Spring Data Solr


Christoph Strobl, Oliver Gierke, Mark Pollack, Thomas Risberg

Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.

Table of Contents

1. Project Metadata
2. Requirements
I. Reference Documentation
1. Solr Repositories
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Spring Namespace
1.1.2. Annotation based configuration
1.1.3. Multicore Support
1.1.4. Solr Repositores using CDI
1.1.5. Transaction Support
1.2. Query methods
1.2.1. Query lookup strategies
1.2.2. Query creation
1.2.3. Using @Query Annotation
1.2.4. Using NamedQueries
1.3. Document Mapping
1.3.1. Mapping Solr Converter
2. Miscellaneous Solr Operation Support
2.1. Partial Updates
2.2. Projection
2.3. Faceting
2.4. Terms
2.5. Filter Query
2.6. Time allowed for a search
2.7. Boost document Score
2.7.1. Index Time Boosts
2.8. Select Request Handler
2.9. Using Join
2.10. Highlighting
2.11. Using Functions
II. Appendix


The Spring Data Solr project applies core Spring concepts to the development of solutions using the Apache Solr Search Engine. We provide a "template" as a high-level abstraction for storing and querying documents. You will notice similarities to the mongodb support in the Spring Framework.

2 Requirements

Requires Apache Solr 3.6 and above or optional dependency


If you tend to use the Embedded Version of Solr Server 4.x you will also have to add a version of servlet-api and check your <lockType> as well as <unlockOnStartup> settings.

Part I. Reference Documentation

1. Solr Repositories


This chapter includes details of the Solr repository implementation.

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Spring Namespace

The Spring Data Solr module contains a custom namespace allowing definition of repository beans as well as elements for instantiating a SolrServer .

Using the repositories element looks up Spring Data repositories as described in ??? .

Example 1.1. Setting up Solr repositories using Namespace

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

  <solr:repositories base-package="com.acme.repositories" />

Using the solr-server or embedded-solr-server element registers an instance of SolrServer in the context.

Example 1.2. HttpSolrServer using Namespace

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

  <solr:solr-server id="solrServer" url="http://locahost:8983/solr" />

Example 1.3. LBSolrServer using Namespace

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

  <solr:solr-server id="solrServer" url="http://locahost:8983/solr,http://localhost:8984/solr" />

Example 1.4. EmbeddedSolrServer using Namespace

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

  <solr:embedded-solr-server id="solrServer" solrHome="classpath:com/acme/solr" />

1.1.2 Annotation based configuration

The Spring Data Solr repositories support cannot only be activated through an XML namespace but also using an annotation through JavaConfig.

Example 1.5. Spring Data Solr repositories using JavaConfig

class ApplicationConfig {
  public SolrServer solrServer() {
    EmbeddedSolrServerFactory factory = new EmbeddedSolrServerFactory("classpath:com/acme/solr");
    return factory.getSolrServer();
  public SolrOperations solrTemplate() {
    return new SolrTemplate(solrServer());

The configuration above sets up an EmbeddedSolrServer which is used by the SolrTemplate . Spring Data Solr Repositories are activated using the @EnableSolrRepositories annotation, which essentially carries the same attributes as the XML namespace does. If no base package is configured, it will use the one the configuration class resides in.

1.1.3 Multicore Support

Solr handles different collections within one core. Use MulticoreSolrServerFactory to create separate SolrServer for each core.

Example 1.6. Multicore Configuration

@EnableSolrRepositories(multicoreSupport = true)
class ApplicationConfig {

  private static final String PROPERTY_NAME_SOLR_SERVER_URL = "solr.host";

  private Environment environment;
  public SolrServer solrServer() {
    return new HttpSolrServer(environment.getRequiredProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_SOLR_SERVER_URL));

1.1.4 Solr Repositores using CDI

The Spring Data Solr repositories can also be set up using CDI functionality.

Example 1.7. Spring Data Solr repositories using JavaConfig

class SolrTemplateProducer {

  public SolrOperations createSolrTemplate() {
    return new SolrTemplate(new EmbeddedSolrServerFactory("classpath:com/acme/solr"));

class ProductService {

  private ProductRepository repository;

  public Page<Product> findAvailableProductsByName(String name, Pageable pageable) {
    return repository.findByAvailableTrueAndNameStartingWith(name, pageable);

  public void setRepository(ProductRepository repository) {
    this.repository = repository;

1.1.5 Transaction Support

Solr supports transactions on server level means create, updaet, delete actions since the last commit/optimize/rollback are queued on the server and committed/optimized/rolled back at once. Spring Data Solr Repositories will participate in Spring Managed Transactions and commit/rollback changes on complete.

Example 1.8. 

public Product save(Product product) {
  Product savedProduct = jpaRepository.save(product);
  return savedProduct;

1.2 Query methods

1.2.1 Query lookup strategies

The Solr module supports defining a query manually as String or have it being derived from the method name.

There is no QueryDSL Support present at this time.

Declared queries

Deriving the query from the method name is not always sufficient and/or may result in unreadable method names. In this case one might make either use of Solr named queries (see Section 1.2.4, “Using NamedQueries” ) or use the @Query annotation (see Section 1.2.3, “Using @Query Annotation” ).

1.2.2 Query creation

Generally the query creation mechanism for Solr works as described in ??? . Here's a short example of what a Solr query method translates into:

Example 1.9. Query creation from method names

public interface ProductRepository extends Repository<Product, String> {
  List<Product> findByNameAndPopularity(String name, Integer popularity);

The method name above will be translated into the following solr query

q=name:?0 AND popularity:?1

A list of supported keywords for Solr is shown below.

Table 1.1. Supported keywords inside method names

KeywordSampleSolr Query String
And findByNameAndPopularity q=name:?0 AND popularity:?1
Or findByNameOrPopularity q=name:?0 OR popularity:?1
Is findByName q=name:?0
Not findByNameNot q=-name:?0
IsNull findByNameIsNull q=-name:[* TO *]
IsNotNull findByNameIsNotNull q=name:[* TO *]
Between findByPopularityBetween q=popularity:[?0 TO ?1]
LessThan findByPopularityLessThan q=popularity:[* TO ?0}
LessThanEqual findByPopularityLessThanEqual q=popularity:[* TO ?0]
GreaterThan findByPopularityGreaterThan q=popularity:{?0 TO *]
GreaterThanEqual findByPopularityGreaterThanEqual q=popularity:[?0 TO *]
Before findByLastModifiedBefore q=last_modified:[* TO ?0}
After findByLastModifiedAfter q=last_modified:{?0 TO *]
Like findByNameLike q=name:?0*
NotLike findByNameNotLike q=-name:?0*
StartingWith findByNameStartingWith q=name:?0*
EndingWith findByNameEndingWith q=name:*?0
Containing findByNameContaining q=name:*?0*
Matches findByNameMatches q=name:?0
In findByNameIn(Collection<String> names) q=name:(?0... )
NotIn findByNameNotIn(Collection<String> names) q=-name:(?0... )
Within findByStoreWithin(GeoLocation, Distance) q={!geofilt pt=?0.latitude,?0.longitude sfield=store d=?1}
Near findByStoreNear(GeoLocation, Distance) q={!bbox pt=?0.latitude,?0.longitude sfield=store d=?1}
Near findByStoreNear(BoundingBox) q=store[?0.start.latitude,?0.start.longitude TO ?0.end.latitude,?0.end.longitude]
True findByAvailableTrue q=inStock:true
False findByAvailableFalse q=inStock:false
OrderBy findByAvailableTrueOrderByNameDesc q=inStock:true&sort=name desc

Collections types can be used along with 'Like', 'NotLike', 'StartingWith', 'EndingWith' and 'Containing'.
Page<Product> findByNameLike(Collection<String> name);

1.2.3 Using @Query Annotation

Using named queries ( Section 1.2.4, “Using NamedQueries” ) to declare queries for entities is a valid approach and works fine for a small number of queries. As the queries themselves are tied to the Java method that executes them, you actually can bind them directly using the Spring Data Solr @Query annotation.

Example 1.10.  Declare query at the method using the @Query annotation.

public interface ProductRepository extends SolrRepository<Product, String> {
  List<Product> findByAvailable(Boolean available);

1.2.4 Using NamedQueries

Named queries can be kept in a properties file and wired to the accroding method. Please mind the naming convention described in ??? or use @Query .

Example 1.11.  Declare named query in properites file

public interface ProductRepository extends SolrCrudRepository<Product, String> {
  List<Product> findByNamedQuery(Integer popularity);
  @Query(name = "Product.findByName")
  List<Product> findByAnnotatedNamedQuery(String name); 

1.3 Document Mapping

Though there is already support for Entity Mapping within SolrJ, Spring Data Solr ships with its own mapping mechanism shown in the following section.

DocumentObjectBinder has superior performance. Therefore usage is recommended if there is not need for custom type mapping. You can switch to DocumentObjectBinder by registering SolrJConverter within SolrTemplate.

1.3.1 Mapping Solr Converter

MappingSolrConverter allows you to register custom converters for your SolrDocument and SolrInputDocument as well as for other types nested within your beans. The Converter is not 100% compartible with DocumentObjectBinder and @Indexed has to be added with readonly=true to ignore fields from beeing written to solr.

Example 1.12.  Sample Document Mapping

public class Product {
  private String simpleProperty;
  private String namedPropery;
  private List<String> listOfValues;
  @Indexed(readonly = true)
  private List<String> ignoredFromWriting;
  private Map<String, List<String>> mappedFieldValues; 
  private GeoLocation location;

Taking a look as the above MappingSolrConverter will do as follows:

Table 1.2. 

PropertyWrite Mapping
simpleProperty <field name="simpleProperty">value</field>
namedPropery <field name="somePropertyName">value</field>
listOfValues <field name="listOfValues">value 1</field> <field name="listOfValues">value 2</field> <field name="listOfValues">value 3</field>
ignoredFromWriting //not written to document
mappedFieldValues <field name="mapentry[0].key">mapentry[0].value[0]</field> <field name="mapentry[0].key">mapentry[0].value[2]</field> <field name="mapentry[1].key">mapentry[1].value[0]</field>
location <field name="location">48.362893,14.534437</field>

To register a custom converter one must add CustomConversions to SolrTemplate initializing it with own Converter implementation.

Example 1.13. 

<bean id="solrConverter" class="org.springframework.data.solr.core.convert.MappingSolrConverter">
		<bean class="org.springframework.data.solr.core.mapping.SimpleSolrMappingContext" />
	<property name="customConversions" ref="customConversions" />

<bean id="customConversions" class="org.springframework.data.solr.core.convert.CustomConversions">
			<bean class="com.acme.MyBeanToSolrInputDocumentConverter" />

<bean id="solrTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.solr.core.SolrTemplate">
	<constructor-arg ref="solrServer" />
	<property name="solrConverter" ref="solrConverter" />

2. Miscellaneous Solr Operation Support


This chapter covers additional support for Solr operations (such as faceting) that cannot be directly accessed via the repository interface. It is recommended to add those operations as custom implementation as described in ??? .

2.1 Partial Updates

PartialUpdates can be done using PartialUpdate which implements Update .

Partial updates require Solr 4.x. With Solr 4.0.0 it is not possible to update mulitvalue fields.

With Solr 4.1.0 you have to take care on parameter order when setting null values. Order parameters with nulls last.

Example 2.1. 

PartialUpdate update = new PartialUpdate("id", "123");
update.add("name", "updated-name");

2.2 Projection

Projections can be applied via @Query using the fields value.

Example 2.2. 

@Query(fields = { "name", "id" })
List<ProductBean> findByNameStartingWith(String name);

2.3 Faceting

Faceting cannot be directly applied using the SolrRepository but the SolrTemplate holds support for this feature.

Example 2.3. 

FacetQuery query = new SimpleFacetQuery(new Criteria(Criteria.WILDCARD).expression(Criteria.WILDCARD))
  .setFacetOptions(new FacetOptions().addFacetOnField("name").setFacetLimit(5));
FacetPage<Product> page = solrTemplate.queryForFacetPage(query, Product.class);

Facets on fields and/or queries can also be defined using @Facet . Please mind that the result will be a FacetPage .

Using @Facet allows you to define place holders which will use your input parameter as value.

Example 2.4. 

@Query(value = "*:*")
@Facet(fields = { "name" }, limit = 5)
FacetPage<Product> findAllFacetOnName(Pageable page);

Example 2.5. 

@Query(value = "popularity:?0")
@Facet(fields = { "name" }, limit = 5, prefix="?1")
FacetPage<Product> findByPopularityFacetOnName(int popularity, String prefix, Pageable page);

Solr allows definition of facet parameters on a per field basis. In order to add special facet options to defined fields use FieldWithFacetParameters.

Example 2.6. 

// produces: f.name.facet.prefix=spring
FacetOptions options = new FacetOptions();
options.addFacetOnField(new FieldWithFacetParameters("name").setPrefix("spring"));

2.4 Terms

Terms Vector cannot directly be used within SolrRepository but can be applied via SolrTemplate. Please mind, that the result will be a TermsPage.

Example 2.7. 

TermsQuery query = SimpleTermsQuery.queryBuilder().fields("name").build();
TermsPage page = solrTemplate.queryForTermsPage(query);

2.5 Filter Query

Filter Queries improve query speed and do not influence document score. It is recommended to implement geospatial search as filter query.

Please note that in solr, unless otherwise specified, all units of distance are kilometers and points are in degrees of latitude,longitude.

Example 2.8. 

Query query = new SimpleQuery(new Criteria("category").is("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"));
FilterQuery fq = new SimpleFilterQuery(new Criteria("store")
  .near(new GeoLocation(48.305478, 14.286699), new Distance(5)));

Simple filter queries can also be defined using @Query .

Using @Query allows you to define place holders which will use your input parameter as value.

@Query(value = "*:*", filters = { "inStock:true", "popularity:[* TO 3]" })
List<Product> findAllFilterAvailableTrueAndPopularityLessThanEqual3();

2.6 Time allowed for a search

It it possible to set the time allowed for a search to finish. This value only applies to the search and not to requests in general. Time is in milliseconds. Values less than or equal to zero implies no time restriction. Partial results may be returned, if there are any.

Example 2.9. 

                Query query = new SimpleQuery(new SimpleStringCriteria("field_1:value_1"));
                // Allowing maximum of 100ms for this search

2.7 Boost document Score

Boost document score in case of matching criteria to influence result order. This can be done by either setting boost on Criteria or using @Boost for derived queries.

Example 2.10. 

Page<Product> findByNameOrDescription(@Boost(2) String name, String description);

2.7.1 Index Time Boosts

Boosting documents score can be done on index time by using @SolrDocument annotation on classes (for Solr documents) and/or @Indexed on fields (for Solr fields).

Example 2.11. 

import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.beans.Field;
import org.springframework.data.solr.repository.Boost;

@SolrDocument(boost = 0.8f)
public class MyEntity {

    private String id;
    @Indexed(boost = 1.0f)
    private String name;
    // setters and getters ...


2.8 Select Request Handler

Select the request handler via qt Parameter directly in Query or add @Query to your method signature.

Example 2.12. 

@Query(requestHandler = "/instock")
Page<Product> findByNameOrDescription(String name, String description);

2.9 Using Join

Join attributes within one solr core by defining Join attribute of Query.

Join is not available prior to solr 4.x.

Example 2.13. 

SimpleQuery query = new SimpleQuery(new SimpleStringCriteria("text:ipod"));

2.10 Highlighting

To highlight matches in search result add HighlightOptions to the SimpleHighlightQuery. Providing HighlightOptions without any further attributes will highlight apply highlighting on all fields within a SolrDocument.

Field specific highlight parameters can be set by adding FieldWithHighlightParameters to HighlightOptions.

Example 2.14. 

SimpleHighlightQuery query = new SimpleHighlightQuery(new SimpleStringCriteria("name:with"));
query.setHighlightOptions(new HighlightOptions());
HighlightPage<Product> page = solrTemplate.queryForHighlightPage(query, Product.class);

Not all parameters are available via setters/getters but can be added directly.

Example 2.15. 

SimpleHighlightQuery query = new SimpleHighlightQuery(new SimpleStringCriteria("name:with"));
query.setHighlightOptions(new HighlightOptions().addHighlightParameter("hl.bs.country", "at"));

In order to apply Highlighting to derived queries use @Highlight. If no fields are defined highlighting will be aplied on all fields.

Example 2.16. 

@Highlight(prefix = "<b>", postfix = "</b>")
HighlightPage<Product> findByName(String name, Pageable page);

2.11 Using Functions

Solr supports several functional expressions within queries. Followig functions are supported out of the box. Custom functions can be added by implementing Function

Table 2.1. Functions

ClassSolr Function
CurrencyFunction currency(field_name,[CODE])
DefaultValueFunction def(field|function,defaultValue)
DistanceFunction dist(power, pointA, pointB)
DivideFunction div(x,y)
ExistsFunction exists(field|function)
GeoDistanceFunction geodist(sfield, latitude, longitude)
GeoHashFunction geohash(latitude, longitude)
IfFunction if(value|field|function,trueValue,falseValue)
MaxFunction max(field|function,value)
NotFunction not(field|function)
ProductFunction product(x,y,...)
QueryFunction query(x)
TermFrequencyFunction termfreq(field,term)

Example 2.17. 

SimpleQuery query = new SimpleQuery(new SimpleStringCriteria("text:ipod"));
query.addFilterQuery(new FilterQuery(Criteria.where(QueryFunction.query("name:sol*"))));

Part II. Appendix