spring-framework / org.springframework.web.reactive.result.view

Package org.springframework.web.reactive.result.view



abstract class AbstractUrlBasedView : AbstractView, InitializingBean

Abstract base class for URL-based views. Provides a consistent way of holding the URL that a View wraps, in the form of a "url" bean property.


open class BindStatus

Simple adapter to expose the bind status of a field or object. Set as a variable by FreeMarker macros and other tag libraries.

Obviously, object status representations (i.e. errors at the object level rather than the field level) do not have an expression and a value but only error codes and messages. For simplicity's sake and to be able to use the same tags and macros, the same status class is used for both scenarios.


open class HttpMessageWriterView : View

View that writes model attribute(s) with an HttpMessageWriter.


interface Rendering

Public API for HTML rendering. Supported as a return value in Spring WebFlux controllers. Comparable to the use of ModelAndView as a return value in Spring MVC controllers.

Controllers typically return a String view name and rely on the "implicit" model which can also be injected into the controller method. Or controllers may return model attribute(s) and rely on a default view name being selected based on the request path.

Rendering can be used to combine a view name with model attributes, set the HTTP status or headers, and for other more advanced options around redirect scenarios.