Uses of Interface
Packages that use BeanClassLoaderAware
Classes enabling AspectJ 5 @Annotated classes to be used in Spring AOP.
Base classes enabling auto-proxying based on AspectJ.
Package containing Spring's basic AOP infrastructure, compliant with the
AOP Alliance interfaces.
Bean post-processors for use in ApplicationContexts to simplify AOP usage
by automatically creating AOP proxies without the need to use a ProxyFactoryBean.
Support package for annotation-driven bean configuration.
SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories.
Support package for the Java
facility.Implementation package for
based caches.AOP-based solution for declarative caching demarcation.
Implementation package for JSR-107 (javax.cache aka "JCache") based caches.
Annotation support for the Application Context, including JSR-250 "common"
annotations, component-scanning, and Java-based metadata for creating
Spring-managed objects.
Support classes for application events, like standard context events.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package,
such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext
implementations and a MessageSource implementation.
Load-time weaving support for a Spring application context, building on Spring's
abstraction.Annotation support for DAOs.
Provides HttpMessageConverter implementations for handling JSON.
Defines the Spring JDBC configuration namespace.
Provides a MessageConverter abstraction to convert
between Java objects and JMS messages.
Provides support for accessing remote MBean resources.
This package provides declarative creation and registration of
Spring-managed beans as JMX MBeans.
Annotations for MBean exposure.
Provides a strategy for MBeanInfo assembly.
Contains support classes for connecting to local and remote
and for exposing an MBeanServer
to remote clients.The classes in this package make JNDI easier to use,
facilitating the accessing of configuration stored in JNDI,
and provide useful superclasses for JNDI access classes.
Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts.
Package providing integration of JAXB
with Spring's O/X Mapping support.
Package providing integration of XStream
with Spring's O/X Mapping support.
Annotation support for asynchronous method execution.
Support classes for the open source scheduler
allowing to set up Quartz Schedulers, JobDetails and
Triggers as beans in a Spring context.
Generic support classes for scheduling.
Package providing integration of
(and BeanShell2)
into Spring's scripting infrastructure.
Package providing integration of
into Spring's scripting infrastructure.
Support classes for Spring's scripting package.
AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.ui.context package.
Support classes for integrating a JSR-303 Bean Validation provider
(such as Hibernate Validator) into a Spring ApplicationContext
and in particular with Spring's data binding and validation APIs.
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
subclass that processes all AspectJ annotation aspects in the current application context, as well as Spring Advisors. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.aop.aspectj.autoproxy
Classes in org.springframework.aop.aspectj.autoproxy that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
subclass that exposes AspectJ's invocation context and understands AspectJ's rules for advice precedence when multiple pieces of advice come from the same aspect. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.aop.framework
Classes in org.springframework.aop.framework that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base class forBeanPostProcessor
implementations that apply a Spring AOPAdvisor
to specific beans.class
Convenient superclass forFactoryBean
types that produce singleton-scoped proxy objects.class
implementation that builds an AOP proxy based on beans in a SpringBeanFactory
Base class with common functionality for proxy processors, in particular ClassLoader management and theProxyProcessorSupport.evaluateProxyInterfaces(java.lang.Class<?>, org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory)
algorithm. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy
Classes in org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generic auto proxy creator that builds AOP proxies for specific beans based on detected Advisors for each bean.class
implementation that wraps each eligible bean with an AOP proxy, delegating to specified interceptors before invoking the bean itself.class
Extension ofAbstractAutoProxyCreator
which implementsBeanFactoryAware
, adds exposure of the original target class for each proxied bean (AutoProxyUtils.ORIGINAL_TARGET_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE
), and participates in an externally enforced target-class mode for any given bean (AutoProxyUtils.PRESERVE_TARGET_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE
Auto proxy creator that identifies beans to proxy via a list of names.class
implementation that creates AOP proxies based on all candidateAdvisor
s in the currentBeanFactory
Auto-proxy creator that considers infrastructure Advisor beans only, ignoring any application-defined Advisors. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
implementation that allows for convenient registration of custom autowire qualifier types. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.beans.factory.config
Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.config that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Simple template superclass forFactoryBean
implementations that creates a singleton or a prototype object, depending on a flag.class
implementation that registers customScope(s)
with the containingConfigurableBeanFactory
which retrieves a static or non-static field value.class
Simple factory for shared List instances.class
Simple factory for shared Map instances.class
Simple method invoker bean: just invoking a target method, not expecting a result to expose to the container (in contrast toMethodInvokingFactoryBean
which returns a value which is the result of a static or instance method invocation.class
implementation that returns a value which is anObjectFactory
that in turn returns a bean sourced from aBeanFactory
implementation that returns a value which is a JSR-330Provider
that in turn returns a bean sourced from aBeanFactory
Simple factory for shared Set instances. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.beans.factory.serviceloader
Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.serviceloader that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract base class for FactoryBeans operating on the JDK 1.6ServiceLoader
that exposes the 'primary' service for the configured service class, obtained through the JDK 1.6ServiceLoader
that exposes all services for the configured service class, represented as a List of service objects, obtained through the JDK 1.6ServiceLoader
that exposes the JDK 1.6ServiceLoader
for the configured service class. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.cache.concurrent
Classes in org.springframework.cache.concurrent that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
implementation that lazily buildsConcurrentMapCache
instances for eachConcurrentMapCacheManager.getCache(java.lang.String)
request. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.cache.interceptor
Classes in org.springframework.cache.interceptor that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative caching handling. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.cache.jcache
Classes in org.springframework.cache.jcache that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
for a JCachejavax.cache.CacheManager
, obtaining a pre-definedCacheManager
by name through the standard JCachejavax.cache.Caching
class. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.context.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.context.annotation that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
used for bootstrapping processing of@Configuration
class that registers aLoadTimeWeaver
bean. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.context.event
Classes in org.springframework.context.event that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract implementation of theApplicationEventMulticaster
interface, providing the basic listener registration facility.class
Simple implementation of theApplicationEventMulticaster
interface. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in
Classes in that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
implementation that accesses resource bundles using specified basenames. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.context.weaving
Classes in org.springframework.context.weaving that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Post-processor that registers AspectJ'sClassPreProcessorAgentAdapter
with the Spring application context's defaultLoadTimeWeaver
bean for use in an application context, decorating an automatically detected internalLoadTimeWeaver
. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.dao.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.dao.annotation that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Bean post-processor that automatically applies persistence exception translation to any bean marked with Spring's @Repository
annotation, adding a correspondingPersistenceExceptionTranslationAdvisor
to the exposed proxy (either an existing AOP proxy or a newly generated proxy that implements all of the target's interfaces). -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.http.converter.json
Classes in org.springframework.http.converter.json that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
for creating a Jackson 2.xObjectMapper
(default) orXmlMapper
property set to true) with setters to enable or disable Jackson features from within XML configuration. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.jdbc.config
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.config that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
implementation that takes a list of location Strings and creates a sorted array ofResource
instances. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in
Classes in that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Message converter that uses Jackson 2.x to convert messages to and from JSON. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.jmx.access
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.access that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
that routes calls to an MBean running on the suppliedMBeanServerConnection
Creates a proxy to a managed resource running either locally or remotely. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.jmx.export
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
JMX exporter that allows for exposing any Spring-managed bean to a JMXMBeanServer
, without the need to define any JMX-specific information in the bean classes. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Convenient subclass of Spring's standardMBeanExporter
, activating annotation usage for JMX exposure of Spring beans:ManagedResource
, etc. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Subclass ofAbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler
that allows for the management interface of a bean to be defined using arbitrary interfaces. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in
Classes in that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
that creates a JMX 1.2MBeanServerConnection
to a remoteMBeanServer
exposed via aJMXServerConnector
. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.jndi
Classes in org.springframework.jndi that implement BeanClassLoaderAware -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.orm.jpa
Classes in org.springframework.orm.jpa that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
that creates a local JPAEntityManagerFactory
instance within a Spring application context.class
that creates a JPAEntityManagerFactory
according to JPA's standard container bootstrap contract.class
that creates a JPAEntityManagerFactory
according to JPA's standard standalone bootstrap contract. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.oxm.jaxb
Classes in org.springframework.oxm.jaxb that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Implementation of theGenericMarshaller
interface for JAXB 2.2. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.oxm.xstream
Classes in org.springframework.oxm.xstream that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Implementation of theMarshaller
interface for XStream. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.scheduling.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.annotation that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Bean post-processor that automatically applies asynchronous invocation behavior to any bean that carries theAsync
annotation at class or method-level by adding a correspondingAsyncAnnotationAdvisor
to the exposed proxy (either an existing AOP proxy or a newly generated proxy that implements all the target's interfaces). -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz
Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
that exposes aJobDetail
object which delegates job execution to a specified (static or non-static) method. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in
Classes in that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Adapter that implements theRunnable
interface as a configurable method invocation based on Spring's MethodInvoker. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.scripting.bsh
Classes in org.springframework.scripting.bsh that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
BeanShell-based implementation of Spring'sScriptEvaluator
strategy interface.class
implementation for a BeanShell script. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.scripting.groovy
Classes in org.springframework.scripting.groovy that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Groovy-based implementation of Spring'sScriptEvaluator
strategy interface.class
implementation for a Groovy script. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in
Classes in that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
that handlesScriptFactory
definitions, replacing each factory with the actual scripted Java object generated by it.class
(JSR-223) based implementation of Spring'sScriptEvaluator
strategy interface.class
implementation based on the JSR-223 script engine abstraction (as included in Java). -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Classes in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
implementation that allows attributes to be stored per method in aMap
Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative transaction handling. -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in
Classes in that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass of 6.0, with no direct replacement -
Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation
Classes in org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation that implement BeanClassLoaderAwareModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A convenientBeanPostProcessor
implementation that delegates to a JSR-303 provider for performing method-level validation on annotated methods.