb, when using Hadoop-related projects, such as Hive or Pig, use the required Hadoop version as a basis for discovering the supported versions.
To take full advantage of Spring for Apache Hadoop you need a running Hadoop cluster. If you don’t already have one in your environment, a good first step is to create a single-node cluster. To install the most recent stable verision of Hadoop, the Getting Started page from the official Apache project is a good general guide. There should be a link for "Single Node Setup".
It is also convenient to download a Virtual Machine where Hadoop is setup and ready to go. Cloudera, Hortonworks and Pivotal all provide virtual machines and provide VM downloads on their product pages.
While this documentation acts as a reference for Spring for Hadoop project, there are number of resources that, while optional, complement this document by providing additional background and code samples for the reader to try and experiment with:
This part of the reference documentation explains the core functionality that Spring for Apache Hadoop (SHDP) provides to any Spring based application.
Chapter 3, Hadoop Configuration describes the Spring support for generic Hadoop configuration.
Chapter 4, MapReduce and Distributed Cache describes the Spring support for bootstrapping, initializing and working with core Hadoop.
Chapter 5, Working with the Hadoop File System describes the Spring support for interacting with the Hadoop file system.
Chapter 6, Writing and reading data using the Hadoop File System describes the store abstraction support.
Chapter 7, Working with HBase describes the Spring support for HBase.
Chapter 8, Hive integration describes the Hive integration in SHDP.
Chapter 9, Pig support describes the Pig support in Spring for Apache Hadoop.
Chapter 10, Using the runner classes describes the runner support.
Chapter 11, Security Support describes how to configure and interact with Hadoop in a secure environment.
Chapter 12, Yarn Support describes the Hadoop YARN support.
Chapter 13, Testing Support describes the Spring testing integration.
One of the common tasks when using Hadoop is interacting with its runtime - whether it is a local setup or a remote cluster, one needs to properly configure and bootstrap Hadoop in order to submit the required jobs. This chapter will focus on how Spring for Apache Hadoop (SHDP) leverages Spring’s lightweight IoC container to simplify the interaction with Hadoop and make deployment, testing and provisioning easier and more manageable.
To simplify configuration, SHDP provides a dedicated namespace for most
of its components. However, one can opt to configure the beans directly
through the usual <bean>
definition. For more information about XML
Schema-based configuration in Spring, see
appendix in the Spring Framework reference documentation.
To use the SHDP namespace, one just needs to import it inside the configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:hdp="http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop"xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop/spring-hadoop.xsd">
<bean/> <hdp:configuration/>
Spring for Apache Hadoop namespace prefix. Any name can do but
throughout the reference documentation, | |
The namespace URI. | |
The namespace URI location. Note that even though the location points to an external address (which exists and is valid), Spring will resolve the schema locally as it is included in the Spring for Apache Hadoop library. | |
Declaration example for the Hadoop namespace. Notice the prefix usage. |
Once imported, the namespace elements can be declared simply by using
the aforementioned prefix. Note that is possible to change the default
namespace, for example from <beans>
to <hdp>
. This is useful for
configuration composed mainly of Hadoop components as it avoids
declaring the prefix. To achieve this, simply swap the namespace prefix
declarations above:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans:beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:beans="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop/spring-hadoop.xsd"> <beans:bean id ... >
<configuration ...>
The default namespace declaration for this XML file points to the Spring for Apache Hadoop namespace. | |
The beans namespace prefix declaration. | |
Bean declaration using the | |
Bean declaration using the |
For the remainder of this doc, to improve readability, the XML examples
may simply refer to the <hdp>
namespace without the namespace
declaration, where possible.
Annotation based configuration is designed to work via a
which is loosely trying to use same
type of dsl language familiar from xml. Within the adapter you need to
override configure
method which is exposing HadoopConfigConfigurer
containing familiar attributes to work with a Hadoop configuration.
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.data.hadoop.config.annotation.EnableHadoop import org.springframework.data.hadoop.config.annotation.SpringHadoopConfigurerAdapter import org.springframework.data.hadoop.config.annotation.builders.HadoopConfigConfigurer; @Configuration @EnableHadoop static class Config extends SpringHadoopConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void configure(HadoopConfigConfigurer config) throws Exception { config .fileSystemUri("hdfs://localhost:8021"); } }
![]() | Note |
In order to use Hadoop, one needs to first configure it namely by
creating a Configuration
object. The configuration holds information
about the job tracker, the input, output format and the various other
parameters of the map reduce job.
In its simplest form, the configuration definition is a one liner:
<hdp:configuration />
The declaration above defines a Configuration bean (to be precise a
factory bean of type ConfigurationFactoryBean) named, by default,
. The default name is used, by conventions, by the
other elements that require a configuration - this leads to simple and
very concise configurations as the main components can automatically
wire themselves up without requiring any specific configuration.
For scenarios where the defaults need to be tweaked, one can pass in additional configuration files:
<hdp:configuration resources="classpath:/custom-site.xml, classpath:/hq-site.xml">
In this example, two additional Hadoop configuration resources are added to the configuration.
![]() | Note |
Note that the configuration makes use of Spring’s Resource abstraction to locate the file. This allows various search patterns to be used, depending on the running environment or the prefix specified (if any) by the value - in this example the classpath is used. |
In addition to referencing configuration resources, one can tweak Hadoop settings directly through Java Properties. This can be quite handy when just a few options need to be changed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:hdp="http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop/spring-hadoop.xsd"> <hdp:configuration> fs.defaultFS=hdfs://localhost:8020 hadoop.tmp.dir=/tmp/hadoop electric=sea </hdp:configuration> </beans>
One can further customize the settings by avoiding the so called hard-coded values by externalizing them so they can be replaced at runtime, based on the existing environment without touching the configuration:
![]() | Note |
Usual configuration parameters for |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:hdp="http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop/spring-hadoop.xsd"> <hdp:configuration> fs.defaultFS=${hd.fs} hadoop.tmp.dir=file://${java.io.tmpdir} hangar=${number:18} </hdp:configuration> <context:property-placeholder location="classpath:hadoop.properties" /> </beans>
Through Spring’s property placeholder
and the
abstraction. one can externalize environment
specific properties from the main code base easing the deployment across
multiple machines. In the example above, the default file system is
replaced based on the properties available in hadoop.properties
the temp dir is determined dynamically through SpEL
. Both approaches
offer a lot of flexbility in adapting to the running environment - in
fact we use this approach extensivly in the Spring for Apache Hadoop
test suite to cope with the differences between the different
development boxes and the CI server.
Additionally, external Properties
files can be loaded, Properties
beans (typically declared through Spring’s util namespace). Along with the nested properties declaration, this
allows customized configurations to be easily declared:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:hdp="http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.org/schema/util" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/util http://www.springframework.org/schema/util/spring-util.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop/spring-hadoop.xsd"> <!-- merge the local properties, the props bean and the two properties files --> <hdp:configuration properties-ref="props" properties-location="cfg-1.properties, cfg-2.properties"> star=chasing captain=eo </hdp:configuration> <util:properties id="props" location="props.properties"/> </beans>
When merging several properties, ones defined locally win. In the
example above the configuration properties are the primary source,
followed by the props
bean followed by the external properties file
based on their defined order. While it’s not typical for a configuration
to refer to so many properties, the example showcases the various
options available.
![]() | Note |
For more properties utilities, including using the System as a source or fallback, or control over the merging order, consider using Spring’s PropertiesFactoryBean (which is what Spring for Apache Hadoop and util:properties use underneath). |
It is possible to create configurations based on existing ones - this
allows one to create dedicated configurations, slightly different from
the main ones, usable for certain jobs (such as streaming - more on that
#hadoop:job:streaming[below]). Simply use the configuration-ref
attribute to refer to the parent configuration - all its properties
will be inherited and overridden as specified by the child:
<!-- default name is 'hadoopConfiguration' --> <hdp:configuration> fs.defaultFS=${hd.fs} hadoop.tmp.dir=file://${java.io.tmpdir} </hdp:configuration> <hdp:configuration id="custom" configuration-ref="hadoopConfiguration"> fs.defaultFS=${custom.hd.fs} </hdp:configuration> ...
Make sure though that you specify a different name since otherwise, because both definitions will have the same name, the Spring container will interpret this as being the same definition (and will usually consider the last one found).
Another option worth mentioning is register-url-handler
which, as the
name implies, automatically registers an URL handler in the running VM.
This allows urls referrencing hdfs resource (by using the hdfs
prefix) to be properly resolved - if the handler is not registered, such
an URL will throw an exception since the VM does not know what hdfs
![]() | Note |
Since only one URL handler can be registered per VM, at most once, this
option is turned off by default. Due to the reasons mentioned before,
once enabled if it fails, it will log the error but will not throw an
exception. If your |
Last but not least a reminder that one can mix and match all these options to her preference. In general, consider externalizing Hadoop configuration since it allows easier updates without interfering with the application configuration. When dealing with multiple, similar configurations use configuration composition as it tends to keep the definitions concise, in sync and easy to update.
Table 3.1. hdp:configuration
Name | Values | Description |
| Bean Reference | Reference to existing Configuration bean |
| Bean Reference | Reference to existing Properties bean |
| Comma delimited list | List or Spring Resource paths |
| Comma delimited list | List or Spring Resource paths |
| Boolean | Registers an HDFS url handler in the running VM. Note that this operation can be executed at most once in a given JVM hence the default is false. Defaults to false. |
| String | The HDFS filesystem address. Equivalent to fs.defaultFS propertys. |
| String | Job tracker address for HadoopV1. Equivalent to mapred.job.tracker property. |
| String | The Yarn Resource manager address for HadoopV2. Equivalent to yarn.resourcemanager.address property. |
| String | Security keytab. |
| String | User security principal. |
| String | Namenode security principal. |
| String | Resource manager security principal. |
| String | The security method for hadoop. |
![]() | Note |
Configuring security and kerberos refer to chapter Chapter 11, Security Support. |
Spring Boot support is enabled automatically if spring-data-hadoop-boot-2.1.0.RELEASE-cdh5.jar
is found from a classpath. Currently Boot auto-configuration is a
little limited and only supports configuring of hadoopConfiguration
and fsShell
Configuration properties can be defined using various methods. See a Spring Boot dodumentation for details.
@Grab('org.springframework.data:spring-data-hadoop-boot:2.1.0.RELEASE-cdh5') import org.springframework.data.hadoop.fs.FsShell public class App implements CommandLineRunner { @Autowired FsShell shell void run(String... args) { shell.lsr("/tmp").each() {println "> ${it.path}"} } }
Above example which can be run using Spring Boot CLI shows how auto-configuration ease use of Spring Hadoop. In this example Hadoop configuration and FsShell are configured automatically.
Namespace spring.hadoop
supports following properties;
resources and
Map of generic hadoop configuration properties.
This yml example shows howto set filesystem uri using config
property instead of fsUri
spring: hadoop: config: fs.defaultFS: hdfs://localhost:8020
spring: hadoop: config: fs: defaultFS: hdfs://localhost:8020
This example shows howto set same using properties format:
Namespace spring.hadoop.fsshell
supports following properties;
Once the Hadoop configuration is taken care of, one needs to actually submit some work to it. SHDP makes it easy to configure and run Hadoop jobs whether they are vanilla map-reduce type or streaming. Let us start with an example:
<hdp:job id="mr-job" input-path="/input/" output-path="/ouput/" mapper="org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount.TokenizerMapper" reducer="org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount.IntSumReducer"/>
The declaration above creates a typical Hadoop Job
: specifies its
input and output, the mapper and the reducer classes. Notice that there
is no reference to the Hadoop configuration above - that’s because, if
not specified, the default naming convention (hadoopConfiguration
will be used instead. Neither is there to the key or value types - these
two are automatically determined through a best-effort attempt by
analyzing the class information of the mapper and the reducer. Of
course, these settings can be overridden: the former through the
element, the latter through key
and value
attributes. There are plenty of options available not shown in the
example (for simplicity) such as the jar (specified directly or by
class), sort or group comparator, the combiner, the partitioner, the
codecs to use or the input/output format just to name a few - they are
supported, just take a look at the SHDP schema (?) or simply trigger
auto-completion (usually CTRL+SPACE
) in your IDE; if it supports XML
namespaces and is properly configured it will display the available
elements. Additionally one can extend the default Hadoop configuration
object and add any special properties not available in the namespace or
its backing bean (JobFactoryBean).
It is worth pointing out that per-job specific configurations are supported by specifying the custom properties directly or referring to them (more information on the pattern is available #hadoop:config:properties[here]):
<hdp:job id="mr-job" input-path="/input/" output-path="/ouput/" mapper="mapper class" reducer="reducer class" jar-by-class="class used for jar detection" properties-location="classpath:special-job.properties"> electric=sea </hdp:job>
provides additional properties, such as the
#hadoop:generic-options[generic options], however one that is worth
mentioning is jar
which allows a job (and its dependencies) to be
loaded entirely from a specified jar. This is useful for isolating jobs
and avoiding classpath and versioning collisions. Note that provisioning
of the jar into the cluster still depends on the target environment -
see the aforementioned #hadoop:generic-options[section] for more info
(such as libs
Hadoop Streaming job (or in short streaming),
is a popular feature of Hadoop as it allows
the creation of Map/Reduce jobs with any executable or script (the
equivalent of using the previous counting words example is to use
commands). While it is
rather easy to start up streaming from the command line, doing so
programatically, such as from a Java environment, can be challenging due
to the various number of parameters (and their ordering) that need to be
parsed. SHDP simplifies such a task - it’s as easy and straightforward
as declaring a job
from the previous section; in fact most of the
attributes will be the same:
<hdp:streaming id="streaming" input-path="/input/" output-path="/ouput/" mapper="${path.cat}" reducer="${path.wc}"/>
Existing users might be wondering how they can pass the command line
arguments (such as -D
or -cmdenv
). While the former customize the
Hadoop configuration (which has been convered in the previous
#hadoop:config[section]), the latter are supported through the cmd-env
<hdp:streaming id="streaming-env" input-path="/input/" output-path="/ouput/" mapper="${path.cat}" reducer="${path.wc}"> <hdp:cmd-env> EXAMPLE_DIR=/home/example/dictionaries/ ... </hdp:cmd-env> </hdp:streaming>
Just like job
, streaming
supports the
#hadoop:generic-options[generic options]; follow the link for more
The jobs, after being created and configured, need to be submitted for
execution to a Hadoop cluster. For non-trivial cases, a coordinating,
workflow solution such as Spring Batch is recommended . However for
basic job submission SHDP provides the job-runner
element (backed by
JobRunner class) which submits several jobs sequentially (and waits by
default for their completion):
<hdp:job-runner id="myjob-runner" pre-action="cleanup-script" post-action="export-results" job-ref="myjob" run-at-startup="true"/> <hdp:job id="myjob" input-path="/input/" output-path="/output/" mapper="org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount.TokenizerMapper" reducer="org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount.IntSumReducer" />
Multiple jobs can be specified and even nested if they are not used outside the runner:
<hdp:job-runner id="myjobs-runner" pre-action="cleanup-script" job-ref="myjob1, myjob2" run-at-startup="true"/> <hdp:job id="myjob1" ... /> <hdp:streaming id="myjob2" ... />
One or multiple Map-Reduce jobs can be specified through the job
attribute in the order of the execution. The runner will trigger the
execution during the application start-up (notice the run-at-startup
flag which is by default false
). Do note that the runner will not run
unless triggered manually or if run-at-startup
is set to true
Additionally the runner (as in fact do all
runners in
SHDP) allows one or multiple pre
and post
actions to be specified to
be executed before and after each run. Typically other runners (such as
other jobs or scripts) can be specified but any JDK Callable
can be
passed in. For more information on runners, see the
dedicated chapter.
![]() | Note |
As the Hadoop job submission and execution (when wait-for-completion is true) is blocking, JobRunner uses a JDK Executor to start (or stop) a job. The default implementation, SyncTaskExecutor uses the calling thread to execute the job, mimicking the hadoop command line behaviour. However, as the hadoop jobs are time-consuming, in some cases this can lead to application freeze, preventing normal operations or even application shutdown from occuring properly. Before going into production, it is recommended to double-check whether this strategy is suitable or whether a throttled or pooled implementation is better. One can customize the behaviour through the executor-ref parameter. |
The job runner also allows running jobs to be cancelled (or killed) at
shutdown. This applies only to jobs that the runner waits for
is true
) using a different executor then the
default - that is, using a different thread then the calling one (since
otherwise the calling thread has to wait for the job to finish first
before executing the next task). To customize this behaviour, one should
set the kill-job-at-shutdown
attribute to false
and/or change the
For Spring Batch environments, SHDP provides a dedicated tasklet to execute Hadoop jobs as a step in a Spring Batch workflow. An example declaration is shown below:
<hdp:job-tasklet id="hadoop-tasklet" job-ref="mr-job" wait-for-completion="true" />
The tasklet above references a Hadoop job definition named "mr-job". By
default, wait-for-completion
is true so that the tasklet will wait for
the job to complete when it executes. Setting wait-for-completion
will submit the job to the Hadoop cluster but not wait for it to
It is common for Hadoop utilities and libraries to be started from the
command-line (ex: hadoop jar
some.jar). SHDP offers generic support
for such cases provided that the packages in question are built on top
of Hadoop standard infrastructure, namely Tool and ToolRunner classes.
As opposed to the command-line usage, Tool instances benefit from
Spring’s IoC features; they can be parameterized, created and destroyed
on demand and have their properties (such as the Hadoop configuration)
Consider the typical jar
example - invoking a class with some (two in
this case) arguments (notice that the Hadoop configuration properties
are passed as well):
bin/hadoop jar -conf hadoop-site.xml -jt darwin:50020 -Dproperty=value someJar.jar
Since SHDP has first-class support for #hadoop:config[configuring]
Hadoop, the so called generic options
aren’t needed any more, even
more so since typically there is only one Hadoop configuration per
application. Through tool-runner
element (and its backing ToolRunner
class) one typically just needs to specify the Tool
implementation and
its arguments:
<hdp:tool-runner id="someTool" tool-class="org.foo.SomeTool" run-at-startup="true"> <hdp:arg value="data/in.txt"/> <hdp:arg value="data/out.txt"/> property=value </hdp:tool-runner>
Additionally the runner (just like the job runner) allows one or
multiple pre
and post
actions to be specified to be executed before
and after each run. Typically other runners (such as other jobs or
scripts) can be specified but any JDK Callable
can be passed in. Do
note that the runner will not run unless triggered manually or if
is set to true
. For more information on runners, see
the dedicated chapter.
The previous example assumes the Tool
dependencies (such as its class)
are available in the classpath. If that is not the case, tool-runner
allows a jar to be specified:
<hdp:tool-runner ... jar="myTool.jar"> ... </hdp:tool-runner>
The jar is used to instantiate and start the tool - in fact all its dependencies are loaded from the jar meaning they no longer need to be part of the classpath. This mechanism provides proper isolation between tools as each of them might depend on certain libraries with different versions; rather then adding them all into the same app (which might be impossible due to versioning conflicts), one can simply point to the different jars and be on her way. Note that when using a jar, if the main class (as specified by the Main-Class entry) is the target Tool, one can skip specifying the tool as it will picked up automatically.
Like the rest of the SHDP elements, tool-runner
allows the passed
Hadoop configuration (by default hadoopConfiguration
but specified in
the example for clarity) to be #hadoop:config:properties[customized]
accordingly; the snippet only highlights the property initialization for
simplicity but more options are available. Since usually the Tool
implementation has a default argument, one can use the tool-class
attribute. However it is possible to refer to another Tool
instance or
declare a nested one:
<hdp:tool-runner id="someTool" run-at-startup="true"> <hdp:tool> <bean class="org.foo.AnotherTool" p:input="data/in.txt" p:output="data/out.txt"/> </hdp:tool> </hdp:tool-runner>
This is quite convenient if the Tool
class provides setters or richer
constructors. Note that by default the tool-runner
does not execute
the Tool
until its definition is actually called - this behavior can
be changed through the run-at-startup
attribute above.
is a nice way for migrating series or shell invocations or
scripts into fully wired, managed Java objects. Consider the following
shell script:
hadoop jar job1.jar -files fullpath:props.properties -Dconfig=config.properties ... hadoop jar job2.jar arg1 arg2... ... hadoop jar job10.jar ...
Each job is fully contained in the specified jar, including all the dependencies (which might conflict with the ones from other jobs). Additionally each invocation might provide some generic options or arguments but for the most part all will share the same configuration (as they will execute against the same cluster).
The script can be fully ported to SHDP, through the tool-runner
<hdp:tool-runner id="job1" tool-class="job1.Tool" jar="job1.jar" files="fullpath:props.properties" properties-location="config.properties"/> <hdp:tool-runner id="job2" jar="job2.jar"> <hdp:arg value="arg1"/> <hdp:arg value="arg2"/> </hdp:tool-runner> <hdp:tool-runner id="job3" jar="job3.jar"/> ...
All the features have been explained in the previous sections but let us
review what happens here. As mentioned before, each tool gets autowired
with the hadoopConfiguration
; job1
goes beyond this and uses its own
properties instead. For the first jar, the Tool class is specified,
however the rest assume the jar _Main-Class_es implement the Tool
interface; the namespace will discover them automatically and use them
accordingly. When needed (such as with job1
), additional files or libs
are provisioned in the cluster. Same thing with the job arguments.
However more things that go beyond scripting, can be applied to this
configuration - each job can have multiple properties loaded or declared
inlined - not just from the local file system, but also from the
classpath or any url for that matter. In fact, the whole configuration
can be externalized and parameterized (through Spring’s
property placeholder
Environment abstraction). Moreover, each job
can be ran by itself (through the JobRunner) or as part of
a workflow - either through Spring’s depends-on
or the much more powerful
Spring Batch and tool-tasklet
For Spring Batch environments, SHDP provides a dedicated tasklet to
execute Hadoop tasks as a step in a Spring Batch workflow. The tasklet
element supports the same configuration options as
#hadoop:tool-runner[tool-runner] except for run-at-startup
(which does
not apply for a workflow):
<hdp:tool-tasklet id="tool-tasklet" tool-ref="some-tool" />
SHDP also provides support for executing vanilla Hadoop jars. Thus the famous WordCount example:
bin/hadoop jar hadoop-examples.jar wordcount /wordcount/input /wordcount/output
<hdp:jar-runner id="wordcount" jar="hadoop-examples.jar" run-at-startup="true"> <hdp:arg value="wordcount"/> <hdp:arg value="/wordcount/input"/> <hdp:arg value="/wordcount/output"/> </hdp:jar-runner>
![]() | Note |
Just like the hadoop jar command, by default the jar support reads the jar’s Main-Class if none is specified. This can be customized through the main-class attribute. |
Additionally the runner (just like the job runner) allows one or
multiple pre
and post
actions to be specified to be executed before
and after each run. Typically other runners (such as other jobs or
scripts) can be specified but any JDK Callable
can be passed in. Do
note that the runner will not run unless triggered manually or if
is set to true
. For more information on runners, see
the dedicated chapter.
The jar support
provides a nice and easy migration path from jar
invocations from the command-line to SHDP (note that Hadoop
#hadoop:generic-options[generic options] are also supported). Especially
since SHDP enables Hadoop Configuration
objects, created during the
jar execution, to automatically inherit the context Hadoop
configuration. In fact, just like other SHDP elements, the jar
allows #hadoop:config:properties[configurations properties] to be
declared locally, just for the jar run. So for example, if one would use
the following declaration:
<hdp:jar-runner id="wordcount" jar="hadoop-examples.jar" run-at-startup="true"> <hdp:arg value="wordcount"/> ... speed=fast </hdp:jar-runner>
inside the jar code, one could do the following:
assert "fast".equals(new Configuration().get("speed"));
This enabled basic Hadoop jars to use, without changes, the enclosing application Hadoop configuration.
And while we think it is a useful feature (that is why we added it in the first place), we strongly recommend using the tool support instead or migrate to it; there are several reasons for this mainly because there are no contracts to use, leading to very poor embeddability caused by:
No standard Configuration
While SHDP does a best effort to pass the Hadoop configuration to the
jar, there is no guarantee the jar itself does not use a special
initialization mechanism, ignoring the passed properties. After all, a
vanilla Configuration
is not very useful so applications tend to
provide custom code to address this.
Most jar examples out there (including WordCount
) assume they are
started from the command line and among other things, call
, to shut down the JVM, whether the code is succesful or
not. SHDP prevents this from happening (otherwise the entire application
context would shutdown abruptly) but it is a clear sign of poor code
SHDP tries to use sensible defaults to provide the best integration
experience possible but at the end of the day, without any contract in
place, there are no guarantees. Hence using the Tool
interface is a
much better alternative.
Like for the rest of its tasks, for Spring Batch environments, SHDP
provides a dedicated tasklet to execute Hadoop jars as a step in a
Spring Batch workflow. The tasklet element supports the same
configuration options as #hadoop:jar-runner[jar-runner] except for
(which does not apply for a workflow):
<hdp:jar-tasklet id="jar-tasklet" jar="some-jar.jar" />
is a Hadoop facility for distributing application-specific, large,
read-only files (text, archives, jars and so on) efficiently.
Applications specify the files to be cached via urls (hdfs://
) using
and the framework will copy the necessary files to
the slave nodes before any tasks for the job are executed on that node.
Its efficiency stems from the fact that the files are only copied once
per job and the ability to cache archives which are un-archived on the
slaves. Note that DistributedCache
assumes that the files to be cached
(and specified via hdfs:// urls) are already present on the Hadoop
SHDP provides first-class configuration for the distributed cache
through its cache
element (backed by DistributedCacheFactoryBean
class), allowing files and archives to be easily distributed across
<hdp:cache create-symlink="true"> <hdp:classpath value="/cp/some-library.jar#library.jar" /> <hdp:cache value="/cache/some-archive.tgz#main-archive" /> <hdp:cache value="/cache/some-resource.res" /> <hdp:local value="some-file.txt" /> </hdp:cache>
The definition above registers several resources with the cache (adding
them to the job cache or classpath) and creates symlinks for them. As
described in the DistributedCache
the declaration format is (absolute-path#link-name
). The link name is
determined by the URI fragment (the text following the # such as
#library.jar or #main-archive above) - if no name is specified, the
cache bean will infer one based on the resource file name. Note that one
does not have to specify the hdfs://node:port
prefix as these are
automatically determined based on the configuration wired into the bean;
this prevents environment settings from being hard-coded into the
configuration which becomes portable. Additionally based on the resource
extension, the definition differentiates between archives (.tgz
, .zip
and .tar
) which will be uncompressed, and regular
files that are copied as-is. As with the rest of the namespace
declarations, the definition above relies on defaults - since it
requires a Hadoop Configuration
and FileSystem
objects and none are
specified (through configuration-ref
and file-system-ref
) it falls
back to the default naming and is wired with the bean named
hadoopConfiguration, creating the FileSystem
![]() | Warning |
Clients setting up a classpath in the DistributedCache, running on Windows
platforms should set the System <hdp:script language="javascript" run-at-startup="true"> // set System 'path.separator' to ':' - see HADOOP-9123 java.lang.System.setProperty("path.separator", ":") </hdp:script> |
The job
, streaming
and tool
all support a subset of generic
options, specifically archives
, files
and libs
. libs
probably the most useful as it enriches a job classpath (typically with
some jars) - however the other two allow resources or archives to be
copied throughout the cluster for the job to consume. Whenver faced with
provisioning issues, revisit these options as they can help up
significantly. Note that the fs
, jt
or conf
options are not
supported - these are designed for command-line usage, for bootstrapping
the application. This is no longer needed, as the SHDP offers
first-class support for defining and customizing Hadoop
A common task in Hadoop is interacting with its file system, whether for
provisioning, adding new files to be processed, parsing results, or
performing cleanup. Hadoop offers several ways to achieve that: one can
use its Java API (namely FileSystem
or use the hadoop
command line, in particular the file system
shell. However there is no middle ground,
one either has to use the (somewhat verbose, full of checked exceptions)
API or fall back to the command line, outside the application.
SHDP addresses this issue by bridging the
two worlds, exposing both the FileSystem
and the fs shell through an
intuitive, easy-to-use Java API. Add your favorite
JVM scripting
language right inside your Spring for Apache Hadoop application and you
have a powerful combination.
The Hadoop file-system, HDFS, can be accessed in various ways - this
section will cover the most popular protocols for interacting with HDFS
and their pros and cons. SHDP does not enforce any specific protocol to
be used - in fact, as described in this section any FileSystem
implementation can be used, allowing even other implementations than
HDFS to be used.
The table below describes the common HDFS APIs in use:
Table 5.1. HDFS APIs
File System | Comm. Method | Scheme / Prefix | Read / Write | Cross Version |
| Read / Write | Same HDFS version only |
| Read only | Version independent |
| Read / Write | Version independent |
This chapter focuses on the core file-system protocols supported by
Hadoop. S3,
FTP and the rest of the other FileSystem
implementations are supported as well -
Spring for Apache Hadoop has no dependency on the underlying system
rather just on the public Hadoop API.
protocol should be familiar to most readers - most docs (and
in fact the previous chapter as well) mention it. It works out of the
box and it’s fairly efficient. However because it is RPC based, it
requires both the client and the Hadoop cluster to share the same
version. Upgrading one without the other causes serialization errors
meaning the client cannot interact with the cluster. As an alternative
one can use hftp://
which is HTTP-based or its more secure brother
(based on SSL) which gives you a version independent protocol
meaning you can use it to interact with clusters with an unknown or
different version than that of the client. hftp
is read only (write
operations will fail right away) and it is typically used with disctp
for reading data. webhdfs://
is one of the additions in Hadoop 1.0 and
is a mixture between hdfs
and hftp
protocol - it provides a
version-independent, read-write, REST-based protocol which means that
you can read and write to/from Hadoop clusters no matter their version.
Furthermore, since webhdfs://
is backed by a REST API, clients in
other languages can use it with minimal effort.
![]() | Note |
Not all file systems work out of the box. For example WebHDFS needs to
be enabled first in the cluster (through |
Once the scheme has been decided upon, one can specify it through the standard Hadoop configuration, either through the Hadoop configuration files or its properties:
<hdp:configuration> fs.defaultFS=webhdfs://localhost ... </hdp:configuration>
This instructs Hadoop (and automatically SHDP) what the default, implied file-system is. In SHDP, one can create additional file-systems (potentially to connect to other clusters) and specify a different scheme:
<!-- manually creates the default SHDP file-system named 'hadoopFs' --> <hdp:file-system uri="webhdfs://localhost"/> <!-- creates a different FileSystem instance --> <hdp:file-system id="old-cluster" uri="hftp://old-cluster/"/>
As with the rest of the components, the file systems can be injected where needed - such as file shell or inside scripts (see the next section).
In Spring the ResourceLoader interface is meant to be implemented by objects that can return (i.e. load) Resource instances.
public interface ResourceLoader { Resource getResource(String location); }
All application contexts implement the ResourceLoader interface, and therefore all application contexts may be used to obtain Resource instances.
When you call getResource()
on a specific application context, and the
location path specified doesn’t have a specific prefix, you will get
back a Resource
type that is appropriate to that particular
application context. For example, assume the following snippet of code
was executed against a ClassPathXmlApplicationContext instance:
Resource template = ctx.getResource("some/resource/path/myTemplate.txt");
What would be returned would be a ClassPathResource
; if the same
method was executed against a FileSystemXmlApplicationContext instance,
you’d get back a FileSystemResource. For a WebApplicationContext, you’d
get back a ServletContextResource, and so on.
As such, you can load resources in a fashion appropriate to the particular application context.
On the other hand, you may also force ClassPathResource to be used,
regardless of the application context type, by specifying the special
Resource template = ctx.getResource("classpath:some/resource/path/myTemplate.txt");
![]() | Note |
More information about the generic usage of resource loading, check the Spring Framework Documentation. |
Spring Hadoop
is adding its own functionality into generic concept of
resource loading. Resource abstraction in Spring has always been a way
to ease resource access in terms of not having a need to know where
there resource is and how it’s accessed. This abstraction also goes
beyond a single resource by allowing to use patterns to access multiple
Lets first see how HdfsResourceLoader is used manually.
<hdp:file-system /> <hdp:resource-loader id="loader" file-system-ref="hadoopFs" /> <hdp:resource-loader id="loaderWithUser" user="myuser" uri="hdfs://localhost:8020" />
In above configuration we created two beans, one with reference to
existing Hadoop FileSystem bean
and one with impersonated user.
// get path '/tmp/file.txt' Resource resource = loader.getResource("/tmp/file.txt"); // get path '/tmp/file.txt' with user impersonation Resource resource = loaderWithUser.getResource("/tmp/file.txt"); // get path '/user/<current user>/file.txt' Resource resource = loader.getResource("file.txt"); // get path '/user/myuser/file.txt' Resource resource = loaderWithUser.getResource("file.txt"); // get all paths under '/tmp/' Resource[] resources = loader.getResources("/tmp/*"); // get all paths under '/tmp/' recursively Resource[] resources = loader.getResources("/tmp/**/*"); // get all paths under '/tmp/' using more complex ant path matching Resource[] resources = loader.getResources("/tmp/?ile?.txt");
What would be returned in above examples would be instances of HdfsResources.
If there is a need for Spring Application Context to be aware of
HdfsResourceLoader it needs to be registered using
namespace tag.
<hdp:file-system /> <hdp:resource-loader file-system-ref="hadoopFs" handle-noprefix="false" /> <hdp:resource-loader-registrar />
![]() | Note |
On default the HdfsResourceLoader will handle all resource paths without
prefix. Attribute |
// get 'default.txt' from current user's home directory Resource[] resources = context.getResources("hdfs:default.txt"); // get all files from hdfs root Resource[] resources = context.getResources("hdfs:/*"); // let context handle classpath prefix Resource[] resources = context.getResources("classpath:cfg*properties");
What would be returned in above examples would be instances of HdfsResources and ClassPathResource for the last one. If requesting resource paths without existing prefix, this example would fall back into Spring Application Context. It may be advisable to let HdfsResourceLoader to handle paths without prefix if your application doesn’t rely on loading resources from underlying context without prefixes.
Table 5.2. hdp:resource-loader
Name | Values | Description |
| Bean Reference | Reference to existing Hadoop FileSystem bean |
| Boolean(defaults to true) | Indicates whether to use (or not) the codecs found inside the Hadoop configuration when accessing the resource input stream. |
| String | The security user (ugi) to use for impersonation at runtime. |
| String | The underlying HDFS system URI. |
| Boolean(defaults to true) | Indicates if loader should handle resource paths without prefix. |
Table 5.3. hdp:resource-loader-registrar
Name | Values | Description |
| Bean Reference | Reference to existing Hdfs resource loader bean. Default value is 'hadoopResourceLoader'. |
SHDP scripting supports any
JSR-223 (also known as
) compliant scripting engine. Simply add the engine jar
to the classpath and the application should be able to find it. Most
languages (such as Groovy or JRuby) provide JSR-233 support out of the
box; for those that do not see the
scripting project that provides
various adapters.
Since Hadoop is written in Java, accessing its APIs in a native way provides maximum control and flexibility over the interaction with Hadoop. This holds true for working with its file systems; in fact all the other tools that one might use are built upon these. The main entry point is the org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem abstract class which provides the foundation of most (if not all) of the actual file system implementations out there. Whether one is using a local, remote or distributed store through the FileSystem API she can query and manipulate the available resources or create new ones. To do so however, one needs to write Java code, compile the classes and configure them which is somewhat cumbersome especially when performing simple, straightforward operations (like copy a file or delete a directory).
JVM scripting languages (such as Groovy, JRuby, Jython or Rhino to name just a few) provide a nice solution to the Java language; they run on the JVM, can interact with the Java code with no or few changes or restrictions and have a nicer, simpler, less ceremonial syntax; that is, there is no need to define a class or a method - simply write the code that you want to execute and you are done. SHDP combines the two, taking care of the configuration and the infrastructure so one can interact with the Hadoop environment from her language of choice.
Let us take a look at a JavaScript example using Rhino (which is part of JDK 6 or higher, meaning one does not need any extra libraries):
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" ...> <hdp:configuration .../> <hdp:script id="inlined-js" language="javascript" run-at-startup="true"> try {load("nashorn:mozilla_compat.js");} catch (e) {} // for Java 8 importPackage(java.util); name = UUID.randomUUID().toString() scriptName = "src/test/resources/test.properties" // - FileSystem instance based on 'hadoopConfiguration' bean // call FileSystem#copyFromLocal(Path, Path) .copyFromLocalFile(scriptName, name) // return the file length .getLength(name) </hdp:script> </beans>
The script
element, part of the SHDP namespace, builds on top of the
scripting support in Spring permitting script declarations to be
evaluated and declared as normal bean definitions. Furthermore it
automatically exposes Hadoop-specific objects, based on the existing
configuration, to the script such as the FileSystem
(more on that in
the next section). As one can see, the script is fairly obvious: it
generates a random name (using the UUID class from java.util
and then copies a local file into HDFS under the random name. The last
line returns the length of the copied file which becomes the value of
the declaring bean (in this case inlined-js
) - note that this might
vary based on the scripting engine used.
![]() | Note |
The attentive reader might have noticed that the arguments passed to the
FileSystem object are not of type Path but rather String. To avoid the
creation of Path object, SHDP uses a wrapper class |
Note that for inlined scripts, one can use Spring’s property placeholder configurer to automatically expand variables at runtime. Using one of the examples seen before:
<beans ... > <context:property-placeholder location="classpath:hadoop.properties" /> <hdp:script language="javascript" run-at-startup="true"> ... tracker= ... </hdp:script> </beans>
Notice how the script above relies on the property placeholder to expand
with the values from hadoop.properties
file available in
the classpath.
As you might have noticed, the script
element defines a runner for JVM
scripts. And just like the rest of the SHDP runners, it allows one or
multiple pre
and post
actions to be specified to be executed before
and after each run. Typically other runners (such as other jobs or
scripts) can be specified but any JDK Callable
can be passed in. Do
note that the runner will not run unless triggered manually or if
is set to true
. For more information on runners, see
the dedicated chapter.
Inlined scripting is quite handy for doing simple operations and coupled with the property expansion is quite a powerful tool that can handle a variety of use cases. However when more logic is required or the script is affected by XML formatting, encoding or syntax restrictions (such as Jython/Python for which white-spaces are important) one should consider externalization. That is, rather than declaring the script directly inside the XML, one can declare it in its own file. And speaking of Python, consider the variation of the previous example:
<hdp:script location="org/company/basic-script.py" run-at-startup="true"/>
The definition does not bring any surprises but do notice there is no
need to specify the language (as in the case of a inlined declaration)
since script extension (py
) already provides that information. Just
for completeness, the basic-script.py
looks as follows:
from java.util import UUID from org.apache.hadoop.fs import Path print "Home dir is " + str(fs.homeDirectory) print "Work dir is " + str(fs.workingDirectory) print "/user exists " + str(fs.exists("/user")) name = UUID.randomUUID().toString() scriptName = "src/test/resources/test.properties" fs.copyFromLocalFile(scriptName, name) print Path(name).makeQualified(fs)
To ease the interaction of the script with its enclosing context, SHDP binds by default the so-called implicit variables. These are:
Table 5.4. Implicit variables
Name | Type | Description |
cfg | Hadoop Configuration (relies on hadoopConfiguration bean or singleton type match) | |
cl | ClassLoader used for executing the script | |
ctx | Enclosing application context | |
ctxRL | Enclosing application context ResourceLoader | |
distcp | Programmatic access to DistCp | |
fs | Hadoop File System (relies on 'hadoop-fs' bean or singleton type match, falls back to creating one based on 'cfg') | |
fsh | File System shell, exposing hadoop 'fs' commands as an API | |
hdfsRL | Hdfs resource loader (relies on 'hadoop-resource-loader' or singleton type match, falls back to creating one automatically based on 'cfg') |
![]() | Note |
If no Hadoop Configuration can be detected (either by name hadoopConfiguration or by type), several log warnings will be made and none of the Hadoop-based variables (namely cfg , distcp , fs , fsh , distcp or hdfsRL) will be bound. |
As mentioned in the Description column, the variables are first looked
(either by name or by type) in the application context and, in case they
are missing, created on the spot based on the existing configuration.
Note that it is possible to override or add new variables to the scripts
through the property
sub-element that can set values or references to
other beans:
<hdp:script location="org/company/basic-script.js" run-at-startup="true"> <hdp:property name="foo" value="bar"/> <hdp:property name="ref" ref="some-bean"/> </hdp:script>
The script
namespace provides various options to adjust its behaviour
depending on the script content. By default the script is simply
declared - that is, no execution occurs. One however can change that so
that the script gets evaluated at startup (as all the examples in this
section do) through the run-at-startup
flag (which is by default
) or when invoked manually (through the Callable). Similarily, by
default the script gets evaluated on each run. However for scripts that
are expensive and return the same value every time one has various
caching options, so the evaluation occurs only when needed through the
Table 5.5. script
Name | Values | Description |
| Wether the script is executed at startup or not |
| Wether to
actually evaluate the script when invoked or used a previous value.
For Spring Batch environments, SHDP provides a dedicated tasklet to execute scripts.
<script-tasklet id="script-tasklet"> <script language="groovy"> inputPath = "/user/gutenberg/input/word/" outputPath = "/user/gutenberg/output/word/" if (fsh.test(inputPath)) { fsh.rmr(inputPath) } if (fsh.test(outputPath)) { fsh.rmr(outputPath) } inputFile = "src/main/resources/data/nietzsche-chapter-1.txt" fsh.put(inputFile, inputPath) </script> </script-tasklet>
The tasklet above embedds the script as a nested element. You can also declare a reference to another script definition, using the script-ref attribute which allows you to externalize the scripting code to an external resource.
<script-tasklet id="script-tasklet" script-ref="clean-up"/> <hdp:script id="clean-up" location="org/company/myapp/clean-up-wordcount.groovy"/>
A handy utility provided by the Hadoop distribution is the file system
shell which allows UNIX-like commands to be
executed against HDFS. One can check for the existence of files, delete,
move, copy directories or files or set up permissions. However the
utility is only available from the command-line which makes it hard to
use from/inside a Java application. To address this problem, SHDP provides
a lightweight, fully embeddable shell, called FsShell
which mimics most
of the commands available from the command line: rather than dealing
with System.in
or System.out
, one deals with objects.
Let us take a look at using FsShell
by building on the previous
scripting examples:
<hdp:script location="org/company/basic-script.groovy" run-at-startup="true"/>
name = UUID.randomUUID().toString() scriptName = "src/test/resources/test.properties" fs.copyFromLocalFile(scriptName, name) // use the shell made available under variable dir = "script-dir" if (!fsh.test(dir)) { fsh.mkdir(dir); fsh.cp(name, dir); fsh.chmodr(700, dir) println "File content is " + fsh.cat(dir + name).toString() } println fsh.ls(dir).toString() fsh.rmr(dir)
As mentioned in the previous section, a FsShell
instance is
automatically created and configured for scripts, under the name fsh.
Notice how the entire block relies on the usual commands: test
, cp
and so on. Their semantics are exactly the same as in the
command-line version however one has access to a native Java API that
returns actual objects (rather than String`s) making it easy to use
them programmatically whether in Java or another language. Furthermore,
the class offers enhanced methods (such as `chmodr
which stands for
recursive chmod
) and multiple overloaded methods taking advantage of
so that multiple parameters can be specified. Consult the
API for more information.
To be as close as possible to the command-line shell, FsShell
even the messages being displayed. Take a look at line 9 which prints
the result of fsh.cat()
. The method returns a Collection
of Hadoop
objects (which one can use programatically). However when
invoking toString
on the collection, the same printout as from the
command-line shell is being displayed:
File content is
The same goes for the rest of the methods, such as ls
. The same script
in JRuby would look something like this:
require 'java' name = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().to_s scriptName = "src/test/resources/test.properties" $fs.copyFromLocalFile(scriptName, name) # use the shell dir = "script-dir/" ... print $fsh.ls(dir).to_s
which prints out something like this:
drwx------ - user supergroup 0 2012-01-26 14:08 /user/user/script-dir -rw-r--r-- 3 user supergroup 344 2012-01-26 14:08 /user/user/script-dir/520cf2f6-a0b6-427e-a232-2d5426c2bc4e
As you can see, not only can you reuse the existing tools and commands with Hadoop inside SHDP, but you can also code against them in various scripting languages. And as you might have noticed, there is no special configuration required - this is automatically inferred from the enclosing application context.
![]() | Note |
The careful reader might have noticed that besides the syntax, there are some minor differences in how the various languages interact with the java objects. For example the automatic toString call called in Java for doing automatic String conversion is not necessarily supported (hence the to_s in Ruby or str in Python). This is to be expected as each language has its own semantics - for the most part these are easy to pick up but do pay attention to details. |
Similar to the FsShell
, SHDP provides a lightweight, fully embeddable
version that builds on top of the distcp
from the Hadoop distro. The
semantics and configuration options are the same however, one can use it
from within a Java application without having to use the command-line.
See the API for more information:
<hdp:script language="groovy">distcp.copy("${distcp.src}", "${distcp.dst}")</hdp:script>
The bean above triggers a distributed copy relying again on Spring’s property placeholder variable expansion for its source and destination.
The Store sub-project of Spring for Apache Hadoop provides abstractions for writing and reading various types of data residing in HDFS. We currently support different file types either via our own store accessors or by using the Dataset support in Kite SDK.
Currently, the Store sub-project doesn’t have an XML namespace or javaconfig based configuration classes as it’s considered to be a foundational library. However, this may change in future releases.
Native store abstractions provide various writer and reader interfaces so that the end user don’t have to worry about the underlying implementation actually doing the work on files in HDFS. Implementations are usually strongly typed and provides constructors and setters for additional setup to work with naming, compression codecs and everything else defining the behaviour. Interfaces are meant to be used from integration components which don’t need to know the internal workings of writers and readers.
Main interface writing into a store is a DataWriter which have one method write which simply writes an entity and the backing implementation will handle the rest.
public interface DataWriter<T> { void write(T entity) throws IOException; }
The DataStoreWriter interface adds methods to close and flush a writer. Some of the writers have a property to close a stream after an idle time has been reached but generally this interface is meant for programmatic control of these operations.
public interface DataStoreWriter<T> extends DataWriter<T>, Flushable, Closeable { }
Different file naming strategies are used to automatically determine the name of a file to be used. Writers without additional naming configuration will usually use a given base path as is. As soon as any type of a strategy is configured, given base path is considered to be a base directory and the name of the file is resolved by file naming strategies.
For example, if defined base path is “/tmp/path”
and the
StaticFileNamingStrategy with “data”
parameter is used then the actual
file path resolved would be “/tmp/path/data”
Path path = new Path("/tmp/path"); Configuration config = new Configuration(); TextFileWriter writer = new TextFileWriter(config, path, null); StaticFileNamingStrategy fileNamingStrategy = new StaticFileNamingStrategy("data") writer.setFileNamingStrategy(fileNamingStrategy);
At first look this may feel a little complicated, but it will make sense after more file naming strategies are added. These will also provide facilities for using writers in parallel, or for a re-launched writer to be able to create a new file based on already existing files in the directry. For example, RollingFileNamingStrategy will add a simple increasing value to a file name and will try to initialize itself with the correct position.
Built-in strategies currently supported are StaticFileNamingStrategy, RollingFileNamingStrategy, UuidFileNamingStrategy and CodecFileNamingStrategy. ChainedFileNamingStrategy can be used to chain multiple strategies together where each individual strategy will provide its own part.
File rolling strategy is used to determine a condition in a writer when a current stream should be automatically closed and the next file should be opened. This is usually done together with RollingFileNamingStrategy to rollover when a certain file size limit has been reached.
Currently, only one strategy SizeRolloverStrategy is supported.
Partitioning is a concept of choosing a target file on demand either based on content to be written or any other information available to a writer at the time of the write operation. While it would be perfectly alright to use multiple writers manually, the framework already does all the heavy lifting around partitioning. We work through interfaces and provide a generic default implementation still allowing to plug a customized version if there’s a need for it.
PartitionStrategy is a strategy interface defining PartitionResolver and PartitionKeyResolver.
public interface PartitionStrategy<T,K> { PartitionResolver<K> getPartitionResolver(); PartitionKeyResolver<T, K> getPartitionKeyResolver(); }
PartitionResolver is an interface used to resolve arbitrary partition keys into a path. We don’t force any specific partition key type in the interface level itself but usually the implementation needs to be aware of its type.
public interface PartitionResolver<K> { Path resolvePath(K partitionKey); }
PartitionKeyResolver is an interface which is responsible for creating a partition key from an entity. This is needed because writer interfaces allow us to write entities without an explicit partition key.
public interface PartitionKeyResolver<T, K> { K resolvePartitionKey(T entity); }
PartitionDataStoreWriter is an extension of DataStoreWriter adding a method to write an entity with a partition key. In this context the partition key is something what the partition strategy is able to use.
public interface PartitionDataStoreWriter<T,K> extends DataStoreWriter<T> { void write(T entity, K partitionKey) throws IOException; }
DefaultPartitionStrategy is a generic default implementation meant to be used together with an expression using Spring’s SpEL expression language. PartitionResolver used in DefaultPartitionStrategy expects partition key to be a type of Map<String,Object> and partition key created by PartitionKeyResolver is a DefaultPartitionKey which itself is a Map<String,Object>.
In order to make it easy to work with SpEL and partitioning, map values can be directly accessed with keys and additional partitioning methods has been registered.
SpEL expression is evaluated against a partition key passed into a HDFS writer.
If partition key is a type of Map any property given to a SpEL expression is automatically resolved from a map.
In addition to normal SpEL functionality, a few custom methods have been added to make it easier to build partition paths. These custom methods can be used to work with normal partition concepts like date formatting, lists, ranges and hashes.
path(String... paths)
You can concatenate paths together with a /
delimiter. This method can
be used to make the expression less verbose than using a native SpEL
functionality to combine path parts together. To create a path
part1/part2, expression 'part1' + '/' + 'part2' is equivalent to
dateFormat(String pattern) dateFormat(String pattern, Long epoch) dateFormat(String pattern, Date date) dateFormat(String pattern, String datestring) dateFormat(String pattern, String datestring, String dateformat)
Creates a path using date formatting. Internally this method delegates to SimpleDateFormat and needs a Date and a pattern.
Method signature with three parameters can be used to create a custom Date object which is then passed to SimpleDateFormat conversion using a dateformat pattern. This is useful in use cases where partition should be based on a date or time string found from a payload content itself. Default dateformat pattern if omitted is yyyy-MM-dd.
list(Object source, List<List<Object>> lists)
Creates a partition path part by matching a source against a lists denoted by lists.
Lets assume that data is being written and it’s possible to extract an appid from the content. We can automatically do a list based partition by using a partition method list(appid,\{\{'1TO3','APP1','APP2','APP3'},\{'4TO6','APP4','APP5','APP6'}}). This method would create three partitions, 1TO3_list, 4TO6_list and list. The latter is used if no match is found from partition lists passed to lists.
range(Object source, List<Object> list)
Creates a partition path part by matching a source against a list denoted by list using a simple binary search.
The partition method takes source as first argument and a list as the second argument. Behind the scenes this is using the JVM’s binarySearch which works on an Object level so we can pass in anything. Remember that meaningful range match only works if passed in Object and types in list are of same type like Integer. Range is defined by a binarySearch itself so mostly it is to match against an upper bound except the last range in a list. Having a list of \{1000,3000,5000} means that everything above 3000 will be matched with 5000. If that is an issue then simply adding Integer.MAX_VALUE as last range would overflow everything above 5000 into a new partition. Created partitions would then be 1000_range, 3000_range and 5000_range.
hash(Object source, int bucketcount)
Creates a partition path part by calculating hashkey using source`s hashCode and bucketcount. Using a partition method hash(timestamp,2) would then create partitions named 0_hash, 1_hash and 2_hash. Number suffixed with hash is simply calculated using _Object.hashCode() % bucketcount.
Creating a custom partition strategy is as easy as just implementing needed interfaces. Custom strategy may be needed in use cases where it is just not feasible to use SpEL expressions. This will then give total flexibility to implement partitioning as needed.
Below sample demonstrates how a simple customer id could be used as a base for partitioning.
public class CustomerPartitionStrategy implements PartitionStrategy<String, String> { CustomerPartitionResolver partitionResolver = new CustomerPartitionResolver(); CustomerPartitionKeyResolver keyResolver = new CustomerPartitionKeyResolver(); @Override public PartitionResolver<String> getPartitionResolver() { return partitionResolver; } @Override public PartitionKeyResolver<String, String> getPartitionKeyResolver() { return keyResolver; } } public class CustomerPartitionResolver implements PartitionResolver<String> { @Override public Path resolvePath(String partitionKey) { return new Path(partitionKey); } } public class CustomerPartitionKeyResolver implements PartitionKeyResolver<String, String> { @Override public String resolvePartitionKey(String entity) { if (entity.startsWith("customer1")) { return "customer1"; } else if (entity.startsWith("customer2")) { return "customer2"; } else if (entity.startsWith("customer3")) { return "customer3"; } return null; } }
We provide a number of writer implementations to be used based on the type of file to write.
Main interface reading from a store is a DataReader.
public interface DataReader<T> { T read() throws IOException; }
DataStoreReader is an extension of DataReader providing close method for a reader.
public interface DataStoreReader<T> extends DataReader<T>, Closeable { }
Some of the HDFS storage and file formats can be read using an input splits instead of reading a whole file at once. This is a fundamental concept in Hadoop’s MapReduce to parallelize data processing. Instead of reading a lot of small files, which would be a source of a Hadoop’s “small file problem”, one large file can be used. However one need to remember that not all file formats support input splitting especially when compression is used.
Support for reading input split is denoted via a Split interface which simply mark starting and ending positions.
public interface Split { long getStart(); long getLength(); long getEnd(); }
Interface Splitter defines an contract how Split’s are calculate from a given path.
public interface Splitter { List<Split> getSplits(Path path) throws IOException; }
We provide few generic Splitter implementations to construct Split’s.
StaticLengthSplitter is used to split input file with a given length.
StaticBlockSplitter is used to split input by used HDFS file block size. It’s also possible to split further down the road within the blocks itself.
SlopBlockSplitter is an extension of StaticBlockSplitter which tries to estimate how much a split can overflow to a next block to taggle unnecessary overhead if last file block is very small compared to an actual split size.
We provide a number of reader implementations to be used based on the type of file to read.
Supported compression codecs are denoted via an interface CodecInfo which simply defines if codec supports splitting, what is it’s fully qualified java class and what is its default file suffix.
public interface CodecInfo { boolean isSplittable(); String getCodecClass(); String getDefaultSuffix(); }
Codecs provides an enum for easy access to supported codecs.
![]() | Note |
Lzo based compression codecs doesn’t exist in maven dependencies due to licensing restrictions and need for native libraries. Order to use it add codec classes to classpath and its native libs using java.library.path. |
One common requirement is to persist a large number of POJOs in serialized form using HDFS. The Kite SDK project provides a Kite Data Module that provides an API for working with datasets stored in HDFS. We are using this functionality and provide a some simple helper classes to aid in configuration and use in a Spring environment.
The Kite SDK project provides support for writing data using both the Avro and Parquet data formats. The data format you choose to use influences the data types you can use in your POJO classes. We’ll discuss the basics of the Java type mapping for the two data formats but we recommend that you consult each project’s documentation for additional details.
![]() | Note |
Currently, you can’t provide your own schema. This is something that we are considering changing in upcomming releases. We are also planning to provide better mapping support in line with the support we currently provide for NoSQL stores like MongoDB. |
When using Avro as the data format the schema generation is based on reflection of thet POJO class used. Primitive data types and their corresponding wrapper classes are mapped to the corresponding Avro data type. More complex types, as well as the POJO itself, are mapped to a record type consisting of one or more fields.
The table below shows the mapping from some common types:
Table 6.1. Some common Java to Avro data types mapping
Java type | Avro type | Comment |
String | string | [multiblock cell omitted] |
int / Integer | int | 32-bit signed integer |
long / Long | long | 64-bit signed integer |
float / Float | float | 32-bit floating point |
double / Double | double | 64-bit floating point |
boolean / Boolean | boolean | [multiblock cell omitted] |
byte[] | bytes | byte array |
java.util.Date | record | [multiblock cell omitted] |
When using Parquet as the data format the schema generation is based on reflection of thet POJO class used. The POJO class must be a proper JavaBean and not have any nested types. We only support primitive data types and their corresponding wrapper classes plus byte arrays. We do rely on the Avro-to-Parquet mapping support that the Kite SDK uses, so the schema will be generated by Avro.
![]() | Note |
The Parquet support we currently povide is considered experimental. We are planning to relax a lot of the restrictions on the POJO class in upcoming releases. |
The table below shows the mapping from some common types:
Table 6.2. Some common Java to Parquet data types mapping
Java type | Parquet type | Comment |
String | BINARY/UTF8 | [multiblock cell omitted] |
int / Integer | INT32 | 32-bit signed integer |
long / Long | INT64 | 64-bit signed integer |
float / Float | FLOAT | 32-bit floating point |
double / Double | DOUBLE | 64-bit floating point |
boolean / Boolean | BOOLEAN | [multiblock cell omitted] |
byte[] | BINARY/BYTE_ARRAY | byte array |
In order to use the dataset support you need to configure the following classes:
The following example shows a simple configuration class:
@Configuration @ImportResource("hadoop-context.xml") public class DatasetConfig { private @Autowired org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration hadoopConfiguration; @Bean public DatasetRepositoryFactory datasetRepositoryFactory() { DatasetRepositoryFactory datasetRepositoryFactory = new DatasetRepositoryFactory(); datasetRepositoryFactory.setConf(hadoopConfiguration); datasetRepositoryFactory.setBasePath("/user/spring"); return datasetRepositoryFactory; } @Bean public DatasetDefinition fileInfoDatasetDefinition() { DatasetDefinition definition = new DatasetDefinition(); definition.setFormat(Formats.AVRO.getName()); definition.setTargetClass(FileInfo.class); definition.setAllowNullValues(false); return definition; } }
To write datasets to Hadoop you should use either the AvroPojoDatasetStoreWriter or the ParquetDatasetStoreWriter depending on the data format you want to use.
![]() | Tip |
To mark your fields as nullable use the @Nullable annotation (org.apache.avro.reflect.Nullable). This will result in the schema defining your field as a union of null and your datatype. |
We are using a FileInfo POJO that we have defined to hold some information based on the files we read from our local file system. The dataset will be stored in a directory that is the name of the class using lowercase, so in this case it would be fileinfo. This directory is placed inside the basePath specified in the configuration of the DatasetRepositoryFactory.:
package org.springframework.samples.hadoop.dataset; import org.apache.avro.reflect.Nullable; public class FileInfo { private String name; private @Nullable String path; private long size; private long modified; public FileInfo(String name, String path, long size, long modified) { this.name = name; this.path = path; this.size = size; this.modified = modified; } public FileInfo() { } public String getName() { return name; } public String getPath() { return path; } public long getSize() { return size; } public long getModified() { return modified; } }
To create a writer add the following bean definition to your configuration class:
@Bean public DataStoreWriter<FileInfo> dataStoreWriter() { return new AvroPojoDatasetStoreWriter<FileInfo>(FileInfo.class, datasetRepositoryFactory(), fileInfoDatasetDefinition()); }
Next, have your class use the writer bean:
private DataStoreWriter<FileInfo> writer; @Autowired public void setDataStoreWriter(DataStoreWriter dataStoreWriter) { this.writer = dataStoreWriter; }
Now we can use the writer, it will be opened automatically once we start writing to it:
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file.getName(), file.getParent(), (int)file.length(), file.lastModified()); writer.write(fileInfo);
Once we are done writing we should close the writer:
try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new StoreException("Error closing FileInfo", e); }
We should now have dataset containing all the FileInfo entries in a
$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/spring/* Found 2 items drwxr-xr-x - spring supergroup 0 2014-06-09 17:09 /user/spring/fileinfo/.metadata -rw-r--r-- 3 spring supergroup 13824695 2014-06-09 17:10 /user/spring/fileinfo/6876f250-010a-404a-b8c8-0ce1ee759206.avro
The .metadata
directory contains dataset information including the
Avro schema:
$ hdfs dfs -cat /user/spring/fileinfo/.metadata/schema.avsc { "type" : "record", "name" : "FileInfo", "namespace" : "org.springframework.samples.hadoop.dataset", "fields" : [ { "name" : "name", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "path", "type" : [ "null", "string" ], "default" : null }, { "name" : "size", "type" : "long" }, { "name" : "modified", "type" : "long" } ] }
To read datasets to Hadoop we use the DatasetTemplate class.
To create a DatasetTemplate add the following bean definition to your configuration class:
@Bean public DatasetOperations datasetOperations() { DatasetTemplate datasetOperations = new DatasetTemplate(); datasetOperations.setDatasetRepositoryFactory(datasetRepositoryFactory()); return datasetOperations; }
Next, have your class use the DatasetTemplate:
private DatasetOperations datasetOperations; @Autowired public void setDatasetOperations(DatasetOperations datasetOperations) { this.datasetOperations = datasetOperations; }
Now we can read and count the entries using a RecordCallback callback interface that gets called once per retrieved record:
final AtomicLong count = new AtomicLong(); datasetOperations.read(FileInfo.class, new RecordCallback<FileInfo>() { @Override public void doInRecord(FileInfo record) { count.getAndIncrement(); } }); System.out.println("File count: " + count.get());
To create datasets that are partitioned on one or more data fields we use the PartitionStrategy.Builder class that the Kite SDK project provides.
DatasetDefinition definition = new DatasetDefinition(); definition.setPartitionStrategy(new PartitionStrategy.Builder().year("modified").build());
This option lets you specify one or more paths that will be used to partition the files that the data is written to based on the content of the data. You can use any of the FieldPartitioners that are available for the Kite SDK project. We simply use what is specified to create the corresponding partition strategy. The following partitioning functions are available:
year, month, day, hour, minute creates partitions based on the value of a timestamp and creates directories named like "YEAR=2014" (works well with fields of datatype long)
specify function plus field name like:
optionally, specify a partition name to replace the default one:
year("timestamp", "YY")
dateformat creates partitions based on a timestamp and a dateformat expression provided - creates directories based on the name provided (works well with fields of datatype long)
specify function plus field name, a name for the partition and the date format like:
dateFormat("timestamp", "Y-M", "yyyyMM")
range creates partitions based on a field value and the upper bounds for each bucket that is specified (works well with fields of datatype int and string)
specify function plus field name and the upper bounds for each partition bucket like:
range("age", 20, 50, 80, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
identity creates partitions based on the exact value of a field (works well with fields of datatype string, long and int)
specify function plus field name, a name for the partition, the type of the field (String or Integer) and the number of values/buckets for the partition like:
identity("region", "R", String.class, 10)
hash creates partitions based on the hash calculated from the value of a field divided into a number of buckets that is specified (works well with all data types)
specify function plus field name and number of buckets like:
hash("lastname", 10)
Multiple expressions can be specified by simply chaining them like:
identity("region", "R", String.class, 10).year("timestamp").month("timestamp")
Spring Hadoop doesn’t have support for configuring store components using xml but have a support using JavaConfig for writer configuration.
JavaConfig is using same concepts found from other parts of a Spring Hadoop where whole configuration logic works around use of an adapter.
@Configuration @EnableDataStoreTextWriter static class Config extends SpringDataStoreTextWriterConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void configure(DataStoreTextWriterConfigurer config) throws Exception { config .basePath("/tmp/foo"); } }
What happened in above example:
class extending
method having
as its argument.
We can also do configuration for other usual properties like,
, partitioning strategy
, naming strategy
rollover strategy
@Configuration @EnableDataStoreTextWriter static class Config extends SpringDataStoreTextWriterConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void configure(DataStoreTextWriterConfigurer config) throws Exception { config .basePath("/tmp/store") .idleTimeout(60000) .inWritingSuffix(".tmp") .withPartitionStrategy() .map("dateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd/HH/mm', timestamp)") .and() .withNamingStrategy() .name("data") .uuid() .rolling() .name("txt", ".") .and() .withRolloverStrategy() .size("1M"); } }
What happened in above example:
which will indicate that file
is currently open for writing. Writer will automatically remove this
suffix when file is closed.
. This will partition data based on timestamp when
write operation happens.
data is written.
Writer can be auto-wired using either DataStoreWriter
if partitioning strategy is enabled.
static class MyBean { @Autowired DataStoreWriter<String> writer; @Autowired PartitionDataStoreWriter<String, Map<String, Object>> writer; }
In some cases it is more convenient to name the bean instead letting
Spring to create that name automatically. @EnableDataStoreTextWriter
has a name
field which works in a same way than normal Spring
annotation. You’d use this custom naming in cases where
multiple writers are created and auto-wiring by type would no longer
@Configuration @EnableDataStoreTextWriter(name={"mywriter", "myalias"}) static class Config extends SpringDataStoreTextWriterConfigurerAdapter { }
In above example bean was created with a name mywriter
having an
alias named myalias
SHDP provides basic configuration for HBase
through the hbase-configuration
namespace element (or its backing
<!-- default bean id is 'hbaseConfiguration' that uses the existing 'hadoopCconfiguration' object --> <hdp:hbase-configuration configuration-ref="hadoopCconfiguration" />
The above declaration does more than easily create an HBase
configuration object; it will also manage the backing HBase connections:
when the application context shuts down, so will any HBase connections
opened - this behavior can be adjusted through the stop-proxy
<!-- delete associated connections but do not stop the proxies --> <hdp:hbase-configuration stop-proxy="false" delete-connection="true"> foo=bar property=value </hdp:hbase-configuration>
Additionally, one can specify the ZooKeeper port used by the HBase server - this is especially useful when connecting to a remote instance (note one can fully configure HBase including the ZooKeeper host and port through properties; the attributes here act as shortcuts for easier declaration):
<!-- specify ZooKeeper host/port --> <hdp:hbase-configuration zk-quorum="${hbase.host}" zk-port="${hbase.port}">
Notice that like with the other elements, one can specify additional
properties specific to this configuration. In fact hbase-configuration
provides the same properties configuration knobs
hadoop configuration:
<hdp:hbase-configuration properties-ref="some-props-bean" properties-location="classpath:/conf/testing/hbase.properties"/>
One of the most popular and powerful feature in Spring Framework is the Data Access Object (or DAO) support. It makes dealing with data access technologies easy and consistent allowing easy switch or interconnection of the aforementioned persistent stores with minimal friction (no worrying about catching exceptions, writing boiler-plate code or handling resource acquisition and disposal). Rather than reiterating here the value proposal of the DAO support, we recommend the JDBC section in the Spring Framework reference documentation
SHDP provides the same functionality for Apache HBase through its
package: an HbaseTemplate
along with several callbacks such as TableCallback
, RowMapper
that remove the low-level, tedious details for
finding the HBase table, run the query, prepare the scanner, analyze the
results then clean everything up, letting the developer focus on her
actual job (users familiar with Spring should find the class/method
names quite familiar).
At the core of the DAO support lies HbaseTemplate
- a high-level
abstraction for interacting with HBase. The template requires an HBase
configuration, once it’s set, the template is thread-safe
and can be reused across multiple instances at the same time:
// default HBase configuration <hdp:hbase-configuration/> // wire hbase configuration (using default name 'hbaseConfiguration') into the template <bean id="htemplate" class="org.springframework.data.hadoop.hbase.HbaseTemplate" p:configuration-ref="hbaseConfiguration"/>
The template provides generic callbacks, for executing logic against the tables or doing result or row extraction, but also utility methods (the so-called _one-liner_s) for common operations. Below are some examples of how the template usage looks like:
// writing to 'MyTable' template.execute("MyTable", new TableCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInTable(HTable table) throws Throwable { Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("SomeRow")); p.add(Bytes.toBytes("SomeColumn"), Bytes.toBytes("SomeQualifier"), Bytes.toBytes("AValue")); table.put(p); return null; } });
// read each row from 'MyTable' List<String> rows = template.find("MyTable", "SomeColumn", new RowMapper<String>() { @Override public String mapRow(Result result, int rowNum) throws Exception { return result.toString(); } }));
The first snippet showcases the generic TableCallback
- the most
generic of the callbacks, it does the table lookup and resource cleanup
so that the user code does not have to. Notice the callback signature -
any exception thrown by the HBase API is automatically caught, converted
to Spring’s DAO exceptions and resource clean-up
applied transparently. The second example, displays the dedicated lookup
methods - in this case find
which, as the name implies, finds all the
rows matching the given criteria and allows user code to be executed against
each of them (typically for doing some sort of type conversion or mapping).
If the entire result is required, then one can use ResultsExtractor
of RowMapper
Besides the template, the package offers support for automatically
binding HBase table to the current thread through HbaseInterceptor
. That is, each class that performs DAO
operations on HBase can be wrapped
by HbaseInterceptor
so that each table in use, once found, is bound to
the thread so any subsequent call to it avoids the lookup. Once the call
ends, the table is automatically closed so there is no leakage between
requests. Please refer to the Javadocs for more information.
When working with http://hive.apache.org from a Java environment, one can choose between the Thrift client or using the Hive JDBC-like driver. Both have their pros and cons but no matter the choice, Spring and SHDP support both of them.
SHDP provides a dedicated namespace element for starting a Hive server
as a Thrift service (only when using Hive 0.8 or higher). Simply specify
the host, the port (the defaults are localhost
and 10000
respectively) and you’re good to go:
<!-- by default, the definition name is 'hive-server' --> <hdp:hive-server host="some-other-host" port="10001" />
If needed the Hadoop configuration can be passed in or additional
properties specified. In fact hiver-server
provides the same
properties configuration knobs
hadoop configuration:
<hdp:hive-server host="some-other-host" port="10001" properties-location="classpath:hive-dev.properties" configuration-ref="hadoopConfiguration"> someproperty=somevalue hive.exec.scratchdir=/tmp/mydir </hdp:hive-server>
The Hive server is bound to the enclosing application context life-cycle, that is it will automatically startup and shutdown along-side the application context.
Similar to the server, SHDP provides a dedicated namespace element for
configuring a Hive client (that is Hive accessing a server node through
the Thrift). Likewise, simply specify the host, the port (the defaults
are localhost
and 10000
respectively) and you’re done:
<!-- by default, the definition name is 'hiveClientFactory' --> <hdp:hive-client-factory host="some-other-host" port="10001" />
Note that since Thrift clients are not thread-safe,
returns a factory (named
) for creating
new instances for each invocation. Furthermore, the client
definition also allows Hive scripts (either declared inlined or
externally) to be executed during initialization, once the client
connects; this is quite useful for doing Hive specific initialization:
<hive-client-factory host="some-host" port="some-port" xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop"> <hdp:script> DROP TABLE IF EXITS testHiveBatchTable; CREATE TABLE testHiveBatchTable (key int, value string); </hdp:script> <hdp:script location="classpath:org/company/hive/script.q"> <arguments>ignore-case=true</arguments> </hdp:script> </hive-client-factory>
In the example above, two scripts are executed each time a new Hive client is created (if the scripts need to be executed only once consider using a tasklet) by the factory. The first script is defined inline while the second is read from the classpath and passed one parameter. For more information on using parameters (or variables) in Hive scripts, see Hive manual.
Another attractive option for accessing Hive is through its JDBC driver. This exposes Hive through the JDBC API meaning one can use the standard API or its derived utilities to interact with Hive, such as the rich JDBC support in Spring Framework.
![]() | Warning |
Note that the JDBC driver is a work-in-progress and not all the JDBC features are available (and probably never will since Hive cannot support all of them as it is not the typical relational database). Do read the official documentation and examples. |
SHDP does not offer any dedicated support for the JDBC integration - Spring Framework itself provides the needed tools; simply configure Hive as you would with any other JDBC Driver:
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:c="http://www.springframework.org/schema/c" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd"> <!-- basic Hive driver bean --> <bean id="hive-driver" class="org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver"/> <!-- wrapping a basic datasource around the driver --> <!-- notice the 'c:' namespace for inlining constructor arguments, in this case the url (default is 'jdbc:hive://localhost:10000/default') --> <bean id="hive-ds" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SimpleDriverDataSource" c:driver-ref="hive-driver" c:url="${hive.url}"/> <!-- standard JdbcTemplate declaration --> <bean id="template" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate" c:data-source-ref="hive-ds"/> <context:property-placeholder location="hive.properties"/> </beans>
And that is it! Following the example above, one can use the hive-ds
DataSource bean to manually get a hold of Connections or better yet, use
Spring’s JdbcTemplate as in the example above.
Like the rest of the Spring Hadoop components, a runner is provided out
of the box for executing Hive scripts, either inlined or from various
locations through hive-runner
<hdp:hive-runner id="hiveRunner" run-at-startup="true"> <hdp:script> DROP TABLE IF EXITS testHiveBatchTable; CREATE TABLE testHiveBatchTable (key int, value string); </hdp:script> <hdp:script location="hive-scripts/script.q"/> </hdp:hive-runner>
The runner will trigger the execution during the application start-up
(notice the run-at-startup
flag which is by default false
). Do note
that the runner will not run unless triggered manually or if
is set to true
. Additionally the runner (as in fact
do all runners in SHDP) allows one or multiple pre
actions to be specified to be executed before and after each run.
Typically other runners (such as other jobs or scripts) can be specified
but any JDK Callable
can be passed in. For more information on
runners, see the dedicated chapter.
For Spring Batch environments, SHDP provides a dedicated tasklet to execute Hive queries, on demand, as part of a batch or workflow. The declaration is pretty straightforward:
<hdp:hive-tasklet id="hive-script"> <hdp:script> DROP TABLE IF EXITS testHiveBatchTable; CREATE TABLE testHiveBatchTable (key int, value string); </hdp:script> <hdp:script location="classpath:org/company/hive/script.q" /> </hdp:hive-tasklet>
The tasklet above executes two scripts - one declared as part of the bean definition followed by another located on the classpath.
For those that need to programmatically interact with the Hive API,
Spring for Apache Hadoop provides a dedicated
template, similar
to the aforementioned JdbcTemplate
. The template handles the
redundant, boiler-plate code, required for interacting with Hive such as
creating a new HiveClient
, executing the queries, catching any
exceptions and performing clean-up. One can programmatically execute
queries (and get the raw results or convert them to longs or ints) or
scripts but also interact with the Hive API through the
. For example:
<hdp:hive-client-factory ... /> <!-- Hive template wires automatically to 'hiveClientFactory'--> <hdp:hive-template /> <!-- wire hive template into a bean --> <bean id="someBean" class="org.SomeClass" p:hive-template-ref="hiveTemplate"/>
public class SomeClass { private HiveTemplate template; public void setHiveTemplate(HiveTemplate template) { this.template = template; } public List<String> getDbs() { return hiveTemplate.execute(new HiveClientCallback<List<String>>() { @Override public List<String> doInHive(HiveClient hiveClient) throws Exception { return hiveClient.get_all_databases(); } })); } }
The example above shows a basic container configuration wiring a
into a user class which uses it to interact with the
Thrift API. Notice that the user does not have to handle
the lifecycle of the HiveClient
instance or catch any exception (out
of the many thrown by Hive itself and the Thrift fabric) - these are
handled automatically by the template which converts them, like the rest
of the Spring templates, into `DataAccessException`s. Thus the
application only has to track only one exception hierarchy across all
data technologies instead of one per technology.
For Pig users, SHDP provides easy creation and configuration of PigServer instances for registering and executing scripts either locally or remotely. In its simplest form, the declaration looks as follows:
<hdp:pig />
This will create a org.springframework.data.hadoop.pig.PigServerFactory
instance, named pigFactory
, a factory that creates PigServer
instances on demand configured with a default PigContext, executing
scripts in MapReduce
mode. The factory is needed since PigServer
not thread-safe and thus cannot be used by multiple objects at the same
time. In typical scenarios however, one might want to connect to a
remote Hadoop tracker and register some scripts automatically so let us
take a look of how the configuration might look like:
<pig-factory exec-type="LOCAL" job-name="pig-script" configuration-ref="hadoopConfiguration" properties-location="pig-dev.properties" xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/hadoop"> source=${pig.script.src} <script location="org/company/pig/script.pig"> <arguments>electric=sea</arguments> </script> <script> A = LOAD 'src/test/resources/logs/apache_access.log' USING PigStorage() AS (name:chararray, age:int); B = FOREACH A GENERATE name; DUMP B; </script> </pig-factory> />
The example exposes quite a few options so let us review them one by
one. First the top-level pig definition configures the pig instance: the
execution type, the Hadoop configuration used and the job name. Notice
that additional properties can be specified (either by declaring them
inlined or/and loading them from an external file) - in fact,
just like the rest of the libraries configuration
elements, supports common properties attributes as described in the
hadoop configuration section.
The definition contains also two scripts: script.pig
(read from the
classpath) to which one pair of arguments, relevant to the script, is
passed (notice the use of property placeholder) but also an inlined
script, declared as part of the definition, without any arguments.
As you can tell, the pig-factory
namespace offers several options
pertaining to Pig configuration.
Like the rest of the Spring Hadoop components, a runner is provided out
of the box for executing Pig scripts, either inlined or from various
locations through pig-runner
<hdp:pig-runner id="pigRunner" run-at-startup="true"> <hdp:script> A = LOAD 'src/test/resources/logs/apache_access.log' USING PigStorage() AS (name:chararray, age:int); ... </hdp:script> <hdp:script location="pig-scripts/script.pig"/> </hdp:pig-runner>
The runner will trigger the execution during the application start-up
(notice the run-at-startup
flag which is by default false
). Do note
that the runner will not run unless triggered manually or if
is set to true
. Additionally the runner (as in fact
do all runners in SHDP) allows one or multiple pre
actions to be specified to be executed before and after each run.
Typically other runners (such as other jobs or scripts) can be specified
but any JDK Callable
can be passed in. For more information on
runners, see the dedicated chapter.
For Spring Batch environments, SHDP provides a dedicated tasklet to execute Pig queries, on demand, as part of a batch or workflow. The declaration is pretty straightforward:
<hdp:pig-tasklet id="pig-script"> <hdp:script location="org/company/pig/handsome.pig" /> </hdp:pig-tasklet>
The syntax of the scripts declaration is similar to that of the pig
For those that need to programmatically interact directly with Pig ,
Spring for Apache Hadoop provides a dedicated
template, similar
to the aforementioned HiveTemplate
. The template handles the
redundant, boiler-plate code, required for interacting with Pig such as
creating a new PigServer
, executing the scripts, catching any
exceptions and performing clean-up. One can programmatically execute
scripts but also interact with the Hive API through the
. For example:
<hdp:pig-factory ... /> <!-- Pig template wires automatically to 'pigFactory'--> <hdp:pig-template /> <!-- use component scanning--> <context:component-scan base-package="some.pkg" />
public class SomeClass { @Inject private PigTemplate template; public Set<String> getDbs() { return pigTemplate.execute(new PigCallback<Set<String>() { @Override public Set<String> doInPig(PigServer pig) throws ExecException, IOException { return pig.getAliasKeySet(); } }); } }
The example above shows a basic container configuration wiring a
into a user class which uses it to interact with the
API. Notice that the user does not have to handle the
lifecycle of the PigServer
instance or catch any exception - these are
handled automatically by the template which converts them, like the rest
of the Spring templates, into `DataAccessException`s. Thus the
application only has to track only one exception hierarchy across all
data technologies instead of one per technology.
Spring for Apache Hadoop provides for each Hadoop interaction type, whether it is vanilla Map/Reduce, Hive or Pig, a runner, a dedicated class used for declarative (or programmatic) interaction. The list below illustrates the existing runner classes for each type, their name and namespace element.
Table 10.1. Available _Runner_s
Type | Name | Namespace element | Description |
Map/Reduce |
| Runner for Map/Reduce jobs, whether vanilla M/R or streaming |
Hadoop |
| Runner for Hadoop `Tool`s (whether stand-alone or as jars). |
Hadoop `jar`s |
| Runner for Hadoop jars. |
Hive queries and scripts |
| Runner for executing Hive queries or scripts. |
Pig queries and scripts |
| Runner for executing Pig scripts. |
JSR-223/JVM scripts |
| Runner for executing JVM 'scripting' languages (implementing the JSR-223 API). |
While most of the configuration depends on the underlying type, the runners share common attributes and behaviour so one can use them in a predictive, consistent way. Below is a list of common features:
declaration does not imply execution
The runner allows a script, a job to run but the execution can be triggered either programmatically or by the container at start-up.
Each runner can execute its action at start-up. By default, this flag is
set to false
. For multiple or on demand execution (such as scheduling)
use the Callable contract (see below).
JDK Callable interface
Each runner implements the JDK Callable interface. Thus one can inject the runner into other beans or its own classes to trigger the execution (as many or as little times as she wants).
and post
Each runner allows one or multiple, pre or/and post actions to be
specified (to chain them together such as executing a job after another
or perfoming clean up). Typically other runners can be used but any
can be specified. The actions will be executed before and
after the main action, in the declaration order. The runner uses a
fail-safe behaviour meaning, any exception will interrupt the run and
will propagated immediately to the caller.
consider Spring Batch
The runners are meant as a way to execute basic tasks. When multiple executions need to be coordinated and the flow becomes non-trivial, we strongly recommend using Spring Batch which provides all the features of the runners and more (a complete, mature framework for batch execution).
Spring for Apache Hadoop is aware of the security constraints of the running Hadoop environment and allows its components to be configured as such. For clarity, this document breaks down security into HDFS permissions and user impersonation (also known as secure Hadoop). The rest of this document discusses each component and the impact (and usage) it has on the various SHDP features.
HDFS layer provides file permissions designed to be similar to those
present in *nix OS. The official guide
explains the major components but in short, the access for each file
(whether it’s for reading, writing or in case of directories accessing)
can be restricted to certain users or groups. Depending on the user
identity (which is typically based on the host operating system), code
executing against the Hadoop cluster can see or/and interact with the
file-system based on these permissions. Do note that each HDFS or
implementation can have slightly different semantics or
SHDP obeys the HDFS permissions, using the identity of the current user
(by default) for interacting with the file system. In particular, the
considers when doing pattern matching, only the
files that it’s supposed to see and does not perform any privileged
action. It is possible however to specify a different user, meaning the
interacts with HDFS using that user’s rights - however
this obeys the #security:kerberos[user impersonation] rules. When using
different users, it is recommended to create separate ResourceLoader
instances (one per user) instead of assigning additional permissions or
groups to one user - this makes it easier to manage and wire the
different HDFS views without having to modify the ACLs. Note however
that when using impersonation, the ResourceLoader
might (and will
typically) return restricted files that might not be consumed or seen
by the callee.
Securing a Hadoop cluster can be a difficult task - each machine can have a different set of users and groups, each with different passwords. Hadoop relies on Kerberos, a ticket-based protocol for allowing nodes to communicate over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. Unfortunately there is not a lot of documentation on this topic out there. However there are some resources to get you started.
SHDP does not require any extra configuration - it simply obeys the
security system in place. By default, when running inside a secure
Hadoop, SHDP uses the current user (as expected). It also supports user
impersonation, that is, interacting with the Hadoop cluster with a
different identity (this allows a superuser to submit job or access hdfs
on behalf of another user in a secure way, without leaking
permissions). The major MapReduce components, such as job
, streaming
and tool
as well as pig
support user impersonation through the
attribute. By default, this property is empty, meaning the
current user is used - however one can specify the different identity
(also known as ugi) to be used by the target component:
<hdp:job id="jobFromJoe" user="joe" .../>
Note that the user running the application (or the current user) must have the proper kerberos credentials to be able to impersonate the target user (in this case joe).
Namespace spring.hadoop.security
supports following properties;
namenodePrincipal and
is supported.
You’ve propbably seen a lot of topics around Yarn and next version of Hadoop’s Map Reduce called MapReduce Version 2. Originally Yarn was a component of MapReduce itself created to overcome some performance issues in Hadoop’s original design. The fundamental idea of MapReduce v2 is to split up the two major functionalities of the JobTracker, resource management and job scheduling/monitoring, into separate daemons. The idea is to have a global Resource Manager (RM) and per-application Application Master (AM). An application is either a single job in the classical sense of Map-Reduce jobs or a group of jobs.
Let’s take a step back and see how original MapReduce Version 1 works. Job Tracker is a global singleton entity responsible for managing resources like per node Task Trackers and job life-cycle. Task Tracker is responsible for executing tasks from a Job Tracker and periodically reporting back the status of the tasks. Naturally there is a much more going on behind the scenes but the main point of this is that the Job Tracker has always been a bottleneck in terms of scalability. This is where Yarn steps in by splitting the load away from a global resource management and job tracking into per application masters. Global resource manager can then concentrate in its main task of handling the management of resources.
![]() | Note |
Yarn is usually referred as a synonym for MapReduce Version 2. This is not exactly true and it’s easier to understand the relationship between those two by saying that MapReduce Version 2 is an application running on top of Yarn. |
As we just mentioned MapReduce Version 2 is an application running of top of Yarn. It is possible to make similar custom Yarn based application which have nothing to do with MapReduce. Yarn itself doesn’t know that it is running MapReduce Version 2. While there’s nothing wrong to do everything from scratch one will soon realise that steps to learn how to work with Yarn are rather deep. This is where Spring Hadoop support for Yarn steps in by trying to make things easier so that user could concentrate on his own code and not having to worry about framework internals.
To simplify configuration, SHDP provides a dedicated namespace for
Yarn components. However, one can opt to configure the beans directly
through the usual <bean>
definition. For more information about XML
Schema-based configuration in Spring, see
appendix in the Spring Framework reference documentation.
To use the SHDP namespace, one just needs to import it inside the configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:yarn="http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn"xmlns:yarn-int="http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/integration"
xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/spring-yarn.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/integration http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/integration/spring-yarn-integration.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/batch http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/batch/spring-yarn-batch.xsd">
<bean id ... > <yarn:configuration ...>
Spring for Apache Hadoop Yarn namespace prefix for core package. Any
name can do but through out the reference documentation, the | |
The namespace URI. | |
Spring for Apache Hadoop Yarn namespace prefix for integration package.
Any name can do but through out the reference documentation, the
| |
The namespace URI. | |
Spring for Apache Hadoop Yarn namespace prefix for batch package. Any
name can do but through out the reference documentation, the
| |
The namespace URI. | |
The namespace URI location. Note that even though the location points to an external address (which exists and is valid), Spring will resolve the schema locally as it is included in the Spring for Apache Hadoop Yarn library. | |
The namespace URI location. | |
The namespace URI location. | |
Declaration example for the Yarn namespace. Notice the prefix usage. |
Once declared, the namespace elements can be declared simply by
appending the aforementioned prefix. Note that is possible to change the
default namespace, for example from <beans>
to <yarn>
. This is
useful for configuration composed mainly of Hadoop components as it
avoids declaring the prefix. To achieve this, simply swap the namespace
prefix declaration above:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans:beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:beans="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/spring-yarn.xsd"> <beans:bean id ... >
<configuration ...>
The default namespace declaration for this XML file points to the Spring for Apache Yarn namespace. | |
The beans namespace prefix declaration. | |
Bean declaration using the | |
Bean declaration using the |
It is also possible to work without XML configuration and rely on Annotation based configuration model. XML and JavaConfig for Spring YARN are not full replacement for each others but we try to mimic the behaviour as much as we can.
We basically rely on two concepts when working with JavaConfig. Firstly an annotation @EnableYarn is used to activate different parts of a Spring Configuration depending on enable attribute. We can enable configuration for CONTAINER, APPMASTER or CLIENT. Secondly when configuration is enabled one can use SpringYarnConfigurerAdapter whose callback methods can be used to do further configuration for components familiar from XML.
@Configuration @EnableYarn(enable=Enable.CONTAINER) public class ContainerConfiguration extends SpringYarnConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void configure(YarnContainerConfigurer container) throws Exception { container .containerClass(MultiContextContainer.class); } }
In above example we enabled configuration for CONTAINER and used
SpringYarnConfigurerAdapter and its configure
callback method for
YarnContainerConfigurer. In this method we instructed container class to
be a MultiContextContainer.
@Configuration @EnableYarn(enable=Enable.APPMASTER) public class AppmasterConfiguration extends SpringYarnConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void configure(YarnAppmasterConfigurer master) throws Exception { master .withContainerRunner(); } }
In above example we enabled configuration for APPMASTER and because of this a callback method for YarnAppmasterConfigurer is called automatically.
@Configuration @EnableYarn(enable=Enable.CLIENT) @PropertySource("classpath:hadoop.properties") public class ClientConfiguration extends SpringYarnConfigurerAdapter { @Autowired private Environment env; @Override public void configure(YarnConfigConfigurer config) throws Exception { config .fileSystemUri(env.getProperty("hd.fs")) .resourceManagerAddress(env.getProperty("hd.rm")); } @Override public void configure(YarnClientConfigurer client) throws Exception { Properties arguments = new Properties(); arguments.put("container-count", "4"); client .appName("multi-context-jc") .withMasterRunner() .contextClass(AppmasterConfiguration.class) .arguments(arguments); }
In above example we enabled configuration for CLIENT. Here one will get yet another callback for YarnClientConfigurer. Additionally this shows how a Hadoop configuration can be customized using a callback for YarnConfigConfigurer.
In order to use Hadoop and Yarn, one needs to first configure it namely
by creating a YarnConfiguration
object. The configuration holds
information about the various parameters of the Yarn system.
![]() | Note |
Configuration for |
In its simplest form, the configuration definition is a one liner:
<yarn:configuration />
The declaration above defines a YarnConfiguration bean (to be precise a
factory bean of type ConfigurationFactoryBean) named, by default,
. The default name is used, by conventions, by the
other elements that require a configuration - this leads to simple and
very concise configurations as the main components can automatically
wire themselves up without requiring any specific configuration.
For scenarios where the defaults need to be tweaked, one can pass in additional configuration files:
<yarn:configuration resources="classpath:/custom-site.xml, classpath:/hq-site.xml">
In this example, two additional Hadoop configuration resources are added to the configuration.
![]() | Note |
Note that the configuration makes use of Spring’s Resource abstraction to locate the file. This allows various search patterns to be used, depending on the running environment or the prefix specified(if any) by the value - in this example the classpath is used. |
In addition to referencing configuration resources, one can tweak Hadoop settings directly through Java Properties. This can be quite handy when just a few options need to be changed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:yarn="http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/spring-yarn.xsd"> <yarn:configuration> fs.defaultFS=hdfs://localhost:9000 hadoop.tmp.dir=/tmp/hadoop electric=sea </yarn:configuration> </beans>
One can further customize the settings by avoiding the so called hard-coded values by externalizing them so they can be replaced at runtime, based on the existing environment without touching the configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:yarn="http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/spring-yarn.xsd"> <yarn:configuration> fs.defaultFS=${hd.fs} hadoop.tmp.dir=file://${java.io.tmpdir} hangar=${number:18} </yarn:configuration> <context:property-placeholder location="classpath:hadoop.properties" /> </beans>
Through Spring’s property placeholder
and the
abstraction. one can externalize environment
specific properties from the main code base easing the deployment across
multiple machines. In the example above, the default file system is
replaced based on the properties available in hadoop.properties
the temp dir is determined dynamically through SpEL
. Both approaches
offer a lot of flexbility in adapting to the running environment - in
fact we use this approach extensivly in the Spring for Apache Hadoop
test suite to cope with the differences between the different
development boxes and the CI server.
Additionally, external Properties
files can be loaded, Properties
beans (typically declared through Spring’s `
` namespace). Along with the nested properties declaration, this
allows customized configurations to be easily declared:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:yarn="http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.org/schema/util" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/util http://www.springframework.org/schema/util/spring-util.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn http://www.springframework.org/schema/yarn/spring-yarn.xsd"> <!-- merge the local properties, the props bean and the two properties files --> <yarn:configuration properties-ref="props" properties-location="cfg-1.properties, cfg-2.properties"> star=chasing captain=eo </yarn:configuration> <util:properties id="props" location="props.properties"/> </beans>
When merging several properties, ones defined locally win. In the
example above the configuration properties are the primary source,
followed by the props
bean followed by the external properties file
based on their defined order. While it’s not typical for a configuration
to refer to use so many properties, the example showcases the various
options available.
![]() | Note |
For more properties utilities, including using the System as a source or fallback, or control over the merging order, consider using Spring’s PropertiesFactoryBean (which is what Spring for Apache Hadoop Yarn and util:properties use underneath). |
It is possible to create configuration based on existing ones - this
allows one to create dedicated configurations, slightly different from
the main ones, usable for certain jobs (such as streaming - more on that
#yarn:job:streaming[below]). Simply use the configuration-ref
attribute to refer to the parent configuration - all its properties
will be inherited and overridden as specified by the child:
<!-- default name is 'yarnConfiguration' --> <yarn:configuration> fs.defaultFS=${hd.fs} hadoop.tmp.dir=file://${java.io.tmpdir} </yarn:configuration> <yarn:configuration id="custom" configuration-ref="yarnConfiguration"> fs.defaultFS=${custom.hd.fs} </yarn:configuration> ...
Make sure though you specify a different name since otherwise, since both definitions will have the same name, the Spring container will interpret this as being the same definition (and will usually consider the last one found).
Last but not least a reminder that one can mix and match all these options to her preference. In general, consider externalizing configuration since it allows easier updates without interfering with the application configuration. When dealing with multiple, similar configuration use configuration composition as it tends to keep the definitions concise, in sync and easy to update.
Table 12.1. yarn:configuration
Name | Values | Description |
| Bean Reference | Reference to existing Configuration bean |
| Bean Reference | Reference to existing Properties bean |
| Comma delimited list | List or Spring Resource paths |
| Comma delimited list | List or Spring Resource paths |
| String | The HDFS filesystem address. Equivalent to fs.defaultFS property. |
| String | The Yarn Resource manager address. Equivalent to yarn.resourcemanager.address property. |
| String | The Yarn Resource manager scheduler address. Equivalent to yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address property. |
When Application Master or any other Container is run in a hadoop cluster, there are usually dependencies to various application and configuration files. These files needs to be localized into a running Container by making a physical copy. Localization is a process where dependent files are copied into node’s directory structure and thus can be used within the Container itself. Yarn itself tries to provide isolation in a way that multiple containers and applications would not clash.
In order to use local resources, one needs to create an implementation of ResourceLocalizer interface. In its simplest form, resource localizer can be defined as:
<yarn:localresources> <yarn:hdfs path="/path/in/hdfs/my.jar"/> </yarn:localresources>
The declaration above defines a ResourceLocalizer bean (to be precise a factory bean of type LocalResourcesFactoryBean) named, by default, yarnLocalresources. The default name is used, by conventions, by the other elements that require a reference to a resource localizer. It’s explained later how this reference is used when container launch context is defined.
It is also possible to define path as pattern. This makes it easier to pick up all or subset of files from a directory.
<yarn:localresources> <yarn:hdfs path="/path/in/hdfs/*.jar"/> </yarn:localresources>
Behind the scenes it’s not enough to simple have a reference to file in a hdfs file system. Yarn itself when localizing resources into container needs to do a consistency check for copied files. This is done by checking file size and timestamp. This information needs to passed to yarn together with a file path. Order to do this the one who defines these beans needs to ask this information from hdfs prior to sending out resouce localizer request. This kind of behaviour exists to make sure that once localization is defined, Container will fail fast if dependant files were replaced during the process.
On default the hdfs base address is coming from a Yarn configuration and ResourceLocalizer bean will use configuration named yarnLocalresources. If there is a need to use something else than the default bean, configuration parameter can be used to make a reference to other defined configurations.
<yarn:localresources configuration="yarnConfiguration"> <yarn:hdfs path="/path/in/hdfs/my.jar"/> </yarn:localresources>
For example, client defining a launch context for Application Master needs to access dependent hdfs entries. Effectively hdfs entry given to resource localizer needs to be accessed from a Node Manager.
Yarn resource localizer is using additional parameters to define entry type and visibility. Usage is described below:
<yarn:localresources> <yarn:hdfs path="/path/in/hdfs/my.jar" type="FILE" visibility="APPLICATION"/> </yarn:localresources>
For convenience it is possible to copy files into hdfs during the localization process using a yarn:copy tag. Currently base staging directory is /syarn/staging/xx where xx is a unique identifier per application instance.
<yarn:localresources> <yarn:copy src="file:/local/path/to/files/*jar" staging="true"/> <yarn:hdfs path="/*" staging="true"/> </yarn:localresources>
Table 12.2. yarn:localresources
Name | Values | Description |
| Bean Reference | A reference to configuration bean name, default is yarnConfiguration |
| Global default if not defined in entry level |
| Global default if not defined in entry level |
Table 12.3. yarn:hdfs
Name | Values | Description |
| HDFS Path | Path in hdfs |
| Internal temporary stagind directory. |
Table 12.4. yarn:copy
Name | Values | Description |
| Copy sources | Comma delimited list of resource patterns |
| Internal temporary stagind directory. |
One central concept in Yarn is to use environment variables which then can be read from a container. While it’s possible to read those variable at any time it is considered bad design if one chooce to do so. Spring Yarn will pass variable into application before any business methods are executed, which makes things more clearly and testing becomes much more easier.
The declaration above defines a Map bean (to be precise a factory bean of type EnvironmentFactoryBean) named, by default, yarnEnvironment. The default name is used, by conventions, by the other elements that require a reference to a environment variables.
For conveniance it is possible to define a classpath entry directly into an environment. Most likely one is about to run some java code with libraries so classpath needs to be defined anyway.
<yarn:environment include-local-system-env="false"> <yarn:classpath use-yarn-app-classpath="true" delimiter=":"> ./* </yarn:classpath> </yarn:environment>
If use-yarn-app-classpath parameter is set to true(default value) a
default yarn entries will be added to classpath automatically. These
entries are on default resolved from a normal
Hadoop Yarn Configuration
using its yarn.application.classpath
property or if site-yarn-app-classpath has a any content entries are
resolved from there.
![]() | Note |
Be carefull if passing environment variables between different systems. For example if running a client on Windows and passing variables to Application Master running on Linux, execution wrapper in Yarn may silently fail. |
Table 12.5. yarn:environment
Name | Values | Description |
| Defines whether system environment variables are actually added to this bean. |
Table 12.6. classpath
Name | Values | Description |
| Defines whether default yarn entries are added to classpath. |
| Defines whether default mr entries are added to classpath. |
| Classpath entries | Defines a comma delimited list of default yarn application classpath entries. |
| Classpath entries | Defines a comma delimited list of default mr application classpath entries. |
| Delimiter string, default is ":" | Defines delimiter used in a classpath string |
Client is always your entry point when interacting with a Yarn system whether one is about to submit a new application instance or just querying Resource Manager for running application(s) status. Currently support for client is very limited and a simple command to start Application Master can be defined. If there is just a need to query Resource Manager, command definition is not needed.
<yarn:client app-name="customAppName"> <yarn:master-command> <![CDATA[ /usr/local/java/bin/java org.springframework.yarn.am.CommandLineAppmasterRunner appmaster-context.xml yarnAppmaster container-count=2 1><LOG_DIR>/AppMaster.stdout 2><LOG_DIR>/AppMaster.stderr ]]> </yarn:master-command> </yarn:client>
The declaration above defines a YarnClient bean (to be precise a factory
bean of type YarnClientFactoryBean) named, by default, yarnClient. It
also defines a command launching an Application Master using
entry which is also a way to define the raw commands.
If this yarnClient instance is used to submit an application, its name
would come from a app-name attribute.
<yarn:client app-name="customAppName"> <yarn:master-runner/> </yarn:client>
For a convinience entry <master-runner>
can be used to define same
command entries.
<yarn:client app-name="customAppName"> <util:properties id="customArguments"> container-count=2 </util:properties> <yarn:master-runner command="java" context-file="appmaster-context.xml" bean-name="yarnAppmaster" arguments="customArguments" stdout="<LOG_DIR>/AppMaster.stdout" stderr="<LOG_DIR>/AppMaster.stderr" /> </yarn:client>
All previous three examples are effectively identical from Spring Yarn point of view.
![]() | Note |
The <LOG_DIR> refers to Hadoop’s dedicated log directory for the running container. |
<yarn:client app-name="customAppName" configuration="customConfiguration" resource-localizer="customResources" environment="customEnv" priority="1" virtualcores="2" memory="11" queue="customqueue"> <yarn:master-runner/> </yarn:client>
If there is a need to change some of the parameters for the Application
Master submission, memory
and virtualcores
defines the container
settings. For submission, queue
and priority
defines how submission
is actually done.
Table 12.7. yarn:client
Name | Values | Description |
| Name as string, default is empty | Yarn submitted application name |
| Bean Reference | A reference to configuration bean name, default is yarnConfiguration |
| Bean Reference | A reference to resource localizer bean name, default is yarnLocalresources |
| Bean Reference | A reference to environment bean name, default is yarnEnvironment |
| Bean Reference | A reference to a bean implementing ClientRmOperations |
| Memory as integer, default is "64" | Amount of memory for appmaster resource |
| Cores as integer, default is "1" | Number of appmaster resource virtual cores |
| Priority as integer, default is "0" | Submission priority |
| Queue string, default is "default" | Submission queue |
Table 12.8. yarn:master-command
Name | Values | Description |
Entry content | List of commands | Commands defined in this entry are aggregated into a single command line |
Table 12.9. yarn:master-runner
Name | Values | Description |
| Main command as string, default is "java" | Command line first entry |
| Name of the Spring context file, default is "appmaster-context.xml" | Command line second entry |
| Name of the Spring bean, default is "yarnAppmaster" | Command line third entry |
| Reference to Java’s Properties | Added to command line parameters as key/value pairs separated by '=' |
| Stdout, default is "<LOG_DIR>/AppMaster.stdout" | Appended with 1> |
| Stderr, default is "<LOG_DIR>/AppMaster.stderr" | Appended with 2> |
Application master is responsible for container allocation, launching and monitoring.
<yarn:master> <yarn:container-allocator virtualcores="1" memory="64" priority="0"/> <yarn:container-launcher username="whoami"/> <yarn:container-command> <![CDATA[ /usr/local/java/bin/java org.springframework.yarn.container.CommandLineContainerRunner container-context.xml 1><LOG_DIR>/Container.stdout 2><LOG_DIR>/Container.stderr ]]> </yarn:container-command> </yarn:master>
The declaration above defines a YarnAppmaster bean (to be precise a bean
of type StaticAppmaster) named, by default, yarnAppmaster. It also
defines a command launching a Container(s) using <container-command>
entry, parameters for allocation using <container-allocator>
entry and
finally a launcher parameter using <container-launcher>
Currently there is a simple implementation of StaticAppmaster which is able to allocate and launch a number of containers. These containers are monitored by querying resource manager for container execution completion.
<yarn:master> <yarn:container-runner/> </yarn:master>
For a convinience entry <container-runner>
can be used to define same
command entries.
<yarn:master> <util:properties id="customArguments"> some-argument=myvalue </util:properties> <yarn:container-runner command="java" context-file="container-context.xml" bean-name="yarnContainer" arguments="customArguments" stdout="<LOG_DIR>/Container.stdout" stderr="<LOG_DIR>/Container.stderr" /> </yarn:master>
Table 12.10. yarn:master
Name | Values | Description |
| Bean Reference | A reference to configuration bean name, default is yarnConfiguration |
| Bean Reference | A reference to resource localizer bean name, default is yarnLocalresources |
| Bean Reference | A reference to environment bean name, default is yarnEnvironment |
Table 12.11. yarn:container-allocator
Name | Values | Description |
| Integer | number of virtual cpu cores of the resource. |
| Integer, as of MBs. | memory of the resource. |
| Integer | Assigned priority of a request. |
| Boolean | If set to true indicates that resources are not relaxed. Default is FALSE. |
Table 12.12. yarn:container-launcher
Name | Values | Description |
| String | Set the user to whom the container has been allocated. |
Table 12.13. yarn:container-runner
Name | Values | Description |
| Main command as string, default is "java" | Command line first entry |
| Name of the Spring context file, default is "container-context.xml" | Command line second entry |
| Name of the Spring bean, default is "yarnContainer" | Command line third entry |
| Reference to Java’s Properties | Added to command line parameters as key/value pairs separated by '=' |
| Stdout, default is "<LOG_DIR>/Container.stdout" | Appended with 1> |
| Stderr, default is "<LOG_DIR>/Container.stderr" | Appended with 2> |
There is very little what Spring Yarn needs to know about the Container in terms of its configuration. There is a simple contract between org.springframework.yarn.container.CommandLineContainerRunner and a bean it’s trying to run on default. Default bean name is yarnContainer.
There is a simple interface org.springframework.yarn.container.YarnContainer which container needs to implement.
public interface YarnContainer { void run(); void setEnvironment(Map<String, String> environment); void setParameters(Properties parameters); }
There are few different ways how Container can be defined in Spring xml configuration. Natively without using namespaces bean can be defined with a correct name:
<bean id="yarnContainer" class="org.springframework.yarn.container.TestContainer">
Spring Yarn namespace will make it even more simpler. Below example just defines class which implements needed interface.
<yarn:container container-class="org.springframework.yarn.container.TestContainer"/>
It’s possible to make a reference to existing bean. This is usefull if bean cannot be instantiated with default constructor.
<bean id="testContainer" class="org.springframework.yarn.container.TestContainer"/> <yarn:container container-ref="testContainer"/>
It’s also possible to inline the bean definition.
<yarn:container> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.container.TestContainer"/> </yarn:container>
It is fairly easy to create an application which launches a few containers and then leave those to do their tasks. This is pretty much what Distributed Shell example application in Yarn is doing. In that example a container is configured to run a simple shell command and Application Master only tracks when containers have finished. If only need from a framework is to be able to fire and forget then that’s all you need, but most likely a real-world Yarn application will need some sort of collaboration with Application Master. This communication is initiated either from Application Client or Application Container.
Yarn framework itself doesn’t define any kind of general communication API for Application Master. There are APIs for communicating with Container Manager and Resource Manager which are used on within a layer not necessarily exposed to a user. Spring Yarn defines a general framework to talk to Application Master through an abstraction and currently a JSON based rpc system exists.
This chapter concentrates on developer concepts to create a custom services for Application Master, configuration options for built-in services can be found from sections below - #yarn:masterservice[Appmaster Service] and #yarn:masterserviceclient[Appmaster Service Client].
Having a communication framework between Application Master and Container/Client involves few moving parts. Firstly there has to be some sort of service running on an Application Master. Secondly user of this service needs to know where it is and how to connect to it. Thirtly, if not creating these services from scratch, it’d be nice if some sort of abstraction already exist.
Contract for appmaster service is very simple, Application Master Service needs to implement AppmasterService interface be registered with Spring application context. Actual appmaster instance will then pick it up from a bean factory.
public interface AppmasterService { int getPort(); boolean hasPort(); String getHost(); }
Application Master Service framework currently provides integration for services acting as service for a Client or a Container. Only difference between these two roles is how the Service Client gets notified about the address of the service. For the Client this information is stored within the Hadoop Yarn resource manager. For the Container this information is passed via environment within the launch context.
<bean id="yarnAmservice" class="AppmasterServiceImpl" /> <bean id="yarnClientAmservice" class="AppmasterClientServiceImpl" />
Example above shows a default bean names, yarnAmservice and yarnClientAmservice respectively recognised by Spring Yarn.
Interface AppmasterServiceClient is currently an empty interface just marking class to be a appmaster service client.
public interface AppmasterServiceClient { }
Default implementations can be used to exchange messages using a simple domain classes and actual messages are converted into json and send over the transport.
<yarn-int:amservice service-impl="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.TestService" default-port="1234"/> <yarn-int:amservice-client service-impl="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.DefaultMindAppmasterServiceClient" host="localhost" port="1234"/>
@Autowired AppmasterServiceClient appmasterServiceClient; @Test public void testServiceInterfaces() throws Exception { SimpleTestRequest request = new SimpleTestRequest(); SimpleTestResponse response = (SimpleTestResponse) ((MindAppmasterServiceClient)appmasterServiceClient). doMindRequest(request); assertThat(response.stringField, is("echo:stringFieldValue")); }
When default implementations for Application master services are exchanging messages, converters are net registered automatically. There is a namespace tag converters to ease this configuration.
<bean id="mapper" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.support.Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean" /> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindObjectToHolderConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindHolderToObjectConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> <constructor-arg value="org.springframework.yarn.batch.repository.bindings"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter>
This section of this document is about configuration, more about general concepts for see a ?.
Currently Spring Yarn have support for services using Spring Integration tcp channels as a transport.
<bean id="mapper" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.support.Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean" /> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindObjectToHolderConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindHolderToObjectConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> <constructor-arg value="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter> <yarn-int:amservice service-impl="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.TestService"/>
If there is a need to manually configure the server side dispatch channel, a little bit more configuration is needed.
<bean id="serializer" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.MindRpcSerializer" /> <bean id="deserializer" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.MindRpcSerializer" /> <bean id="socketSupport" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.support.DefaultPortExposingTcpSocketSupport" /> <ip:tcp-connection-factory id="serverConnectionFactory" type="server" port="0" socket-support="socketSupport" serializer="serializer" deserializer="deserializer"/> <ip:tcp-inbound-gateway id="inboundGateway" connection-factory="serverConnectionFactory" request-channel="serverChannel" /> <int:channel id="serverChannel" /> <yarn-int:amservice service-impl="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.TestService" channel="serverChannel" socket-support="socketSupport"/>
Table 12.14. yarn-int:amservice
Name | Values | Description |
| Class Name | Full name of the class implementing a service |
| Bean Reference | Reference to a bean name implementing a service |
| Spring Int channel | Custom message dispatching channel |
| Socket support reference | Custom socket support class |
This section of this document is about configuration, more about general concepts for see a ?.
Currently Spring Yarn have support for services using Spring Integration tcp channels as a transport.
<bean id="mapper" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.support.Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean" /> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindObjectToHolderConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindHolderToObjectConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> <constructor-arg value="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter> <yarn-int:amservice-client service-impl="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.DefaultMindAppmasterServiceClient" host="${SHDP_AMSERVICE_HOST}" port="${SHDP_AMSERVICE_PORT}"/>
If there is a need to manually configure the server side dispatch channel, a little bit more configuration is needed.
<bean id="serializer" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.MindRpcSerializer" /> <bean id="deserializer" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.MindRpcSerializer" /> <ip:tcp-connection-factory id="clientConnectionFactory" type="client" host="localhost" port="${SHDP_AMSERVICE_PORT}" serializer="serializer" deserializer="deserializer"/> <ip:tcp-outbound-gateway id="outboundGateway" connection-factory="clientConnectionFactory" request-channel="clientRequestChannel" reply-channel="clientResponseChannel" /> <int:channel id="clientRequestChannel" /> <int:channel id="clientResponseChannel" > <int:queue /> </int:channel> <yarn-int:amservice-client service-impl="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.DefaultMindAppmasterServiceClient" request-channel="clientRequestChannel" response-channel="clientResponseChannel"/>
Table 12.15. yarn-int:amservice-client
Name | Values | Description |
| Class Name | Full name of the class implementing a service client |
| Hostname | Host of the running appmaster service |
| Port | Port of the running appmaster service |
| Reference to Spring Int request channel | Custom channel |
| Reference to Spring Int response channel | Custom channel |
In this chapter we assume you are fairly familiar with concepts using Spring Batch. Many batch processing problems can be solved with single threaded, single process jobs, so it is always a good idea to properly check if that meets your needs before thinking about more complex implementations. When you are ready to start implementing a job with some parallel processing, Spring Batch offers a range of options. At a high level there are two modes of parallel processing: single process, multi-threaded; and multi-process.
Spring Hadoop contains a support for running Spring Batch jobs on a Hadoop cluster. For better parallel processing Spring Batch partitioned steps can be executed on a Hadoop cluster as remote steps.
Starting point running a Spring Batch Job is always the Application Master whether a job is just simple job with or without partitioning. In case partitioning is not used the whole job would be run within the Application Master and no Containers would be launched. This may seem a bit odd to run something on Hadoop without using Containers but one should remember that Application Master is also just a resource allocated from a Hadoop cluster.
Order to run Spring Batch jobs on a Hadoop cluster, few constraints exists:
Configuration for Spring Batch Jobs is very similar what is needed for normal batch configuration because effectively that’s what we are doing. Only difference is a way a job is launched which in this case is automatically handled by Application Master. Implementation of a job launching logic is very similar compared to CommandLineJobRunner found from a Spring Batch.
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.batch.support.transaction.ResourcelessTransactionManager"/> <bean id="jobRepository" class="org.springframework.batch.core.repository.support.MapJobRepositoryFactoryBean"> <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/> </bean> <bean id="jobLauncher" class="org.springframework.batch.core.launch.support.SimpleJobLauncher"> <property name="jobRepository" ref="jobRepository"/> </bean>
The declaration above define beans for JobRepository and JobLauncher.
For simplisity we used in-memory repository while it would be possible
to switch into repository working with a database if persistence is
needed. A bean named jobLauncher
is later used within the Application
Master to launch jobs.
<bean id="yarnEventPublisher" class="org.springframework.yarn.event.DefaultYarnEventPublisher"/> <yarn-batch:master/>
The declaration above defines BatchAppmaster bean named, by default,
and YarnEventPublisher bean named yarnEventPublisher
which is not created automatically.
Final step to finalize our very simple batch configuration is to define the actual batch job.
<bean id="hello" class="org.springframework.yarn.examples.PrintTasklet"> <property name="message" value="Hello"/> </bean> <batch:job id="job"> <batch:step id="master"> <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="transactionManager" ref="hello"/> </batch:step> </batch:job>
The declaration above defines a simple job and tasklet. Job is named as
which is the default job name searched by Application Master. It
is possible to use different name by changing the launch configuration.
Table 12.16. yarn-batch:master
Name | Values | Description |
| Bean Reference | A reference to configuration bean name, default is yarnConfiguration |
| Bean Reference | A reference to resource localizer bean name, default is yarnLocalresources |
| Bean Reference | A reference to environment bean name, default is yarnEnvironment |
| Bean Name Reference | A name reference to Spring Batch job, default is job |
| Bean Reference | A reference to job launcher bean name, default is jobLauncher. Target is a normal Spring Batch bean implementing JobLauncher. |
Let’s take a quick look how Spring Batch partitioning is handled. Concept of running a partitioned job involves three things, Remote steps, Partition Handler and a Partitioner. If we do a little bit of oversimplification a remote step is like any other step from a user point of view. Spring Batch itself does not contain implementations for any proprietary grid or remoting fabrics. Spring Batch does however provide a useful implementation of PartitionHandler that executes Steps locally in separate threads of execution, using the TaskExecutor strategy from Spring. Spring Hadoop provides implementation to execute Steps remotely on a Hadoop cluster.
![]() | Note |
For more background information about the Spring Batch Partitioning, read the Spring Batch reference documentation. |
As we previously mentioned a step executed on a remote host also need to access a job repository. If job repository would be based on a database instance, configuration could be similar on a container compared to application master. In our configuration example the job repository is in-memory based and remote steps needs access for it. Spring Yarn Batch contains implementation of a job repository which is able to proxy request via json requests. Order to use that we need to enable application client service which is exposing this service.
<bean id="jobRepositoryRemoteService" class="org.springframework.yarn.batch.repository.JobRepositoryRemoteService" > <property name="mapJobRepositoryFactoryBean" ref="&jobRepository"/> </bean> <bean id="batchService" class="org.springframework.yarn.batch.repository.BatchAppmasterService" > <property name="jobRepositoryRemoteService" ref="jobRepositoryRemoteService"/> </bean> <yarn-int:amservice service-ref="batchService"/>
he declaration above defines JobRepositoryRemoteService bean named
which is then connected into Application
Master Service exposing job repository via Spring Integration Tcp
As job repository communication messages are exchanged via custom json messages, converters needs to be defined.
<bean id="mapper" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.support.Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean" /> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindObjectToHolderConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindHolderToObjectConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> <constructor-arg value="org.springframework.yarn.batch.repository.bindings"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter>
Previously we made a choice to use in-memore job repository running inside the application master. Now we need to talk to this repository via client service. We start by adding same converters as in application master.
<bean id="mapper" class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.support.Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean" /> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindObjectToHolderConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter> <yarn-int:converter> <bean class="org.springframework.yarn.integration.convert.MindHolderToObjectConverter"> <constructor-arg ref="mapper"/> <constructor-arg value="org.springframework.yarn.batch.repository.bindings"/> </bean> </yarn-int:converter>
We use general client implementation able to communicate with a service running on Application Master.
<yarn-int:amservice-client service-impl="org.springframework.yarn.integration.ip.mind.DefaultMindAppmasterServiceClient" host="${SHDP_AMSERVICE_HOST}" port="${SHDP_AMSERVICE_PORT}" />
Remote step is just like any other step.
<bean id="hello" class="org.springframework.yarn.examples.PrintTasklet"> <property name="message" value="Hello"/> </bean> <batch:step id="remoteStep"> <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="transactionManager" start-limit="100" ref="hello"/> </batch:step>
We need to have a way to locate the step from an application context. For this we can define a step locator which is later configured into running container.
<bean id="stepLocator" class="org.springframework.yarn.batch.partition.BeanFactoryStepLocator"/>
Spring Hadoop contains a custom job repository implementation which is able to talk back to a remote instance via custom json protocol.
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.batch.support.transaction.ResourcelessTransactionManager"/> <bean id="jobRepository" class="org.springframework.yarn.batch.repository.RemoteJobRepositoryFactoryBean"> <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/> <property name="appmasterScOperations" ref="yarnAmserviceClient"/> </bean> <bean id="jobExplorer" class="org.springframework.yarn.batch.repository.RemoteJobExplorerFactoryBean"> <property name="repositoryFactory" ref="&jobRepository" /> </bean>
Finally we define a Container understanding how to work with a remote steps.
<bean id="yarnContainer" class="org.springframework.yarn.batch.container.DefaultBatchYarnContainer"> <property name="stepLocator" ref="stepLocator"/> <property name="jobExplorer" ref="jobExplorer"/> <property name="integrationServiceClient" ref="yarnAmserviceClient"/> </bean>
We have additional support for leveraging Spring Boot when creating
applications using Spring YARN. All dependencies for this exists in a
sub-module named spring-yarn-boot
which itself depends on Spring
Spring Boot extensions in Spring YARN are used to ease following issues:
Before we get into details let’s go through how simple it is to create and deploy a custom application to a Hadoop cluster. Notice that there are no need to use XML.
@Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration public class ContainerApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(ContainerApplication.class, args); } @Bean public HelloPojo helloPojo() { return new HelloPojo(); } }
In above ContainerApplication, notice how we added @Configuration in a
class level itself and @Bean for a helloPojo()
@YarnComponent public class HelloPojo { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HelloPojo.class); @Autowired private Configuration configuration; @OnContainerStart public void publicVoidNoArgsMethod() { log.info("Hello from HelloPojo"); log.info("About to list from hdfs root content"); FsShell shell = new FsShell(configuration); for (FileStatus s : shell.ls(false, "/")) { log.info(s); } } }
HelloPojo class is a simple POJO in a sense that it doesn’t extend any Spring YARN base classes. What we did in this class:
To demonstrate that we actually have some real functionality in this class, we simply use Spring Hadoop’s FsShell to list entries from a root of a HDFS file system. For this we need to have access to Hadoop’s Configuration which is prepared for you so that you can just autowire it.
@EnableAutoConfiguration public class ClientApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(ClientApplication.class, args) .getBean(YarnClient.class) .submitApplication(); } }
The main()
method uses Spring Boot’s SpringApplication.run()
to launch an application. From there we simply request a bean of type
YarnClient and execute its submitApplication()
method. What happens
next depends on application configuration, which we go through later in
this document.
@EnableAutoConfiguration public class AppmasterApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(AppmasterApplication.class, args); } }
Application class for YarnAppmaster looks even simpler than what we just
did for ClientApplication. Again the main()
method uses Spring Boot’s
method to launch an application.
In real life, you most likely need to start adding more custom functionality to your application component and you’d do that by start adding more beans. To do that you need to define a Spring @Configuration or @ComponentScan. AppmasterApplication would then act as your main starting point to define more custom functionality.
spring: hadoop: fsUri: hdfs://localhost:8020 resourceManagerHost: localhost yarn: appName: yarn-boot-simple applicationDir: /app/yarn-boot-simple/ client: files: - "file:build/libs/yarn-boot-simple-container-0.1.0.jar" - "file:build/libs/yarn-boot-simple-appmaster-0.1.0.jar" launchcontext: archiveFile: yarn-boot-simple-appmaster-0.1.0.jar appmaster: containerCount: 1 launchcontext: archiveFile: yarn-boot-simple-container-0.1.0.jar
Final part for your application is its runtime configuration which glues all the components together which then can be called as a Spring YARN application. This configuration act as source for Spring Boot’s @ConfigurationProperties and contains relevant configuration properties which cannot be auto-discovered or otherwise needs to have an option to be overwritten by an end user.
You can then write your own defaults for your own environment. Because these @ConfigurationProperties are resolved at runtime by Spring Boot, you even have an easy option to overwrite these properties either by using command-line options or provide additional configuration property files.
Spring Boot is heavily influenced by auto-configuration trying to predict what user wants to do. These decisions are based on configuration properties, what’s currently available from a classpath and generally everything what auto-configurers are able to see.
Auto-configuration is able to see if it’s currently running on a YARN cluster and can also differentiate between YarnContainer and YarnAppmaster. Parts of the auto-configuration which cannot be automatically detected are guarded by a flags in configuration properties which then allows end-user to either enable or disable these functionalities.
As we already mentioned Spring Boot creates a clear model how you would work with your application files. Most likely what you need in your application is jar or zip file(s) having needed application code and optional configuration properties to customize the application logic. Customization via an external properties files makes it easier to change application functionality and reduce a need to hard-code application logic.
Running an application on YARN needs an instance of YarnAppmaster and instances of _YarnContainer_s. Both of these containers will need a set of files and instructions how to execute a container. Based on auto-configuration and configuration properties we will make few assumptions how a container is executed.
We are fundamentally supporting three different type of combinations:
More detailed functionality can be found from a below sections; Section 12.13.3, “Application Classpath”, Section 12.13.4, “Container Runners” and Section 12.13.7, “Configuration Properties”.
Let’s go through as an examples how a classpath is configured on different use cases.
Running a container using an executable jar archive is the most simple scenario due to classpath limitation imposed by a JVM. Everything needed for the classpath needs to be inside the archive itself. Boot plugins for maven and gradle will greatly help to package all library dependencies into this archive.
spring: yarn: client: launchcontext: archiveFile: yarn-boot-appmaster-0.1.0.jar appmaster: launchcontext: archiveFile: yarn-boot-container-0.1.0.jar
Using a zip archive is basically needed in two use cases. In first case you want to re-use existing libraries in YARN cluster for your classpath. In second case you want to add custom classpath entries from an exploded zip archive.
spring: yarn: siteYarnAppClasspath: "/path/to/hadoop/libs/*" appmaster: launchcontext: useYarnAppClasspath: true archiveFile: yarn-boot-container-0.1.0.zip
In above example you can have a zip archive which doesn’t bundle all
dependant Hadoop YARN libraries. Default classpath entries are then
resolved from siteYarnAppClasspath
spring: yarn: appmaster: launchcontext: archiveFile: yarn-boot-container-0.1.0.zip containerAppClasspath: - "./yarn-boot-container-0.1.0.zip/config" - "./yarn-boot-container-0.1.0.zip/lib"
In above example you needed to use custom classpath entries from an exploded zip archive.
Using a propertys spring.yarn.client.launchcontext.archiveFile
respectively, will
indicate that container is run based on an archive file and Boot runners
are used. These runner classes are either used manually when
constructing an actual raw command for container or internally within an
executable jar archive.
However there are times when you may need to work on much lower level.
Maybe you are having trouble using an executable jar archive or Boot
runner is not enough what you want to do. For this use case you would
use propertys spring.yarn.client.launchcontext.runnerClass
Order for containers to use application files, a YARN resource localization process needs to do its tasks. We have a few configuration properties which are used to determine which files are actually localized into container’s working directory.
spring: yarn: client: localizer: patterns: - "*appmaster*jar" - "*appmaster*zip" zipPattern: "*zip" propertiesNames: [application] propertiesSuffixes: [properties, yml] appmaster: localizer: patterns: - "*container*jar" - "*container*zip" zipPattern: "*zip" propertiesNames: [application] propertiesSuffixes: [properties, yml]
Above is an example which equals a default functionality when localized
resources are chosen. For example for a container we automatically
choose all files matching a simple patterns *container*jar
. Additionally we choose configuration properties files
matching names application.properties
and application.yml
. Property
zipPattern is used as an pattern to instruct YARN resource localizer
to triet file as an archive to be automatically exploded.
If for some reason the default functionality and how it can be configured via configuration properties is not suiteable, one can define a custom bean to change how things work. Interface LocalResourcesSelector is used to find localized resources.
public interface LocalResourcesSelector { List<Entry> select(String dir); }
Below you see a logic how a default BootLocalResourcesSelector is created during the auto-configuration. You would then create a custom implementation and create it as a bean in your Configuration class. You would not need to use any Conditionals but not how in auto-configuration we use @ConditionalOnMissingBean to check if user have already created his own implementation.
@Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties({ SpringYarnAppmasterLocalizerProperties.class }) public static class LocalResourcesSelectorConfig { @Autowired private SpringYarnAppmasterLocalizerProperties syalp; @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean(LocalResourcesSelector.class) public LocalResourcesSelector localResourcesSelector() { BootLocalResourcesSelector selector = new BootLocalResourcesSelector(Mode.CONTAINER); if (StringUtils.hasText(syalp.getZipPattern())) { selector.setZipArchivePattern(syalp.getZipPattern()); } if (syalp.getPropertiesNames() != null) { selector.setPropertiesNames(syalp.getPropertiesNames()); } if (syalp.getPropertiesSuffixes() != null) { selector.setPropertiesSuffixes(syalp.getPropertiesSuffixes()); } selector.addPatterns(syalp.getPatterns()); return selector; } }
Your configuration could then look like:
@EnableAutoConfiguration public class AppmasterApplication { @Bean public LocalResourcesSelector localResourcesSelector() { return MyLocalResourcesSelector(); } public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(AppmasterApplication.class, args); } }
In Boot application model if YarnContainer is not explicitly defined
it defaults to DefaultYarnContainer which expects to find a POJO
created as a bean having a specific annotations instructing the actual
is a stereotype annotation itself having a Spring’s
defined in it. This is automatically marking a class to be a
candidate having a @YarnComponent
Within a POJO
class we can use @OnContainerStart
annotation to mark a
public method to act as an activator for a method endpoint.
![]() | Note |
Return values from a |
@OnContainerStart public void publicVoidNoArgsMethod() { }
Returning type of int
participates in a YarnContainer exit value.
@OnContainerStart public int publicIntNoArgsMethod() { return 0; }
Returning type of boolean
participates in a YarnContainer exit value
where true would mean complete and false failed container.
@OnContainerStart public boolean publicBooleanNoArgsMethod() { return true; }
Returning type of String
participates in a YarnContainer exit value
by matching ExitStatus and getting exit value from ExitCodeMapper.
@OnContainerStart public String publicStringNoArgsMethod() { return "COMPLETE"; }
If method throws any Exception YarnContainer is marked as failed.
@OnContainerStart public void publicThrowsException() { throw new RuntimeExection("My Error"); }
Method parameter can be bound with @YarnEnvironments
to get access to
current YarnContainer environment variables.
@OnContainerStart public void publicVoidEnvironmentsArgsMethod(@YarnEnvironments Map<String,String> env) { }
Method parameter can be bound with @YarnEnvironment
to get access to
specific YarnContainer environment variable.
@OnContainerStart public void publicVoidEnvironmentArgsMethod(@YarnEnvironment("key") String value) { }
Method parameter can be bound with @YarnParameters
to get access to
current YarnContainer arguments.
@OnContainerStart public void publicVoidParametersArgsMethod(@YarnParameters Properties properties) { }
Method parameter can be bound with @YarnParameter
to get access to a
specific YarnContainer arguments.
@OnContainerStart public void publicVoidParameterArgsMethod(@YarnParameter("key") String value) { }
It is possible to use multiple @YarnComponent
classes and
methods but a care must be taken in a way
execution happens. In default these methods are executed synchronously
and ordering is pretty much random. Few tricks can be used to overcome
synchronous execution and ordering.
We support `@Order' annotation both on class and method levels. If `@Order' is defined on both the one from method takes a presense.
@YarnComponent @Order(1) static class Bean { @OnContainerStart @Order(10) public void method1() { } @OnContainerStart @Order(11) public void method2() { } }
also supports return values of Future
. This is a convenient way to do something
asynchronously because future is returned immediately and execution
goes to a next method and later waits future values to be set.
@YarnComponent static class Bean { @OnContainerStart Future<Integer> void method1() { return new AsyncResult<Integer>(1); } @OnContainerStart Future<Integer> void method1() { return new AsyncResult<Integer>(2); } }
Below is an example to use more sophisticated functionality with a
and scheduling work within a @OnContainerStart
method. In this case YarnContainerSupport
class simply provides an
easy access to a TaskScheduler
@YarnComponent static class Bean extends YarnContainerSupport { @OnContainerStart public ListenableFuture<?> method() throws Exception { final MyFuture future = new MyFuture(); getTaskScheduler().schedule(new FutureTask<Void>(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { while (!future.interrupted) { // do something } } catch (Exception e) { // bail out from error future.set(false); } } }, null), new Date()); return future; } static class MyFuture extends SettableListenableFuture<Boolean> { boolean interrupted = false; @Override protected void interruptTask() { interrupted = true; } } }
Configuration properties can be defined using various methods. See a
Spring Boot dodumentation for details. More about configuration
properties for spring.hadoop
namespace can be found from
Section 3.4, “Boot Support”.
Namespace spring.yarn
supports following properties;·
siteYarnAppClasspath and
in deployment scenarios where applicationDir
cannot be hard coded.
Namespace spring.yarn.appmaster
supports following properties;·
containerCount and
Namespace spring.yarn.appmaster.launchcontext
supports following properties;·
includeSystemEnv and
Namespace spring.yarn.appmaster.localizer
supports following properties;·
propertiesNames and
Namespace spring.yarn.appmaster.resource
supports following properties;·
memory and
Namespace spring.yarn.appmaster.containercluster
supports following properties;·
Namespace spring.yarn.appmaster.containercluster.clusters.<name>
supports following properties;·
config property.
config property.
config property.
Namespace spring.yarn.appmaster.containercluster.clusters.<name>.projection
supports following properties;·
type and
is supported on default or any
other projection added via a custom factory.
takes an integer, hosts
as name to
integer map, racks
as name to integer map, properties as a generic map
Namespace spring.yarn.endpoints.containercluster
supports following properties;·
Namespace spring.yarn.endpoints.containerregister
supports following properties;·
Namespace spring.yarn.client
supports following properties;·
clientClass and
method on YarnClient
Namespace spring.yarn.client.launchcontext
supports following properties;·
useMapreduceAppClasspath and
Namespace spring.yarn.appmaster.localizer
supports following properties;·
propertiesNames and
Namespace spring.yarn.client.resource
supports following properties;·
memory and
Namespace spring.yarn.container
supports following properties;·
keepContextAlive and
Namespace spring.yarn.batch
supports following properties;·
enabled and
Namespace spring.yarn.batch.jobs
supports following properties;·
failRestart and
Hadoop YARN is a simple resource scheduler and thus doesn’t provide any higher level functionality for controlling containers for failures or grouping. Currently these type of features need to be implemented atop of YARN using a third party components such as Spring YARN. Containers controlled by YARN are handled as one big pool of resources and any functionality for grouping containers needs to be implemented within a custom application master. Spring YARN provides components which can be used to control containers as groups.
Container Group is a logical representation of containers managed by a single YARN application. In a typical YARN application a container which is allocated and launched shares a same configuration for Resource(memory, cpu), Localized Files(application files) and Launch Context(process command). Grouping brings a separate configuration for each group which allows to run different logical applications within a one application master. Logical application simply mean that different containers are meant to do totally different things. A simple use case for such things is an application which needs to run two different types of containers, admin and worker nodes respectively.
YARN itself is not meant to be a task scheduler meaning you can’t request a container for specific task which would then run on a Hadoop cluster. In layman’s terms this simply mean that you can’t associate a container allocation request for response received from a resource manager. This decision was made to keep a resource manager relatively light and spawn all the task activities into an application master. All the allocated containers are requested and received from YARN asynchronously thus making a one big pool of resources. All the task activities needs to be build using this pool. This brings a new concept of doing a container projection from a single allocated pool of containers.
Application Master which is meant to be used with container groups need to implement interface ContainerClusterAppmaster shown below. Currently one built-in implementation org.springframework.yarn.am.cluster.ManagedContainerClusterAppmaster exists.
public interface ContainerClusterAppmaster extends YarnAppmaster { Map<String, ContainerCluster> getContainerClusters(); ContainerCluster createContainerCluster(String clusterId, ProjectionData projection); ContainerCluster createContainerCluster(String clusterId, String clusterDef, ProjectionData projection, Map<String, Object> extraProperties); void startContainerCluster(String id); void stopContainerCluster(String id); void destroyContainerCluster(String id); void modifyContainerCluster(String id, ProjectionData data); }
Order to use default implementation ManagedContainerClusterAppmaster,
configure it using a spring.yarn.appmaster.appmasterClass
configuration key. If you plan to control this container groups
externally via internal rest api, set
to true
spring: yarn: appmaster: appmasterClass: org.springframework.yarn.am.cluster.ManagedContainerClusterAppmaster endpoints: containercluster: enabled: true
Container cluster is always associated with a grid projection. This allows de-coupling of cluster configuration and its grid projection. Cluster or group is not directly aware of how containers are chosen.
public interface GridProjection { boolean acceptMember(GridMember member); GridMember removeMember(GridMember member); Collection<GridMember> getMembers(); SatisfyStateData getSatisfyState(); void setProjectionData(ProjectionData data); ProjectionData getProjectionData(); }
GridProjection has its projection configuration in ProjectionData. SatisfyStateData defines a data object to satisfy a grid projection state.
Projections are created via GridProjectionFactory beans. Default factory
named as gridProjectionFactory
currently handles one different type of
projection named DefaultGridProjection which is registered with name
. You can replace this factory by defining a bean with a same
name or introduce more factories just by defining your own factory
public interface GridProjectionFactory { GridProjection getGridProjection(ProjectionData projectionData); Set<String> getRegisteredProjectionTypes(); }
Registered types needs to be mapped into projections itself created by a
factory. For example default implementation does mapping of type
Typical configuration is shown below:
spring: hadoop: fsUri: hdfs://node1:8020 resourceManagerHost: node1 yarn: appType: BOOT appName: gs-yarn-uimodel applicationBaseDir: /app/ applicationDir: /app/gs-yarn-uimodel/ appmaster: appmasterClass: org.springframework.yarn.am.cluster.ManagedContainerClusterAppmaster keepContextAlive: true containercluster: clusters: cluster1: projection: type: default data: any: 1 hosts: node3: 1 node4: 1 racks: rack1: 1 rack2: 1 resource: priority: 1 memory: 64 virtualCores: 1 launchcontext: locality: true archiveFile: gs-yarn-uimodel-cont1-0.1.0.jar localizer: patterns: - "*cont1*jar"
These container cluster configurations will also work as a blueprint
when creating groups manually on demand. If projectionType
is defined
in a configuration it indicates that a group should be created
Currently a simple support for automatically re-starting a failed container is implemented by a fact that if container goes away group projection is no longer satisfied and Spring YARN will try to allocate and start new containers as long as projection is satisfied again.
While grouping configuration can be static and solely be what’s defined in a yml file, it would be a nice feature if you could control the runtime behaviour of these groups externally. REST API provides methods to create groups with a specific projects, start group, stop group and modify group projection.
Boot based REST API endpoint need to be explicitly enabled by using a configuration shown below:
spring: yarn: endpoints: containercluster: enabled: true
Returns info about existing clusters
ContainerClusters { clusters (array[string]) }
{ "clusters":[ "<clusterId>" ] }
Create a new container cluster
Parameter | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
body | Cluster to be created | body | Request Class. Cluster { clusterId (string), clusterDef (string), projection (string), projectionData (ProjectionData), extraProperties (map<string,object>) } ProjectionData { type (string), priority (integer), any (integer, optional), hosts (map, optional), racks (map, optional) }
Request Schema. { "clusterId":"", "clusterDef":"", "projection":"", "projectionData":{ "any":0, "hosts":{ "<hostname>":0 }, "racks":{ "<rackname>":0 }, "extraProperties":{ } } }
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
405 | Invalid input |
Returns info about a container cluster.
ContainerCluster { id (string): unique identifier for a cluster, gridProjection (GridProjection), containerClusterState (ContainerClusterState) } GridProjection { members (array[Member]), projectionData (ProjectionData), satisfyState (SatisfyState) } Member { id (string): unique identifier for a member, } ProjectionData { type (string), priority (integer), any (integer, optional), hosts (map, optional), racks (map, optional) } SatisfyState { removeData (array(string)), allocateData (AllocateData) } AllocateData { any (integer, optional), hosts (map, optional), racks (map, optional) } ContainerClusterState { clusterState (string) }
{ "id":"", "gridProjection":{ "members":[ { "id":"" } ], "projectionData":{ "type":"", "priority":0, "any":0, "hosts":{ }, "racks":{ } }, "satisfyState":{ "removeData":[ ], "allocateData":{ "any":0, "hosts":{ }, "racks":{ } } } }, "containerClusterState":{ "clusterState":"" } }
Parameter | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
clusterId | ID of a cluster needs to be fetched | path | string |
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
404 | No such cluster |
Modify a container cluster state.
Parameter | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
clusterId | ID of a cluster needs to be fetched | path | string |
body | Cluster state to be modified | body | Request Class. ContainerClusterModifyRequest { action (string) }
Request Schema. { "action":"" }
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
404 | No such cluster | |
404 | No such action |
Modify a container cluster projection.
Parameter | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
clusterId | ID of a cluster needs to be fetched | path | string |
body | Cluster to be created | body | Request Class. Cluster { clusterId (string), clusterDef (string), projection (string), projectionData (ProjectionData), extraProperties (map<string,object>) } ProjectionData { type (string), priority (integer), any (integer, optional), hosts (map, optional), racks (map, optional) }
Request Schema. { "clusterId":"", "projection":"", "projectionData":{ "any":0, "hosts":{ "<hostname>":0 }, "racks":{ "<rackname>":0 } } }
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
404 | No such cluster |
Destroy a container cluster.
Parameter | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
clusterId | ID of a cluster needs to be fetched | path | string |
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
404 | No such cluster |
We’ve already talked about how resources are localized into a running container. These resources are always localized from a HDFS file system which effectively means that the whole process of getting application files into a newly launched YARN application is a two phase process; firstly files are copied into HDFS and secondly files are localized from a HDFS.
When application instance is submitted into YARN, there are two ways how these application files can be handled. First which is the most obvious is to just copy all the necessary files into a known location in HDFS and then instruct YARN to localize files from there. Second method is to split this into two different stages, first install application files into HDFS and then submit application from there. At first there seem to be no difference with these two ways to handle application deployment. However if files are always copied into HDFS when application is submitted, you need a physical access to those files. This may not always be possible so it’s easier if you have a change to prepare these files by first installing application into HDFS and then just send a submit command to a YARN resource manager.
To ease a process of handling a full application life cycle, few utility classes exist which are meant to be used with Spring Boot. These classes are considered to be a foundational Boot application classes, not a ready packaged Boot executable jars. Instead you would use these from your own application whether that application is a Boot or other Spring based application.
Internally these applications are executed using a SpringApplicationBuilder and a dedicated Spring Application Context. This allows to isolate Boot application instance from your current context if you have one. One fundamental idea in these applications is to make it possible to work with Spring profiles and Boot configuration properties. If your existing application is already using profiles and configuration properties, simply launching a new Boot would most likely derive those settings automatically which is something what you may not want.
AbstractClientApplication which all these built-in applications are based on contains methods to work with Spring profiles and additional configuration properties.
Let’s go through all this using an example:
Below sample is pretty much a similar from all other examples except of
two settings, applicationBaseDir
and clientClass
. Property
defines where in HDFS a new app will be installed.
DefaultApplicationYarnClient defined using clientClass
adds better
functionality to guard against starting app which doesn’t exist or not
overwriting existing apps in HDFS.
spring: hadoop: fsUri: hdfs://localhost:8020 resourceManagerHost: localhost yarn: appType: GS appName: gs-yarn-appmodel applicationBaseDir: /app/ applicationDir: /app/gs-yarn-appmodel/ client: clientClass: org.springframework.yarn.client.DefaultApplicationYarnClient files: - "file:build/libs/gs-yarn-appmodel-container-0.1.0.jar" - "file:build/libs/gs-yarn-appmodel-appmaster-0.1.0.jar" launchcontext: archiveFile: gs-yarn-appmodel-appmaster-0.1.0.jar appmaster: containerCount: 1 launchcontext: archiveFile: gs-yarn-appmodel-container-0.1.0.jar
YarnPushApplication is used to push your application into HDFS.
public void doInstall() { YarnPushApplication app = new YarnPushApplication(); app.applicationVersion("version1"); Properties instanceProperties = new Properties(); instanceProperties.setProperty("spring.yarn.applicationVersion", "version1"); app.configFile("application.properties", instanceProperties); app.run(); }
In above example we simply created a YarnPushApplication, set its
and executed a run method. We also instructed
YarnPushApplication to write used applicationVersion
into a
configuration file named application.properties so that it’d be
available to an application itself.
YarnSubmitApplication is used to submit your application from HDFS into YARN.
public void doSubmit() { YarnSubmitApplication app = new YarnSubmitApplication(); app.applicationVersion("version1"); ApplicationId applicationId = app.run(); }
In above example we simply created a YarnSubmitApplication, set its
and executed a run method.
YarnInfoApplication is used to query application info from a YARN Resource Manager and HDFS.
public void doListPushed() { YarnInfoApplication app = new YarnInfoApplication(); Properties appProperties = new Properties(); appProperties.setProperty("spring.yarn.internal.YarnInfoApplication.operation", "PUSHED"); app.appProperties(appProperties); String info = app.run(); System.out.println(info); } public void doListSubmitted() { YarnInfoApplication app = new YarnInfoApplication(); Properties appProperties = new Properties(); appProperties.setProperty("spring.yarn.internal.YarnInfoApplication.operation", "SUBMITTED"); appProperties.setProperty("spring.yarn.internal.YarnInfoApplication.verbose", "true"); appProperties.setProperty("spring.yarn.internal.YarnInfoApplication.type", "GS"); app.appProperties(appProperties); String info = app.run(); System.out.println(info); }
In above example we simply created a YarnInfoApplication, and used it to
list installed and running applications. By adding appProperties
make Boot to pick these properties after every other source of
configuration properties but still allows to pass command-line options
to override everything which is a normal way in Boot.
YarnKillApplication is used to kill running application instances.
public void doKill() { YarnKillApplication app = new YarnKillApplication(); Properties appProperties = new Properties(); appProperties.setProperty("spring.yarn.internal.YarnKillApplication.applicationId", "application_1395058039949_0052"); app.appProperties(appProperties); String info = app.run(); System.out.println(info); }
In above example we simply created a YarnKillApplication, and used it to send a application kill request into a YARN resource manager.
YarnShutdownApplication is used to gracefully shutdown running application instances.
public void doShutdown() { YarnShutdownApplication app = new YarnShutdownApplication(); Properties appProperties = new Properties(); appProperties.setProperty("spring.yarn.internal.YarnShutdownApplication.applicationId", "application_1395058039949_0052"); app.appProperties(appProperties); String info = app.run(); System.out.println(info); }
Shutdown functionality is based on Boot shutdown
endpoint which can
be used to instruct shutdown of the running application context and
thus shutdown of a whole running application instance. This endpoint
is considered to be a sensitive and thus is disabled by default.
To enable this functionality shutdown
endpoint needs to be enabled
on both appmaster and containers. Addition to that a special
needs to be enabled on appmaster for containers to
be able to register itself to appmaster. Below config examples shows
howto do this.
for appmaster config.
endpoints: shutdown: enabled: true spring: yarn: endpoints: containerregister: enabled: true
for container config.
endpoints: shutdown: enabled: true
Due to nature of being a foundational library, Spring YARN doesn’t provide a generic purpose client out of a box for communicating with your application. Reason for this is that Spring YARN is not a product, but an application build on top of Spring YARN would be a product which could have its own client. There is no good way of doing a generic purpose ‘client’ which would suit every needs and anyway user may want to customize how client works and how his own code is packaged.
We’ve made it as simple as possible to create your own client which can be used to control applications on YARN and if container clustering is enabled a similar utility classes can be used to control it. Only thing what is left for the end user to implement is defining which commands should be enabled.
Client facing component spring-yarn-boot-cli contains implementation based on spring-boot-cli which can be used to build application cli’s. It also container built-in commands which are easy to re-use or extend.
Example above shows a typical main method to use all built-in commands.
public class ClientApplication extends AbstractCli { public static void main(String... args) { List<Command> commands = new ArrayList<Command>(); commands.add(new YarnPushCommand()); commands.add(new YarnPushedCommand()); commands.add(new YarnSubmitCommand()); commands.add(new YarnSubmittedCommand()); commands.add(new YarnKillCommand()); commands.add(new YarnShutdownCommand()); commands.add(new YarnClustersInfoCommand()); commands.add(new YarnClusterInfoCommand()); commands.add(new YarnClusterCreateCommand()); commands.add(new YarnClusterStartCommand()); commands.add(new YarnClusterStopCommand()); commands.add(new YarnClusterModifyCommand()); commands.add(new YarnClusterDestroyCommand()); ClientApplication app = new ClientApplication(); app.registerCommands(commands); app.registerCommand(new ShellCommand(commands)); app.doMain(args); } }
Built-in commands can be used to either control YARN applications or
container clusters. All commands are under a package
java -jar <jar> push - Push new application version usage: java -jar <jar> push [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -v, --application-version Application version (default: app)
can be used to push an application into hdfs.
java -jar <jar> pushed - List pushed applications usage: java -jar <jar> pushed [options] No options specified
can be used to list information about an pushed
java -jar <jar> submit - Submit application usage: java -jar <jar> submit [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -n, --application-name Application name -v, --application-version Application version (default: app)
can be used to submit a new application instance.
java -jar <jar> submitted - List submitted applications usage: java -jar <jar> submitted [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -t, --application-type Application type (default: BOOT) -v, --verbose [Boolean] Verbose output (default: true)
can be used to list info about an submitted
java -jar <jar> kill - Kill application usage: java -jar <jar> kill [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -a, --application-id Specify YARN application id
can be used to kill a running application instance.
java -jar <jar> shutdown - Shutdown application usage: java -jar <jar> shutdown [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -a, --application-id Specify YARN application id
can be used to gracefully shutdown a running application instance.
![]() | Important |
See configuration requirements from the section called “Using YarnShutdownApplication”. |
java -jar <jar> clustersinfo - List clusters usage: java -jar <jar> clustersinfo [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -a, --application-id Specify YARN application id
can be used to list info about existing
java -jar <jar> clusterinfo - List cluster info usage: java -jar <jar> clusterinfo [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -a, --application-id Specify YARN application id -c, --cluster-id Specify cluster id -v, --verbose [Boolean] Verbose output (default: true)
can be used to list info about a cluster.
java -jar <jar> clustercreate - Create cluster usage: java -jar <jar> clustercreate [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -a, --application-id Specify YARN application id -c, --cluster-id Specify cluster id -h, --projection-hosts Projection hosts counts -i, --cluster-def Specify cluster def id -p, --projection-type Projection type -r, --projection-racks Projection racks counts -w, --projection-any Projection any count -y, --projection-data Raw projection data
can be used to create a new cluster.
java -jar <jar> clusterstart - Start cluster usage: java -jar <jar> clusterstart [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -a, --application-id Specify YARN application id -c, --cluster-id Specify cluster id
can be used to start an existing cluster.
java -jar <jar> clusterstop - Stop cluster usage: java -jar <jar> clusterstop [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -a, --application-id Specify YARN application id -c, --cluster-id Specify cluster id
can be used to stop an existing cluster.
java -jar <jar> clustermodify - Modify cluster usage: java -jar <jar> clustermodify [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -a, --application-id Specify YARN application id -c, --cluster-id Specify cluster id -h, --projection-hosts Projection hosts counts -r, --projection-racks Projection racks counts -w, --projection-any Projection any count
can be used to modify an existing cluster.
java -jar <jar> clusterdestroy - Destroy cluster usage: java -jar <jar> clusterdestroy [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -a, --application-id Specify YARN application id -c, --cluster-id Specify cluster id
can be used to destroy an existing cluster.
There are few different ways to implement a custom command. At a lowest
level org.springframework.boot.cli.command.Command
need to be
implemented by all commands to be used. Spring boot provides helper
classes named org.springframework.boot.cli.command.AbstractCommand
org.springframework.boot.cli.command.OptionParsingCommand to easy with
command implementation. All Spring YARN Boot Cli commands are based on
which makes
it easier to execute a boot based application context.
public class MyCommand extends AbstractCommand { public MyCommand() { super("command name", "command desc"); } public ExitStatus run(String... args) throws InterruptedException { // do something return ExitStatus.OK; } }
Above you can see the mostly simplistic command example.
public class MyCommand extends AbstractCommand { public MyCommand() { super("command name", "command desc", new MyOptionHandler()); } public static class MyOptionHandler extends ApplicationOptionHandler<String> { @Override protected void runApplication(OptionSet options) throws Exception { handleApplicationRun(new MyApplication()); } } public static class MyApplication extends AbstractClientApplication<String, MyApplication> { @Override public String run(String... args) { SpringApplicationBuilder builder = new SpringApplicationBuilder(); builder.web(false); builder.sources(MyApplication.class); SpringApplicationTemplate template = new SpringApplicationTemplate(builder); return template.execute(new SpringApplicationCallback<String>() { @Override public String runWithSpringApplication(ApplicationContext context) throws Exception { // do something return "Hello from my command"; } }, args); } @Override protected MyApplication getThis() { return this; } } }
Above example is more sophisticated command example where the actual
function of a command is done within a runWithSpringApplication
template callback which allows command to interact with Spring
While all commands can be used as is using an executable jar, there is a little overhead for bootstrapping jvm and Boot application context. To overcome this problem all commands can be used within a shell instance. Shell also brings you a command history and all commands are executed faster because a whole jvm and its libraries are already loaded.
Special command org.springframework.yarn.boot.cli.shell.ShellCommand can be used to register an internal shell instance which is reusing all other registered commands.
Spring YARN Cli (v2.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT) Hit TAB to complete. Type 'help' and hit RETURN for help, and 'exit' to quit. $ clear clustercreate clusterdestroy clusterinfo clustermodify clustersinfo clusterstart clusterstop exit help kill prompt push pushed submit submitted $ help submitted submitted - List submitted applications usage: submitted [options] Option Description ------ ----------- -t, --application-type Application type (default: BOOT) -v, --verbose [Boolean] Verbose output (default: true)
Hadoop testing has always been a cumbersome process especially if you try to do testing phase during the normal project build process. Traditionally developers have had few options like running Hadoop cluster either as a local or pseudo-distributed mode and then utilise that to run MapReduce jobs. Hadoop project itself is using a lot of mini clusters during the tests which provides better tools to run your code in an isolated environment.
Spring Hadoop and especially its Yarn module faced similar testing problems. Spring Hadoop provides testing facilities order to make testing on Hadoop much easier especially if code relies on Spring Hadoop itself. These testing facilities are also used internally to test Spring Hadoop, although some test cases still rely on a running Hadoop instance on a host where project build is executed.
Two central concepts of testing using Spring Hadoop is, firstly fire up the mini cluster and secondly use the configuration prepared by the mini cluster to talk to the Hadoop components. Now let’s go through the general testing facilities offered by Spring Hadoop.
Testing for MapReduce and Yarn in Spring Hadoop is separated into different packages mostly because these two components doesn’t have hard dependencies with each others. You will see a lot of similarities when creating tests for MapReduce and Yarn.
Mini clusters usually contain testing components from a Hadoop project itself. These are clusters for MapReduce Job handling and HDFS which are all run within a same process. In Spring Hadoop mini clusters are implementing interface HadoopCluster which provides methods for lifecycle and configuration. Spring Hadoop provides transitive maven dependencies against different Hadoop distributions and thus mini clusters are started using different implementations. This is mostly because we want to support HadoopV1 and HadoopV2 at a same time. All this is handled automatically at runtime so everything should be transparent to the end user.
public interface HadoopCluster { Configuration getConfiguration(); void start() throws Exception; void stop(); FileSystem getFileSystem() throws IOException; }
Currently one implementation named StandaloneHadoopCluster exists which supports simple cluster type where a number of nodes can be defined and then all the nodes will contain utilities for MapReduce Job handling and HDFS.
There are few ways how this cluster can be started depending on a use case. It is possible to use StandaloneHadoopCluster directly or configure and start it through HadoopClusterFactoryBean. Existing HadoopClusterManager is used in unit tests to cache running clusters.
![]() | Note |
It’s advisable not to use HadoopClusterManager outside of tests because literally it is using static fields to cache cluster references. This is a same concept used in Spring Test order to cache application contexts between the unit tests within a jvm. |
<bean id="hadoopCluster" class="org.springframework.data.hadoop.test.support.HadoopClusterFactoryBean"> <property name="clusterId" value="HadoopClusterTests"/> <property name="autoStart" value="true"/> <property name="nodes" value="1"/> </bean>
Example above defines a bean named hadoopCluster using a factory bean HadoopClusterFactoryBean. It defines a simple one node cluster which is started automatically.
Spring Hadoop components usually depend on Hadoop configuration which is then wired into these components during the application context startup phase. This was explained in previous chapters so we don’t go through it again. However this is now a catch-22 because we need the configuration for the context but it is not known until mini cluster has done its startup magic and prepared the configuration with correct values reflecting current runtime status of the cluster itself. Solution for this is to use other bean named ConfigurationDelegatingFactoryBean which will simply delegate the configuration request into the running cluster.
<bean id="hadoopConfiguredConfiguration" class="org.springframework.data.hadoop.test.support.ConfigurationDelegatingFactoryBean"> <property name="cluster" ref="hadoopCluster"/> </bean> <hdp:configuration id="hadoopConfiguration" configuration-ref="hadoopConfiguredConfiguration"/>
In the above example we created a bean named hadoopConfiguredConfiguration using ConfigurationDelegatingFactoryBean which simple delegates to hadoopCluster bean. Returned bean hadoopConfiguredConfiguration is type of Hadoop’s Configuration object so it could be used as it is.
Latter part of the example show how Spring Hadoop namespace is used to create another Configuration object which is using hadoopConfiguredConfiguration as a reference. This scenario would make sense if there is a need to add additional configuration options into running configuration used by other components. Usually it is suiteable to use cluster prepared configuration as it is.
It is perfecly all right to create your tests from scratch and for example create the cluster manually and then get the runtime configuration from there. This just needs some boilerplate code in your context configuration and unit test lifecycle.
Spring Hadoop adds additional facilities for the testing to make all this even easier.
@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) public abstract class AbstractHadoopClusterTests implements ApplicationContextAware { ... } @ContextConfiguration(loader=HadoopDelegatingSmartContextLoader.class) @MiniHadoopCluster public class ClusterBaseTestClassTests extends AbstractHadoopClusterTests { ... }
Above example shows the AbstractHadoopClusterTests and how ClusterBaseTestClassTests is prepared to be aware of a mini cluster. HadoopDelegatingSmartContextLoader offers same base functionality as the default DelegatingSmartContextLoader in a spring-test package. One additional thing what HadoopDelegatingSmartContextLoader does is to automatically handle running clusters and inject Configuration into the application context.
@MiniHadoopCluster(configName="hadoopConfiguration", clusterName="hadoopCluster", nodes=1, id="default")
Generally @MiniHadoopCluster annotation allows you to define injected bean name for mini cluster, its Configurations and a number of nodes you like to have in a cluster.
Spring Hadoop testing is dependant of general facilities of Spring Test framework meaning that everything what is cached during the test are reuseable withing other tests. One need to understand that if Hadoop mini cluster and its Configuration is injected into an Application Context, caching happens on a mercy of a Spring Testing meaning if a test Application Context is cached also mini cluster instance is cached. While caching is always prefered, one needs to understant that if tests are expecting vanilla environment to be present, test context should be dirtied using @DirtiesContext annotation.
Let’s study a proper example of existing MapReduce Job which is executed and tested using Spring Hadoop. This example is the Hadoop’s classic wordcount. We don’t go through all the details of this example because we want to concentrate on testing specific code and configuration.
<context:property-placeholder location="hadoop.properties" /> <hdp:job id="wordcountJob" input-path="${wordcount.input.path}" output-path="${wordcount.output.path}" libs="file:build/libs/mapreduce-examples-wordcount-*.jar" mapper="org.springframework.data.hadoop.examples.TokenizerMapper" reducer="org.springframework.data.hadoop.examples.IntSumReducer" /> <hdp:script id="setupScript" location="copy-files.groovy"> <hdp:property name="localSourceFile" value="data/nietzsche-chapter-1.txt" /> <hdp:property name="inputDir" value="${wordcount.input.path}" /> <hdp:property name="outputDir" value="${wordcount.output.path}" /> </hdp:script> <hdp:job-runner id="runner" run-at-startup="false" kill-job-at-shutdown="false" wait-for-completion="false" pre-action="setupScript" job-ref="wordcountJob" />
In above configuration example we can see few differences with the actual runtime configuration. Firstly you can see that we didn’t specify any kind of configuration for hadoop. This is because it’s is injected automatically by testing framework. Secondly because we want to explicitely wait the job to be run and finished, kill-job-at-shutdown and wait-for-completion are set to false.
@ContextConfiguration(loader=HadoopDelegatingSmartContextLoader.class) @MiniHadoopCluster public class WordcountTests extends AbstractMapReduceTests { @Test public void testWordcountJob() throws Exception { // run blocks and throws exception if job failed JobRunner runner = getApplicationContext().getBean("runner", JobRunner.class); Job wordcountJob = getApplicationContext().getBean("wordcountJob", Job.class); runner.call(); JobStatus finishedStatus = waitFinishedStatus(wordcountJob, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertThat(finishedStatus, notNullValue()); // get output files from a job Path[] outputFiles = getOutputFilePaths("/user/gutenberg/output/word/"); assertEquals(1, outputFiles.length); assertThat(getFileSystem().getFileStatus(outputFiles[0]).getLen(), greaterThan(0l)); // read through the file and check that line with // "themselves 6" was found boolean found = false; InputStream in = getFileSystem().open(outputFiles[0]); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("themselves")) { assertThat(line, is("themselves\t6")); found = true; } } reader.close(); assertThat("Keyword 'themselves' not found", found); } }
In above unit test class we simply run the job defined in xml, explicitely wait it to finish and then check the output content from HDFS by searching expected strings.
Mini cluster usually contain testing components from a Hadoop project itself. These are MiniYARNCluster for Resource Manager and MiniDFSCluster for Datanode and Namenode which are all run within a same process. In Spring Hadoop mini clusters are implementing interface YarnCluster which provides methods for lifecycle and configuration.
public interface YarnCluster { Configuration getConfiguration(); void start() throws Exception; void stop(); File getYarnWorkDir(); }
Currently one implementation named StandaloneYarnCluster exists which supports simple cluster type where a number of nodes can be defined and then all the nodes will have Yarn Node Manager and Hdfs Datanode, additionally a Yarn Resource Manager and Hdfs Namenode components are started.
There are few ways how this cluster can be started depending on a use case. It is possible to use StandaloneYarnCluster directly or configure and start it through YarnClusterFactoryBean. Existing YarnClusterManager is used in unit tests to cache running clusters.
![]() | Note |
It’s advisable not to use YarnClusterManager outside of tests because literally it is using static fields to cache cluster references. This is a same concept used in Spring Test order to cache application contexts between the unit tests within a jvm. |
<bean id="yarnCluster" class="org.springframework.yarn.test.support.YarnClusterFactoryBean"> <property name="clusterId" value="YarnClusterTests"/> <property name="autoStart" value="true"/> <property name="nodes" value="1"/> </bean>
Example above defines a bean named yarnCluster using a factory bean YarnClusterFactoryBean. It defines a simple one node cluster which is started automatically. Cluster working directories would then exist under below paths:
target/YarnClusterTests/ target/YarnClusterTests-dfs/
![]() | Note |
We rely on base classes from a Hadoop distribution and target base directory is hardcoded in Hadoop and is not configurable. |
Spring Yarn components usually depend on Hadoop configuration which is then wired into these components during the application context startup phase. This was explained in previous chapters so we don’t go through it again. However this is now a catch-22 because we need the configuration for the context but it is not known until mini cluster has done its startup magic and prepared the configuration with correct values reflecting current runtime status of the cluster itself. Solution for this is to use other factory bean class named ConfigurationDelegatingFactoryBean which will simple delegate the configuration request into the running cluster.
<bean id="yarnConfiguredConfiguration" class="org.springframework.yarn.test.support.ConfigurationDelegatingFactoryBean"> <property name="cluster" ref="yarnCluster"/> </bean> <yarn:configuration id="yarnConfiguration" configuration-ref="yarnConfiguredConfiguration"/>
In the above example we created a bean named yarnConfiguredConfiguration using ConfigurationDelegatingFactoryBean which simple delegates to yarnCluster bean. Returned bean yarnConfiguredConfiguration is type of Hadoop’s Configuration object so it could be used as it is.
Latter part of the example show how Spring Yarn namespace is used to create another Configuration object which is using yarnConfiguredConfiguration as a reference. This scenario would make sense if there is a need to add additional configuration options into running configuration used by other components. Usually it is suiteable to use cluster prepared configuration as it is.
It is perfecly all right to create your tests from scratch and for example create the cluster manually and then get the runtime configuration from there. This just needs some boilerplate code in your context configuration and unit test lifecycle.
Spring Hadoop adds additional facilities for the testing to make all this even easier.
@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) public abstract class AbstractYarnClusterTests implements ApplicationContextAware { ... } @ContextConfiguration(loader=YarnDelegatingSmartContextLoader.class) @MiniYarnCluster public class ClusterBaseTestClassTests extends AbstractYarnClusterTests { ... }
Above example shows the AbstractYarnClusterTests and how ClusterBaseTestClassTests is prepared to be aware of a mini cluster. YarnDelegatingSmartContextLoader offers same base functionality as the default DelegatingSmartContextLoader in a spring-test package. One additional thing what YarnDelegatingSmartContextLoader does is to automatically handle running clusters and inject Configuration into the application context.
@MiniYarnCluster(configName="yarnConfiguration", clusterName="yarnCluster", nodes=1, id="default")
Generally @MiniYarnCluster annotation allows you to define injected bean names for mini cluster, its Configurations and a number of nodes you like to have in a cluster.
Spring Hadoop Yarn testing is dependant of general facilities of Spring Test framework meaning that everything what is cached during the test are reuseable withing other tests. One need to understand that if Hadoop mini cluster and its Configuration is injected into an Application Context, caching happens on a mercy of a Spring Testing meaning if a test Application Context is cached also mini cluster instance is cached. While caching is always prefered, one needs to understant that if tests are expecting vanilla environment to be present, test context should be dirtied using @DirtiesContext annotation.
Spring Test Context configuration works exactly like you’d work with any other Spring Test based tests. It defaults on finding xml based config and fall back to Annotation based config. For example if one is working with JavaConfig a simple static configuration class can be used within the test class.
For test cases where additional context configuration is not needed a simple helper annotation @MiniYarnClusterTest can be used.
@MiniYarnClusterTest public class ActivatorTests extends AbstractBootYarnClusterTests { @Test public void testSomething(){ ... } }
In above example a simple test case was created using annontation @MiniYarnClusterTest. Behind a scenes it’s using junit and prepares a YARN minicluster for you and injects needed configuration for you.
Drawback of using a composed annotation like this is that the @Configuration is then applied from an annotation class itself and user can’t no longer add a static @Configuration class in a test class itself and expect Spring to pick it up from there which is a normal behaviour in Spring testing support. If user wants to use a simple composed annotation and use a custom @Configuration, one can simply duplicate functionality of this @MiniYarnClusterTest annotation.
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.TYPE) @ContextConfiguration(loader=YarnDelegatingSmartContextLoader.class) @MiniYarnCluster public @interface CustomMiniYarnClusterTest { @Configuration public static class Config { @Bean public String myCustomBean() { return "myCustomBean"; } } } @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @CustomMiniYarnClusterTest public class ComposedAnnotationTests { @Autowired private ApplicationContext ctx; @Test public void testBean() { assertTrue(ctx.containsBean("myCustomBean")); } }
In above example a custom composed annotation @CustomMiniYarnClusterTest was created and then used within a test class. This a great way to put your configuration is one place and still keep your test class relatively non-verbose.
Let’s study a proper example of existing Spring Yarn application and how this is tested during the build process. Multi Context Example is a simple Spring Yarn based application which simply launches Application Master and four Containers and withing those containers a custom code is executed. In this case simply a log message is written.
In real life there are different ways to test whether Hadoop Yarn application execution has been succesful or not. The obvious method would be to check the application instance execution status reported by Hadoop Yarn. Status of the execution doesn’t always tell the whole truth so i.e. if application is about to write something into HDFS as an output that could be used to check the proper outcome of an execution.
This example doesn’t write anything into HDFS and anyway it would be out of scope of this document for obvious reason. It is fairly straightforward to check file content from HDFS. One other interesting method is simply to check to application log files that being the Application Master and Container logs. Test methods can check exceptions or expected log entries from a log files to determine whether test is succesful or not.
In this chapter we don’t go through how Multi Context Example is configured and what it actually does, for that read the documentation about the examples. However we go through what needs to be done order to test this example application using testing support offered by Spring Hadoop.
In this example we gave instructions to copy library dependencies into Hdfs and then those entries were used within resouce localizer to tell Yarn to copy those files into Container working directory. During the unit testing when mini cluster is launched there are no files present in Hdfs because cluster is initialized from scratch. Furtunalety Spring Hadoop allows you to copy files into Hdfs during the localization process from a local file system where Application Context is executed. Only thing we need is the actual library files which can be assembled during the build process. Spring Hadoop Examples build system rely on Gradle so collecting dependencies is an easy task.
<yarn:localresources> <yarn:hdfs path="/app/multi-context/*.jar"/> <yarn:hdfs path="/lib/*.jar"/> </yarn:localresources>
Above configuration exists in application-context.xml and appmaster-context.xml files. This is a normal application configuration expecting static files already be present in Hdfs. This is usually done to minimize latency during the application submission and execution.
<yarn:localresources> <yarn:copy src="file:build/dependency-libs/*" dest="/lib/"/> <yarn:copy src="file:build/libs/*" dest="/app/multi-context/"/> <yarn:hdfs path="/app/multi-context/*.jar"/> <yarn:hdfs path="/lib/*.jar"/> </yarn:localresources>
Above example is from MultiContextTest-context.xml which provides the runtime context configuration talking with mini cluster during the test phase.
When we do context configuration for YarnClient during the testing phase all we need to do is to add copy elements which will transfer needed libraries into Hdfs before the actual localization process will fire up. When those files are copied into Hdfs running in a mini cluster we’re basically in a same point if using a real Hadoop cluster with existing files.
![]() | Note |
Running tests which depends on copying files into Hdfs it is mandatory to use build system which is able to prepare these files for you. You can’t do this within IDE’s which have its own ways to execute unit tests. |
The complete example of running the test, checking the application execution status and finally checking the expected state of log files:
@ContextConfiguration(loader=YarnDelegatingSmartContextLoader.class) @MiniYarnCluster public class MultiContextTests extends AbstractYarnClusterTests { @Test @Timed(millis=70000) public void testAppSubmission() throws Exception { YarnApplicationState state = submitApplicationAndWait(); assertNotNull(state); assertTrue(state.equals(YarnApplicationState.FINISHED)); File workDir = getYarnCluster().getYarnWorkDir(); PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(); String locationPattern = "file:" + workDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/**/*.std*"; Resource[] resources = resolver.getResources(locationPattern); // appmaster and 4 containers should // make it 10 log files assertThat(resources, notNullValue()); assertThat(resources.length, is(10)); for (Resource res : resources) { File file = res.getFile(); if (file.getName().endsWith("stdout")) { // there has to be some content in stdout file assertThat(file.length(), greaterThan(0l)); if (file.getName().equals("Container.stdout")) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file); String content = scanner.useDelimiter("\\A").next(); scanner.close(); // this is what container will log in stdout assertThat(content, containsString("Hello from MultiContextBeanExample")); } } else if (file.getName().endsWith("stderr")) { // can't have anything in stderr files assertThat(file.length(), is(0l)); } } } }
In previous sections we showed a generic concepts of unit testing in Spring Hadoop and Spring YARN. We also have a first class support for testing Spring Boot based applications made for YARN.
@MiniYarnClusterTest public class AppTests extends AbstractBootYarnClusterTests { @Test public void testApp() throws Exception { ApplicationInfo info = submitApplicationAndWait(ClientApplication.class, new String[0]); assertThat(info.getYarnApplicationState(), is(YarnApplicationState.FINISHED)); List<Resource> resources = ContainerLogUtils.queryContainerLogs( getYarnCluster(), info.getApplicationId()); assertThat(resources, notNullValue()); assertThat(resources.size(), is(4)); for (Resource res : resources) { File file = res.getFile(); String content = ContainerLogUtils.getFileContent(file); if (file.getName().endsWith("stdout")) { assertThat(file.length(), greaterThan(0l)); if (file.getName().equals("Container.stdout")) { assertThat(content, containsString("Hello from HelloPojo")); } } else if (file.getName().endsWith("stderr")) { assertThat("stderr with content: " + content, file.length(), is(0l)); } } } }
Let’s go through step by step what’s happening in this JUnit class. As already mentioned earlier we don’t need any existing or running Hadoop instances, instead testing framework from Spring YARN provides an easy way to fire up a mini cluster where your tests can be run in an isolated environment.
Then it’s time to deploy the application into a running minicluster
method simply runs your ClientApplication
and expects it to an application deployment. On default it will wait 60
seconds an application to finish and returns an current state.
We use ContainerLogUtils to find our container logs files from a minicluster.
This section provides some guidance on how one can use the Spring for Apache Hadoop project in conjunction with other Spring projects, starting with the Spring Framework itself, then Spring Batch, and then Spring Integration.
Spring for Apache Hadoop provides integration with the Spring Framework to create and run Hadoop MapReduce, Hive, and Pig jobs as well as work with HDFS and HBase. If you have simple needs to work with Hadoop, including basic scheduling, you can add the Spring for Apache Hadoop namespace to your Spring based project and get going quickly using Hadoop.
As the complexity of your Hadoop application increases, you may want to use Spring Batch to regain on the complexity of developing a large Hadoop application. Spring Batch provides an extension to the Spring programming model to support common batch job scenarios characterized by the processing of large amounts of data from flat files, databases and messaging systems. It also provides a workflow style processing model, persistent tracking of steps within the workflow, event notification, as well as administrative functionality to start/stop/restart a workflow. As Spring Batch was designed to be extended, Spring for Apache Hadoop plugs into those extensibilty points, allowing for Hadoop related processing to be a first class citizen in the Spring Batch processing model.
Another project of interest to Hadoop developers is Spring Integration. Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring programming model to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns. It enables lightweight messaging within Spring-based applications and supports integration with external systems via declarative adapters. These adapters are of particular interest to Hadoop developers, as they directly support common Hadoop use-cases such as polling a directory or FTP folder for the presence of a file or group of files. Then once the files are present, a message is sent internally to the application to do additional processing. This additional processing can be calling a Hadoop MapReduce job directly or starting a more complex Spring Batch based workflow. Similarly, a step in a Spring Batch workflow can invoke functionality in Spring Integration, for example to send a message though an email adapter.
No matter if you use the Spring Batch project with the Spring Framework by itself or with additional extentions such as Spring Batch and Spring Integration that focus on a particular domain, you will benefit from the core values that Spring projects bring to the table, namely enabling modularity, reuse and extensive support for unit and integration testing.
Spring Batch integrates with a variety of job schedulers and is not a scheduling framework. There are many good enterprise schedulers available in both the commercial and open source spaces such as Quartz, Tivoli, Control-M, etc. It is intended to work in conjunction with a scheduler, not replace a scheduler. As a lightweight solution, you can use Spring’s built in scheduling support that will give you cron-like and other basic scheduling trigger functionality. See the Task Execution and Scheduling documention for more info. A middle ground it to use Spring’s Quartz integration, see Using the OpenSymphony Quartz Scheduler for more information. The Spring Batch distribution contains an example, but this documentation will be updated to provide some more directed examples with Hadoop, check for updates on the main web site of Spring for Apache Hadoop.
Spring Batch lets you attach listeners at the job and step levels to perform additional processing. For example, at the end of a job you can perform some notification or perhaps even start another Spring Batch job. As a brief example, implement the interface JobExecutionListener and configure it into the Spring Batch job as shown below.
<batch:job id="job1"> <batch:step id="import" next="wordcount"> <batch:tasklet ref="script-tasklet"/> </batch:step> <batch:step id="wordcount"> <batch:tasklet ref="wordcount-tasklet" /> </batch:step> <batch:listeners> <batch:listener ref="simpleNotificatonListener"/> </batch:listeners> </batch:job> <bean id="simpleNotificatonListener" class="com.mycompany.myapp.SimpleNotificationListener"/>
The sample applications have been moved into their own repository so they can be developed independently of the Spring for Apache Hadoop release cycle. They can be found on GitHub https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-hadoop-samples/.
We also keep a numerous Spring IO getting started guides up to date with a latest GA release at https://spring.io/guides?filter=yarn.
The wiki page for the Spring for Apache Hadoop project has more documentation for building and running the examples and there is also some instructions in the README file of each example.
In addition to this reference documentation, there are a number of other resources that may help you learn how to use Hadoop and Spring framework. These additional, third-party resources are enumerated in this section.