spring-framework / org.springframework.http.server.reactive

Package org.springframework.http.server.reactive



abstract class AbstractListenerReadPublisher<T : Any> : Publisher<T>

Abstract base class for Publisher implementations that bridge between event-listener read APIs and Reactive Streams.

Specifically a base class for reading from the HTTP request body with Servlet 3.1 non-blocking I/O and Undertow XNIO as well as handling incoming WebSocket messages with standard Java WebSocket (JSR-356), Jetty, and Undertow.


abstract class AbstractListenerServerHttpResponse : AbstractServerHttpResponse

Abstract base class for listener-based server responses, e.g. Servlet 3.1 and Undertow.


abstract class AbstractListenerWriteFlushProcessor<T : Any> : Processor<Publisher<out T>, Void>

An alternative to AbstractListenerWriteProcessor but instead writing a Publisher<Publisher<T>> with flush boundaries enforces after the completion of each nested Publisher.


abstract class AbstractListenerWriteProcessor<T : Any> : Processor<T, Void>

Abstract base class for Processor implementations that bridge between event-listener write APIs and Reactive Streams.

Specifically a base class for writing to the HTTP response body with Servlet 3.1 non-blocking I/O and Undertow XNIO as well for writing WebSocket messages through the Java WebSocket API (JSR-356), Jetty, and Undertow.


open class ChannelSendOperator<T : Any> : Mono<Void>, Scannable

Given a write function that accepts a source Publisher<T> to write with and returns Publisher<Void> for the result, this operator helps to defer the invocation of the write function, until we know if the source publisher will begin publishing without an error. If the first emission is an error, the write function is bypassed, and the error is sent directly through the result publisher. Otherwise the write function is invoked.


open class ContextPathCompositeHandler : HttpHandler

HttpHandler delegating requests to one of several HttpHandler's based on simple, prefix-based mappings.

This is intended as a coarse-grained mechanism for delegating requests to one of several applications -- each represented by an HttpHandler, with the application "context path" (the prefix-based mapping) exposed via ServerHttpRequest#getPath().


open class HttpHeadResponseDecorator : ServerHttpResponseDecorator

ServerHttpResponse decorator for HTTP HEAD requests.


open class JettyHttpHandlerAdapter : ServletHttpHandlerAdapter

ServletHttpHandlerAdapter extension that uses Jetty APIs for writing to the response with ByteBuffer.


open class ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter : BiFunction<HttpServerRequest, HttpServerResponse, Mono<Void>>

Adapt HttpHandler to the Reactor Netty channel handling function.


open class ServerHttpRequestDecorator : ServerHttpRequest

Wraps another ServerHttpRequest and delegates all methods to it. Sub-classes can override specific methods selectively.


open class TomcatHttpHandlerAdapter : ServletHttpHandlerAdapter

ServletHttpHandlerAdapter extension that uses Tomcat APIs for reading from the request and writing to the response with ByteBuffer.


open class UndertowHttpHandlerAdapter : HttpHandler

Adapt HttpHandler to the Undertow io.undertow.server.HttpHandler.