spring-framework / org.springframework.web.client

Package org.springframework.web.client



fun <T : Any> RestOperations.exchange(url: String, method: HttpMethod, requestEntity: HttpEntity<*>, vararg uriVariables: Any): ResponseEntity<T>
fun <T : Any> RestOperations.exchange(url: String, method: HttpMethod, requestEntity: HttpEntity<*>, uriVariables: Map<String, *>): ResponseEntity<T>
fun <T : Any> RestOperations.exchange(url: URI, method: HttpMethod, requestEntity: HttpEntity<*>): ResponseEntity<T>
fun <T : Any> RestOperations.exchange(requestEntity: RequestEntity<*>): ResponseEntity<T>

Extension for RestOperations.exchange avoiding specifying the type parameter thanks to Kotlin reified type parameters.


fun <T : Any> RestOperations.getForEntity(url: String, vararg uriVariables: Any): ResponseEntity<T>

Extension for RestOperations.getForEntity avoiding requiring the type parameter thanks to Kotlin reified type parameters.


fun <T : Any> RestOperations.getForObject(url: String, vararg uriVariables: Any): T?
fun <T : Any> RestOperations.getForObject(url: String, uriVariables: Map<String, Any?>): T?

Extension for RestOperations.getForObject avoiding specifying the type parameter thanks to Kotlin reified type parameters.

fun <T : Any> RestOperations.getForObject(url: URI): T?

Extension for RestOperations.getForObject avoiding specifying the type parameter thanks to Kotlin reified type parameters.


fun <T : Any> RestOperations.postForEntity(url: String, request: Any, vararg uriVariables: Any): ResponseEntity<T>
fun <T : Any> RestOperations.postForEntity(url: String, request: Any, uriVariables: Map<String, *>): ResponseEntity<T>
fun <T : Any> RestOperations.postForEntity(url: URI, request: Any): ResponseEntity<T>

Extension for RestOperations.postForEntity avoiding specifying the type parameter thanks to Kotlin reified type parameters.


fun <T : Any> RestOperations.postForObject(url: String, request: Any, vararg uriVariables: Any): T?
fun <T : Any> RestOperations.postForObject(url: String, request: Any, uriVariables: Map<String, *>): T?
fun <T : Any> RestOperations.postForObject(url: URI, request: Any): T?

Extension for RestOperations.postForObject avoiding specifying the type parameter thanks to Kotlin reified type parameters.