spring-framework / org.springframework.remoting.caucho

Package org.springframework.remoting.caucho



open class HessianClientInterceptor : UrlBasedRemoteAccessor, MethodInterceptor

org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor for accessing a Hessian service. Supports authentication via username and password. The service URL must be an HTTP URL exposing a Hessian service.

Hessian is a slim, binary RPC protocol. For information on Hessian, see the Hessian website Note: As of Spring 4.0, this client requires Hessian 4.0 or above.

Note: There is no requirement for services accessed with this proxy factory to have been exported using Spring's HessianServiceExporter, as there is no special handling involved. As a consequence, you can also access services that have been exported using Caucho's com.caucho.hessian.server.HessianServlet.


open class HessianExporter : RemoteExporter, InitializingBean

General stream-based protocol exporter for a Hessian endpoint.

Hessian is a slim, binary RPC protocol. For information on Hessian, see the Hessian website. Note: As of Spring 4.0, this exporter requires Hessian 4.0 or above.


open class HessianProxyFactoryBean : HessianClientInterceptor, FactoryBean<Any>

FactoryBean for Hessian proxies. Exposes the proxied service for use as a bean reference, using the specified service interface.

Hessian is a slim, binary RPC protocol. For information on Hessian, see the Hessian website Note: As of Spring 4.0, this proxy factory requires Hessian 4.0 or above.

The service URL must be an HTTP URL exposing a Hessian service. For details, see the HessianClientInterceptor javadoc.


open class HessianServiceExporter : HessianExporter, HttpRequestHandler

Servlet-API-based HTTP request handler that exports the specified service bean as Hessian service endpoint, accessible via a Hessian proxy.

Note: Spring also provides an alternative version of this exporter, for Sun's JRE 1.6 HTTP server: SimpleHessianServiceExporter.

Hessian is a slim, binary RPC protocol. For information on Hessian, see the Hessian website. Note: As of Spring 4.0, this exporter requires Hessian 4.0 or above.

Hessian services exported with this class can be accessed by any Hessian client, as there isn't any special handling involved.


open class SimpleHessianServiceExporter : HessianExporter, HttpHandler

HTTP request handler that exports the specified service bean as Hessian service endpoint, accessible via a Hessian proxy. Designed for Sun's JRE 1.6 HTTP server, implementing the com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpHandler interface.

Hessian is a slim, binary RPC protocol. For information on Hessian, see the Hessian website. Note: As of Spring 4.0, this exporter requires Hessian 4.0 or above.

Hessian services exported with this class can be accessed by any Hessian client, as there isn't any special handling involved.