Spring Framework Reference Documentation


Rod Johnson , Juergen Hoeller , Keith Donald , Colin Sampaleanu , Rob Harrop , Thomas Risberg , Alef Arendsen , Darren Davison , Dmitriy Kopylenko , Mark Pollack , Thierry Templier , Erwin Vervaet , Portia Tung , Ben Hale , Adrian Colyer , John Lewis , Costin Leau , Mark Fisher , Sam Brannen , Ramnivas Laddad , Arjen Poutsma , Chris Beams , Tareq Abedrabbo , Andy Clement , Dave Syer , Oliver Gierke , Rossen Stoyanchev , Phillip Webb , Rob Winch , Brian Clozel , Stephane Nicoll , Sebastien Deleuze


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Table of Contents

I. Overview of Spring Framework
1. Getting Started with Spring
2. Introduction to the Spring Framework
2.1. Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control
2.2. Modules
2.2.1. Core Container
2.2.2. AOP and Instrumentation
2.2.3. Messaging
2.2.4. Data Access/Integration
2.2.5. Web
2.2.6. Test
2.3. Usage scenarios
2.3.1. Dependency Management and Naming Conventions
Spring Dependencies and Depending on Spring
Maven Dependency Management
Maven "Bill Of Materials" Dependency
Gradle Dependency Management
Ivy Dependency Management
Distribution Zip Files
2.3.2. Logging
Not Using Commons Logging
Using SLF4J
Using Log4J
II. What’s New in Spring Framework 4.x
3. New Features and Enhancements in Spring Framework 4.0
3.1. Improved Getting Started Experience
3.2. Removed Deprecated Packages and Methods
3.3. Java 8 (as well as 6 and 7)
3.4. Java EE 6 and 7
3.5. Groovy Bean Definition DSL
3.6. Core Container Improvements
3.7. General Web Improvements
3.8. WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP Messaging
3.9. Testing Improvements
4. New Features and Enhancements in Spring Framework 4.1
4.1. JMS Improvements
4.2. Caching Improvements
4.3. Web Improvements
4.4. WebSocket Messaging Improvements
4.5. Testing Improvements
5. New Features and Enhancements in Spring Framework 4.2
5.1. Core Container Improvements
5.2. Data Access Improvements
5.3. JMS Improvements
5.4. Web Improvements
5.5. WebSocket Messaging Improvements
5.6. Testing Improvements
III. Core Technologies
6. The IoC container
6.1. Introduction to the Spring IoC container and beans
6.2. Container overview
6.2.1. Configuration metadata
6.2.2. Instantiating a container
Composing XML-based configuration metadata
6.2.3. Using the container
6.3. Bean overview
6.3.1. Naming beans
Aliasing a bean outside the bean definition
6.3.2. Instantiating beans
Instantiation with a constructor
Instantiation with a static factory method
Instantiation using an instance factory method
6.4. Dependencies
6.4.1. Dependency Injection
Constructor-based dependency injection
Setter-based dependency injection
Dependency resolution process
Examples of dependency injection
6.4.2. Dependencies and configuration in detail
Straight values (primitives, Strings, and so on)
References to other beans (collaborators)
Inner beans
Null and empty string values
XML shortcut with the p-namespace
XML shortcut with the c-namespace
Compound property names
6.4.3. Using depends-on
6.4.4. Lazy-initialized beans
6.4.5. Autowiring collaborators
Limitations and disadvantages of autowiring
Excluding a bean from autowiring
6.4.6. Method injection
Lookup method injection
Arbitrary method replacement
6.5. Bean scopes
6.5.1. The singleton scope
6.5.2. The prototype scope
6.5.3. Singleton beans with prototype-bean dependencies
6.5.4. Request, session, and global session scopes
Initial web configuration
Request scope
Session scope
Global session scope
Application scope
Scoped beans as dependencies
6.5.5. Custom scopes
Creating a custom scope
Using a custom scope
6.6. Customizing the nature of a bean
6.6.1. Lifecycle callbacks
Initialization callbacks
Destruction callbacks
Default initialization and destroy methods
Combining lifecycle mechanisms
Startup and shutdown callbacks
Shutting down the Spring IoC container gracefully in non-web applications
6.6.2. ApplicationContextAware and BeanNameAware
6.6.3. Other Aware interfaces
6.7. Bean definition inheritance
6.8. Container Extension Points
6.8.1. Customizing beans using a BeanPostProcessor
Example: Hello World, BeanPostProcessor-style
Example: The RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
6.8.2. Customizing configuration metadata with a BeanFactoryPostProcessor
Example: the Class name substitution PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
Example: the PropertyOverrideConfigurer
6.8.3. Customizing instantiation logic with a FactoryBean
6.9. Annotation-based container configuration
6.9.1. @Required
6.9.2. @Autowired
6.9.3. Fine-tuning annotation-based autowiring with @Primary
6.9.4. Fine-tuning annotation-based autowiring with qualifiers
6.9.5. Using generics as autowiring qualifiers
6.9.6. CustomAutowireConfigurer
6.9.7. @Resource
6.9.8. @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
6.10. Classpath scanning and managed components
6.10.1. @Component and further stereotype annotations
6.10.2. Meta-annotations
6.10.3. Automatically detecting classes and registering bean definitions
6.10.4. Using filters to customize scanning
6.10.5. Defining bean metadata within components
6.10.6. Naming autodetected components
6.10.7. Providing a scope for autodetected components
6.10.8. Providing qualifier metadata with annotations
6.11. Using JSR 330 Standard Annotations
6.11.1. Dependency Injection with @Inject and @Named
6.11.2. @Named: a standard equivalent to the @Component annotation
6.11.3. Limitations of the standard approach
6.12. Java-based container configuration
6.12.1. Basic concepts: @Bean and @Configuration
6.12.2. Instantiating the Spring container using AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
Simple construction
Building the container programmatically using register(Class<?>…​)
Enabling component scanning with scan(String…​)
Support for web applications with AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext
6.12.3. Using the @Bean annotation
Declaring a bean
Bean dependencies
Receiving lifecycle callbacks
Specifying bean scope
Customizing bean naming
Bean aliasing
Bean description
6.12.4. Using the @Configuration annotation
Injecting inter-bean dependencies
Lookup method injection
Further information about how Java-based configuration works internally
6.12.5. Composing Java-based configurations
Using the @Import annotation
Conditionally include @Configuration classes or @Bean methods
Combining Java and XML configuration
6.13. Environment abstraction
6.13.1. Bean definition profiles
6.13.2. XML bean definition profiles
Activating a profile
Default profile
6.13.3. PropertySource abstraction
6.13.4. @PropertySource
6.13.5. Placeholder resolution in statements
6.14. Registering a LoadTimeWeaver
6.15. Additional Capabilities of the ApplicationContext
6.15.1. Internationalization using MessageSource
6.15.2. Standard and Custom Events
Annotation-based Event Listeners
Generic Events
6.15.3. Convenient access to low-level resources
6.15.4. Convenient ApplicationContext instantiation for web applications
6.15.5. Deploying a Spring ApplicationContext as a Java EE RAR file
6.16. The BeanFactory
6.16.1. BeanFactory or ApplicationContext?
6.16.2. Glue code and the evil singleton
7. Resources
7.1. Introduction
7.2. The Resource interface
7.3. Built-in Resource implementations
7.3.1. UrlResource
7.3.2. ClassPathResource
7.3.3. FileSystemResource
7.3.4. ServletContextResource
7.3.5. InputStreamResource
7.3.6. ByteArrayResource
7.4. The ResourceLoader
7.5. The ResourceLoaderAware interface
7.6. Resources as dependencies
7.7. Application contexts and Resource paths
7.7.1. Constructing application contexts
Constructing ClassPathXmlApplicationContext instances - shortcuts
7.7.2. Wildcards in application context constructor resource paths
Ant-style Patterns
The Classpath*: portability classpath*: prefix
Other notes relating to wildcards
7.7.3. FileSystemResource caveats
8. Validation, Data Binding, and Type Conversion
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Validation using Spring’s Validator interface
8.3. Resolving codes to error messages
8.4. Bean manipulation and the BeanWrapper
8.4.1. Setting and getting basic and nested properties
8.4.2. Built-in PropertyEditor implementations
Registering additional custom PropertyEditors
8.5. Spring Type Conversion
8.5.1. Converter SPI
8.5.2. ConverterFactory
8.5.3. GenericConverter
8.5.4. ConversionService API
8.5.5. Configuring a ConversionService
8.5.6. Using a ConversionService programmatically
8.6. Spring Field Formatting
8.6.1. Formatter SPI
8.6.2. Annotation-driven Formatting
Format Annotation API
8.6.3. FormatterRegistry SPI
8.6.4. FormatterRegistrar SPI
8.6.5. Configuring Formatting in Spring MVC
8.7. Configuring a global date & time format
8.8. Spring Validation
8.8.1. Overview of the JSR-303 Bean Validation API
8.8.2. Configuring a Bean Validation Provider
Injecting a Validator
Configuring Custom Constraints
Spring-driven Method Validation
Additional Configuration Options
8.8.3. Configuring a DataBinder
8.8.4. Spring MVC 3 Validation
9. Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Feature Overview
9.3. Expression Evaluation using Spring’s Expression Interface
9.3.1. The EvaluationContext interface
Type Conversion
9.3.2. Parser configuration
9.3.3. SpEL compilation
Compiler configuration
Compiler limitations
9.4. Expression support for defining bean definitions
9.4.1. XML based configuration
9.4.2. Annotation-based configuration
9.5. Language Reference
9.5.1. Literal expressions
9.5.2. Properties, Arrays, Lists, Maps, Indexers
9.5.3. Inline lists
9.5.4. Inline Maps
9.5.5. Array construction
9.5.6. Methods
9.5.7. Operators
Relational operators
Logical operators
Mathematical operators
9.5.8. Assignment
9.5.9. Types
9.5.10. Constructors
9.5.11. Variables
The #this and #root variables
9.5.12. Functions
9.5.13. Bean references
9.5.14. Ternary Operator (If-Then-Else)
9.5.15. The Elvis Operator
9.5.16. Safe Navigation operator
9.5.17. Collection Selection
9.5.18. Collection Projection
9.5.19. Expression templating
9.6. Classes used in the examples
10. Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring
10.1. Introduction
10.1.1. AOP concepts
10.1.2. Spring AOP capabilities and goals
10.1.3. AOP Proxies
10.2. @AspectJ support
10.2.1. Enabling @AspectJ Support
Enabling @AspectJ Support with Java configuration
Enabling @AspectJ Support with XML configuration
10.2.2. Declaring an aspect
10.2.3. Declaring a pointcut
Supported Pointcut Designators
Combining pointcut expressions
Sharing common pointcut definitions
Writing good pointcuts
10.2.4. Declaring advice
Before advice
After returning advice
After throwing advice
After (finally) advice
Around advice
Advice parameters
Advice ordering
10.2.5. Introductions
10.2.6. Aspect instantiation models
10.2.7. Example
10.3. Schema-based AOP support
10.3.1. Declaring an aspect
10.3.2. Declaring a pointcut
10.3.3. Declaring advice
Before advice
After returning advice
After throwing advice
After (finally) advice
Around advice
Advice parameters
Advice ordering
10.3.4. Introductions
10.3.5. Aspect instantiation models
10.3.6. Advisors
10.3.7. Example
10.4. Choosing which AOP declaration style to use
10.4.1. Spring AOP or full AspectJ?
10.4.2. @AspectJ or XML for Spring AOP?
10.5. Mixing aspect types
10.6. Proxying mechanisms
10.6.1. Understanding AOP proxies
10.7. Programmatic creation of @AspectJ Proxies
10.8. Using AspectJ with Spring applications
10.8.1. Using AspectJ to dependency inject domain objects with Spring
Unit testing @Configurable objects
Working with multiple application contexts
10.8.2. Other Spring aspects for AspectJ
10.8.3. Configuring AspectJ aspects using Spring IoC
10.8.4. Load-time weaving with AspectJ in the Spring Framework
A first example
Required libraries (JARS)
Spring configuration
Environment-specific configuration
10.9. Further Resources
11. Spring AOP APIs
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Pointcut API in Spring
11.2.1. Concepts
11.2.2. Operations on pointcuts
11.2.3. AspectJ expression pointcuts
11.2.4. Convenience pointcut implementations
Static pointcuts
Dynamic pointcuts
11.2.5. Pointcut superclasses
11.2.6. Custom pointcuts
11.3. Advice API in Spring
11.3.1. Advice lifecycles
11.3.2. Advice types in Spring
Interception around advice
Before advice
Throws advice
After Returning advice
Introduction advice
11.4. Advisor API in Spring
11.5. Using the ProxyFactoryBean to create AOP proxies
11.5.1. Basics
11.5.2. JavaBean properties
11.5.3. JDK- and CGLIB-based proxies
11.5.4. Proxying interfaces
11.5.5. Proxying classes
11.5.6. Using 'global' advisors
11.6. Concise proxy definitions
11.7. Creating AOP proxies programmatically with the ProxyFactory
11.8. Manipulating advised objects
11.9. Using the "auto-proxy" facility
11.9.1. Autoproxy bean definitions
11.9.2. Using metadata-driven auto-proxying
11.10. Using TargetSources
11.10.1. Hot swappable target sources
11.10.2. Pooling target sources
11.10.3. Prototype target sources
11.10.4. ThreadLocal target sources
11.11. Defining new Advice types
11.12. Further resources
IV. Testing
12. Introduction to Spring Testing
13. Unit Testing
13.1. Mock Objects
13.1.1. Environment
13.1.2. JNDI
13.1.3. Servlet API
13.1.4. Portlet API
13.2. Unit Testing support Classes
13.2.1. General testing utilities
13.2.2. Spring MVC
14. Integration Testing
14.1. Overview
14.2. Goals of Integration Testing
14.2.1. Context management and caching
14.2.2. Dependency Injection of test fixtures
14.2.3. Transaction management
14.2.4. Support classes for integration testing
14.3. JDBC Testing Support
14.4. Annotations
14.4.1. Spring Testing Annotations
14.4.2. Standard Annotation Support
14.4.3. Spring JUnit Testing Annotations
14.4.4. Meta-Annotation Support for Testing
14.5. Spring TestContext Framework
14.5.1. Key abstractions
14.5.2. TestExecutionListener configuration
Registering custom TestExecutionListeners
Automatic discovery of default TestExecutionListeners
Ordering TestExecutionListeners
Merging TestExecutionListeners
14.5.3. Context management
Context configuration with XML resources
Context configuration with Groovy scripts
Context configuration with annotated classes
Mixing XML, Groovy scripts, and annotated classes
Context configuration with context initializers
Context configuration inheritance
Context configuration with environment profiles
Context configuration with test property sources
Loading a WebApplicationContext
Context caching
Context hierarchies
14.5.4. Dependency injection of test fixtures
14.5.5. Testing request and session scoped beans
14.5.6. Transaction management
Test-managed transactions
Enabling and disabling transactions
Transaction rollback and commit behavior
Programmatic transaction management
Executing code outside of a transaction
Configuring a transaction manager
Demonstration of all transaction-related annotations
14.5.7. Executing SQL scripts
Executing SQL scripts programmatically
Executing SQL scripts declaratively with @Sql
14.5.8. TestContext Framework support classes
Spring JUnit Runner
Spring JUnit Rules
JUnit support classes
TestNG support classes
14.6. Spring MVC Test Framework
14.6.1. Server-Side Tests
Static Imports
Setup Options
Performing Requests
Defining Expectations
Filter Registrations
Difference With End-to-End Integration Tests
Further Server-Side Test Examples
14.6.2. HtmlUnit Integration
Why HtmlUnit Integration?
MockMvc and HtmlUnit
MockMvc and WebDriver
MockMvc and Geb
14.6.3. Client-Side REST Tests
Static Imports
Further Examples of Client-side REST Tests
14.7. PetClinic Example
15. Further Resources
V. Data Access
16. Transaction Management
16.1. Introduction to Spring Framework transaction management
16.2. Advantages of the Spring Framework’s transaction support model
16.2.1. Global transactions
16.2.2. Local transactions
16.2.3. Spring Framework’s consistent programming model
16.3. Understanding the Spring Framework transaction abstraction
16.4. Synchronizing resources with transactions
16.4.1. High-level synchronization approach
16.4.2. Low-level synchronization approach
16.4.3. TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy
16.5. Declarative transaction management
16.5.1. Understanding the Spring Framework’s declarative transaction implementation
16.5.2. Example of declarative transaction implementation
16.5.3. Rolling back a declarative transaction
16.5.4. Configuring different transactional semantics for different beans
16.5.5. <tx:advice/> settings
16.5.6. Using @Transactional
@Transactional settings
Multiple Transaction Managers with @Transactional
Custom shortcut annotations
16.5.7. Transaction propagation
16.5.8. Advising transactional operations
16.5.9. Using @Transactional with AspectJ
16.6. Programmatic transaction management
16.6.1. Using the TransactionTemplate
Specifying transaction settings
16.6.2. Using the PlatformTransactionManager
16.7. Choosing between programmatic and declarative transaction management
16.8. Transaction bound event
16.9. Application server-specific integration
16.9.1. IBM WebSphere
16.9.2. Oracle WebLogic Server
16.10. Solutions to common problems
16.10.1. Use of the wrong transaction manager for a specific DataSource
16.11. Further Resources
17. DAO support
17.1. Introduction
17.2. Consistent exception hierarchy
17.3. Annotations used for configuring DAO or Repository classes
18. Data access with JDBC
18.1. Introduction to Spring Framework JDBC
18.1.1. Choosing an approach for JDBC database access
18.1.2. Package hierarchy
18.2. Using the JDBC core classes to control basic JDBC processing and error handling
18.2.1. JdbcTemplate
Examples of JdbcTemplate class usage
JdbcTemplate best practices
18.2.2. NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
18.2.3. SQLExceptionTranslator
18.2.4. Executing statements
18.2.5. Running queries
18.2.6. Updating the database
18.2.7. Retrieving auto-generated keys
18.3. Controlling database connections
18.3.1. DataSource
18.3.2. DataSourceUtils
18.3.3. SmartDataSource
18.3.4. AbstractDataSource
18.3.5. SingleConnectionDataSource
18.3.6. DriverManagerDataSource
18.3.7. TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy
18.3.8. DataSourceTransactionManager
18.3.9. NativeJdbcExtractor
18.4. JDBC batch operations
18.4.1. Basic batch operations with the JdbcTemplate
18.4.2. Batch operations with a List of objects
18.4.3. Batch operations with multiple batches
18.5. Simplifying JDBC operations with the SimpleJdbc classes
18.5.1. Inserting data using SimpleJdbcInsert
18.5.2. Retrieving auto-generated keys using SimpleJdbcInsert
18.5.3. Specifying columns for a SimpleJdbcInsert
18.5.4. Using SqlParameterSource to provide parameter values
18.5.5. Calling a stored procedure with SimpleJdbcCall
18.5.6. Explicitly declaring parameters to use for a SimpleJdbcCall
18.5.7. How to define SqlParameters
18.5.8. Calling a stored function using SimpleJdbcCall
18.5.9. Returning ResultSet/REF Cursor from a SimpleJdbcCall
18.6. Modeling JDBC operations as Java objects
18.6.1. SqlQuery
18.6.2. MappingSqlQuery
18.6.3. SqlUpdate
18.6.4. StoredProcedure
18.7. Common problems with parameter and data value handling
18.7.1. Providing SQL type information for parameters
18.7.2. Handling BLOB and CLOB objects
18.7.3. Passing in lists of values for IN clause
18.7.4. Handling complex types for stored procedure calls
18.8. Embedded database support
18.8.1. Why use an embedded database?
18.8.2. Creating an embedded database using Spring XML
18.8.3. Creating an embedded database programmatically
18.8.4. Selecting the embedded database type
Using HSQL
Using H2
Using Derby
18.8.5. Testing data access logic with an embedded database
18.8.6. Generating unique names for embedded databases
18.8.7. Extending the embedded database support
18.9. Initializing a DataSource
18.9.1. Initializing a database using Spring XML
Initialization of other components that depend on the database
19. Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Data Access
19.1. Introduction to ORM with Spring
19.2. General ORM integration considerations
19.2.1. Resource and transaction management
19.2.2. Exception translation
19.3. Hibernate
19.3.1. SessionFactory setup in a Spring container
19.3.2. Implementing DAOs based on plain Hibernate 3 API
19.3.3. Declarative transaction demarcation
19.3.4. Programmatic transaction demarcation
19.3.5. Transaction management strategies
19.3.6. Comparing container-managed and locally defined resources
19.3.7. Spurious application server warnings with Hibernate
19.4. JDO
19.4.1. PersistenceManagerFactory setup
19.4.2. Implementing DAOs based on the plain JDO API
19.4.3. Transaction management
19.4.4. JdoDialect
19.5. JPA
19.5.1. Three options for JPA setup in a Spring environment
Obtaining an EntityManagerFactory from JNDI
Dealing with multiple persistence units
19.5.2. Implementing DAOs based on plain JPA
19.5.3. Transaction Management
19.5.4. JpaDialect
20. Marshalling XML using O/X Mappers
20.1. Introduction
20.1.1. Ease of configuration
20.1.2. Consistent Interfaces
20.1.3. Consistent Exception Hierarchy
20.2. Marshaller and Unmarshaller
20.2.1. Marshaller
20.2.2. Unmarshaller
20.2.3. XmlMappingException
20.3. Using Marshaller and Unmarshaller
20.4. XML Schema-based Configuration
20.5. JAXB
20.5.1. Jaxb2Marshaller
XML Schema-based Configuration
20.6. Castor
20.6.1. CastorMarshaller
20.6.2. Mapping
XML Schema-based Configuration
20.7. XMLBeans
20.7.1. XmlBeansMarshaller
XML Schema-based Configuration
20.8. JiBX
20.8.1. JibxMarshaller
XML Schema-based Configuration
20.9. XStream
20.9.1. XStreamMarshaller
VI. The Web
21. Web MVC framework
21.1. Introduction to Spring Web MVC framework
21.1.1. Features of Spring Web MVC
21.1.2. Pluggability of other MVC implementations
21.2. The DispatcherServlet
21.2.1. Special Bean Types In the WebApplicationContext
21.2.2. Default DispatcherServlet Configuration
21.2.3. DispatcherServlet Processing Sequence
21.3. Implementing Controllers
21.3.1. Defining a controller with @Controller
21.3.2. Mapping Requests With @RequestMapping
@Controller and AOP Proxying
New Support Classes for @RequestMapping methods in Spring MVC 3.1
URI Template Patterns
URI Template Patterns with Regular Expressions
Path Patterns
Path Pattern Comparison
Path Patterns with Placeholders
Path Pattern Matching By Suffix
Matrix Variables
Consumable Media Types
Producible Media Types
Request Parameters and Header Values
21.3.3. Defining @RequestMapping handler methods
Supported method argument types
Supported method return types
Binding request parameters to method parameters with @RequestParam
Mapping the request body with the @RequestBody annotation
Mapping the response body with the @ResponseBody annotation
Creating REST Controllers with the @RestController annotation
Using HttpEntity
Using @ModelAttribute on a method
Using @ModelAttribute on a method argument
Using @SessionAttributes to store model attributes in the HTTP session between requests
Working with "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data
Mapping cookie values with the @CookieValue annotation
Mapping request header attributes with the @RequestHeader annotation
Method Parameters And Type Conversion
Customizing WebDataBinder initialization
Advising controllers with @ControllerAdvice
Jackson Serialization View Support
Jackson JSONP Support
21.3.4. Asynchronous Request Processing
Exception Handling for Async Requests
Intercepting Async Requests
HTTP Streaming
HTTP Streaming With Server-Sent Events
HTTP Streaming Directly To The OutputStream
Configuring Asynchronous Request Processing
21.3.5. Testing Controllers
21.4. Handler mappings
21.4.1. Intercepting requests with a HandlerInterceptor
21.5. Resolving views
21.5.1. Resolving views with the ViewResolver interface
21.5.2. Chaining ViewResolvers
21.5.3. Redirecting to Views
The redirect: prefix
The forward: prefix
21.5.4. ContentNegotiatingViewResolver
21.6. Using flash attributes
21.7. Building URIs
21.7.1. Building URIs to Controllers and methods
21.7.2. Building URIs to Controllers and methods from views
21.8. Using locales
21.8.1. Obtaining Time Zone Information
21.8.2. AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver
21.8.3. CookieLocaleResolver
21.8.4. SessionLocaleResolver
21.8.5. LocaleChangeInterceptor
21.9. Using themes
21.9.1. Overview of themes
21.9.2. Defining themes
21.9.3. Theme resolvers
21.10. Spring’s multipart (file upload) support
21.10.1. Introduction
21.10.2. Using a MultipartResolver with Commons FileUpload
21.10.3. Using a MultipartResolver with Servlet 3.0
21.10.4. Handling a file upload in a form
21.10.5. Handling a file upload request from programmatic clients
21.11. Handling exceptions
21.11.1. HandlerExceptionResolver
21.11.2. @ExceptionHandler
21.11.3. Handling Standard Spring MVC Exceptions
21.11.4. Annotating Business Exceptions With @ResponseStatus
21.11.5. Customizing the Default Servlet Container Error Page
21.12. Web Security
21.13. Convention over configuration support
21.13.1. The Controller ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping
21.13.2. The Model ModelMap (ModelAndView)
21.13.3. The View - RequestToViewNameTranslator
21.14. HTTP caching support
21.14.1. Cache-Control HTTP header
21.14.2. HTTP caching support for static resources
21.14.3. Support for the Cache-Control, ETag and Last-Modified response headers in Controllers
21.14.4. Shallow ETag support
21.15. Code-based Servlet container initialization
21.16. Configuring Spring MVC
21.16.1. Enabling the MVC Java Config or the MVC XML Namespace
21.16.2. Customizing the Provided Configuration
21.16.3. Conversion and Formatting
21.16.4. Validation
21.16.5. Interceptors
21.16.6. Content Negotiation
21.16.7. View Controllers
21.16.8. View Resolvers
21.16.9. Serving of Resources
21.16.10. Falling Back On the "Default" Servlet To Serve Resources
21.16.11. Path Matching
21.16.12. Message Converters
21.16.13. Advanced Customizations with MVC Java Config
21.16.14. Advanced Customizations with the MVC Namespace
22. View technologies
22.1. Introduction
22.2. Thymeleaf
22.3. Groovy Markup Templates
22.3.1. Configuration
22.3.2. Example
22.4. Velocity & FreeMarker
22.4.1. Dependencies
22.4.2. Context configuration
22.4.3. Creating templates
22.4.4. Advanced configuration
22.4.5. Bind support and form handling
The bind macros
Simple binding
Form input generation macros
HTML escaping and XHTML compliance
22.5. JSP & JSTL
22.5.1. View resolvers
22.5.2. 'Plain-old' JSPs versus JSTL
22.5.3. Additional tags facilitating development
22.5.4. Using Spring’s form tag library
The form tag
The input tag
The checkbox tag
The checkboxes tag
The radiobutton tag
The radiobuttons tag
The password tag
The select tag
The option tag
The options tag
The textarea tag
The hidden tag
The errors tag
HTTP Method Conversion
HTML5 Tags
22.6. Script templates
22.6.1. Dependencies
22.6.2. How to integrate script based templating
22.7. XML Marshalling View
22.8. Tiles
22.8.1. Dependencies
22.8.2. How to integrate Tiles
SimpleSpringPreparerFactory and SpringBeanPreparerFactory
22.9. XSLT
22.9.1. My First Words
Bean definitions
Standard MVC controller code
Document transformation
22.10. Document views (PDF/Excel)
22.10.1. Introduction
22.10.2. Configuration and setup
Document view definitions
Controller code
Subclassing for Excel views
Subclassing for PDF views
22.11. JasperReports
22.11.1. Dependencies
22.11.2. Configuration
Configuring the ViewResolver
Configuring the Views
About Report Files
Using JasperReportsMultiFormatView
22.11.3. Populating the ModelAndView
22.11.4. Working with Sub-Reports
Configuring Sub-Report Files
Configuring Sub-Report Data Sources
22.11.5. Configuring Exporter Parameters
22.12. Feed Views
22.13. JSON Mapping View
22.14. XML Mapping View
23. Integrating with other web frameworks
23.1. Introduction
23.2. Common configuration
23.3. JavaServer Faces 1.2
23.3.1. SpringBeanFacesELResolver (JSF 1.2+)
23.3.2. FacesContextUtils
23.4. Apache Struts 2.x
23.5. Tapestry 5.x
23.6. Further Resources
24. Portlet MVC Framework
24.1. Introduction
24.1.1. Controllers - The C in MVC
24.1.2. Views - The V in MVC
24.1.3. Web-scoped beans
24.2. The DispatcherPortlet
24.3. The ViewRendererServlet
24.4. Controllers
24.4.1. AbstractController and PortletContentGenerator
24.4.2. Other simple controllers
24.4.3. Command Controllers
24.4.4. PortletWrappingController
24.5. Handler mappings
24.5.1. PortletModeHandlerMapping
24.5.2. ParameterHandlerMapping
24.5.3. PortletModeParameterHandlerMapping
24.5.4. Adding HandlerInterceptors
24.5.5. HandlerInterceptorAdapter
24.5.6. ParameterMappingInterceptor
24.6. Views and resolving them
24.7. Multipart (file upload) support
24.7.1. Using the PortletMultipartResolver
24.7.2. Handling a file upload in a form
24.8. Handling exceptions
24.9. Annotation-based controller configuration
24.9.1. Setting up the dispatcher for annotation support
24.9.2. Defining a controller with @Controller
24.9.3. Mapping requests with @RequestMapping
24.9.4. Supported handler method arguments
24.9.5. Binding request parameters to method parameters with @RequestParam
24.9.6. Providing a link to data from the model with @ModelAttribute
24.9.7. Specifying attributes to store in a Session with @SessionAttributes
24.9.8. Customizing WebDataBinder initialization
Customizing data binding with @InitBinder
Configuring a custom WebBindingInitializer
24.10. Portlet application deployment
25. WebSocket Support
25.1. Introduction
25.1.1. WebSocket Fallback Options
25.1.2. A Messaging Architecture
25.1.3. Sub-Protocol Support in WebSocket
25.1.4. Should I Use WebSocket?
25.2. WebSocket API
25.2.1. Create and Configure a WebSocketHandler
25.2.2. Customizing the WebSocket Handshake
25.2.3. WebSocketHandler Decoration
25.2.4. Deployment Considerations
25.2.5. Configuring the WebSocket Engine
25.2.6. Configuring allowed origins
25.3. SockJS Fallback Options
25.3.1. Overview of SockJS
25.3.2. Enable SockJS
25.3.3. HTTP Streaming in IE 8, 9: Ajax/XHR vs IFrame
25.3.4. Heartbeat Messages
25.3.5. Servlet 3 Async Requests
25.3.6. CORS Headers for SockJS
25.3.7. SockJS Client
25.4. STOMP Over WebSocket Messaging Architecture
25.4.1. Overview of STOMP
25.4.2. Enable STOMP over WebSocket
25.4.3. Flow of Messages
25.4.4. Annotation Message Handling
25.4.5. Sending Messages
25.4.6. Simple Broker
25.4.7. Full-Featured Broker
25.4.8. Connections To Full-Featured Broker
25.4.9. Using Dot as Separator in @MessageMapping Destinations
25.4.10. Authentication
25.4.11. User Destinations
25.4.12. Listening To ApplicationContext Events and Intercepting Messages
25.4.13. STOMP Client
25.4.14. WebSocket Scope
25.4.15. Configuration and Performance
25.4.16. Runtime Monitoring
25.4.17. Testing Annotated Controller Methods
26. CORS Support
26.1. Introduction
26.2. Controller method CORS configuration
26.3. Global CORS configuration
26.3.1. JavaConfig
26.3.2. XML namespace
26.4. Advanced Customization
VII. Integration
27. Remoting and web services using Spring
27.1. Introduction
27.2. Exposing services using RMI
27.2.1. Exporting the service using the RmiServiceExporter
27.2.2. Linking in the service at the client
27.3. Using Hessian or Burlap to remotely call services via HTTP
27.3.1. Wiring up the DispatcherServlet for Hessian and co.
27.3.2. Exposing your beans by using the HessianServiceExporter
27.3.3. Linking in the service on the client
27.3.4. Using Burlap
27.3.5. Applying HTTP basic authentication to a service exposed through Hessian or Burlap
27.4. Exposing services using HTTP invokers
27.4.1. Exposing the service object
27.4.2. Linking in the service at the client
27.5. Web services
27.5.1. Exposing servlet-based web services using JAX-WS
27.5.2. Exporting standalone web services using JAX-WS
27.5.3. Exporting web services using the JAX-WS RI’s Spring support
27.5.4. Accessing web services using JAX-WS
27.6. JMS
27.6.1. Server-side configuration
27.6.2. Client-side configuration
27.7. AMQP
27.8. Auto-detection is not implemented for remote interfaces
27.9. Considerations when choosing a technology
27.10. Accessing RESTful services on the Client
27.10.1. RestTemplate
Working with the URI
Dealing with request and response headers
Jackson JSON Views support
27.10.2. HTTP Message Conversion
27.10.3. Async RestTemplate
28. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) integration
28.1. Introduction
28.2. Accessing EJBs
28.2.1. Concepts
28.2.2. Accessing local SLSBs
28.2.3. Accessing remote SLSBs
28.2.4. Accessing EJB 2.x SLSBs versus EJB 3 SLSBs
28.3. Using Spring’s EJB implementation support classes
28.3.1. EJB 3 injection interceptor
29. JMS (Java Message Service)
29.1. Introduction
29.2. Using Spring JMS
29.2.1. JmsTemplate
29.2.2. Connections
Caching Messaging Resources
29.2.3. Destination Management
29.2.4. Message Listener Containers
29.2.5. Transaction management
29.3. Sending a Message
29.3.1. Using Message Converters
29.3.2. SessionCallback and ProducerCallback
29.4. Receiving a message
29.4.1. Synchronous Reception
29.4.2. Asynchronous Reception - Message-Driven POJOs
29.4.3. the SessionAwareMessageListener interface
29.4.4. the MessageListenerAdapter
29.4.5. Processing messages within transactions
29.5. Support for JCA Message Endpoints
29.6. Annotation-driven listener endpoints
29.6.1. Enable listener endpoint annotations
29.6.2. Programmatic endpoints registration
29.6.3. Annotated endpoint method signature
29.6.4. Response management
29.7. JMS Namespace Support
30. JMX
30.1. Introduction
30.2. Exporting your beans to JMX
30.2.1. Creating an MBeanServer
30.2.2. Reusing an existing MBeanServer
30.2.3. Lazy-initialized MBeans
30.2.4. Automatic registration of MBeans
30.2.5. Controlling the registration behavior
30.3. Controlling the management interface of your beans
30.3.1. the MBeanInfoAssembler Interface
30.3.2. Using Source-Level Metadata (Java annotations)
30.3.3. Source-Level Metadata Types
30.3.4. the AutodetectCapableMBeanInfoAssembler interface
30.3.5. Defining management interfaces using Java interfaces
30.3.6. Using MethodNameBasedMBeanInfoAssembler
30.4. Controlling the ObjectNames for your beans
30.4.1. Reading ObjectNames from Properties
30.4.2. Using the MetadataNamingStrategy
30.4.3. Configuring annotation based MBean export
30.5. JSR-160 Connectors
30.5.1. Server-side Connectors
30.5.2. Client-side Connectors
30.5.3. JMX over Burlap/Hessian/SOAP
30.6. Accessing MBeans via Proxies
30.7. Notifications
30.7.1. Registering Listeners for Notifications
30.7.2. Publishing Notifications
30.8. Further Resources
31.1. Introduction
31.2. Configuring CCI
31.2.1. Connector configuration
31.2.2. ConnectionFactory configuration in Spring
31.2.3. Configuring CCI connections
31.2.4. Using a single CCI connection
31.3. Using Spring’s CCI access support
31.3.1. Record conversion
31.3.2. the CciTemplate
31.3.3. DAO support
31.3.4. Automatic output record generation
31.3.5. Summary
31.3.6. Using a CCI Connection and Interaction directly
31.3.7. Example for CciTemplate usage
31.4. Modeling CCI access as operation objects
31.4.1. MappingRecordOperation
31.4.2. MappingCommAreaOperation
31.4.3. Automatic output record generation
31.4.4. Summary
31.4.5. Example for MappingRecordOperation usage
31.4.6. Example for MappingCommAreaOperation usage
31.5. Transactions
32. Email
32.1. Introduction
32.2. Usage
32.2.1. Basic MailSender and SimpleMailMessage usage
32.2.2. Using the JavaMailSender and the MimeMessagePreparator
32.3. Using the JavaMail MimeMessageHelper
32.3.1. Sending attachments and inline resources
Inline resources
32.3.2. Creating email content using a templating library
A Velocity-based example
33. Task Execution and Scheduling
33.1. Introduction
33.2. The Spring TaskExecutor abstraction
33.2.1. TaskExecutor types
33.2.2. Using a TaskExecutor
33.3. The Spring TaskScheduler abstraction
33.3.1. the Trigger interface
33.3.2. Trigger implementations
33.3.3. TaskScheduler implementations
33.4. Annotation Support for Scheduling and Asynchronous Execution
33.4.1. Enable scheduling annotations
33.4.2. The @Scheduled Annotation
33.4.3. The @Async Annotation
33.4.4. Executor qualification with @Async
33.4.5. Exception management with @Async
33.5. The Task Namespace
33.5.1. The 'scheduler' element
33.5.2. The 'executor' element
33.5.3. The 'scheduled-tasks' element
33.6. Using the Quartz Scheduler
33.6.1. Using the JobDetailFactoryBean
33.6.2. Using the MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean
33.6.3. Wiring up jobs using triggers and the SchedulerFactoryBean
34. Dynamic language support
34.1. Introduction
34.2. A first example
34.3. Defining beans that are backed by dynamic languages
34.3.1. Common concepts
The <lang:language/> element
Refreshable beans
Inline dynamic language source files
Understanding Constructor Injection in the context of dynamic-language-backed beans
34.3.2. JRuby beans
34.3.3. Groovy beans
Customizing Groovy objects via a callback
34.3.4. BeanShell beans
34.4. Scenarios
34.4.1. Scripted Spring MVC Controllers
34.4.2. Scripted Validators
34.5. Bits and bobs
34.5.1. AOP - advising scripted beans
34.5.2. Scoping
34.6. Further Resources
35. Cache Abstraction
35.1. Introduction
35.2. Understanding the cache abstraction
35.3. Declarative annotation-based caching
35.3.1. @Cacheable annotation
Default Key Generation
Custom Key Generation Declaration
Default Cache Resolution
Custom cache resolution
Conditional caching
Available caching SpEL evaluation context
35.3.2. @CachePut annotation
35.3.3. @CacheEvict annotation
35.3.4. @Caching annotation
35.3.5. @CacheConfig annotation
35.3.6. Enable caching annotations
35.3.7. Using custom annotations
35.4. JCache (JSR-107) annotations
35.4.1. Features summary
35.4.2. Enabling JSR-107 support
35.5. Declarative XML-based caching
35.6. Configuring the cache storage
35.6.1. JDK ConcurrentMap-based Cache
35.6.2. EhCache-based Cache
35.6.3. Guava Cache
35.6.4. GemFire-based Cache
35.6.5. JSR-107 Cache
35.6.6. Dealing with caches without a backing store
35.7. Plugging-in different back-end caches
35.8. How can I set the TTL/TTI/Eviction policy/XXX feature?
VIII. Appendices
36. Migrating to Spring Framework 4.x
37. Spring Annotation Programming Model
38. Classic Spring Usage
38.1. Classic ORM usage
38.1.1. Hibernate
The HibernateTemplate
Implementing Spring-based DAOs without callbacks
38.2. JMS Usage
38.2.1. JmsTemplate
38.2.2. Asynchronous Message Reception
38.2.3. Connections
38.2.4. Transaction Management
39. Classic Spring AOP Usage
39.1. Pointcut API in Spring
39.1.1. Concepts
39.1.2. Operations on pointcuts
39.1.3. AspectJ expression pointcuts
39.1.4. Convenience pointcut implementations
Static pointcuts
Dynamic pointcuts
39.1.5. Pointcut superclasses
39.1.6. Custom pointcuts
39.2. Advice API in Spring
39.2.1. Advice lifecycles
39.2.2. Advice types in Spring
Interception around advice
Before advice
Throws advice
After Returning advice
Introduction advice
39.3. Advisor API in Spring
39.4. Using the ProxyFactoryBean to create AOP proxies
39.4.1. Basics
39.4.2. JavaBean properties
39.4.3. JDK- and CGLIB-based proxies
39.4.4. Proxying interfaces
39.4.5. Proxying classes
39.4.6. Using 'global' advisors
39.5. Concise proxy definitions
39.6. Creating AOP proxies programmatically with the ProxyFactory
39.7. Manipulating advised objects
39.8. Using the "autoproxy" facility
39.8.1. Autoproxy bean definitions
39.8.2. Using metadata-driven auto-proxying
39.9. Using TargetSources
39.9.1. Hot swappable target sources
39.9.2. Pooling target sources
39.9.3. Prototype target sources
39.9.4. ThreadLocal target sources
39.10. Defining new Advice types
39.11. Further resources
40. XML Schema-based configuration
40.1. Introduction
40.2. XML Schema-based configuration
40.2.1. Referencing the schemas
40.2.2. the util schema
40.2.3. the jee schema
<jee:jndi-lookup/> (simple)
<jee:jndi-lookup/> (with single JNDI environment setting)
<jee:jndi-lookup/> (with multiple JNDI environment settings)
<jee:jndi-lookup/> (complex)
<jee:local-slsb/> (simple)
<jee:local-slsb/> (complex)
40.2.4. the lang schema
40.2.5. the jms schema
40.2.6. the tx (transaction) schema
40.2.7. the aop schema
40.2.8. the context schema
40.2.9. the tool schema
40.2.10. the jdbc schema
40.2.11. the cache schema
40.2.12. the beans schema
41. Extensible XML authoring
41.1. Introduction
41.2. Authoring the schema
41.3. Coding a NamespaceHandler
41.4. BeanDefinitionParser
41.5. Registering the handler and the schema
41.5.1. 'META-INF/spring.handlers'
41.5.2. 'META-INF/spring.schemas'
41.6. Using a custom extension in your Spring XML configuration
41.7. Meatier examples
41.7.1. Nesting custom tags within custom tags
41.7.2. Custom attributes on 'normal' elements
41.8. Further Resources
42. spring JSP Tag Library
42.1. Introduction
42.2. The bind tag
42.3. The escapeBody tag
42.4. The hasBindErrors tag
42.5. The htmlEscape tag
42.6. The message tag
42.7. The nestedPath tag
42.8. The theme tag
42.9. The transform tag
42.10. The url tag
42.11. The eval tag
43. spring-form JSP Tag Library
43.1. Introduction
43.2. The checkbox tag
43.3. The checkboxes tag
43.4. The errors tag
43.5. The form tag
43.6. The hidden tag
43.7. The input tag
43.8. The label tag
43.9. The option tag
43.10. The options tag
43.11. The password tag
43.12. The radiobutton tag
43.13. The radiobuttons tag
43.14. The select tag
43.15. The textarea tag