Interface RedisCommands

All Superinterfaces:
RedisConnectionCommands, RedisGeoCommands, RedisHashCommands, RedisHyperLogLogCommands, RedisKeyCommands, RedisListCommands, RedisPubSubCommands, RedisScriptingCommands, RedisServerCommands, RedisSetCommands, RedisStreamCommands, RedisStringCommands, RedisTxCommands, RedisZSetCommands
All Known Subinterfaces:
DefaultedRedisClusterConnection, DefaultedRedisConnection, RedisClusterConnection, RedisConnection, RedisConnectionUtils.RedisConnectionProxy, StringRedisConnection
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRedisConnection, DefaultStringRedisConnection, JedisClusterConnection, JedisConnection, LettuceClusterConnection, LettuceConnection

Interface for the commands supported by Redis.
Costin Leau, Christoph Strobl, Mark Paluch
  • Method Details

    • execute

      @Nullable Object execute(String command, byte[]... args)
      'Native' or 'raw' execution of the given command along-side the given arguments. The command is executed as is, with as little 'interpretation' as possible - it is up to the caller to take care of any processing of arguments or the result.
      command - Command to execute. must not be null.
      args - Possible command arguments (may be empty).
      execution result. Can be null.