spring-framework / org.springframework.jdbc.datasource / WebSphereDataSourceAdapter


open class WebSphereDataSourceAdapter : IsolationLevelDataSourceAdapter

DataSource implementation that delegates all calls to a WebSphere target DataSource, typically obtained from JNDI, applying a current isolation level and/or current user credentials to every Connection obtained from it.

Uses IBM-specific API to get a JDBC Connection with a specific isolation level (and read-only flag) from a WebSphere DataSource (IBM code example). Supports the transaction-specific isolation level exposed by org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionSynchronizationManager#getCurrentTransactionIsolationLevel(). It's also possible to specify a default isolation level, to be applied when the current Spring-managed transaction does not define a specific isolation level.

Usage example, defining the target DataSource as an inner-bean JNDI lookup (of course, you can link to any WebSphere DataSource through a bean reference):

 <bean id="myDataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.WebSphereDataSourceAdapter"> <property name="targetDataSource"> <bean class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean"> <property name="jndiName" value="jdbc/myds"/> </bean> </property> </bean>
Thanks to Ricardo Olivieri for submitting the original implementation of this approach!

Juergen Hoeller

Lari Hotari

Ricardo N. Olivieri


See Also




This constructor retrieves the WebSphere JDBC connection spec API, so we can get obtain specific WebSphere Connections using reflection.



open fun afterPropertiesSet(): Unit

Checks that the specified 'targetDataSource' actually is a WebSphere WSDataSource.

Inherited Functions


open fun setIsolationLevel(isolationLevel: Int): Unit

Specify the default isolation level to use for Connection retrieval, according to the JDBC java.sql.Connection constants (equivalent to the corresponding Spring org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition constants).

If not specified, the target DataSource's default will be used. Note that a transaction-specific isolation value will always override any isolation setting specified at the DataSource level.


fun setIsolationLevelName(constantName: String): Unit

Set the default isolation level by the name of the corresponding constant in org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition, e.g. "ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE".

If not specified, the target DataSource's default will be used. Note that a transaction-specific isolation value will always override any isolation setting specified at the DataSource level.