spring-framework / org.springframework.aop.config

Package org.springframework.aop.config



abstract class AbstractInterceptorDrivenBeanDefinitionDecorator : BeanDefinitionDecorator

Base implementation for org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionDecorator wishing to add an org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor to the resulting bean.

This base class controls the creation of the ProxyFactoryBean bean definition and wraps the original as an inner-bean definition for the target property of ProxyFactoryBean.

Chaining is correctly handled, ensuring that only one ProxyFactoryBean definition is created. If a previous org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionDecorator already created the org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean then the interceptor is simply added to the existing definition.

Subclasses have only to create the BeanDefinition to the interceptor that they wish to add.


open class AdviceEntry : Entry

ParseState entry representing an advice element.


open class AdvisorComponentDefinition : AbstractComponentDefinition

org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.ComponentDefinition that bridges the gap between the advisor bean definition configured by the <aop:advisor> tag and the component definition infrastructure.


open class AdvisorEntry : Entry

ParseState entry representing an advisor.


abstract class AopConfigUtils

Utility class for handling registration of AOP auto-proxy creators.

Only a single auto-proxy creator can be registered yet multiple concrete implementations are available. Therefore this class wraps a simple escalation protocol, allowing classes to request a particular auto-proxy creator and know that class, or a subclass thereof, will eventually be resident in the application context.


open class AopNamespaceHandler : NamespaceHandlerSupport

NamespaceHandler for the aop namespace.

Provides a org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParser for the <aop:config> tag. A config tag can include nested pointcut, advisor and aspect tags.

The pointcut tag allows for creation of named AspectJExpressionPointcut beans using a simple syntax:

 <aop:pointcut id="getNameCalls" expression="execution(* *..ITestBean.getName(..))"/> 

Using the advisor tag you can configure an org.springframework.aop.Advisor and have it applied to all relevant beans in you org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory automatically. The advisor tag supports both in-line and referenced org.springframework.aop.Pointcut:

 <aop:advisor id="getAgeAdvisor" pointcut="execution(* *..ITestBean.getAge(..))" advice-ref="getAgeCounter"/> <aop:advisor id="getNameAdvisor" pointcut-ref="getNameCalls" advice-ref="getNameCounter"/>


abstract class AopNamespaceUtils

Utility class for handling registration of auto-proxy creators used internally by the 'aop' namespace tags.

Only a single auto-proxy creator can be registered and multiple tags may wish to register different concrete implementations. As such this class delegates to AopConfigUtils which wraps a simple escalation protocol. Therefore classes may request a particular auto-proxy creator and know that class, or a subclass thereof, will eventually be resident in the application context.


open class AspectComponentDefinition : CompositeComponentDefinition

org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.ComponentDefinition that holds an aspect definition, including its nested pointcuts.


open class AspectEntry : Entry

ParseState entry representing an aspect.


open class MethodLocatingFactoryBean : FactoryBean<Method>, BeanFactoryAware

FactoryBean implementation that locates a Method on a specified bean.


open class PointcutComponentDefinition : AbstractComponentDefinition

org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.ComponentDefinition implementation that holds a pointcut definition.


open class PointcutEntry : Entry

ParseState entry representing a pointcut.


open class SimpleBeanFactoryAwareAspectInstanceFactory : AspectInstanceFactory, BeanFactoryAware

Implementation of AspectInstanceFactory that locates the aspect from the org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory using a configured bean name.