Spring Data LDAP Changelog ========================== Changes in version 1.0.2.RELEASE (2017-04-19) --------------------------------------------- * DATALDAP-25 - Fix link to spring-ldap documentation in reference documentation. * DATALDAP-24 - Release 1.0.2 (Ingalls SR2). Changes in version 2.0.0.M2 (2017-04-04) ---------------------------------------- * DATALDAP-27 - Replace nexus.codehaus.org in TravisCI build with oss.sonatype.org. * DATALDAP-25 - Fix link to spring-ldap documentation in reference documentation. * DATALDAP-21 - Integrate Data Commons Java 8 upgrade branch. * DATALDAP-18 - Upgrade to Spring Data LDAP 2.3.1. * DATALDAP-17 - Update project documentation with the CLA tool integration. * DATALDAP-15 - Upgrade to Spring LDAP 2.3 RC1. * DATALDAP-14 - Add build profile for next Spring LDAP version. * DATALDAP-12 - Upgrade to a newer JDK version on TravisCI. * DATALDAP-11 - Upgrade to Spring LDAP 2.2.0 GA. * DATALDAP-9 - Adapt API in RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport implementation. * DATALDAP-8 - Set up 2.0 development. Changes in version 1.0.1.RELEASE (2017-03-02) --------------------------------------------- * DATALDAP-20 - Release 1.0.1 (Ingalls SR1). Changes in version 1.0.0.RELEASE (2017-01-26) --------------------------------------------- * DATALDAP-19 - Release 1.0 GA (Ingalls). * DATALDAP-18 - Upgrade to Spring Data LDAP 2.3.1. * DATALDAP-17 - Update project documentation with the CLA tool integration. Changes in version 1.0.0.RC1 (2016-12-21) ------------------------------------------ * DATALDAP-1 - Create namespace handler and XML schema. * DATALDAP-2 - Support repositoryBaseClass and considerNestedRepositories in @EnableLdapRepositories annotation. * DATALDAP-3 - Setup TravisCI build. * DATALDAP-6 - Register repository factory in spring.factories for multi-store support. * DATALDAP-7 - Migrate tests to AssertJ. * DATALDAP-9 - Adapt API in RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport implementation. * DATALDAP-10 - Disable inclusion of manifest file in build. * DATALDAP-11 - Upgrade to Spring LDAP 2.2.0 GA. * DATALDAP-12 - Upgrade to a newer JDK version on TravisCI. * DATALDAP-14 - Add build profile for next Spring LDAP version. * DATALDAP-15 - Upgrade to Spring LDAP 2.3 RC1. * DATALDAP-16 - Release 1.0 RC1. Changes in version 1.0.0.M1 (2016-11-11) ---------------------------------------- * Introducing generic repository implementation for LDAP * Automatic implementation of interface query method names on repositories.