spring-framework / org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer / DerbyMaxValueIncrementer


open class DerbyMaxValueIncrementer : AbstractIdentityColumnMaxValueIncrementer

DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given Derby table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column. Note: If you use this class, your Derby key column should NOT be defined as an IDENTITY column, as the sequence table does the job.

The sequence is kept in a table. There should be one sequence table per table that needs an auto-generated key.

Derby requires an additional column to be used for the insert since it is impossible to insert a null into the identity column and have the value generated. This is solved by providing the name of a dummy column that also must be created in the sequence table.


create table tab (id int not null primary key, text varchar(100)); create table tab_sequence (value int generated always as identity, dummy char(1)); insert into tab_sequence (dummy) values(null);
If "cacheSize" is set, the intermediate values are served without querying the database. If the server or your application is stopped or crashes or a transaction is rolled back, the unused values will never be served. The maximum hole size in numbering is consequently the value of cacheSize. HINT: Since Derby supports the JDBC 3.0 getGeneratedKeys method, it is recommended to use IDENTITY columns directly in the tables and then utilizing a org.springframework.jdbc.support.KeyHolder when calling the with the update(PreparedStatementCreator psc, KeyHolder generatedKeyHolder) method of the org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.

Thanks to Endre Stolsvik for the suggestion!

Thomas Risberg

Juergen Hoeller





Default constructor for bean property style usage.

DerbyMaxValueIncrementer(dataSource: DataSource, incrementerName: String, columnName: String)
DerbyMaxValueIncrementer(dataSource: DataSource, incrementerName: String, columnName: String, dummyName: String)

Convenience constructor.



open fun getDummyName(): String

Return the name of the dummy column.


open fun setDummyName(dummyName: String): Unit

Set the name of the dummy column.

Inherited Functions


open fun isDeleteSpecificValues(): Boolean

Return whether to delete the entire range below the current maximum key value (false - the default), or the specifically generated values (true).


open fun setDeleteSpecificValues(deleteSpecificValues: Boolean): Unit

Specify whether to delete the entire range below the current maximum key value (false - the default), or the specifically generated values (true). The former mode will use a where range clause whereas the latter will use an in clause starting with the lowest value minus 1, just preserving the maximum value.