spring-framework / org.springframework.beans.factory.wiring

Package org.springframework.beans.factory.wiring



open class BeanConfigurerSupport : BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean, DisposableBean

Convenient base class for bean configurers that can perform Dependency Injection on objects (however they may be created). Typically subclassed by AspectJ aspects.

Subclasses may also need a custom metadata resolution strategy, in the BeanWiringInfoResolver interface. The default implementation looks for a bean with the same name as the fully-qualified class name. (This is the default name of the bean in a Spring XML file if the 'id' attribute is not used.)


open class ClassNameBeanWiringInfoResolver : BeanWiringInfoResolver

Simple default implementation of the BeanWiringInfoResolver interface, looking for a bean with the same name as the fully-qualified class name. This matches the default name of the bean in a Spring XML file if the bean tag's "id" attribute is not used.