spring-framework / org.springframework.dao

Package org.springframework.dao



open class CannotAcquireLockException : PessimisticLockingFailureException

Exception thrown on failure to aquire a lock during an update, for example during a "select for update" statement.


open class CannotSerializeTransactionException : PessimisticLockingFailureException

Exception thrown on failure to complete a transaction in serialized mode due to update conflicts.


open class CleanupFailureDataAccessException : NonTransientDataAccessException

Exception thrown when we couldn't cleanup after a data access operation, but the actual operation went OK.

For example, this exception or a subclass might be thrown if a JDBC Connection couldn't be closed after it had been used successfully.

Note that data access code might perform resources cleanup in a finally block and therefore log cleanup failure rather than rethrow it, to keep the original data access exception, if any.


open class DuplicateKeyException : DataIntegrityViolationException

Exception thrown when an attempt to insert or update data results in violation of an primary key or unique constraint. Note that this is not necessarily a purely relational concept; unique primary keys are required by most database types.


open class EmptyResultDataAccessException : IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException

Data access exception thrown when a result was expected to have at least one row (or element) but zero rows (or elements) were actually returned.


open class QueryTimeoutException : TransientDataAccessException

Exception to be thrown on a query timeout. This could have different causes depending on the database API in use but most likely thrown after the database interrupts or stops the processing of a query before it has completed.

This exception can be thrown by user code trapping the native database exception or by exception translation.


open class TransientDataAccessResourceException : TransientDataAccessException

Data access exception thrown when a resource fails temporarily and the operation can be retried.


open class TypeMismatchDataAccessException : InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException

Exception thrown on mismatch between Java type and database type: for example on an attempt to set an object of the wrong type in an RDBMS column.