spring-framework / org.springframework.jms.core

Package org.springframework.jms.core



interface BrowserCallback<T : Any>

Callback for browsing the messages in a JMS queue.

To be used with JmsTemplate's callback methods that take a BrowserCallback argument, often implemented as an anonymous inner class or as a lambda expression.


interface JmsMessageOperations : MessageSendingOperations<Destination>, MessageReceivingOperations<Destination>, MessageRequestReplyOperations<Destination>

A specialization of MessageSendingOperations, MessageReceivingOperations and MessageRequestReplyOperations for JMS related operations that allow to specify a destination name rather than the actual javax.jms.Destination


open class JmsMessagingTemplate : AbstractMessagingTemplate<Destination>, JmsMessageOperations, InitializingBean

An implementation of JmsMessageOperations.


interface MessageCreator

Creates a JMS message given a Session.

The Session typically is provided by an instance of the JmsTemplate class.

Implementations do not need to concern themselves with checked JMSExceptions (from the 'javax.jms' package) that may be thrown from operations they attempt. The JmsTemplate will catch and handle these JMSExceptions appropriately.


interface MessagePostProcessor

To be used with JmsTemplate's send method that convert an object to a message. It allows for further modification of the message after it has been processed by the converter. This is useful for setting of JMS Header and Properties.

This often as an anonymous class within a method implementation.


interface ProducerCallback<T : Any>

Callback for sending a message to a JMS destination.

To be used with JmsTemplate's callback methods that take a ProducerCallback argument, often implemented as an anonymous inner class or as a lambda expression.

The typical implementation will perform multiple operations on the supplied JMS Session and MessageProducer.


interface SessionCallback<T : Any>

Callback for executing any number of operations on a provided Session.

To be used with the JmsTemplate#execute(SessionCallback) method, often implemented as an anonymous inner class or as a lambda expression.