spring-framework / org.springframework.web.socket.client.standard

Package org.springframework.web.socket.client.standard



open class AnnotatedEndpointConnectionManager : ConnectionManagerSupport, BeanFactoryAware

A WebSocket connection manager that is given a URI, a javax.websocket.ClientEndpoint-annotated endpoint, connects to a WebSocket server through the #start() and #stop() methods. If #setAutoStartup(boolean) is set to true this will be done automatically when the Spring ApplicationContext is refreshed.


open class EndpointConnectionManager : ConnectionManagerSupport, BeanFactoryAware

A WebSocket connection manager that is given a URI, an Endpoint, connects to a WebSocket server through the #start() and #stop() methods. If #setAutoStartup(boolean) is set to true this will be done automatically when the Spring ApplicationContext is refreshed.


open class StandardWebSocketClient : AbstractWebSocketClient

A WebSocketClient based on standard Java WebSocket API.


open class WebSocketContainerFactoryBean : FactoryBean<WebSocketContainer>

A FactoryBean for creating and configuring a javax.websocket.WebSocketContainer through Spring XML configuration. In Java configuration, ignore this class and use ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer() instead.