spring-framework / org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result

Package org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result



open class ContentResultMatchers

Factory for response content assertions.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#content.


open class CookieResultMatchers

Factory for response cookie assertions.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#cookie.


open class FlashAttributeResultMatchers

Factory for "output" flash attribute assertions.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#flash.


open class HandlerResultMatchers

Factory for assertions on the selected handler or handler method.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#handler.

Note: Expectations that assert the controller method used to process the request work only for requests processed with RequestMappingHandlerMapping and RequestMappingHandlerAdapter which is used by default with the Spring MVC Java config and XML namespace.


open class HeaderResultMatchers

Factory for response header assertions.

An instance of this class is available via MockMvcResultMatchers#header.


open class JsonPathResultMatchers

Factory for assertions on the response content using JsonPath expressions.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#jsonPath(String, Matcher) or MockMvcResultMatchers#jsonPath(String, Object...).


abstract class MockMvcResultHandlers

Static factory methods for ResultHandler-based result actions. Eclipse Users

Consider adding this class as a Java editor favorite. To navigate to this setting, open the Preferences and type "favorites".


open class ModelResultMatchers

Factory for assertions on the model.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#model.


open class PrintingResultHandler : ResultHandler

Result handler that prints MvcResult details to a given output stream — for example: System.out, System.err, a custom java.io.PrintWriter, etc.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via one of the print or log methods in MockMvcResultHandlers.


open class RequestResultMatchers

Factory for assertions on the request.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#request.


open class StatusResultMatchers

Factory for assertions on the response status.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#status.


open class ViewResultMatchers

Factory for assertions on the selected view.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#view.


open class XpathResultMatchers

Factory for assertions on the response content using XPath expressions.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers#xpath.