Interface R2dbcDialect

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
H2Dialect, MySqlDialect, OracleDialect, PostgresDialect, SqlServerDialect

public interface R2dbcDialect extends
R2DBC-specific extension to Dialect. Represents a dialect that is implemented by a particular database.
Mark Paluch, Jens Schauder, Michael Berry
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the BindMarkersFactory used by this dialect.
    Return a collection of converters for this dialect.
    Return the SimpleTypeHolder for this dialect.
    default Collection<? extends Class<?>>
    Return a collection of types that are natively supported by this database/driver.
    default String
    renderForGeneratedValues( identifier)
    Render a SqlIdentifier in a way suitable for registering it as a generated key with a statement through Statement#returnGeneratedValues.

    Methods inherited from interface

    getArraySupport, getExistsFunction, getIdentifierProcessing, getIdGeneration, getInsertRenderContext, getLikeEscaper, getSelectContext, limit, lock, orderByNullHandling, simpleTypes, supportsSingleQueryLoading
  • Method Details

    • getBindMarkersFactory

      BindMarkersFactory getBindMarkersFactory()
      Returns the BindMarkersFactory used by this dialect.
      the BindMarkersFactory used by this dialect.
    • getSimpleTypes

      default Collection<? extends Class<?>> getSimpleTypes()
      Return a collection of types that are natively supported by this database/driver. Defaults to Collections.emptySet().
      a collection of types that are natively supported by this database/driver. Defaults to Collections.emptySet().
    • getSimpleTypeHolder

      default SimpleTypeHolder getSimpleTypeHolder()
      Return the SimpleTypeHolder for this dialect.
      the SimpleTypeHolder for this dialect.
      See Also:
    • getConverters

      default Collection<Object> getConverters()
      Return a collection of converters for this dialect.
      Specified by:
      getConverters in interface
      a collection of converters for this dialect.
    • renderForGeneratedValues

      default String renderForGeneratedValues( identifier)
      Render a SqlIdentifier in a way suitable for registering it as a generated key with a statement through Statement#returnGeneratedValues. The default implementation renders it as it would render a SQL representation of the identifier, i.e. with quotes where applicable.
      identifier - to render. Must not be null.
      rendered identifier. Guaranteed to be not null.