Interface NotificationPublisher

All Known Implementing Classes:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface NotificationPublisher
Simple interface allowing Spring-managed MBeans to publish JMX notifications without being aware of how those notifications are being transmitted to the MBeanServer.

Managed resources can access a NotificationPublisher by implementing the NotificationPublisherAware interface. After a particular managed resource instance is registered with the MBeanServer, Spring will inject a NotificationPublisher instance into it if that resource implements the NotificationPublisherAware interface.

Each managed resource instance will have a distinct instance of a NotificationPublisher implementation. This instance will keep track of all the NotificationListeners registered for a particular mananaged resource.

Any existing, user-defined MBeans should use standard JMX APIs for notification publication; this interface is intended for use only by Spring-created MBeans.

Rob Harrop
See Also: