All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for Spring Data R2DBC configuration containing bean declarations that must be registered for Spring Data R2DBC to work.
Base class for reactive RepositoryQuery implementations for R2DBC.
Callback being invoked after a domain object is materialized from a row when reading results.
Entity callback triggered after save of a OutboundRow.
Utilities for array interaction.
Callback being invoked before a domain object is converted to be persisted.
Entity callback triggered before save of a row.
Interface declaring a query that supplies SQL and can bind parameters to a DatabaseClient.GenericExecuteSpec.
Utility to bind Parameter to a BindTarget.
Value object representing Assignments with their Bindings.
Value object representing a Condition with its Bindings.
Default ReactiveDataAccessStrategy implementation.
Exception thrown when DialectResolver cannot resolve a R2dbcDialect.
SPI to extend Spring's default R2DBC Dialect discovery mechanism.
Annotation to enable auditing in R2DBC via annotation configuration.
Annotation to activate reactive relational repositories using R2DBC.
Maps a Row to an entity of type T, including entities referenced.
Support class to natively write Enum values to the database.
Stripped down interface providing access to a fluent API that specifies a basic set of reactive R2DBC operations.
R2DBC dialect for H2.
Converter for R2DBC.
Indicates a query method should be considered a modifying query that returns nothing or the number of rows affected by the query.
An SQL dialect for MySQL.
Simple singleton to convert Booleans to their Byte representation.
Simple singleton to convert Bytes to their Boolean representation.
An SQL dialect for Oracle.
Representation of a Row to be written through a INSERT or UPDATE statement.
An AbstractR2dbcQuery implementation based on a PartTree.
Simple helper to be able to wire the PersistentEntities from a R2dbcMappingContext bean available in the application context.
An SQL dialect for Postgres.
Annotation to provide SQL statements that will get used for executing the method.
Maps CriteriaDefinition and Sort objects considering mapping metadata and dialect-specific conversion.
Value object to represent a field and its meta-information.
Extension of QueryMapper.Field to be backed with mapping metadata.
Central R2DBC specific converter interface.
Value object to capture custom conversion.
R2DBC-specific extension to Dialect.
Interface specifying a basic set of reactive R2DBC operations using entities.
Implementation of R2dbcEntityOperations.
R2DBC-specific extension to RelationalMappingContext.
Reactive specific implementation of QueryMethod.
R2DBC specific Repository interface with reactive support.
Factory to create R2dbcRepository instances.
FactoryBean to create R2dbcRepository instances.
Simple constant holder for a SimpleTypeHolder enriched with R2DBC specific simple types.
Reactive EntityCallback to populate auditing related fields on an entity about to be saved.
since 1.2 in favor of using direct usage of StatementMapper, UpdateMapper and R2dbcConverter.
Interface to retrieve parameters for named parameter processing.
The ReactiveDeleteOperation interface allows creation and execution of DELETE operations in a fluent API style.
Required filter.
Table override (optional).
The ReactiveDeleteOperation.ReactiveDelete interface provides methods for constructing DELETE operations in a fluent way.
Trigger DELETE operation by calling one of the terminating methods.
The ReactiveInsertOperation interface allows creation and execution of INSERT operations in a fluent API style.
Table override (optional).
The ReactiveInsertOperation.ReactiveInsert interface provides methods for constructing INSERT operations in a fluent way.
Trigger INSERT execution by calling one of the terminating methods.
The ReactiveSelectOperation interface allows creation and execution of SELECT operations in a fluent API style.
The ReactiveSelectOperation.ReactiveSelect interface provides methods for constructing SELECT operations in a fluent way.
Result type override (optional).
Define a Query used as the filter for the SELECT.
Table override (optional).
Trigger SELECT execution by calling one of the terminating methods.
The ReactiveUpdateOperation interface allows creation and execution of UPDATE operations in a fluent API style.
The ReactiveUpdateOperation.ReactiveUpdate interface provides methods for constructing UPDATE operations in a fluent way.
Trigger UPDATE execution by calling one of the terminating methods.
Define a Query used as the filter for the Update.
Table override (optional).
Delegate to handle scroll queries and create result Window.
Simple ReactiveSortingRepository implementation using R2DBC through DatabaseClient.
An SQL dialect for Microsoft SQL Server.
Mapper for statement specifications to PreparedOperation.
DELETE specification.
INSERT specification.
SELECT specification.
Extension to StatementMapper that is associated with a type.
UPDATE specification.
String-based StringBasedR2dbcQuery implementation.
A subclass of QueryMapper that maps Update to update assignments.