spring-framework / org.springframework.web.util / CookieGenerator


open class CookieGenerator

Helper class for cookie generation, carrying cookie descriptor settings as bean properties and being able to add and remove cookie to/from a given response.

Can serve as base class for components that generate specific cookies, such as CookieLocaleResolver and CookieThemeResolver.

Juergen Hoeller


See Also




Helper class for cookie generation, carrying cookie descriptor settings as bean properties and being able to add and remove cookie to/from a given response.

Can serve as base class for components that generate specific cookies, such as CookieLocaleResolver and CookieThemeResolver.



static val DEFAULT_COOKIE_PATH: String

Default path that cookies will be visible to: "/", i.e. the entire server.



open fun addCookie(response: HttpServletResponse, cookieValue: String): Unit

Add a cookie with the given value to the response, using the cookie descriptor settings of this generator.

Delegates to #createCookie for cookie creation.


open fun getCookieDomain(): String

Return the domain for cookies created by this generator, if any.


open fun getCookieMaxAge(): Int

Return the maximum age for cookies created by this generator.


open fun getCookieName(): String

Return the given name for cookies created by this generator.


open fun getCookiePath(): String

Return the path for cookies created by this generator.


open fun isCookieHttpOnly(): Boolean

Return whether the cookie is supposed to be marked with the "HttpOnly" attribute.


open fun isCookieSecure(): Boolean

Return whether the cookie should only be sent using a secure protocol, such as HTTPS (SSL).


open fun removeCookie(response: HttpServletResponse): Unit

Remove the cookie that this generator describes from the response. Will generate a cookie with empty value and max age 0.

Delegates to #createCookie for cookie creation.


open fun setCookieDomain(cookieDomain: String): Unit

Use the given domain for cookies created by this generator. The cookie is only visible to servers in this domain.


open fun setCookieHttpOnly(cookieHttpOnly: Boolean): Unit

Set whether the cookie is supposed to be marked with the "HttpOnly" attribute.

Default is "false".


open fun setCookieMaxAge(cookieMaxAge: Int): Unit

Use the given maximum age (in seconds) for cookies created by this generator. Useful special value: -1 ... not persistent, deleted when client shuts down.

Default is no specific maximum age at all, using the Servlet container's default.


open fun setCookieName(cookieName: String): Unit

Use the given name for cookies created by this generator.


open fun setCookiePath(cookiePath: String): Unit

Use the given path for cookies created by this generator. The cookie is only visible to URLs in this path and below.


open fun setCookieSecure(cookieSecure: Boolean): Unit

Set whether the cookie should only be sent using a secure protocol, such as HTTPS (SSL). This is an indication to the receiving browser, not processed by the HTTP server itself.

Default is "false".



open class CookieLocaleResolver : CookieGenerator, LocaleContextResolver

LocaleResolver implementation that uses a cookie sent back to the user in case of a custom setting, with a fallback to the specified default locale or the request's accept-header locale.

This is particularly useful for stateless applications without user sessions. The cookie may optionally contain an associated time zone value as well; alternatively, you may specify a default time zone.

Custom controllers can override the user's locale and time zone by calling #setLocale(Context) on the resolver, e.g. responding to a locale change request. As a more convenient alternative, consider using org.springframework.web.servlet.support.RequestContext#changeLocale.


open class CookieThemeResolver : CookieGenerator, ThemeResolver

ThemeResolver implementation that uses a cookie sent back to the user in case of a custom setting, with a fallback to the default theme. This is particularly useful for stateless applications without user sessions.

Custom controllers can thus override the user's theme by calling setThemeName, e.g. responding to a certain theme change request.