spring-framework / org.springframework.web.method.support

Package org.springframework.web.method.support



interface AsyncHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler : HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler

A return value handler that supports async types. Such return value types need to be handled with priority so the async value can be "unwrapped".

Note: implementing this contract is not required but it should be implemented when the handler needs to be prioritized ahead of others. For example custom (async) handlers, by default ordered after built-in handlers, should take precedence over @ResponseBody or @ModelAttribute handling, which should occur once the async value is ready. By contrast, built-in (async) handlers are already ordered ahead of sync handlers.


open class CompositeUriComponentsContributor : UriComponentsContributor

A UriComponentsContributor containing a list of other contributors to delegate and also encapsulating a specific ConversionService to use for formatting method argument values to Strings.


interface HandlerMethodArgumentResolver

Strategy interface for resolving method parameters into argument values in the context of a given request.


open class HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite : HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler

Handles method return values by delegating to a list of registered HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlers. Previously resolved return types are cached for faster lookups.


open class InvocableHandlerMethod : HandlerMethod

Provides a method for invoking the handler method for a given request after resolving its method argument values through registered HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers.

Argument resolution often requires a WebDataBinder for data binding or for type conversion. Use the #setDataBinderFactory(WebDataBinderFactory) property to supply a binder factory to pass to argument resolvers.

Use #setHandlerMethodArgumentResolvers to customize the list of argument resolvers.