spring-framework / org.springframework.web.servlet.support

Package org.springframework.web.servlet.support



abstract class AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer : AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer

org.springframework.web.WebApplicationInitializer to register a DispatcherServlet and use Java-based Spring configuration.

Implementations are required to implement:

If an application context hierarchy is not required, applications may return all configuration via #getRootConfigClasses() and return null from #getServletConfigClasses().


abstract class AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer : AbstractContextLoaderInitializer

Base class for org.springframework.web.WebApplicationInitializer implementations that register a DispatcherServlet in the servlet context.

Most applications should consider extending the Spring Java config, sub-class AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer.


open class JspAwareRequestContext : RequestContext

JSP-aware (and JSTL-aware) subclass of RequestContext, allowing for population of the context from a javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.

This context will detect a JSTL locale attribute in page/request/session/application scope, in addition to the fallback locale strategy provided by the base class.


abstract class RequestContextUtils

Utility class for easy access to request-specific state which has been set by the org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.

Supports lookup of current WebApplicationContext, LocaleResolver, Locale, ThemeResolver, Theme, and MultipartResolver.


open class ServletUriComponentsBuilder : UriComponentsBuilder

UriComponentsBuilder with additional static factory methods to create links based on the current HttpServletRequest.

Note: This class extracts and uses values from the headers "Forwarded" (RFC 7239), or "X-Forwarded-Host", "X-Forwarded-Port", and "X-Forwarded-Proto" if "Forwarded" is not found, in order to reflect the client-originated protocol and address. As an alternative consider using the org.springframework.web.filter.ForwardedHeaderFilter to have such headers extracted once and removed, or removed only (without being used). See the reference for further information including security considerations.


open class SessionFlashMapManager : AbstractFlashMapManager

Store and retrieve FlashMap instances to and from the HTTP session.