SPRING FLEX CHANGELOG ========================= http://www.springsource.org/spring-flex Changes in version Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.5.0.M2 (2.9.2011) _________________________________________ New Features * FLEX-108 - Create a Flex-specific AuthenticationEntryPoint to reduce confusion with Spring Security * FLEX-130 - Support for configuring the cluster ref on a destination. * FLEX-143 - Enable Message Interceptors and Exception Translators for LCDS NIO Endpoints * FLEX-161 - Provide HttpMessageConverter and View implementations to allow RESTful AMF endpoints. * FLEX-173 - Make PerClientAuthenticationInterceptor override-able * FLEX-174 - Create a pluggable strategy interface to handle logging of exceptions * FLEX-178 - Add an example to the Test Drive of using AMF to communicate with RESTful Spring MVC @Controllers. Enhancements * FLEX-79 - Allow a custom LoginCommand to be plugged in via the config tag * FLEX-81 - Add configuration to run the Test Drive in Tomcat from the command line * FLEX-83 - Provide a way to add custom UserDetails information to the message returned by a successful Spring Security authentication * FLEX-89 - Consider invoking the Spring Security LogoutHandlers when logout is done through the SpringSecurityLoginCommand * FLEX-93 - Consider automatically logging all MessageExceptions * FLEX-134 - Change log level from DEBUG to WARN for flex.messaging.security.SecurityException * FLEX-140 - Add an explanation to the Security section of the docs regarding @Secured usage on interfaces vs. classes * FLEX-142 - Support for Spring Security "Remember Me" Functionality * FLEX-144 - Expose the order of the framework's provided MessageInterceptors so that the processing chain can be more flexibly modified and customized * FLEX-145 - Make changes for Spring Integration related classes to be compatible with Spring Integration 2.0.0.M7. * FLEX-156 - Allow configuration of field mapping instead of property mapping * FLEX-159 - Support dynamic configuration of @RemotingDestination's channels attribute. * FLEX-160 - Update documentation for 1.5.0.M2 * FLEX-162 - Apply special AMF conversion rules to NaN values * FLEX-170 - Register Spring type converters for @Embedded JPA properties. * FLEX-175 - Ensure startup does not fail when older versions of LCDS (which do not provide explicit Spring) are in use. * FLEX-176 - Update the Test Drive to use Flex 4 * FLEX-179 - Ensure compatibility of the IntegrationAdapter with Spring Integration 2.0.3 Bug Fixes * FLEX-128 - Serialization failures when using Flash Builder 'Test Operation' * FLEX-141 - The webapp fails to start if Message Broker is configured with LCDS NIO Endpoints * FLEX-147 - HibernateSerializationConfigPostProcessor.isHibernateConfigProcessorConfigured() does not detect customized config processor * FLEX-151 - Default HibernateConfigProcessor overrides user-configured instance * FLEX-153 - Warning message generated by MessageServiceConfigProcessor when no default channel can be detected is incorrect * FLEX-154 - Documentation example in the "Configuring the Message Service" section shows "remoting-service" id instead of "message-service" * FLEX-157 - JpaNumericAutogeneratedIdConverter does not handle primitive fields correctly * FLEX-163 - Spring - Flex does not work with the latest BlazeDS trunk libraries * FLEX-166 - Concurrent session management not working as expected with Spring Security 3 Changes in version Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.5.0.M1 and the Flex Addon for Spring Roo 1.0.0.M1 (06.30.2010) _________________________________________ General * Minimum dependencies have been upgraded to Spring 3, BlazeDS 4, and Spring Security 3. The release distribution also includes version 1.0.0.M1 of the Flex Addon for Spring Roo. Most of the requirements, including Hibernate serialization support addressed so far in Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.5.0.M1 have been driven by the needs of the Flex Addon. See the Spring BlazeDS Integration reference manual for details on how to use the Flex Addon for Spring Roo. New Features * FLEX-80 - Explicitly support serialization of Hibernate entities to AMF * FLEX-137 - Document the Hibernate serialization support. * FLEX-138 - Document basic installation and use of the Flex Addon for Spring Roo * ROOFLEX-1 - Create a Roo Addon for building Flex applications * ROOFLEX-2 - Implement a Roo CLI command to install Flex support * ROOFLEX-3 - Move the roo-addon branch into trunk as a Maven module * ROOFLEX-4 - Create a separate annotations jar * ROOFLEX-5 - Implement a Roo CLI command to scaffold a RemotingDestination for a given Entity * ROOFLEX-6 - Create an ActionScript parser-based metadata layer to enable round-tripping changes in .as files * ROOFLEX-7 - Implement a Roo CLI command to scaffold a RemotingDestination for all Entities * ROOFLEX-8 - Automatically create ActionScript classes that mirror Java types exposed for AMF remoting. * ROOFLEX-9 - Enable automatic updates of mirrored ActionScript and Java classes anytime the fields of an existing class are changed by the user. * ROOFLEX-10 - Automatically create a basic CRUD UI for an entity that has been exposed for AMF remoting. * ROOFLEX-11 - Enable automatic updates of UI scaffolding anytime the fields of an existing scaffolded class are changed by the user. * ROOFLEX-12 - Generate Flex client-side Validators that correspond to the Bean Validation annotations on an entity. * ROOFLEX-13 - Allow editing of @ManyToOne and @OneToOne relationships in the UI scaffolding * ROOFLEX-14 - Generate the configuration for a Flash Builder project Enhancements * FLEX-123 - Update minimum dependency to Spring 3.0 * FLEX-124 - Add official support for BlazeDS 4 * FLEX-65 - Ensure compatability with Spring Security 3.0 * FLEX-135 - Remove usage of deprecated BlazeDS 3 APIs * FLEX-103 - Document the configuration differences for using Spring Security 3. * FLEX-131 - Migrate the entire project build system to Maven * FLEX-136 - Update the Test Drive to use Spring 3 + Spring Security 3. * FLEX-139 - Update the documentation to reflect the new minimum major dependencies. Bug Fixes * FLEX-88 - Default adapters don't get overridden correctly when using Spring 3 * FLEX-109 - Automatically configure a unique AccessDecisionManager instance for use by the security integration internals * FLEX-113 - OSGi manifest needs to be updated to work with Spring Security 3 Changes in version 1.0.3.RELEASE (03.10.2010) ----------------------------------------- Enhancements * FLEX-124 - Add official support for BlazeDS 4 * FLEX-127 - Make the Jackson JSON parser an optional dependency. Bug Fixes * FLEX-109 - Automatically configure a unique AccessDecisionManager instance for use by the security integration internals * FLEX-110 - ResourceHandlingMessageInterceptor.afterCompletion not called when other interceptor throws an exception * FLEX-111 - Invalid FlexSession with Spring Security * FLEX-113 - OSGi manifest needs to be updated to work with Spring Security 3 Changes in version 1.0.2.RELEASE (02.08.2010) ----------------------------------------- General * Spring Security 3 support has been added and the bundled Test Drive sample now has an additional Maven build profile for building the sample to use Spring 3 and Spring Security 3. See the docs at http://static.springsource.org/spring-flex/docs/1.0.x/reference/html/ch06.html for instructions on how to enable this optional profile. Enhancements * FLEX-86 - Add an afterCompletion style callback to the MessageInterceptor API * FLEX-98 - Post-processing in MessageInterceptor even when an exception was thrown * FLEX-65 - Ensure compatibility with Spring Security 3.0 * FLEX-100 - Automate publishing of Maven central compatible snapshots to maven.springframework.org repository * FLEX-103 - Document the configuration differences for using Spring Security 3. * FLEX-104 - Document the ResourceHandlingMessageInterceptor * FLEX-105 - Provide an optional Spring 3 + Spring Security 3 profile in the Maven build for the Test Drive * FLEX-106 - Document the new Maven build options for the Test Drive Bug Fixes * FLEX-78 - Intermittent Security Exception * FLEX-84 - NPE in RemotingDestinationExporter * FLEX-85 - exclude-methods not working with dynamic proxies * FLEX-87 - JmsAdapter doesn't properly clean up resources at shutdown * FLEX-88 - Default adapters don't get overridden correctly when using Spring 3 * FLEX-94 - JmsAdapter should shut down MessageListenerContainer when all clients have unsubscribed * FLEX-95 - RemotingAnnotationPostProcessor ignores lazy-init="true" * FLEX-96 - @RemotingDestination does not work correctly in conjunction with @Scope * FLEX-97 - Overriding serviceMessage in custom Endpoint breaks Spring's interceptors * FLEX-99 - RemotingAnnotationPostProcessor should ignore abstract bean definitions * FLEX-101 - documentation: section 5.6 fix Changes in version 1.0.1.RELEASE (09.23.2009) ----------------------------------------- General * The bundled Test Drive sample has undergone a good bit of general cleanup. Most notably, it has been configured to no longer run as the root web application, the naming conventions of the Spring configuration files have changed to align with the conventions used in SpringSource Tool Suite project templates, and the Spring Security example has been expanded to show how to take advantage of the extended functionality that the Spring Security integration provides over the traditional BlazeDS security mechanisms. See the specific Jira issues referenced below for further details. Enhancements * FLEX-59 - Set the 'source' property on RemotingDestinations to better support Adobe tooling * FLEX-62 - Configure the testdrive sample to not be deployed as the root web application. * FLEX-67 - Provide bundles that can wire to Spring 3 * FLEX-72 - Enhance the Spring Security demo to show more typical use cases * FLEX-73 - Update the naming conventions used in the Test Drive sample to be consistent with STS project templates * FLEX-74 - Refactor the Authentication translation logic from LoginMessageInterceptor into a re-usable utils class * FLEX-75 - Add HttpFlexSession configuration to the sample app's web.xml to reduce confusion * FLEX-76 - Add some further detail to the Security integration docs on configuration recommendations Bug Fixes * FLEX-60 - Direct dependence on xalan API causes unnecessary configuration problems * FLEX-61 - Handle resource cleanup after MessageBroker startup failure. * FLEX-64 - Flex bundle has a mandatory import for a spring integration package but declares the dependency as optional in its ivy.xml and pom.xml * FLEX-69 - Exceptions thrown by java back to flex are not handled correctly by Spring BlazeDS integration * FLEX-70 - Problems with message-broker services-config-path * FLEX-77 - Spring Security session fixation protection integration not working when security is defined in a parent context Changes in version 1.0.0.RELEASE (06.09.2009) ----------------------------------------- General * Maven central compatible POMs will be mirrored to http://repo1.maven.org * Marked Jackson and CGLib dependencies as required in ivy and pom configurations since they are almost always needed in practice * Added documentation about using Spring MVC controllers alongside Spring BlazeDS Integration in the same application. Enhancements * FLEX-51 - Extract FlexMessage body for Spring Integration Message payload by default * FLEX-55 - Map Flex Message id, timestamp, and timeToLive directly into Spring Integration Message * FLEX-57 - Add tooling metadata to the XML config schema. * FLEX-58 - Refactor the XML parsing subsystem to always use the ErrorReporter API to report configuration problems Changes in version 1.0.0.RC2 (05.19.2009) ----------------------------------------- General * The Test Drive samples are now included in the distribution and configured for use with Eclipse WTP * Maven central compatible POMs have been published to the repository at http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/ * Minor revisions to the documentation including a new chapter on working with the test drive sample Enhancements * FLEX-49 - @RemotingDestination should be able to be used on beans in the parent application context Bug Fixes * FLEX-37 - Flex schema missing from SpringFramework.org * FLEX-46 - Spring Security's filter chain not being detected correctly * FLEX-47 - Jackson is getting set as optional in the auto-generated pom.xml * FLEX-48 - Multiple consumers created per JmsAdapter instance Changes in version 1.0.0.RC1 (04.24.2009) ----------------------------------------- General * Refactored destination management code to provide a common foundation for Remoting and Message destinations * Complete messaging support for AMF, JMS, and Spring Integration messaging protocols. * Annotation-based configuration support for remoting destinations * Changed remote-service tag name to remoting-destination to be more consistent with BlazeDS nomenclature * Integration tests now use Fluint instead of FlexUnit (with an eye towards running these tests in CI in the near future) * Docs updated to cover all new features and reflect changes to existing features New Features * FLEX-12 - Allow MessageService destinations to be configured in a Spring WebApplicationContext * FLEX-13 - Provide a JMSTemplate-based MessagingAdapter * FLEX-17 - Exporting Beans as Flex Remoting Destination using annotations * FLEX-18 - BlazeDS commons-logging integration * FLEX-20 - Add messaging support based on Spring Integration * FLEX-27 - Add support for messaging features to the flex configuration namespace * FLEX-30 - Generic hook for catching exceptions and translating them into BlazeDS MessageExceptions * FLEX-35 - Add GrantedAuthority[] from UserDetails on successful login result message * FLEX-42 - Configure MessageService on demand if none exists Enhancements * FLEX-28 - Support for LiveCycle Data Services ES * FLEX-33 - Add log to the FlexRemotingServiceExporter in order to see the destinations created in the messageBroker * FLEX-37 - Allow order to be specified on the default handler mapping installed when using the namespace config * FLEX-40 - Programmatic Configuration of MessageDestinationFactory * FLEX-41 - Ensure proper integration with Spring Security when using Flex per-client authentication setting Bug Fixes * FLEX-22 - Session invalidation on login broken with BlazeDS in use * FLEX-26 - JavaAdapters initialize method is not called * FLEX-32 - SpringSecurityExceptions not always getting properly translated * FLEX-38 - Ensure that @RemotingDestination annotation works with a bean with an @Autowired constructor. Changes in version 1.0.0.M2 (03.04.2009) ---------------------------------------- General * Updated reference manual to cover the new xml config namespace and security integration * Added an xml config schema with complete documentation of all elements and attributes * Added an integration test module (only distributed in source form with the release) that uses FlexUnit New Features * FLEX-8 - Configure RemotingService on demand if none exists (i.e., there is no remoting-config.xml) * FLEX-10 - Add a spring configuration namespace to further simplify configuration * FLEX-11 - Integration with Spring Security * FLEX-23 - Create a Spring Security based BlazeDS LoginCommand * FLEX-24 - Provide an automatic SpringSecurityException to BlazeDS SecurityException translation mechanism * FLEX-25 - Add a mechanism for securing BlazeDS Endpoints similar to Spring Security's URL-based security Enhancements * FLEX-15 - Add a channel property to FlexRemotingServiceExporter Bug Fixes * FLEX-19 - FlexConfigurationManager should be configurable as a Spring bean * FLEX-21 - FlexConfigurationManager.configurationPath shouldn't require slash (/) Changes in version 1.0.0.M1 (12.15.2008) ---------------------------------------- General * Performed an initial code drop at http://src.springframework.org/svn/spring-flex * Organized project structure to use spring-build and create OSGi-ready build artifacts * Added an initial draft of the reference manual New Features * Configure and bootstrap the BlazeDS MessageBroker as a Spring-managed object * Allow Flex remoting messages to be routed to a Spring-managed MessageBroker through the DispatcherServlet * Use Spring's ResourceLoader abstraction to load BlazeDS xml configuration files * Support for exporting Spring beans for Flex remoting * Specify included and excluded methods when exporting Spring beans for Flex remoting