Spring Data REST Changelog ========================== Changes in version 2.2.1.RELEASE (2014-10-30) --------------------------------------------- * DATAREST-401 - Release 2.2.1. * DATAREST-385 - Projection doesn't work with a @MappedSuperclass. * DATAREST-384 - Query method do not consider Sort parameters. * DATAREST-381 - Controllers for Alps and repository listing get listed under the root even if a base URI is configured. Changes in version 2.2.0.RELEASE (2014-09-05) --------------------------------------------- * DATAREST-381 - Controllers for Alps and repository listing get listed under the root even if a base URI is configured. * DATAREST-380 - Release 2.2 GA. Changes in version 2.1.4.RELEASE (2014-08-27) --------------------------------------------- * DATAREST-378 - Release 2.1.4. Changes in version 2.2.0.RC1 (2014-08-13) ----------------------------------------- * DATAREST-374 - Release 2.2 RC1. * DATAREST-364 - Move to Asciidoctor for reference documentation. * DATAREST-362 - Improve configuration setup for Spring Boot compatibility. * DATAREST-353 - Deleting a non-existing resource leads to NullPointerException in RepositoryEntityController. * DATAREST-319 - Add means to prefer deleting by object instead of deleting by id. Changes in version 2.1.2.RELEASE (2014-07-28) --------------------------------------------- * DATAREST-362 - Improve configuration setup for Spring Boot compatibility. * DATAREST-361 - Release 2.1.2. * DATAREST-353 - Deleting a non-existing resource leads to NullPointerException in RepositoryEntityController. * DATAREST-351 - Upgrade to Evo Inflector 1.2 to stay Java 6 compatible. * DATAREST-346 - ReflectionRepositoryInvoker doesn't apply conversion on invocation of an overridden delete(…) method. * DATAREST-343 - Fix Jackson dependency setup. * DATAREST-212 - Update documentation to reflect new way of parsing sorting options. Changes in version 2.2.0.M1 (2014-07-10) ---------------------------------------- * DATAREST-352 - Remove links to forum.spring.io. * DATAREST-351 - Upgrade to Evo Inflector 1.2 to stay Java 6 compatible. * DATAREST-350 - Release 2.2 M1. * DATAREST-348 - Add support for application/json-patch+json and application/merge-patch+json. * DATAREST-346 - ReflectionRepositoryInvoker doesn't apply conversion on invocation of an overridden delete(…) method. * DATAREST-345 - Nulling out fields doesn't work on PATCH requests. * DATAREST-343 - Fix Jackson dependency setup. * DATAREST-341 - Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 0.14.0.RELEASE. * DATAREST-340 - Non-persistent properties not rendered. * DATAREST-336 - Default mapping setup to render ISO8601 dates by default. * DATAREST-335 - Overriding repositories delete method results in "argument type mismatch" exception. * DATAREST-333 - Handle OPTIONS request for CORS. * DATAREST-331 - Improvements in ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler. * DATAREST-330 - Resources should support HEAD method. * DATAREST-329 - RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration causes eager initialization of beans. * DATAREST-328 - Serialization errors if type contains only renamed properties. * DATAREST-327 - Collection references are removed on PUT and PATCH if defaulted to empty collections. * DATAREST-325 - ReflectionRepositoryInvoker fails to invoke non-public methods. * DATAREST-324 - Fix typos. * DATAREST-323 - Clean up README and docbook text. * DATAREST-320 - Fields with @JsonProperty are ignored on serialization. * DATAREST-318 - BaseUri does not strip template variables correctly if invoked with NativeWebRequest. * DATAREST-317 - Add support for excerpt projections. * DATAREST-316 - UriStringDeserializer should guard against URI templates submitted. * DATAREST-311 - executeSearchCompact - Mismatch argument name and path variable name. * DATAREST-230 - Add the ability to expose an ALPS resource for service documentation. * DATAREST-212 - Update documentation to reflect new way of parsing sorting options. * DATAREST-182 - PlatformTransactionManager can't be autowired if more than one available in ApplicationContext. Changes in version 2.1.1.RELEASE (2014-06-30) --------------------------------------------- * DATAREST-341 - Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 0.14.0.RELEASE. * DATAREST-340 - Non-persistent properties not rendered. * DATAREST-337 - Release 2.1.1. * DATAREST-335 - Overriding repositories delete method results in "argument type mismatch" exception. * DATAREST-331 - Improvements in ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler. * DATAREST-330 - Resources should support HEAD method. * DATAREST-329 - RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration causes eager initialization of beans. * DATAREST-328 - Serialization errors if type contains only renamed properties. * DATAREST-327 - Collection references are removed on PUT and PATCH if defaulted to empty collections. * DATAREST-325 - ReflectionRepositoryInvoker fails to invoke non-public methods. * DATAREST-320 - Fields with @JsonProperty are ignored on serialization. * DATAREST-318 - BaseUri does not strip template variables correctly if invoked with NativeWebRequest. * DATAREST-316 - UriStringDeserializer should guard against URI templates submitted. * DATAREST-311 - executeSearchCompact - Mismatch argument name and path variable name. * DATAREST-182 - PlatformTransactionManager can't be autowired if more than one available in ApplicationContext. Changes in version 2.0.3.RELEASE (2014-06-18) --------------------------------------------- * DATAREST-322 - Release 2.0.3. * DATAREST-318 - BaseUri does not strip template variables correctly if invoked with NativeWebRequest. * DATAREST-316 - UriStringDeserializer should guard against URI templates submitted. * DATAREST-311 - executeSearchCompact - Mismatch argument name and path variable name. * DATAREST-305 - Enable Java 8 build in maven configuration. * DATAREST-301 - Illegal character '{' in URL when using projection and PUT request. * DATAREST-300 - Request processing shouldn't fail for unexpanded URI templates. * DATAREST-298 - "rel" attribute of @RestResource should be optional. * DATAREST-292 - Reconfiguring baseUri isn't enough to change path to resolve URI links. * DATAREST-276 - 500 returned if URL ends with /. Changes in version 2.1.0.RELEASE (2014-05-20) --------------------------------------------- * DATAREST-307 - Root mapping not discovered on Tomcat. * DATAREST-306 - Release 2.1 GA. * DATAREST-305 - Enable Java 8 build in maven configuration. * DATAREST-301 - Illegal character '{' in URL when using projection and PUT request. * DATAREST-300 - Request processing shouldn't fail for unexpanded URI templates. Changes in version 2.1.0.RC1 (2014-05-02) ----------------------------------------- * DATAREST-298 - "rel" attribute of @RestResource should be optional. * DATAREST-297 - Release 2.1 RC1. * DATAREST-296 - Absolute base URI not applied correctly. * DATAREST-294 - Improve media type defaulting. * DATAREST-292 - Reconfiguring baseUri isn't enough to change path to resolve URI links. * DATAREST-288 - RepositorySchemaController must not depend on javax.validation. * DATAREST-276 - 500 returned if URL ends with /. Changes in version 2.0.2.RELEASE (2014-04-15) --------------------------------------------- ** Bug * [DATAREST-288] - RepositorySchemaController must not depend on javax.validation ** Task * [DATAREST-291] - Release 2.0.2 Changes in version 2.1.0.M1 (2014-03-31) ---------------------------------------- ** Bug * [DATAREST-150] - PUT vs PATCH with JPA * [DATAREST-247] - NPE when calling count Queries in SD MongoDB Repositories * [DATAREST-253] - AssociationOmittingSerializerModifier suffers from potential NullPointerException * [DATAREST-254] - org.springframework.data.rest.webmvc.json.PersistentEntityJackson2Module does not properly handle JPA @Transient annotation during serialization yeilding a NPE * [DATAREST-261] - RepositoryRelProvider is not registered * [DATAREST-265] - POST/Create with Non-CRUD Repository doesn't save (only checks exists()) * [DATAREST-267] - (Potentially) unwanted behaviour for self hrefs with projections * [DATAREST-268] - Exception when putting element with return type * [DATAREST-271] - PaginationCustomizations are not applied ** Improvement * [DATAREST-155] - Allow overriding which field gets exposed in the URI * [DATAREST-262] - Support nested association creation for updating operations * [DATAREST-277] - Adapt changes in BeanWrapper API * [DATAREST-278] - Add converters to bind new geo-types from request parameters * [DATAREST-279] - Add marshalling support for newly introduced geo types * [DATAREST-280] - Let configuration lookup MappingContexts less aggressively * [DATAREST-281] - Upgrade to Spring Data Gemfire 1.4.x branch ** New Feature * [DATAREST-221] - Support use case-driven inlining of managed resources ** Task * [DATAREST-257] - Release 2.1 M1 Changes in version 2.0.1.RELEASE (2014-03-13) --------------------------------------------- ** Bug * [DATAREST-150] - PUT vs PATCH with JPA * [DATAREST-247] - NPE when calling count Queries in SD MongoDB Repositories * [DATAREST-253] - AssociationOmittingSerializerModifier suffers from potential NullPointerException * [DATAREST-254] - org.springframework.data.rest.webmvc.json.PersistentEntityJackson2Module does not properly handle JPA @Transient annotation during serialization yeilding a NPE * [DATAREST-261] - RepositoryRelProvider is not registered * [DATAREST-267] - (Potentially) unwanted behaviour for self hrefs with projections * [DATAREST-268] - Exception when putting element with return type * [DATAREST-271] - PaginationCustomizations are not applied ** Task * [DATAREST-258] - Release 2.0.1 Changes in version 2.0.0.RELEASE (2014-02-24) --------------------------------------------- ** Bug * [DATAREST-50] - Properties with null values are always omitted from the JSON * [DATAREST-117] - @JsonIgnore and other Jackson annotations are ignored * [DATAREST-143] - PUT of entity with links fails.. * [DATAREST-216] - AOP proxying does not work for findOne(ID) method * [DATAREST-217] - Crud or PagingAndSorting based repository entites still listed when findAll method is 'exported = false' * [DATAREST-238] - PUT on entity with self links causes changes to be overwritten with old values * [DATAREST-246] - ValidatingRepositoryEventListener should use Repositories more lenient * [DATAREST-250] - Embedded associations do not get rendered ** Improvement * [DATAREST-95] - Add support for partial updates using PATCH * [DATAREST-228] - Add enforcer plugin to the maven build process * [DATAREST-248] - Creating resources using POST should support providing URIs for non-optional associations * [DATAREST-252] - Documentation overhaul ** Task * [DATAREST-249] - Release 2.0 GA Changes in version 2.0.0.RC1 (2014-01-29) ----------------------------------------- ** Bug * [DATAREST-107] - @RestResource exported=false ignored on methods * [DATAREST-130] - Updating value to NULL using Spring Data REST and PUT Method * [DATAREST-188] - Spring data rest wrongly handles jpa collection attributes * [DATAREST-195] - Limiting page size * [DATAREST-198] - NullPointerException when accessing OneToMany Relationship * [DATAREST-199] - Collection/Object conversion broken in PersistentEntityJackson2Module * [DATAREST-200] - Embedded associations do not get rendered * [DATAREST-209] - Hard Dependency on Jackson-Hibernate * [DATAREST-210] - ApplicationContext fails to load with HAL enabled snapshot * [DATAREST-213] - Make old presentation available for smooth migration to HAL * [DATAREST-222] - Path.matches(…) should escape reference before trying to match it ** Improvement * [DATAREST-75] - PersistentEntityJackson2Module should be more lenient regarding other registered modules * [DATAREST-203] - Move to HAL as default hypermedia format * [DATAREST-219] - Improve handling of updates to related collection properties * [DATAREST-229] - RepositoryEntityLinks should exposed templated link for pageable collection resources * [DATAREST-233] - Improve annotation based customization ** Task * [DATAREST-220] - Add contribution guidelines * [DATAREST-224] - Switch to Maven build system * [DATAREST-226] - Release Spring Data REST 2.0.0.RC1 Changes in version 2.0.0 M1 (2013-11-21) ---------------------------------------- ** Bug * [DATAREST-72] - @RestResource(exported = false) is not considered on repository interfaces * [DATAREST-83] - Controller implementations should not be annotated with @Controller * [DATAREST-88] - Build broken * [DATAREST-103] - Add support for non-CrudRepositories * [DATAREST-113] - /{repository}/schema fails on binding parameter - RepositoryRestRequest * [DATAREST-114] - Could not initialize proxy - no Session * [DATAREST-135] - Lost paging after upgrading to 1.1.0.M1 * [DATAREST-163] - One-to-one relations in embedded Mongo Documents do not get rendered... * [DATAREST-168] - Master branch build is broken * [DATAREST-169] - Property-link throws Null-pointer exception when property is lazy-loaded * [DATAREST-184] - org.neo4j.graphdb.NotInTransactionException on DELETE ** Improvement * [DATAREST-162] - Support link path definition via @RestResource ** Task * [DATAREST-89] - Upgrade to latest Spring Data milestones * [DATAREST-94] - Remove dependency on Guava * [DATAREST-170] - Upgrade to dependencies of the Codd release train * [DATAREST-185] - Upgrade to Spring 3.2.5 * [DATAREST-193] - Release 2.0 M1.