Spring Data web configuration.
ClassDescriptionAnnotation to automatically register the following beans for usage with Spring MVC.Import selector to register
as configuration class if Querydsl is on the classpath.Import selector to import the appropriate configuration class depending on whether Spring HATEOAS is present on the classpath.Registers a bean definition forSpringDataWebSettings
carrying the configuration values ofEnableSpringDataWebSupport
.JavaConfig class to registerPagedResourcesAssembler
.Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize theOffsetScrollPositionHandlerMethodArgumentResolver
configuration.Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize thePageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver
configuration.Configuration class to register aBeanPostProcessor
to augmentRequestMappingHandlerAdapter
with aProxyingHandlerMethodArgumentResolver
.Querydsl-specific web configuration for Spring Data.Querydsl-specific web configuration for Spring Data.Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize theSortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver
configuration.JavaConfig class to export Jackson specific configuration.A Jackson module customizing the serialization ofPageImpl
instances depending on theSpringDataWebSettings
handed into the instance.Marker interface to describe configuration classes that ship Jackson modules that are supposed to be added to the JacksonObjectMapper
configured forEnableSpringDataWebSupport
.Configuration class to registerPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver
.All Spring Data web-related settings (usually viaEnableSpringDataWebSupport