spring-framework / org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam

Package org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam



open class BeanPropertySqlParameterSource : AbstractSqlParameterSource

SqlParameterSource implementation that obtains parameter values from bean properties of a given JavaBean object. The names of the bean properties have to match the parameter names.

Uses a Spring BeanWrapper for bean property access underneath.


open class EmptySqlParameterSource : SqlParameterSource

A simple empty implementation of the SqlParameterSource interface.


open class NamedParameterBatchUpdateUtils : BatchUpdateUtils

Generic utility methods for working with JDBC batch statements using named parameters. Mainly for internal use within the framework.


open class NamedParameterJdbcDaoSupport : JdbcDaoSupport

Extension of JdbcDaoSupport that exposes a NamedParameterJdbcTemplate as well.


interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations

Interface specifying a basic set of JDBC operations allowing the use of named parameters rather than the traditional '?' placeholders.

This is an alternative to the classic org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcOperations interface, implemented by NamedParameterJdbcTemplate. This interface is not often used directly, but provides a useful option to enhance testability, as it can easily be mocked or stubbed.


abstract class NamedParameterUtils

Helper methods for named parameter parsing.

Only intended for internal use within Spring's JDBC framework.


open class ParsedSql

Holds information about a parsed SQL statement.


abstract class SqlParameterSourceUtils

Class that provides helper methods for the use of SqlParameterSource, in particular with NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.



operator fun MapSqlParameterSource.set(paramName: String, value: Any): Unit
operator fun MapSqlParameterSource.set(paramName: String, sqlType: Int, value: Any): Unit

Extension for MapSqlParameterSource.addValue providing Array like setter.

operator fun MapSqlParameterSource.set(paramName: String, sqlType: Int, typeName: String, value: Any): Unit

Extension for MapSqlParameterSource.addValue providing Array like setter