spring-framework / org.springframework.cache.interceptor

Package org.springframework.cache.interceptor



interface BasicOperation

The base interface that all cache operations must implement.


abstract class CacheAspectSupport : AbstractCacheInvoker, BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean, SmartInitializingSingleton

Base class for caching aspects, such as the CacheInterceptor or an AspectJ aspect.

This enables the underlying Spring caching infrastructure to be used easily to implement an aspect for any aspect system.

Subclasses are responsible for calling methods in this class in the correct order.

Uses the Strategy design pattern. A CacheResolver implementation will resolve the actual cache(s) to use, and a CacheOperationSource is used for determining caching operations.

A cache aspect is serializable if its CacheResolver and CacheOperationSource are serializable.


open class CacheProxyFactoryBean : AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean

Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative caching handling. This is a convenient alternative to a standard AOP org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean with a separate CacheInterceptor definition.

This class is designed to facilitate declarative cache demarcation: namely, wrapping a singleton target object with a caching proxy, proxying all the interfaces that the target implements. Exists primarily for third-party framework integration. Users should favor the cache: XML namespace org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable annotation. See the declarative annotation-based caching section of the Spring reference documentation for more information.


open class CachePutOperation : CacheOperation

Class describing a cache 'put' operation.


open class CompositeCacheOperationSource : CacheOperationSource, Serializable

Composite CacheOperationSource implementation that iterates over a given array of CacheOperationSource instances.


open class NameMatchCacheOperationSource : CacheOperationSource, Serializable

Simple CacheOperationSource implementation that allows attributes to be matched by registered name.


open class NamedCacheResolver : AbstractCacheResolver

A CacheResolver that forces the resolution to a configurable collection of name(s) against a given CacheManager.


open class SimpleCacheErrorHandler : CacheErrorHandler

A simple CacheErrorHandler that does not handle the exception at all, simply throwing it back at the client.


open class SimpleCacheResolver : AbstractCacheResolver

A simple CacheResolver that resolves the Cache instance(s) based on a configurable CacheManager and the name of the cache(s) as provided by getCacheNames()


open class SimpleKey : Serializable

A simple key as returned from the SimpleKeyGenerator.


open class SimpleKeyGenerator : KeyGenerator

Simple key generator. Returns the parameter itself if a single non-null value is given, otherwise returns a SimpleKey of the parameters.

No collisions will occur with the keys generated by this class. The returned SimpleKey object can be safely used with a org.springframework.cache.concurrent.ConcurrentMapCache, however, might not be suitable for all org.springframework.cache.Cache implementations.