Spring Data R2DBC Changelog =========================== Changes in version 1.0.0.M1 (2018-12-12) ---------------------------------------- * #36 - Release 1.0 M1. * #35 - Simplify reference documentation setup. * #32 - Drop oracle-java8-installer from TravisCI build. * #30 - Add support for Custom Conversions for array-types. * #27 - Add project site redirect. * #26 - Add support to write simple type collections as arrays. * #25 - Provide reference documentation. * #21 - Upgrade to R2DBC 1.0M6. * #20 - Add Dialect support to apply driver-specific bind markers. * #18 - Cleanup pom.xml and upgrade dependencies. * #16 - Add abstract configuration class for R2DBC. * #15 - Add support for parameter bind markers. * #14 - RETURNING * does not work on H2. * #13 - Add configuration components for @EnableR2dbcRepositories. * #12 - SimpleR2dbcRepository does not retain item order on save(…). * #11 - Adapt Statement.bind(…) calls to newly introduced positional (integer-arg) binding. * #10 - Adapt to removed Statement.executeReturningGeneratedKeys(). * #9 - H2Statement does not define or inherit an implementation of bind(Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Object;). * #8 - exchange() should allow to deal with DROP or CREATE requests. * #6 - Preserving order on multiple inserts. * #5 - Build failures due to failing Oracle JDK downloads. * #2 - Add initial support for DatabaseClient and Reactive Repositories. * #1 - Setup repository.