Deprecated Interfaces
Deprecated ClassesClassDescriptionin
(effectively equivalent toNoOpLog
)since it is only meant to be used in the above-mentioned fallback scenarioas of 5.2, along withPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
as of 5.2; useorg.springframework.context.support.PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer
instead which is more flexible through taking advantage of theEnvironment
mechanisms.as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common bean definition formats and/or custom reader implementationsas of 6.0 in favor of implementingCachingConfigurer
directlyas of 6.0 in favor of implementingJCacheConfigurer
directlyas of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common bean definition formats and/or custom reader implementationsas of 6.0 in favor of implementingAsyncConfigurer
directlyas of 5.3, in favor ofCronExpression
as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common bean definition formats and/or custom loader implementationsas of 6.0, in favor of a straightJtaTransactionManager
definitionas of 5.3, in favor of the default methods on theTransactionSynchronization
interfaceAs of 6.0, with no direct replacementas of 5.2.4. See class-level note inContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean
on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.2.4. See class-level note inContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean
on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of Spring 5.1 in favor of usingHttpHeaders.setBasicAuth(String, String)
while building the request.as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common view resolver variants and/or custom resolver implementationsas of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common view resolver variants and/or custom resolver implementations
Deprecated FieldsFieldDescriptionUse
and the other read methods instead. This field will eventually be deleted.as of Spring 3.0: If you are using mixed autowiring strategies, prefer annotation-based autowiring for clearer demarcation of autowiring needs.as of Spring 3.0: If you are using mixed autowiring strategies, use annotation-based autowiring for clearer demarcation of autowiring needs.this customizer might result in unexpected class leak since key object still holds a strong reference to the Object and class. It is recommended to have pre-processing method that would strip Objects and represent Classes as Stringsas of 5.2.6 since theMergedAnnotations
model always ignores lang annotations according to theAnnotationFilter.PLAIN
filter (for efficiency reasons)as of 5.2 in favor ofMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON
since major browsers like Chrome now comply with the specification and interpret correctly UTF-8 special characters without requiring acharset=UTF-8
parameter.as of 5.2 in favor ofMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
since major browsers like Chrome now comply with the specification and interpret correctly UTF-8 special characters without requiring acharset=UTF-8
parameter.as of 5.2 in favor ofMediaType.APPLICATION_PROBLEM_JSON
since major browsers like Chrome now comply with the specification and interpret correctly UTF-8 special characters without requiring acharset=UTF-8
parameter.as of 5.2 in favor ofMediaType.APPLICATION_PROBLEM_JSON_VALUE
since major browsers like Chrome now comply with the specification and interpret correctly UTF-8 special characters without requiring acharset=UTF-8
parameter.as of 5.3, see notice onMediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON_VALUE
.as of 5.3 since it originates from the W3C Activity Streams specification which has a more specific purpose and has been since replaced with a different mime type. UseMediaType.APPLICATION_NDJSON
as a replacement or any other line-delimited JSON format (e.g. JSON Lines, JSON Text Sequences).As of 6.0, with no direct replacementAs of 6.0, with no direct replacementAs of 6.0, with no direct replacementas of 5.3 in favor ofUrlPathHelper.PATH_ATTRIBUTE
. To access the cached path used for request mapping, useServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionin favor of
in favor ofLogFactory.getLog(Class)
in favor ofLogFactory.getLog(String)
this method is superseded byClassWriter.newHandle(int, String, String, String, boolean)
.as of Spring 5.0, following the deprecation ofClass.newInstance()
in JDK 9since 5.2, in favor ofAutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.determineRequiredStatus(MergedAnnotation)
as of 5.2.2, in favor ofAbstractResourceBasedMessageSource.getDefaultLocale()
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2 since it is superseded by theMergedAnnotations
APIas of 5.2, please implementDecoder.decode(DataBuffer, ResolvableType, MimeType, Map)
insteadas of 5.1 in favor ofEnvironment.acceptsProfiles(Profiles)
since 5.2 in favor ofmethodParameter.withContainingClass(implementationClass).getParameterType()
since 5.2 in favor of retaining the original MethodParameter and usingMethodParameter.nested(Integer)
if nesting is requiredas of 5.0, in favor ofMethodParameter.forExecutable(java.lang.reflect.Executable, int)
since 5.2 in favor ofMethodParameter.nested(Integer)
since 5.2 in favor ofMethodParameter.withTypeIndex(int)
as of 5.1.13, useCodecConfigurer.CustomCodecs.register(Object)
instead.as of 5.1.13, useCodecConfigurer.CustomCodecs.register(Object)
instead.as of 5.1.13, useCodecConfigurer.CustomCodecs.register(Object)
instead.as of 5.1.13, useCodecConfigurer.CustomCodecs.register(Object)
instead.since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B, to be removed in a future release.since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B, to be removed in a future release.since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B, to be removed in a future release.since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B, to be removed in a future release.since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B, to be removed in a future release.since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B, to be removed in a future release.since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B, to be removed in a future release.since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B, to be removed in a future release.in favor ofHttpMethod.valueOf(String)
in favor ofHttpRequest.getMethod()
as of 5.3, in favor of invokingHttpStatus.series()
directlyAs of 6.0, with no direct replacementAs of 6.0, in favor ofMimeTypeUtils.sortBySpecificity(List)
As of 6.0, in favor ofMimeTypeUtils.sortBySpecificity(List)
originally introduced for Undertow to stop write notifications when no data is available, but deprecated as of 5.0.6 since constant switching on every requested item causes a significant slowdown.as of 5.3, in favor ofJdbcOperations.query(String, ResultSetExtractor, Object...)
as of 5.3, in favor ofJdbcOperations.query(String, RowCallbackHandler, Object...)
as of 5.3, in favor ofJdbcOperations.query(String, RowMapper, Object...)
as of 5.3, in favor ofJdbcOperations.queryForList(String, Class, Object...)
as of 5.3, in favor ofJdbcOperations.queryForObject(String, Class, Object...)
as of 5.3, in favor ofJdbcOperations.queryForObject(String, RowMapper, Object...)
as of 5.1.11, in favor ofDataSourceUtils.resetConnectionAfterTransaction(Connection, Integer, boolean)
as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.as of 5.3, in favor of the JDBC 4.0 connection validationas of 5.2.9, in favor ofJdbcUtils.extractDatabaseMetaData(DataSource, DatabaseMetaDataCallback)
with a lambda expression or method reference and a generically typed resultas of 5.3 in favor ofRSocketRequester.Builder.transport(ClientTransport)
as of 5.3 in favor ofRSocketRequester.Builder.tcp(String, int)
as of 5.3 in favor ofRSocketRequester.Builder.websocket(URI)
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.0.4, in favor of a customHibernateCallback
lambda code block passed to the generalHibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>)
methodas of 5.3.9, in favor of directThreadPoolTaskScheduler.getScheduledThreadPoolExecutor()
accessas of 5.0.2, in favor ofScheduledTaskRegistrar.scheduleFixedDelayTask(FixedDelayTask)
as of 5.0.2, in favor ofScheduledTaskRegistrar.scheduleFixedRateTask(FixedRateTask)
as of 5.1.13 in favor ofWebTestClient.Builder.codecs(Consumer)
as of Spring Framework 5.2 in favor ofWebTestClient.RequestBodySpec.bodyValue(Object)
matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.DESTINATION_LOCKED
matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ON_RESOURCE
matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.METHOD_FAILURE
in favor ofStatusResultMatchers.isFound()
matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE
matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG
matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.USE_PROXY
as of Spring Framework 5.3.10, in favor ofResultActions.andExpectAll(ResultMatcher...)
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note inRequestMappingHandlerMapping
on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.doesNotContain(String, String, String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.hasLength(String, String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.hasText(String, String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.isNull(Object, String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.isTrue(boolean, String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.noNullElements(Object[], String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.notEmpty(Object[], String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.notEmpty(Collection, String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.notEmpty(Map, String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.notNull(Object, String)
as of 4.3.7, in favor ofAssert.state(boolean, String)
as of 5.2, in favor of custom (possibly narrower) checksas of 5.2, in favor of custom (possibly narrower) checksas of 5.2, in favor of custom (possibly narrower) checksas of 5.3, in favor ofStringUtils.hasLength(String)
)in favor ofString.stripLeading()
in favor ofString.stripTrailing()
in favor ofString.strip()
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note on the deprecation of path extension config options. As there is no replacement for this method, in 5.2.x it is necessary to set it tofalse
. In 5.3 the default changes tofalse
and use of this property becomes unnecessary.as of 5.2.4. See class-level note on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.0, in favor ofContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean.setUseRegisteredExtensionsOnly(boolean)
, which has reverse behavior.as of 5.0, in favor ofAbstractMappingContentNegotiationStrategy.setUseRegisteredExtensionsOnly(boolean)
.as of 5.2, same-origin checks are performed directly byCorsUtils.isCorsRequest(org.springframework.http.server.reactive.ServerHttpRequest)
as of 5.3 in favor of usingUrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource.setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper)
, if at all. For further details, please seeUrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource.setAllowInitLookupPath(boolean)
.as of 5.3 in favor ofUrlPathHelper.PATH_ATTRIBUTE
.as of 5.3 in favor of usingUrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource.setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper)
, if at all. For further details, please seeUrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource.setAllowInitLookupPath(boolean)
.as of 5.3 in favor of usingUrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource.setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper)
, if at all. For further details, please seeUrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource.setAllowInitLookupPath(boolean)
.As of Spring Framework 5.2, in favor ofBodyInserters.fromValue(Object)
in favor ofClientRequest.create(HttpMethod, URI)
as of 5.3 in favor of the instance basedClientResponse.mutate()
.as of Spring 5.1 in favor of usingHttpHeaders.setBasicAuth(String, String)
while building the request.as of 5.1.13 in favor ofWebClient.Builder.codecs(Consumer)
as of Spring Framework 5.2 in favor ofWebClient.RequestBodySpec.bodyValue(Object)
in 5.3.2 to be removed soon after; this method cannot provide context to downstream (nested or subsequent) requests and is of limited value.since 5.3 due to the possibility to leak memory and/or connections; please, useWebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.exchangeToMono(Function)
; consider also usingWebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.retrieve()
which provides access to the response status and headers viaResponseEntity
along with error status handling.in favor ofServerRequest.method()
as of 5.3, in favor onServerRequest.requestPath()
as of Spring Framework 5.2 in favor ofServerResponse.BodyBuilder.bodyValue(Object)
as of 5.3 in favor ofReactorNettyWebSocketClient.getWebsocketClientSpec()
as of 5.3 in favor ofReactorNettyWebSocketClient.getWebsocketClientSpec()
as of 5.3 in favor of providing a supplier ofWebsocketClientSpec.Builder
with a constructor argumentas of 5.3 in favor of providing a supplier ofWebsocketClientSpec.Builder
with a constructor argumentas of 5.3 in favor of comparing codes directlyas of 5.2.6 in favor ofReactorNettyRequestUpgradeStrategy.getWebsocketServerSpec()
as of 5.2.6 in favor ofReactorNettyRequestUpgradeStrategy.getWebsocketServerSpec()
as of 5.2.6 in favor of providing a supplier ofWebsocketServerSpec.Builder
with a constructor argumentas of 5.2.6 in favor of providing a supplier ofWebsocketServerSpec.Builder
with a constructor argumentas of 5.3 in favor ofResponseStatusExceptionHandler.determineRawStatusCode(Throwable)
.as of 5.2.4. See deprecation note onContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean.setFavorPathExtension(boolean)
.as of 5.2.4. See deprecation note onContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean.setIgnoreUnknownPathExtensions(boolean)
.as of 5.0, in favor ofContentNegotiationConfigurer.useRegisteredExtensionsOnly(boolean)
which has reverse behavioras of 5.2.4, see deprecation note onPathMatchConfigurer.setUseRegisteredSuffixPatternMatch(Boolean)
.as of 5.2.4, see deprecation note onPathMatchConfigurer.setUseSuffixPatternMatch(Boolean)
.as of 5.2.4. See class-level note inRequestMappingHandlerMapping
on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.2.4. See class-level note inRequestMappingHandlerMapping
on the deprecation of path extension config options. As there is no replacement for this method, in 5.2.x it is necessary to set it tofalse
. In 5.3 the default changes tofalse
and use of this property becomes unnecessary.in favor ofServerRequest.method()
as of 5.3, in favor onServerRequest.requestPath()
as of 5.3 in favor of providing non-pattern mappings viaAbstractHandlerMethodMapping.getDirectPaths(Object)
insteadas of 5.3 in favor ofMappedInterceptor.matches(HttpServletRequest)
as of 5.3.9 along withLastModified
.as of 5.3.9 along withLastModified
.as of 5.2.4. See class-level note on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.2.4. See class level note on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.2.4. See class level note on the deprecation of path extension config options. As there is no replacement for this method, in 5.2.x it is necessary to set it tofalse
. In 5.3 the default changes tofalse
and use of this property becomes unnecessary.as of 5.2.4. See deprecation notice onRequestMappingHandlerMapping.setUseRegisteredSuffixPatternMatch(boolean)
.as of 5.2.4. See deprecation notice onRequestMappingHandlerMapping.setUseSuffixPatternMatch(boolean)
.as of 5.2.4. See class-level note inRequestMappingHandlerMapping
on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained withServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
; this method always returnsUrlPathHelper.defaultInstance
.as of 5.2.4. See class-level note inRequestMappingHandlerMapping
on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.2.4. See deprecation note onRequestMappingHandlerMapping.setUseSuffixPatternMatch(boolean)
.as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained withServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note inRequestMappingHandlerMapping
on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.2.4. See deprecation note onRequestMappingHandlerMapping.setUseSuffixPatternMatch(boolean)
.as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained withServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained withServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained withServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
as of 5.2.4org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceHttpRequestHandler.initContentNegotiationStrategy()as of 5.2.4 this method returnsnull
, and if a sub-class returns an actual instance,the instance is used only as a source of media type mappings, if it contains any. Please, useResourceHttpRequestHandler.setMediaTypes(Map)
instead, or if you need to change behavior, you can overrideResourceHttpRequestHandler.getMediaType(HttpServletRequest, Resource)
.as of 5.2.4 in favor of usingResourceHttpRequestHandler.setMediaTypes(Map)
with mappings possibly obtained fromContentNegotiationManager.getMediaTypeMappings()
.as of 4.2, since thelastModified
flag is effectively ignored, with a must-revalidate header only generated if explicitly configuredas of 4.2, in favor ofWebContentGenerator.getCacheControl()
as of 4.2, in favor ofWebContentGenerator.getCacheControl()
as of 4.2, in favor ofWebContentGenerator.getCacheControl()
as of 4.2, in favor ofWebContentGenerator.getCacheControl()
as of 4.2, in favor ofWebContentGenerator.setCacheControl(org.springframework.http.CacheControl)
as of 4.2, since going forward, the HTTP 1.1 cache-control header will be required, with the HTTP 1.0 headers disappearingas of 4.2, in favor ofWebContentGenerator.setCacheControl(org.springframework.http.CacheControl)
as of 4.2, since going forward, the HTTP 1.1 cache-control header will be required, with the HTTP 1.0 headers disappearingas of 5.3 in favor of usingUrlPathHelper.resolveAndCacheLookupPath(HttpServletRequest)
Deprecated ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionthis constructor has been superseded by
Handle(int, String, String, String, boolean)
.since 5.2 in favor of the factory methodAnnotationMetadata.introspect(Class)
since 5.2 in favor of the factory methodAnnotationMetadata.introspect(Class)
. UseMergedAnnotation.asMap
rather thanAnnotatedTypeMetadata.getAnnotationAttributes(String)
since 5.2 in favor ofStandardAnnotationMetadata
since 5.2 in favor of obtaining instances viaAnnotationMetadata
as of 5.2, in favor ofJettyClientHttpConnector(HttpClient, JettyResourceFactory)
as of 5.1, in favor ofHttpMessageNotReadableException(String, HttpInputMessage)
as of 5.1, in favor ofHttpMessageNotReadableException(String, Throwable, HttpInputMessage)
as of 5.3, in favor ofCronExpression.parse(String)
as of 5.3, in favor ofCronExpression.parse(String)
as of 5.2.5, in favor ofTransactionAspectSupport.setTransactionAttributes(Properties)
as of 5.2.5, in favor ofTransactionInterceptor(TransactionManager, TransactionAttributeSource)
as of 5.3.4 in favor usingRequestMappingInfo.Builder
.as of 5.3.4 in favor usingRequestMappingInfo.Builder
.since 5.3.4 in favor of using aRequestMappingInfo.Builder
.as of 5.3.5 in favor ofHandshakeInfo(URI, HttpHeaders, MultiValueMap, Mono, String, InetSocketAddress, Map, String)
as of 5.3 in favor ofPatternsRequestCondition(String[], boolean, PathMatcher)
.as of 5.2.4. See class-level note inRequestMappingHandlerMapping
on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.2.4. See class-level note inRequestMappingHandlerMapping
on the deprecation of path extension config options.as of 5.3 in favor usingRequestMappingInfo.Builder
.as of 5.3 in favor usingRequestMappingInfo.Builder
.since 5.3 in favor of usingRequestMappingInfo.addCustomCondition(RequestCondition)
Deprecated Enum ConstantsEnum ConstantDescriptionin favor of
which will be returned fromHttpStatus.valueOf(302)
in favor ofHttpStatus.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE
which will be returned fromHttpStatus.valueOf(413)
in favor ofHttpStatus.URI_TOO_LONG
which will be returned fromHttpStatus.valueOf(414)
due to security concerns regarding in-band configuration of a proxy
methods inWebRequest
, or from an annotated controller method, returning aResponseEntity
with an "ETag" and/or "Last-Modified" headers set.