ClassDescriptionRepresents the change happening to the aggregate (as used in the context of Domain Driven Design) as a whole.The kind of action to be performed on an aggregate.
that uses aMappingContext
to apply basic conversion of relational values to property values.BatchingAggregateChange<T,C extends MutableAggregateChange<T>> Represents the changes happening to one or more aggregates (as used in the context of Domain Driven Design) as a whole.DbAction<T>An instance of this interface represents a (conceptual) single interaction with a database, e.g. a single update, used as a step when synchronizing the state of an aggregate with the database.Represents an acquire lock statement for all aggregate roots of a given type.Represents an acquire lock statement for a aggregate root when only the ID is known.Represents a batch delete statement for multiple entities that are reachable via a given path from the aggregate root.Represents a batch delete statement for multiple entities that are aggregate roots.Represents a batch insert statement for a multiple entities that are not aggregate roots.Represents a batch insert statement for a multiple entities that are aggregate roots.DbAction.BatchWithValue<T,A extends DbAction<T>, B> Represents a batch ofDbAction
that share a common value for a property of the action.Represents a delete statement for all entities that that a reachable via a give path from the aggregate root.Represents an delete statement for all entities that that a reachable via a give path from any aggregate root of a given type.Represents a delete statement for all aggregate roots of a given type.Represents a delete statement for a aggregate root when only the ID is known.Represents an insert statement for a single entity that is not the root of an aggregate.Represents an insert statement for the root of an aggregate.Represents an update statement for the aggregate root.An action depending on another action for providing additional information like the id of a parent entity.ADbAction
that stores the information of a single entity in the database.ADbAction
not operation on the root of an aggregate but on its contained entities.ADbAction
pertaining to the root on an aggregate.Exception thrown when during the execution of aDbAction
an exception gets thrown.Represents the change happening to the aggregate (as used in the context of Domain Driven Design) as a whole.ABatchingAggregateChange
implementation for delete changes that can contain actions for one or more delete operations.Enumeration describing the source of a value for an id property.Represents the change happening to the aggregate (as used in the context of Domain Driven Design) as a whole.ARelationalConverter
is responsible for converting for values to the native relational representation and vice versa.Converts an entity that is about to be deleted intoDbAction
s inside aMutableAggregateChange
that need to be executed against the database to recreate the appropriate state in the database.Converts an aggregate represented by its root into aRootAggregateChange
.Converts an aggregate represented by its root into aRootAggregateChange
.Utilities commonly used to set/get properties for instances of RelationalPersistentEntities.Converts an aggregate represented by its root into aRootAggregateChange
.Represents the change happening to the aggregate (as used in the context of Domain Driven Design) as a whole.ABatchingAggregateChange
implementation for save changes that can contain actions for any mix of insert and update operations.