spring-framework / org.springframework.dao.support

Package org.springframework.dao.support



open class ChainedPersistenceExceptionTranslator : PersistenceExceptionTranslator

Implementation of PersistenceExceptionTranslator that supports chaining, allowing the addition of PersistenceExceptionTranslator instances in order. Returns non-null on the first (if any) match.


abstract class DataAccessUtils

Miscellaneous utility methods for DAO implementations. Useful with any data access technology.


open class PersistenceExceptionTranslationInterceptor : MethodInterceptor, BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean

AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that provides persistence exception translation based on a given PersistenceExceptionTranslator.

Delegates to the given PersistenceExceptionTranslator to translate a RuntimeException thrown into Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy (if appropriate). If the RuntimeException in question is declared on the target method, it is always propagated as-is (with no translation applied).