All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract JMS MessageListener adapter providing the necessary infrastructure to extract the payload of a JMS Message.
Base class for BeanPostProcessor implementations that apply a Spring AOP Advisor to specific beans.
Generic auto proxy creator that builds AOP proxies for specific beans based on detected Advisors for each bean.
WebApplicationInitializer to register a DispatcherServlet and use Java-based Spring configuration.
Abstract base class for filesystem-based ahead-of-time (AOT) processing.
Common settings for AOT processors.
Abstract implementation of the ApplicationContext interface.
Abstract implementation of the ApplicationEventMulticaster interface, providing the basic listener registration facility.
Base class for AOP Alliance Advice classes wrapping an AspectJ aspect or an AspectJ-annotated advice method.
Abstract base class for factories that can create Spring AOP Advisors given AspectJ classes from classes honoring the AspectJ 5 annotation syntax.
Class modelling an AspectJ annotation, exposing its type enumeration and pointcut String.
Enum for AspectJ annotation types.
Abstract base Configuration class providing common structure for enabling Spring's asynchronous method execution capability.
Convenient base class for AsyncHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler implementations that support only asynchronous (Future-like) return values and merely serve as adapters of such types to Spring's ListenableFuture.
Abstract superclass for Atom Feed views, using the ROME package.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that wraps each eligible bean with an AOP proxy, delegating to specified interceptors before invoking the bean itself.
Abstract bean factory superclass that implements default bean creation, with the full capabilities specified by the RootBeanDefinition class.
Base class for concrete, full-fledged BeanDefinition classes, factoring out common properties of GenericBeanDefinition, RootBeanDefinition, and ChildBeanDefinition.
Abstract BeanDefinitionParser implementation providing a number of convenience methods and a template method that subclasses must override to provide the actual parsing logic.
Abstract base class for bean definition readers which implement the BeanDefinitionReader interface.
Abstract base class for BeanFactory implementations, providing the full capabilities of the ConfigurableBeanFactory SPI.
Extension of AbstractAutoProxyCreator which implements BeanFactoryAware, adds exposure of the original target class for each proxied bean (AutoProxyUtils.ORIGINAL_TARGET_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE), and participates in an externally enforced target-class mode for any given bean (AutoProxyUtils.PRESERVE_TARGET_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE).
Base class for TargetSource implementations that are based on a Spring BeanFactory, delegating to Spring-managed bean instances.
Convenient superclass for TargetSourceCreator implementations that require creating multiple instances of a prototype bean.
Abstract BeanFactory-based PointcutAdvisor that allows for any Advice to be configured as reference to an Advice bean in a BeanFactory.
Abstract implementation of the BindingResult interface and its super-interface Errors.
Abstract base class for a MessageHandler that broker messages to registered subscribers.
Base class for message broker registration classes.
A base component for invoking Cache operations and using a configurable CacheErrorHandler when an exception occurs.
Abstract base class implementing the common CacheManager methods.
A base CacheResolver implementation that requires the concrete implementation to provide the collection of cache name(s) based on the invocation context.
Abstract base @Configuration class providing common structure for enabling Spring's annotation-driven cache management capability.
Convenient base class for ViewResolver implementations.
Filter that determines if view should be cached.
Abstract base class to provide common methods for implementing databinding-aware JSP tags for rendering an HTML 'input' element with a 'type' of 'checkbox' or 'radio'.
Abstract class for all code-generating CGLIB utilities.
Type filter that exposes a ClassMetadata object to subclasses, for class testing purposes.
Abstract base for ClientHttpRequest that makes sure that headers and body are not written multiple times.
Base class for ClientHttpRequest implementations.
Abstract base class for ClientHttpRequestFactory implementations that decorate another request factory.
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
Base class for SockJS client implementations of WebSocketSession.
Abstract base class for DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer implementations that use a column in a custom sequence table.
Base implementation of ComponentDefinition that provides a basic implementation of AbstractComponentDefinition.getDescription() which delegates to ComponentDefinition.getName().
Base class for MBeanInfoAssemblers that support configurable JMX notification behavior.
Abstract application context loader that provides a basis for all concrete implementations of the ContextLoader SPI.
Convenient base class for WebApplicationInitializer implementations that register a ContextLoaderListener in the servlet context.
Convenient superclass for controller implementations, using the Template Method design pattern.
A base abstract class to resolve method arguments annotated with @CookieValue.
Base tag for all data-binding aware JSP form tags.
Abstract base class for Decoder implementations that can decode a DataBuffer directly to the target element type.
Base implementation of DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that delegates to a single AbstractDataFieldMaxValueIncrementer.getNextKey() template method that returns a long.
Abstract base class for Spring's DataSource implementations, taking care of the padding.
Abstract base class for Decoder implementations.
AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader serves as an abstract base class for implementations of the SmartContextLoader SPI that delegate to a set of candidate SmartContextLoaders (i.e., one that supports XML configuration files or Groovy scripts and one that supports annotated classes) to determine which context loader is appropriate for a given test class's configuration.
An extension of AbstractMessagingTemplate that adds operations for sending messages to a resolvable destination name.
Abstract implementation of the HandlerMapping interface, detecting URL mappings for handler beans through introspection of all defined beans in the application context.
Abstract base class for TestExecutionListener implementations that provide support for marking the ApplicationContext associated with a test as dirty for both test classes and test methods annotated with the @DirtiesContext annotation.
Base class for WebApplicationInitializer implementations that register a DispatcherServlet in the servlet context.
Abstract base class for JDBC DataSource implementations that operate on a JDBC Driver.
Abstract base class for Encoder implementations.
Base class for a return value handler that encodes return values to Flux<DataBuffer> through the configured Encoders.
Abstract FactoryBean that creates a local JPA EntityManagerFactory instance within a Spring application context.
Abstract base class for Environment implementations.
Abstract implementation of the Errors interface.
Cache exception handling method mappings and provide options to look up a method that should handle an exception.
Abstract superclass for expression pointcuts, offering location and expression properties.
Simple template superclass for FactoryBean implementations that creates a singleton or a prototype object, depending on a flag.
Abstract implementation of CacheOperation that caches attributes for methods and implements a fallback policy: 1.
Abstract implementation of JCacheOperationSource that caches attributes for methods and implements a fallback policy: 1.
Base class for SQLExceptionTranslator implementations that allow for fallback to some other SQLExceptionTranslator.
Abstract implementation of TransactionAttributeSource that caches attributes for methods and implements a fallback policy: 1.
AbstractFeedView<T extends com.rometools.rome.feed.WireFeed>
Abstract base class for Atom and RSS Feed views, using the ROME package.
Abstract base class for filename suffix based VersionStrategy implementations, e.g.
Abstract base class for resources which resolve URLs into File references, such as UrlResource or ClassPathResource.
A base class for FlashMapManager implementations.
Base class for all JSP form tags.
Abstract, generic extension of AbstractContextLoader that loads a GenericApplicationContext.
Abstract base class for most GenericHttpMessageConverter implementations.
Abstract generic PointcutAdvisor that allows for any Advice to be configured.
Abstract, generic extension of AbstractContextLoader that loads a GenericWebApplicationContext.
Abstract base class for HandlerExceptionResolver implementations.
Abstract base class for HandlerMapping implementations.
Abstract base class for HandlerMapping implementations.
Abstract base class for HandlerAdapter implementations that support handlers of type HandlerMethod.
Abstract base class for HandlerExceptionResolver implementations that support handling exceptions from handlers of type HandlerMethod.
Abstract base class for HandlerMapping implementations that define a mapping between a request and a HandlerMethod.
Abstract base class for HandlerMapping implementations that define a mapping between a request and a HandlerMethod.
A base class for HandshakeHandler implementations, independent of the Servlet API.
A base HeaderMapper implementation.
Convenient superclass for many html tags that render content using the databinding features of the AbstractHtmlElementTag.
Base class for databinding-aware JSP tags that render HTML element.
Base class for databinding-aware JSP tags that render HTML form input element.
Abstract base class for most HttpMessageConverter implementations.
Base class for HTTP transport handlers that receive messages via HTTP POST.
Base class for HTTP transport handlers that push messages to connected clients.
An abstract base class for use with HTTP transport SockJS sessions.
Abstract base class for DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer implementations which are based on identity columns in a sequence-like table.
Base implementation for BeanDefinitionDecorators wishing to add an interceptor to the resulting bean.
Abstract implementation of the InterruptibleBatchPreparedStatementSetter interface, combining the check for available values and setting of those into a single callback method AbstractInterruptibleBatchPreparedStatementSetter.setValuesIfAvailable(java.sql.PreparedStatement, int).
Abstract base class for Jackson 2.9 decoding, leveraging non-blocking parsing.
Base class providing support methods for Jackson 2.9 encoding.
Abstract base class for Jackson based and content type independent HttpMessageConverter implementations.
Abstract base class for Jackson based and content type independent AbstractView implementations.
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverters that use JAXB2.
Abstract JSR-107 specific @Configuration class providing common structure for enabling JSR-107 annotation-driven cache management capability.
Abstract class to provide base functionality for easy stored procedure calls based on configuration options and database meta-data.
Abstract class to provide base functionality for easy inserts based on configuration options and database meta-data.
Base JmsListenerContainerFactory for Spring's base container implementation.
Base model for a JMS listener endpoint.
Common base class for all containers which need to implement listening based on a JMS Connection (either shared or freshly obtained for each attempt).
Exception that indicates that the initial setup of this container's shared JMS Connection failed.
Base class for all JMX metadata classes.
Abstract JpaVendorAdapter implementation that defines common properties, to be translated into vendor-specific JPA properties by concrete subclasses.
Common base class for plain JSON converters, e.g.
Common base class for plain JSON converters, e.g.
Abstract base test class which integrates the Spring TestContext Framework with explicit ApplicationContext testing support in a JUnit 4 environment.
AbstractKotlinSerializationHttpMessageConverter<T extends kotlinx.serialization.SerialFormat>
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverter implementations that use Kotlin serialization.
TargetSource implementation that will lazily create a user-managed object.
Abstract base class for Publisher implementations that bridge between event-listener read APIs and Reactive Streams.
Abstract base class for listener-based server responses.
Base class for WebSocketSession implementations that bridge between event-listener WebSocket APIs (e.g.
An alternative to AbstractListenerWriteProcessor but instead writing a Publisher<Publisher<T>> with flush boundaries enforces after the completion of each nested Publisher.
Abstract base class for Processor implementations that bridge between event-listener write APIs and Reactive Streams.
Abstract PreparedStatementCallback implementation that manages a LobCreator.
Abstract base class for LobHandler implementations.
Abstract ResultSetExtractor implementation that assumes streaming of LOB data.
Abstract base class for LocaleContextResolver implementations.
Abstract base class for LocaleResolver implementations.
Base class for ContentNegotiationStrategy implementations with the steps to resolve a request to media types.
A convenient base class for ResponseBodyAdvice implementations that customize the response before JSON serialization with AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter's concrete subclasses.
Abstract implementation of the Marshaller and Unmarshaller interface.
Abstract implementation of the MBeanInfoAssembler interface that encapsulates the creation of a ModelMBeanInfo instance but delegates the creation of metadata to subclasses.
Provides essential configuration for handling messages with simple messaging protocols such as STOMP.
Abstract base class for MessageChannel implementations.
Abstract base class for SmartMessageConverter implementations including support for common properties and a partial implementation of the conversion methods, mainly to check if the converter supports the conversion based on the payload class and MIME type.
A base class for resolving method argument values by reading from the body of a request with HttpMessageConverters.
Extends AbstractMessageConverterMethodArgumentResolver with the ability to handle method return values by writing to the response with HttpMessageConverters.
Abstract base implementation of the JCA 1.7 MessageEndpointFactory interface, providing transaction management capabilities as well as ClassLoader exposure for endpoint invocations.
Abstract base class for Spring message listener container implementations.
Abstract base class for argument resolvers that resolve method arguments by reading the request body with an HttpMessageReader.
An extension of AbstractMessageSendingTemplate that adds support for receive style operations as defined by MessageReceivingOperations.
Abstract base class for implementations of MessageSendingOperations.
Abstract implementation of the HierarchicalMessageSource interface, implementing common handling of message variants, making it easy to implement a specific strategy for a concrete MessageSource.
Abstract base class for result handlers that handle return values by writing to the response with HttpMessageWriter.
An extension of AbstractMessageReceivingTemplate that adds support for request-reply style operations as defined by MessageRequestReplyOperations.
Abstract base class for HandlerMethod-based message handling.
Abstract base class for reactive HandlerMethod-based message handling.
Abstract implementation of MockMvcBuilder with common methods for configuring filters, default request properties, global expectations and global result actions.
Base class for monitoring interceptors, such as performance monitors.
Abstract base class to provide common methods for implementing databinding-aware JSP tags for rendering multiple HTML 'input' elements with a 'type' of 'checkbox' or 'radio'.
Abstract base implementation of the MultipartHttpServletRequest interface.
Abstract base class for resolving method arguments from a named value.
Base class for arguments that resolve to a named request value such as a request header, path variable, cookie, and others.
Represents the information about a named value, including name, whether it's required and a default value.
Info about a request value, typically extracted from a method parameter annotation.
Abstract base class to resolve method arguments from a named value, e.g.
Abstract base class to resolve method arguments from a named value, e.g.
Abstract base class for resolving method arguments from a named value.
Represents a named value declaration.
Represents a named value declaration.
Represents the information about a named value, including name, whether it's required and a default value.
An extension of AbstractNamedValueArgumentResolver for named value resolvers that are synchronous and yet non-blocking.
A basic ConfigurablePropertyAccessor that provides the necessary infrastructure for all typical use cases.
A handler for a specific property.
Holder class used to store property tokens.
Convenient base class for ReactorNettyCodec implementations that need to work with NIO ByteBuffers.
Abstract formatter for Numbers, providing a AbstractNumberFormatter.getNumberFormat(java.util.Locale) template method.
Abstract superclass for PDF views that operate on an existing document with an AcroForm.
Abstract superclass for PDF views.
Abstract base class that implements Spring's standard transaction workflow, serving as basis for concrete platform transaction managers like JtaTransactionManager.
Holder for suspended resources.
Abstract base class for PointcutAdvisor implementations.
Base class for listener container implementations which are based on polling.
Abstract base class for pooling TargetSource implementations which maintain a pool of target instances, acquiring and releasing a target object from the pool for each method invocation.
Abstract base class for VersionStrategy implementations that insert a prefix into the URL path, e.g.
Abstract implementation of the PropertyAccessor interface.
Abstract base class for BindingResult implementations that work with Spring's PropertyAccessor mechanism.
Abstract base class for resolving properties against any underlying source.
Base class for dynamic TargetSource implementations that create new prototype bean instances to support a pooling or new-instance-per-invocation strategy.
Abstract base class that implements Spring's standard reactive transaction workflow, serving as basis for concrete platform transaction managers.
Holder for suspended resources.
Base class for a WebApplicationInitializer that installs a Spring Reactive Web Application on a Servlet container.
Builds on the AbstractMBeanInfoAssembler superclass to add a basic algorithm for building metadata based on the reflective metadata of the MBean class.
Base class for ApplicationContext implementations which are supposed to support multiple calls to AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(), creating a new internal bean factory instance every time.
AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext subclass that adds common handling of specified config locations.
Abstract TargetSource implementation that wraps a refreshable target object.
AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext subclass which implements the ConfigurableWebApplicationContext interface for web environments.
Abstract base regular expression pointcut bean.
Abstract support class for RequestAttributes implementations, offering a request completion mechanism for request-specific destruction callbacks and for updating accessed session attributes.
Abstract Scope implementation that reads from a particular scope in the current thread-bound RequestAttributes object.
Base class for RequestExpectationManager implementations responsible for storing expectations and actual requests, and checking for unsatisfied expectations at the end.
Helper class to manage a group of remaining expectations.
Base class for Filters that perform logging operations before and after a request is processed.
Convenience base class for Resource implementations, pre-implementing typical behavior.
Abstract base class for MessageSource implementations based on resource bundle conventions, such as ResourceBundleMessageSource and ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.
Base ResourceResolver providing consistent logging.
Base class for ResourceResolver implementations.
Abstract ConnectionFactory implementation that routes AbstractRoutingConnectionFactory.create() calls to one of various target factories based on a lookup key.
Abstract DataSource implementation that routes AbstractRoutingDataSource.getConnection() calls to one of various target DataSources based on a lookup key.
Abstract superclass for RSS Feed views, using the ROME package.
Abstract base class for DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer implementations that use a database sequence.
Common base class for ServerHttpRequest implementations.
Base class for ServerHttpResponse implementations.
Abstract base class for FactoryBeans operating on the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility.
Convenient base class for when there exists a one-to-one mapping between attribute names on the element that is to be parsed and the property names on the Class being configured.
Base class for those BeanDefinitionParser implementations that need to parse and define just a single BeanDefinition.
Abstract base class to provide common methods for implementing databinding-aware JSP tags for rendering a single HTML 'input' element with a 'type' of 'checkbox' or 'radio'.
Convenient superclass for FactoryBean types that produce singleton-scoped proxy objects.
Abstract base class for Encoder classes that can only deal with a single value.
A base class for SockJS message codec that provides an implementation of AbstractSockJsMessageCodec.encode(String[]).
An abstract base class for SockJsService implementations that provides SockJS path resolution and handling of static SockJS requests (e.g.
An abstract base class for SockJS sessions implementing SockJsSession.
Abstract base class for SqlParameterSource implementations.
Abstract implementation of the SqlTypeValue interface, for convenient creation of type values that are supposed to be passed into the PreparedStatement.setObject method.
A base class for RequestUpgradeStrategy implementations that build on the standard WebSocket API for Java (JSR-356).
A base class for events for a message received from a WebSocket client and parsed into a higher-level sub-protocol (e.g.
Abstract base class for SubscribableChannel implementations.
Abstract base class for implementations of SubscriptionRegistry that looks up information in messages but delegates to abstract methods for the actual storage and retrieval.
Adapter base class for template-based view technologies such as FreeMarker, with the ability to use request and session attributes in their model and the option to expose helper objects for Spring's FreeMarker macro library.
Abstract base class for template view resolvers, in particular for FreeMarker views.
Abstract implementation of the TestContextBootstrapper interface which provides most of the behavior required by a bootstrapper.
Abstract ordered implementation of the TestExecutionListener API.
Abstract base test class which integrates the Spring TestContext Framework with explicit ApplicationContext testing support in a TestNG environment.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Base MethodInterceptor implementation for tracing.
Abstract transactional extension of AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests which adds convenience functionality for JDBC access.
Abstract transactional extension of AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests which adds convenience functionality for JDBC access.
Abstract base @Configuration class providing common structure for enabling Spring's annotation-driven transaction management capability.
Abstract base implementation of the TransactionStatus interface.
Base class for CacheManager implementations that want to support built-in awareness of Spring-managed transactions.
Common base class for TransportHandler implementations.
Type filter that is aware of traversing over hierarchy.
Base TypeReference implementation that ensures consistent behaviour for equals(), hashCode(), and toString() based on the canonical name.
A base class for RequestUpgradeStrategy implementations on top of JSR-356 based servers which include Tyrus as their WebSocket engine.
Abstract base class for URL-based views.
Abstract base class for URL-based views.
Abstract base class for URL-mapped HandlerMapping implementations.
Abstract base class for URL-mapped HandlerMapping implementations.
Abstract base class for Controllers that return a view name based on the request URL.
Common base class for Cache implementations that need to adapt null values (and potentially other such special values) before passing them on to the underlying store.
Abstract base class for VersionStrategy implementations.
File name-based VersionPathStrategy, e.g.
A prefix-based VersionPathStrategy, e.g.
Base class for View implementations.
Abstract base class for View implementations.
An abstract base class adapting a WebArgumentResolver to the HandlerMethodArgumentResolver contract.
Abstract base class for WebSocketClient implementations.
A convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementation with empty methods.
Base class for WebSocketHandlerRegistrations that gathers all the configuration options but allows subclasses to put together the actual HTTP request mappings.
A message that can be handled or sent on a WebSocket connection.
Convenient base class for WebSocketSession implementations that holds common fields and exposes accessors.
An abstract base class for implementations of WebSocketSession.
AbstractWireFeedHttpMessageConverter<T extends com.rometools.rome.feed.WireFeed>
Abstract base class for Atom and RSS Feed message converters, using the ROME tools project.
Abstract base class for XHR transport implementations to extend.
Convenient superclass for Excel document views in traditional XLS format.
Convenient superclass for Excel document views in the Office 2007 XLSX format, using POI's streaming variant.
Convenient superclass for Excel document views in the Office 2007 XLSX format (as supported by POI-OOXML).
Convenient base class for ApplicationContext implementations, drawing configuration from XML documents containing bean definitions understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverters that convert from/to XML.
LocaleContextResolver implementation that simply uses the primary locale specified in the "Accept-Language" header of the HTTP request (that is, the locale sent by the client browser, normally that of the client's OS).
LocaleResolver implementation that simply uses the primary locale specified in the Accept-Language header of the HTTP request (that is, the locale sent by the client browser, normally that of the client's OS).
Determine the access control of a Member or type signature.
Access visibility types as determined by the modifiers on a Member or ResolvableType.
An AccessException is thrown by an accessor if it has an unexpected problem.
ActiveProfiles is a class-level annotation that is used to declare which active bean definition profiles should be used when loading an ApplicationContext for test classes.
Strategy interface for programmatically resolving which active bean definition profiles should be used when loading an ApplicationContext for a test class.
JobFactory implementation that supports Runnable objects as well as standard Quartz Job instances.
Tag interface for Advice.
ParseState entry representing an advice element.
Enumeration used to determine whether JDK proxy-based or AspectJ weaving-based advice should be applied.
Convenient base class for ImportSelector implementations that select imports based on an AdviceMode value from an annotation (such as the @Enable* annotations).
Interface to be implemented by classes that hold the configuration of a factory of AOP proxies.
Base class for AOP proxy configuration managers.
Listener to be registered on ProxyCreatorSupport objects Allows for receiving callbacks on activation and change of advice.
Base interface holding AOP advice (action to take at a joinpoint) and a filter determining the applicability of the advice (such as a pointcut).
Interface allowing extension to the Spring AOP framework to allow handling of new Advisors and Advice types.
BeanPostProcessor that registers AdvisorAdapter beans in the BeanFactory with an AdvisorAdapterRegistry (by default the GlobalAdvisorAdapterRegistry).
Interface for registries of Advisor adapters.
Factory interface for advisor chains.
ComponentDefinition that bridges the gap between the advisor bean definition configured by the <aop:advisor> tag and the component definition infrastructure.
ParseState entry representing an advisor.
Common marker interface for after advice, such as AfterReturningAdvice and ThrowsAdvice.
After returning advice is invoked only on normal method return, not if an exception is thrown.
Interceptor to wrap an AfterReturningAdvice.
@EventListener annotation used to consume an AfterTestClassEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
@EventListener annotation used to consume an AfterTestExecutionEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
@EventListener annotation used to consume an AfterTestMethodEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
Test annotation which indicates that the annotated void method should be executed after a transaction is ended for a test method configured to run within a transaction via Spring's @Transactional annotation.
Representation of an alias that has been registered during the parsing process.
@AliasFor is an annotation that is used to declare aliases for annotation attributes.
Common interface for managing aliases.
Extension of FormHttpMessageConverter, adding support for XML and JSON-based parts.
An IdGenerator that uses SecureRandom for the initial seed and Random thereafter, instead of calling UUID.randomUUID() every time as JdkIdGenerator does.
Extended BeanDefinition interface that exposes AnnotationMetadata about its bean class - without requiring the class to be loaded yet.
Convenient adapter for programmatic registration of bean classes.
Represent an AnnotatedElement on a particular Class and is suitable as a key.
General utility methods for finding annotations, meta-annotations, and repeatable annotations on AnnotatedElements.
WebSocket connection manager that connects to the server via WebSocketContainer and handles the session with an @ClientEndpoint endpoint.
Extension of the GenericBeanDefinition class, adding support for annotation metadata exposed through the AnnotatedBeanDefinition interface.
Defines access to the annotations of a specific type (class or method), in a form that does not necessarily require the class-loading.
Specialization of AsyncExecutionInterceptor that delegates method execution to an Executor based on the Async annotation.
LinkedHashMap subclass representing annotation attribute key-value pairs as read by AnnotationUtils, AnnotatedElementUtils, and Spring's reflection- and ASM-based AnnotationMetadata implementations.
AspectJAwareAdvisorAutoProxyCreator subclass that processes all AspectJ annotation aspects in the current application context, as well as Spring Advisors.
AnnotationAwareOrderComparator is an extension of OrderComparator that supports Spring's Ordered interface as well as the @Order and @Priority annotations, with an order value provided by an Ordered instance overriding a statically defined annotation value (if any).
BeanNameGenerator implementation for bean classes annotated with the @Component annotation or with another annotation that is itself annotated with @Component as a meta-annotation.
BeanWiringInfoResolver that uses the Configurable annotation to identify which classes need autowiring.
Implementation of the CacheOperationSource interface for working with caching metadata in annotation format.
Callback interface providing CacheOperation instance(s) based on a given CacheAnnotationParser.
Simple ClassFilter that looks for a specific annotation being present on a class.
Standalone application context, accepting component classes as input — in particular @Configuration-annotated classes, but also plain @Component types and JSR-330 compliant classes using jakarta.inject annotations.
Parser for the <context:annotation-config/> element.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericContextLoader that loads bean definitions from component classes.
Utility methods for SmartContextLoaders that deal with component classes (e.g., @Configuration classes).
Common interface for annotation config application contexts, defining AnnotationConfigRegistry.register(java.lang.Class<?>...) and AnnotationConfigRegistry.scan(java.lang.String...) methods.
Thrown by AnnotationUtils and synthesized annotations if an annotation is improperly configured.
Utility class that allows for convenient registration of common BeanPostProcessor and BeanFactoryPostProcessor definitions for annotation-based configuration.
WebApplicationContext implementation which accepts component classes as input — in particular @Configuration classes, but also plain @Component classes as well as JSR-330 compliant classes using jakarta.inject annotations.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that loads bean definitions from annotated classes.
Parser for the 'annotation-driven' element of the 'task' namespace.
A subclass of AbstractExceptionHandlerMethodResolver that looks for MessageExceptionHandler-annotated methods in a given class.
Callback interface that can be used to filter specific annotation types.
A factory that creates formatters to format values of fields annotated with a particular Annotation.
Implementation of the JCacheOperationSource interface that reads the JSR-107 CacheResult, CachePut, CacheRemove and CacheRemoveAll annotations.
Implementation of the JmxAttributeSource interface that reads annotations and exposes the corresponding attributes.
Simple Pointcut that looks for a specific annotation being present on a class or method.
Convenient subclass of Spring's standard MBeanExporter, activating annotation usage for JMX exposure of Spring beans: ManagedResource, ManagedAttribute, ManagedOperation, etc.
Interface that defines abstract access to the annotations of a specific class, in a form that does not require that class to be loaded yet.
Simple MethodMatcher that looks for a specific annotation being present on a method (checking both the method on the invoked interface, if any, and the corresponding method on the target class).
A ScopeMetadataResolver implementation that by default checks for the presence of Spring's @Scope annotation on the bean class.
Implementation of the TransactionAttributeSource interface for working with transaction metadata in JDK 1.5+ annotation format.
A simple TypeFilter which matches classes with a given annotation, checking inherited annotations as well.
General utility methods for working with annotations, handling meta-annotations, bridge methods (which the compiler generates for generic declarations) as well as super methods (for optional annotation inheritance).
A visitor to visit a Java annotation.
PathMatcher implementation for Ant-style path patterns.
Tests whether a string matches against a pattern via a Pattern.
The default Comparator implementation returned by AntPathMatcher.getPatternComparator(String).
Exception that gets thrown on illegal AOP configuration arguments.
Utility class for handling registration of AOP auto-proxy creators.
Class containing static methods used to obtain information about the current AOP invocation.
Marker interface that indicates a bean that is part of Spring's AOP infrastructure.
Exception that gets thrown when an AOP invocation failed because of misconfiguration or unexpected runtime issues.
NamespaceHandler for the aop namespace.
Utility class for handling registration of auto-proxy creators used internally by the 'aop' namespace tags.
Delegate interface for a configured AOP proxy, allowing for the creation of actual proxy objects.
Interface to be implemented by factories that are able to create AOP proxies based on AdvisedSupport configuration objects.
Utility methods for AOP proxy factories.
AopTestUtils is a collection of AOP-related utility methods for use in unit and integration testing scenarios.
Utility methods for AOP support code.
Specialized ApplicationContextInitializer used to initialize a ConfigurableApplicationContext using artifacts that were generated ahead-of-time.
Strategy interface for loading an ApplicationContext for build-time AOT processing as well as run-time AOT execution for an integration test managed by the Spring TestContext Framework.
Utility for determining if AOT-processed optimizations must be used rather than the regular runtime.
A collection of AOT services that can be loaded from a SpringFactoriesLoader or obtained from a ListableBeanFactory.
Loader class used to actually load the services.
Sources from which services were obtained.
Holder for metadata specific to ahead-of-time (AOT) support in the Spring TestContext Framework.
AotTestContextInitializers provides mappings from test classes to AOT-optimized context initializers.
AotTestExecutionListener is an extension of the TestExecutionListener SPI that allows a listener to optionally provide ahead-of-time (AOT) support.
Central interface to provide configuration for an application.
Process an ApplicationContext and its BeanFactory to generate code that represents the state of the bean factory, as well as the necessary hints that can be used at runtime in a constrained environment.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ApplicationContext that it runs in.
Base class for events raised for an ApplicationContext.
Exception thrown during application context initialization.
Callback interface for initializing a Spring ConfigurableApplicationContext prior to being refreshed.
Class to be extended by all application events.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can manage a number of ApplicationListener objects and publish events to them.
Interface that encapsulates event publication functionality.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ApplicationEventPublisher (typically the ApplicationContext) that it runs in.
ApplicationEvents encapsulates all application events that were fired during the execution of a single test method.
Holder class to expose the application events published during the execution of a test in the form of a thread-bound ApplicationEvents object.
TestExecutionListener which provides support for ApplicationEvents.
Interface to be implemented by application event listeners.
GenericApplicationListener adapter that delegates the processing of an event to an EventListener annotated method.
Convenient superclass for application objects that want to be aware of the application context, e.g.
@ApplicationScope is a specialization of @Scope for a component whose lifecycle is bound to the current web application.
Instruments the application startup phase using steps.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ApplicationStartup that it runs with.
Allows implementing tag to utilize nested spring:argument tags.
Subclass of MethodInvoker that tries to convert the given arguments for the actual target method via a TypeConverter.
Simple adapter for PreparedStatementSetter that applies a given array of arguments.
Assist with configuration for handler method argument resolvers.
Helps to configure resolvers for Controller method arguments.
The <argument> tag is based on the JSTL fmt:param tag.
Simple adapter for PreparedStatementSetter that applies given arrays of arguments and JDBC argument types.
ComponentDefinition that holds an aspect definition, including its nested pointcuts.
ParseState entry representing an aspect.
Superclass for all AOP infrastructure exceptions.
Interface implemented to provide an instance of an AspectJ aspect.
ParameterNameDiscoverer implementation that tries to deduce parameter names for an advice method from the pointcut expression, returning, and throwing clauses.
Thrown in response to an ambiguous binding being detected when trying to resolve a method's parameter names.
Interface for factories that can create Spring AOP Advisors from classes annotated with AspectJ annotation syntax.
Spring AOP advice wrapping an AspectJ after advice method.
Spring AOP advice wrapping an AspectJ after-returning advice method.
Spring AOP advice wrapping an AspectJ after-throwing advice method.
Utility methods for dealing with AspectJ advisors.
Spring AOP around advice (MethodInterceptor) that wraps an AspectJ advice method.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable AspectJ-based asynchronous method execution.
AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator subclass that exposes AspectJ's invocation context and understands AspectJ's rules for advice precedence when multiple pieces of advice come from the same aspect.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable AspectJ-based annotation-driven cache management.
Spring Pointcut implementation that uses the AspectJ weaver to evaluate a pointcut expression.
Spring AOP Advisor that can be used for any AspectJ pointcut expression.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable AspectJ-based annotation-driven cache management for standard JSR-107 annotations.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable AspectJ-based annotation-driven transaction management for the JTA 1.2 Transactional annotation in addition to Spring's own Transactional annotation.
Spring AOP advice that wraps an AspectJ before method.
AspectJPointcutAdvisor that adapts an AbstractAspectJAdvice to the PointcutAdvisor interface.
Interface to be implemented by types that can supply the information needed to sort advice/advisors by AspectJ's precedence rules.
AspectJ-based proxy factory, allowing for programmatic building of proxies which include AspectJ aspects (code style as well annotation style).
Utility methods for working with AspectJ proxies.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable AspectJ-based annotation-driven transaction management for Spring's own Transactional annotation.
Type filter that uses AspectJ type pattern for matching.
Implementation of AspectJ's IMessageHandler interface that routes AspectJ weaving messages through the same logging system as the regular Spring messages.
Post-processor that registers AspectJ's ClassPreProcessorAgentAdapter with the Spring application context's default LoadTimeWeaver.
Metadata for an AspectJ aspect class, with an additional Spring AOP pointcut for the per clause.
Assertion utility class that assists in validating arguments.
Test assertions that are independent of any third-party assertion library.
Represents assignment.
A simple filter which matches classes that are assignable to a given type.
Utilities methods for use in the Ast classes.
Annotation that marks a method as a candidate for asynchronous execution.
Advisor that activates asynchronous method execution through the Async annotation.
Bean post-processor that automatically applies asynchronous invocation behavior to any bean that carries the Async annotation at class or method-level by adding a corresponding AsyncAnnotationAdvisor to the exposed proxy (either an existing AOP proxy or a newly generated proxy that implements all the target's interfaces).
Selects which implementation of AbstractAsyncConfiguration should be used based on the value of EnableAsync.mode() on the importing @Configuration class.
Interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableAsync that wish to customize the Executor instance used when processing async method invocations or the AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler instance used to process exception thrown from async method with void return type.
as of 6.0 in favor of implementing AsyncConfigurer directly
Base class for asynchronous method execution aspects, such as org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.AnnotationAsyncExecutionInterceptor or org.springframework.scheduling.aspectj.AnnotationAsyncExecutionAspect.
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that processes method invocations asynchronously, using a given AsyncTaskExecutor.
Extends HandlerInterceptor with a callback method invoked after the start of asynchronous request handling.
An extension of HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler for handling async, Future-like return value types that support success and error callbacks.
A return value handler that supports async types.
Exception to be thrown when an async request times out.
as of 6.0, in favor of CompletableFuture
Asynchronous subtype of ServerResponse that exposes the future response.
Helps with configuring options for asynchronous request processing.
Extended interface for asynchronous TaskExecutor implementations, offering support for Callable.
Handles return values of type WebAsyncTask.
A strategy for handling uncaught exceptions thrown from asynchronous methods.
Extends NativeWebRequest with methods for asynchronous request processing.
Extends WebRequestInterceptor with a callback method invoked during asynchronous request handling.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write Atom feeds.
A non standard class, field, method or Code attribute, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
Interface defining a generic contract for attaching and accessing metadata to/from arbitrary objects.
Support class for AttributeAccessors, providing a base implementation of all methods.
Extends the MBeanInfoAssembler to add autodetection logic.
Simple List wrapper class that allows for elements to be automatically populated as they are requested.
Factory interface for creating elements for an index-based access data structure such as a List.
Exception to be thrown from ElementFactory.
Registers an auto proxy creator against the current BeanDefinitionRegistry as appropriate based on an @Enable* annotation having mode and proxyTargetClass attributes set to the correct values.
Utilities for auto-proxy aware components.
Enumeration determining autowiring status: that is, whether a bean should have its dependencies automatically injected by the Spring container using setter injection.
Qualifier for resolving autowire candidates.
Strategy interface for determining whether a specific bean definition qualifies as an autowire candidate for a specific dependency.
Extension of the BeanFactory interface to be implemented by bean factories that are capable of autowiring, provided that they want to expose this functionality for existing bean instances.
Marks a constructor, field, setter method, or config method as to be autowired by Spring's dependency injection facilities.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that autowires annotated fields, setter methods, and arbitrary config methods.
Resolved arguments to be autowired.
Code generator to apply AutowiredArguments.
Resolver used to support the autowiring of fields.
Resolver used to support the autowiring of methods.
Simple marker class for an individually autowired property value, to be added to BeanDefinition.getPropertyValues() for a specific bean property.
A marker superinterface indicating that a bean is eligible to be notified by the Spring container of a particular framework object through a callback-style method.
Provide a BackOffExecution that indicates the rate at which an operation should be retried.
Represent a particular back-off execution.
Exception thrown when SQL specified is invalid.
Exception thrown when SQL specified is invalid.
A simple utility class for Base64 encoding and decoding.
ClientHttpRequestInterceptor to apply a given HTTP Basic Authentication username/password pair, unless a custom Authorization header has already been set.
The base interface that all cache operations must implement.
Batch update callback interface used by the JdbcTemplate class.
SqlUpdate subclass that performs batch update operations.
Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by the Spring container.
Callback that allows a bean to be aware of the bean class loader; that is, the class loader used by the present bean factory to load bean classes.
ComponentDefinition based on a standard BeanDefinition, exposing the given bean definition as well as inner bean definitions and bean references for the given bean.
Convenient base class for bean configurers that can perform Dependency Injection on objects (however they may be created).
Instantiates a target handler through a Spring BeanFactory and also provides an equivalent destroy method.
Exception thrown when a BeanFactory encounters an error when attempting to create a bean from a bean definition.
Exception thrown in case of a bean being requested despite bean creation currently not being allowed (for example, during the shutdown phase of a bean factory).
Exception thrown in case of a reference to a bean that's currently in creation.
A BeanDefinition describes a bean instance, which has property values, constructor argument values, and further information supplied by concrete implementations.
Programmatic means of constructing BeanDefinitions using the builder pattern.
Callback for customizing a given bean definition.
Interface used by the DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader to handle custom, nested (directly under a <bean>) tags.
A simple holder for BeanDefinition property defaults.
SPI for parsing an XML document that contains Spring bean definitions.
Holder for a BeanDefinition with name and aliases.
Subclass of BeanDefinitionStoreException indicating an invalid override attempt: typically registering a new definition for the same bean name while DefaultListableBeanFactory.isAllowBeanDefinitionOverriding() is false.
Interface used by the DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader to handle custom, top-level (directly under <beans/>) tags.
Stateful delegate class used to parse XML bean definitions.
Exception thrown when a bean definition reader encounters an error during the parsing process.
Simple interface for bean definition readers that specifies load methods with Resource and String location parameters.
Utility methods that are useful for bean definition reader implementations.
Interface for registries that hold bean definitions, for example RootBeanDefinition and ChildBeanDefinition instances.
Extension to the standard BeanFactoryPostProcessor SPI, allowing for the registration of further bean definitions before regular BeanFactoryPostProcessor detection kicks in.
Exception thrown when a BeanFactory encounters an invalid bean definition: e.g.
Exception thrown when the validation of a bean definition failed.
Helper class for use in bean factory implementations, resolving values contained in bean definition objects into the actual values applied to the target bean instance.
Visitor class for traversing BeanDefinition objects, in particular the property values and constructor argument values contained in them, resolving bean metadata values.
ParseState entry representing a bean definition.
Context object for evaluating an expression within a bean definition.
EL property accessor that knows how to traverse the beans and contextual objects of a Spring BeanExpressionContext.
Exception that indicates an expression evaluation attempt having failed.
Strategy interface for resolving a value by evaluating it as an expression, if applicable.
The root interface for accessing a Spring bean container.
EL property accessor that knows how to traverse the beans of a Spring BeanFactory.
Helper for retrieving standard Spring Advisors from a BeanFactory, for use with auto-proxying.
Convenience methods performing bean lookups related to Spring-specific annotations, for example Spring's @Qualifier annotation.
AspectInstanceFactory implementation backed by a Spring BeanFactory.
Helper for retrieving @AspectJ beans from a BeanFactory and building Spring Advisors based on them, for use with auto-proxying.
Interface to be implemented by beans that wish to be aware of their owning BeanFactory.
Advisor driven by a CacheOperationSource, used to include a cache advice bean for methods that are cacheable.
ConnectionFactoryLookup implementation based on a Spring BeanFactory.
DataSourceLookup implementation based on a Spring BeanFactory.
DestinationResolver implementation based on a Spring BeanFactory.
AOT contribution from a BeanFactoryInitializationAotProcessor used to initialize a bean factory.
AOT processor that makes bean factory initialization contributions by processing ConfigurableListableBeanFactory instances.
Interface that can be used to configure the code that will be generated to perform bean factory initialization.
Advisor driven by a JCacheOperationSource, used to include a cache advice bean for methods that are cacheable.
An implementation of DestinationResolver that interprets a destination name as the bean name of a MessageChannel and looks up the bean in the configured BeanFactory.
Factory hook that allows for custom modification of an application context's bean definitions, adapting the bean property values of the context's underlying bean factory.
Refreshable TargetSource that fetches fresh target beans from a BeanFactory.
EL bean resolver that operates against a Spring BeanFactory.
Advisor driven by a TransactionAttributeSource, used to include a transaction advice bean for methods that are transactional.
Convenience methods operating on bean factories, in particular on the ListableBeanFactory interface.
Strategy interface for creating BeanInfo instances for Spring beans.
Exception that a bean implementation is suggested to throw if its own factory-aware initialization code fails.
Specialized InstanceSupplier that provides the factory Method used to instantiate the underlying bean instance, if any.
Exception thrown when instantiation of a bean failed.
Exception thrown when a bean instance has been requested for a bean definition which has been marked as abstract.
Exception thrown when a bean is not a factory, but a user tries to get at the factory for the given bean name.
A Map-based view of a JavaBean.
Holder for a key-value style attribute that is part of a bean definition.
Extension of AttributeAccessorSupport, holding attributes as BeanMetadataAttribute objects in order to keep track of the definition source.
Interface to be implemented by bean metadata elements that carry a configuration source object.
Auto proxy creator that identifies beans to proxy via a list of names.
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to be aware of their bean name in a bean factory.
Strategy interface for generating bean names for bean definitions.
Implementation of the HandlerMapping interface that maps from URLs to beans with names that start with a slash ("/"), similar to how Struts maps URLs to action names.
A simple implementation of ViewResolver that interprets a view name as a bean name in the current application context, i.e.
Thrown when a bean doesn't match the expected type.
Factory hook that allows for custom modification of new bean instances — for example, checking for marker interfaces or wrapping beans with proxies.
Default implementation of the Errors and BindingResult interfaces, for the registration and evaluation of binding errors on JavaBean objects.
RowMapper implementation that converts a row into a new instance of the specified mapped target class.
SqlParameterSource implementation that obtains parameter values from bean properties of a given JavaBean object.
Interface that exposes a reference to a bean name in an abstract fashion.
Represents a bean reference to a type, for example @foo or @''.
AOT contribution from a BeanRegistrationAotProcessor used to register a single bean definition.
AOT processor that makes bean registration contributions by processing RegisteredBean instances.
Interface that can be used to configure the code that will be generated to perform registration of a single bean.
Generate the various fragments of code needed to register a bean.
A BeanRegistrationCodeFragments decorator implementation.
Filter that can be used to exclude AOT processing of a RegisteredBean.
Interface that can be used to configure the code that will be generated to register beans.
A bean resolver can be registered with the evaluation context and will kick in for bean references: @myBeanName and &myBeanName expressions.
EntityResolver implementation for the Spring beans DTD, to load the DTD from the Spring class path (or JAR file).
Abstract superclass for all exceptions thrown in the beans package and subpackages.
Static convenience methods for JavaBeans: for instantiating beans, checking bean property types, copying bean properties, etc.
Simple BeanPostProcessor that checks JSR-303 constraint annotations in Spring-managed beans, throwing an initialization exception in case of constraint violations right before calling the bean's init method (if any).
Holder for bean wiring metadata information about a particular class.
Strategy interface to be implemented by objects than can resolve bean name information, given a newly instantiated bean object.
The central interface of Spring's low-level JavaBeans infrastructure.
Default BeanWrapper implementation that should be sufficient for all typical use cases.
Common marker interface for before advice, such as MethodBeforeAdvice.
@EventListener annotation used to consume a BeforeTestClassEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
@EventListener annotation used to consume a BeforeTestExecution published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
@EventListener annotation used to consume a BeforeTestMethodEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
Test annotation which indicates that the annotated void method should be executed before a transaction is started for a test method configured to run within a transaction via Spring's @Transactional annotation.
A binary WebSocket message.
A convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementations that process binary messages only.
This <hasBindErrors> tag provides an Errors instance in case of bind errors.
Thrown when binding errors are considered fatal.
Subclass of ConcurrentModel that automatically removes the BindingResult object when its corresponding target attribute is replaced through regular Map operations.
Subclass of ExtendedModelMap that automatically removes a BindingResult object if the corresponding target attribute gets replaced through regular Map operations.
Context to assist with binding request data onto Objects and provide access to a shared Model with controller-specific attributes.
Strategy for processing DataBinder's missing field errors, and for translating a PropertyAccessException to a FieldError.
Register the necessary reflection hints so that the specified type can be bound at runtime.
General interface that represents binding results.
Convenience methods for looking up BindingResults in a model Map.
Value object representing value and null bindings for a Statement using BindMarkers.
Base class for value objects representing a value or a NULL binding.
A bind marker represents a single bindable parameter within a query.
Bind markers represent placeholders in SQL queries for substitution for an actual parameter.
This class creates new BindMarkers instances to bind parameter to a specific Statement.
SPI to extend Spring's default R2DBC BindMarkersFactory discovery mechanism.
Exception thrown when BindMarkersFactoryResolver cannot resolve a BindMarkersFactory.
Simple adapter to expose the bind status of a field or object.
Simple adapter to expose the bind status of a field or object.
The <bind> tag supports evaluation of binding errors for a certain bean or bean property.
Target to apply bindings to.
A function that can extract data from a ReactiveHttpInputMessage body.
Defines the context used during the extraction.
Static factory methods for BodyExtractor implementations.
A combination of functions that can populate a ReactiveHttpOutputMessage body.
Defines the context used during the insertion.
Static factory methods for BodyInserter implementations.
Extension of BodyInserter that allows for adding form data or multipart form data.
Extension of BodyInserters.FormInserter that allows for adding asynchronous parts.
A Comparator for Boolean objects that can sort either true or false first.
Represents the literal values TRUE and FALSE.
A TypedValue for booleans.
BootstrapContext encapsulates the context in which the Spring TestContext Framework is bootstrapped.
BootstrapUtils is a collection of utility methods to assist with bootstrapping the Spring TestContext Framework.
@BootstrapWith defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to bootstrap the Spring TestContext Framework.
Helper for resolving synthetic bridge Methods to the Method being bridged.
Event raised when a broker's availability changes.
Callback for browsing the messages in a JMS queue.
BeanShell-based implementation of Spring's ScriptEvaluator strategy interface.
ScriptFactory implementation for a BeanShell script.
Utility methods for handling BeanShell-scripted objects.
Exception to be thrown on script execution failure.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write BufferedImages.
Wrapper for a ClientHttpRequestFactory that buffers all outgoing and incoming streams in memory.
An extension of StompDecoder that buffers content remaining in the input ByteBuffer after the parent class has read all (complete) STOMP frames from it.
The <button> tag renders a form field label in an HTML 'button' tag.
Decoder for byte arrays.
Encoder for byte arrays.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write byte arrays.
A MessageConverter that supports MIME type "application/octet-stream" with the payload converted to and from a byte[].
Custom PropertyEditor for converting MultipartFiles to byte arrays.
Editor for byte arrays.
Resource implementation for a given byte array.
Decoder for ByteBuffers.
Encoder for ByteBuffers.
A dynamically extensible vector of bytes.
Interface that defines common cache operations.
Wrapper exception to be thrown from Cache.get(Object, Callable) in case of the value loader callback failing with an exception.
A (wrapper) object representing a cache value.
Annotation indicating that the result of invoking a method (or all methods in a class) can be cached.
Class describing a cache 'cacheable' operation.
A builder that can be used to create a CacheableOperation.
Strategy interface for parsing known caching annotation types.
Base class for caching aspects, such as the CacheInterceptor or an AspectJ aspect.
Metadata of a cache operation that does not depend on a particular invocation which makes it a good candidate for caching.
A CacheAwareContextLoaderDelegate is responsible for loading and closing application contexts, interacting transparently with a ContextCache behind the scenes.
@CacheConfig provides a mechanism for sharing common cache-related settings at the class level.
A builder for creating "Cache-Control" HTTP response headers.
Shared utility class used to evaluate and cache SpEL expressions that are defined on AnnotatedElement.
An expression key.
Internal class that caches JavaBeans PropertyDescriptor information for a Java class.
A strategy for handling cache-related errors.
Annotation indicating that a method (or all methods on a class) triggers a cache evict operation.
Class describing a cache 'evict' operation.
A builder that can be used to create a CacheEvictOperation.
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor for declarative cache management using the common Spring caching infrastructure (Cache).
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
Spring's central cache manager SPI.
NamespaceHandler allowing for the configuration of declarative cache management using either XML or using annotations.
Base class for cache operations.
Base class for builders that can be used to create a CacheOperation.
Representation of the context of the invocation of a cache operation.
Abstract the invocation of a cache operation.
Wrap any exception thrown while invoking CacheOperationInvoker.invoke().
Interface used by CacheInterceptor.
Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative caching handling.
Annotation indicating that a method (or all methods on a class) triggers a cache put operation.
Class describing a cache 'put' operation.
A builder that can be used to create a CachePutOperation.
Determine the Cache instance(s) to use for an intercepted method invocation.
Group annotation for multiple cache annotations (of different or the same type).
Selects which implementation of AbstractCachingConfiguration should be used based on the value of EnableCaching.mode() on the importing @Configuration class.
Interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableCaching that wish or need to specify explicitly how caches are resolved and how keys are generated for annotation-driven cache management.
as of 6.0 in favor of implementing CachingConfigurer directly
SingleConnectionFactory subclass that adds Session caching as well as MessageProducer and MessageConsumer caching.
Extension of the DestinationResolver interface, exposing methods for clearing the cache.
DestinationResolver implementation that proxies a target DestinationResolver, caching its CachingDestinationResolverProxy.resolveDestination(java.lang.String) results.
Caching implementation of the MetadataReaderFactory interface, caching a MetadataReader instance per Spring Resource handle (i.e.
A ResourceResolver that resolves resources from a Cache or otherwise delegates to the resolver chain and caches the result.
A ResourceResolver that resolves resources from a Cache or otherwise delegates to the resolver chain and saves the result in the cache.
A ResourceTransformer that checks a Cache to see if a previously transformed resource exists in the cache and returns it if found, or otherwise delegates to the resolver chain and caches the result.
A ResourceTransformer that checks a Cache to see if a previously transformed resource exists in the cache and returns it if found, and otherwise delegates to the resolver chain and saves the result in the cache.
Spring Cache adapter implementation on top of a Caffeine Cache instance.
CacheManager implementation that lazily builds CaffeineCache instances for each CaffeineCacheManager.getCache(java.lang.String) request.
Handles return values of type Callable.
Intercepts concurrent request handling, where the concurrent result is obtained by executing a Callable on behalf of the application with an AsyncTaskExecutor.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a CallableStatement.
One of the three central callback interfaces used by the JdbcTemplate class.
Helper class that efficiently creates multiple CallableStatementCreator objects with different parameters based on an SQL statement and a single set of parameter declarations.
All callback interfaces used by Enhancer extend this interface.
Map methods of subclasses generated by Enhancer to a particular callback.
Extension of the PlatformTransactionManager interface, exposing a method for executing a given callback within a transaction.
Class to manage context meta-data used for the configuration and execution of a stored procedure call.
Interface specifying the API to be implemented by a class providing call meta-data.
Factory used to create a CallMetaDataProvider implementation based on the type of database being used.
Holder of meta-data for a specific parameter that is used for call processing.
Provide access to the candidates that are defined in META-INF/spring.components.
Annotation Processor that writes a CandidateComponentsMetadata file for spring components.
Candidate components index loading mechanism for internal use within the framework.
Exception thrown on failure to acquire a lock during an update, for example during a "select for update" statement.
Exception thrown when a transaction can't be created using an underlying transaction API such as JTA.
Fatal exception thrown when we can't connect to an RDBMS using JDBC.
Exception thrown when the BeanFactory cannot load the specified class of a given bean.
Thrown by ScriptUtils if an SQL script cannot be read.
Thrown by ScriptUtils if an SQL script cannot be read.
Exception thrown on failure to complete a transaction in serialized mode due to update conflicts.
XStream Converter that supports all classes, but throws exceptions for (un)marshalling.
Default object instantiation strategy for use in BeanFactories.
Implementation of the JMS ExceptionListener interface that supports chaining, allowing the addition of multiple ExceptionListener instances in order.
Implementation of PersistenceExceptionTranslator that supports chaining, allowing the addition of PersistenceExceptionTranslator instances in order.
Interface for interceptors that are able to view and/or modify the Messages being sent-to and/or received-from a MessageChannel.
A registration class for customizing the configuration for a MessageChannel.
Given a write function that accepts a source Publisher<T> to write with and returns Publisher<Void> for the result, this operator helps to defer the invocation of the write function, until we know if the source publisher will begin publishing without an error.
Editor for a Character, to populate a property of type Character or char from a String value.
Servlet Filter that allows one to specify a character encoding for requests.
Editor for char arrays.
Encode from a CharSequence stream to a bytes stream.
Editor for java.nio.charset.Charset, translating charset String representations into Charset objects and back.
The <checkboxes> tag renders multiple HTML 'input' tags with type 'checkbox'.
The <checkbox> tag renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'checkbox'.
Bean definition for beans which inherit settings from their parent.
Property editor for an array of Classes, to enable the direct population of a Class[] property without having to use a String class name property as bridge.
Property editor for java.lang.Class, to enable the direct population of a Class property without recourse to having to use a String class name property as bridge.
In memory representation of a Java class.
An immutable collection of ClassFile instances.
Filter that restricts matching of a pointcut or introduction to a given set of target classes.
Static utility methods for composing ClassFilters.
CGLIB GeneratorStrategy variant which exposes the application ClassLoader as current thread context ClassLoader for the time of class generation.
Interface that defines abstract metadata of a specific class, in a form that does not require that class to be loaded yet.
Simple default implementation of the BeanWiringInfoResolver interface, looking for a bean with the same name as the fully-qualified class name.
Generate unique class names based on a target ClassName and a feature name.
A bean definition scanner that detects bean candidates on the classpath, registering corresponding bean definitions with a given registry (BeanFactory or ApplicationContext).
Resource implementation for class path resources.
A component provider that provides candidate components from a base package.
Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the class path, interpreting plain paths as class path resource names that include the package path (e.g.
A parser to make a ClassVisitor visit a ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
ResourceLoader implementation that interprets plain resource paths as relative to a given java.lang.Class.
Exception thrown when the constant pool of a class produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
Miscellaneous java.lang.Class utility methods.
A visitor to visit a Java class.
A ClassVisitor that generates a corresponding ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
Exception thrown when we couldn't clean up after a data access operation, but the actual operation went OK.
Extension of CodecConfigurer for HTTP message reader and writer options relevant on the client side.
CodecConfigurer.DefaultCodecs extension with extra client-side options.
Registry and container for multipart HTTP message writers.
Abstraction over HTTP clients driving the underlying HTTP client to connect to the origin server and provide all necessary infrastructure to send a ClientHttpRequest and receive a ClientHttpResponse.
Context that holds information for metadata collection during the client HTTP observations.
Interface for an ObservationConvention related to RestTemplate HTTP exchanges.
Documented KeyValues for HTTP client observations.
Represents a client-side HTTP request.
Represents a client-side reactive HTTP request.
Wraps another ClientHttpRequest and delegates all methods to it.
Represents the context of a client-side HTTP request execution.
Factory for ClientHttpRequest objects.
Callback interface for initializing a ClientHttpRequest prior to it being used.
Intercepts client-side HTTP requests.
Represents a client-side HTTP response.
Represents a client-side reactive HTTP response.
Wraps another ClientHttpResponse and delegates all methods to it.
Context that holds information for metadata collection during the HTTP client observations.
Interface for an ObservationConvention related to client HTTP exchanges.
Documented KeyValues for the WebClient observations.
Represents a typed, immutable, client-side HTTP request, as executed by the ExchangeFunction.
Defines a builder for a request.
Represents an HTTP response, as returned by WebClient and also ExchangeFunction.
Defines a builder for a response.
Represents the headers of the HTTP response.
Implementation of the ClientResponse interface that can be subclassed to adapt the request in a exchange filter function.
Implementation of the Headers interface that can be subclassed to adapt the headers in a exchange filter function.
Extension of DataBuffer that allows for buffers that can be used in a try-with-resources statement.
Representation of WebSocket "close" status codes and reasons.
Represents a WebSocket close status code and reason.
Defines a common interface for configuring either client or server HTTP message readers and writers.
Registry for custom HTTP message readers and writers.
Exposes the values of properties configured through CodecConfigurer.defaultCodecs() that are applied to default codecs.
Customize or replace the HTTP message readers and writers registered by default.
General error that indicates a problem while encoding and decoding to and from an Object stream.
Manages the class being generated by the compilation process.
Interface used to generate clinit static initializer blocks.
Interface used to generate fields.
Factory for collections that is aware of common Java and Spring collection types.
Miscellaneous collection utility methods.
RowMapper implementation that creates a java.util.Map for each row, representing all columns as key-value pairs: one entry for each column, with the column name as key.
Mapping function implementation that creates a java.util.Map for each row, representing all columns as key-value pairs: one entry for each column, with the column name as key.
Abstract base class for PropertySource implementations backed by command line arguments.
@Commit is a test annotation that is used to indicate that a test-managed transaction should be committed after the test method has completed.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that supports common Java annotations out of the box, in particular the common annotations in the jakarta.annotation package.
Class representing generic injection information about an annotated field or setter method, supporting @Resource and related annotations. adapter for a Commons Logging Log.
TargetSource implementation that holds objects in a configurable Apache Commons2 Pool.
Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the Commons Log.
Comparator that adapts Comparables to the Comparator interface.
Convenient entry point with generically typed factory methods for common Spring Comparator variants.
A compilable property accessor is able to generate bytecode that represents the access operation, facilitating compilation to bytecode of expressions that use the accessor.
Exception thrown when code cannot compile.
Fully compiled results provided from a TestCompiler.
Base superclass for compiled expressions.
Adapter class that can be used to apply AOT GeneratedFiles to the TestCompiler.
Annotation that registers a JUnit Jupiter extension for test classes or test methods that need to use a forked classloader with compiled code.
Support for CompletableFuture (and as of 4.3.7 also CompletionStage) as a return value type.
as of 6.0, with no concrete replacement
Indicates that an annotated class is a "component".
Interface that describes the logical view of a set of BeanDefinitions and BeanReferences as presented in some configuration context.
Configures component scanning directives for use with @Configuration classes.
Declares the type filter to be used as an include filter or exclude filter.
Parser for the <context:component-scan/> element.
Container annotation that aggregates several ComponentScan annotations.
Convenient class for building up pointcuts.
Composite CacheManager implementation that iterates over a given collection of delegate CacheManager instances.
Composite CacheOperationSource implementation that iterates over a given array of CacheOperationSource instances.
ComponentDefinition implementation that holds one or more nested ComponentDefinition instances, aggregating them into a named group of components.
Composite DatabasePopulator that delegates to a list of given DatabasePopulator implementations, executing all scripts.
Composite DatabasePopulator that delegates to a list of given DatabasePopulator implementations, executing all scripts.
A generic composite servlet Filter that just delegates its behavior to a chain (list) of user-supplied filters, achieving the functionality of a FilterChain, but conveniently using only Filter instances.
Composite iterator that combines multiple other iterators, as registered via CompositeIterator.add(Iterator).
Composite MessageCondition that delegates to other message conditions.
A MessageConverter that delegates to a list of registered converters to be invoked until one of them returns a non-null result.
Composite PropertySource implementation that iterates over a set of PropertySource instances.
Implements the RequestCondition contract by delegating to multiple RequestCondition types and using a logical conjunction (' && ') to ensure all conditions match a given request.
Implements the RequestCondition contract by delegating to multiple RequestCondition types and using a logical conjunction (' && ') to ensure all conditions match a given request.
Represents a template expression broken into pieces.
Composite TransactionAttributeSource implementation that iterates over a given array of TransactionAttributeSource instances.
A UriComponentsContributor containing a list of other contributors to delegate to and also encapsulating a specific ConversionService to use for formatting method argument values as Strings.
Represents a DOT separated expression sequence, such as 'property1.property2.methodOne()'.
Exception thrown on concurrency failure.
Interceptor that throttles concurrent access, blocking invocations if a specified concurrency limit is reached.
Support class for throttling concurrent access to a specific resource.
Adapter that exposes the Executor interface for any Spring TaskExecutor.
Simple LRU (Least Recently Used) cache, bounded by a specified cache capacity.
Simple Cache implementation based on the core JDK java.util.concurrent package.
FactoryBean for easy configuration of a ConcurrentMapCache when used within a Spring container.
CacheManager implementation that lazily builds ConcurrentMapCache instances for each ConcurrentMapCacheManager.getCache(java.lang.String) request.
Implementation of the Model interface based on a ConcurrentHashMap for use in concurrent scenarios.
A ConcurrentHashMap that uses soft or weak references for both keys and values.
A single map entry.
A reference to an ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.Entry contained in the map.
Various reference types supported by this map.
The types of restructuring that can be performed.
Adapter that takes a java.util.concurrent.Executor and exposes a Spring TaskExecutor for it.
Delegate that wraps a given Runnable/Callable with a JSR-236 ManagedTask, exposing a long-running hint based on SchedulingAwareRunnable and a given identity name.
Adapter that takes a java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService and exposes a Spring TaskScheduler for it.
Wrap a WebSocketSession to guarantee only one thread can send messages at a time.
Enum for options of what to do when the buffer fills up.
A single condition that must be matched in order for a component to be registered.
Indicates that a component is only eligible for registration when all specified conditions match.
Allows a Converter, GenericConverter or ConverterFactory to conditionally execute based on attributes of the source and target TypeDescriptor.
A GenericConverter that may conditionally execute based on attributes of the source and target TypeDescriptor.
Contract for runtime hints that only apply if the described condition is met.
Context information for use by Condition implementations.
Marks a class as being eligible for Spring-driven configuration.
SPI interface to be implemented by most if not all application contexts.
Configuration interface to be implemented by most bean factories.
Configuration interface to be implemented by most if not all ConversionService types.
Configuration interface to be implemented by most if not all Environment types.
Configuration interface to be implemented by most listable bean factories.
Spring-configurable FileTypeMap implementation that will read MIME type to file extension mappings from a standard JavaMail MIME type mapping file, using a standard MimetypesFileTypeMap underneath.
Defines common methods for building a MockMvc.
Marker interface for domain objects that need DI through aspects.
Special ObjectInputStream subclass that resolves class names against a specific ClassLoader.
Interface that encapsulates configuration methods for a PropertyAccessor.
Configuration interface to be implemented by most if not all PropertyResolver types.
An extension of SmartRequestBuilder that can be configured with RequestPostProcessors.
Interface to be implemented by configurable web application contexts.
Convenient WebBindingInitializer for declarative configuration in a Spring application context.
Specialization of ConfigurableEnvironment allowing initialization of servlet-related PropertySource objects at the earliest moment that the ServletContext and (optionally) ServletConfig become available.
Indicates that a class declares one or more @Bean methods and may be processed by the Spring container to generate bean definitions and service requests for those beans at runtime, for example:
BeanFactoryPostProcessor used for bootstrapping processing of @Configuration classes.
Utilities for identifying and configuring Configuration classes.
A Condition that offers more fine-grained control when used with @Configuration.
The various configuration phases where the condition could be evaluated.
Interface declaring methods that accept callback Function to operate within the scope of a Connection.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a JDBC Connection.
Used to set up a database during initialization and clean up a database during destruction.
Strategy interface for looking up ConnectionFactory by name.
Exception to be thrown by a ConnectionFactoryLookup implementation, indicating that the specified ConnectionFactory could not be obtained.
Helper class for managing a JMS ConnectionFactory, in particular for obtaining transactional JMS resources for a given ConnectionFactory.
Helper class that provides static methods for obtaining R2DBC Connections from a ConnectionFactory.
Callback interface for resource creation.
Simple interface to be implemented by handles for a JDBC Connection.
A StompSession that implements TcpConnectionHandler in order to send and receive messages.
Resource holder wrapping a JDBC Connection.
Resource holder wrapping a R2DBC Connection.
Raised when the connection for a STOMP session is lost rather than closed.
Base class for a connection manager that automates the process of connecting to a WebSocket server with the Spring ApplicationContext lifecycle.
ConnectionProperties serves as a simple data container that allows essential JDBC connection properties to be configured consistently, independent of the actual DataSource implementation.
Subinterface of Connection to be implemented by Connection proxies.
Annotation to map the initial ConnectionSetupPayload and subsequent metadata pushes onto a handler method.
FactoryBean that creates a JSR-160 JMXConnectorServer, optionally registers it with the MBeanServer, and then starts it.
A constant whose value is computed at runtime, with a bootstrap method.
This class can be used to parse other classes containing constant definitions in public static final members.
Exception thrown when the Constants class is asked for an invalid constant name.
ParseState entry representing a (possibly indexed) constructor argument.
Holder for constructor argument values, typically as part of a bean definition.
Holder for a constructor argument value, with an optional type attribute indicating the target type of the actual constructor argument.
Executors are built by resolvers and can be cached by the infrastructure to repeat an operation quickly without going back to the resolvers.
Intercepts the construction of a new object.
Description of an invocation to a constructor, given to an interceptor upon constructor-call.
Represents the invocation of a constructor.
A constructor resolver attempts to locate a constructor and returns a ConstructorExecutor that can be used to invoke that constructor.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition to match a request's 'Content-Type' header to a list of media type expressions.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition to match a request's 'Content-Type' header to a list of media type expressions.
HttpServletRequest wrapper that caches all content read from the input stream and reader, and allows this content to be retrieved via a byte array.
HttpServletResponse wrapper that caches all content written to the output stream and writer, and allows this content to be retrieved via a byte array.
Representation of the Content-Disposition type and parameters as defined in RFC 6266.
A mutable builder for ContentDisposition.
Implementation of ViewResolver that resolves a view based on the request file name or Accept header.
Creates a ContentNegotiationManager and configures it with one or more ContentNegotiationStrategy instances.
Central class to determine requested media types for a request.
Factory to create a ContentNegotiationManager and configure it with ContentNegotiationStrategy instances.
A strategy for resolving the requested media types for a request.
Factory for request content RequestMatcher's.
Factory for response content assertions.
Resolve the content type for a message.
A VersionStrategy that calculates a Hex MD5 hash from the content of the resource and appends it to the file name, e.g.
A VersionStrategy that calculates a Hex MD5 hash from the content of the resource and appends it to the file name, e.g.
Complete implementation of the AutowireCandidateResolver strategy interface, providing support for qualifier annotations as well as for lazy resolution driven by the Lazy annotation in the context.annotation package.
Filesystem-based ahead-of-time (AOT) processing base implementation.
ContextCache defines the SPI for caching Spring ApplicationContexts within the Spring TestContext Framework.
Collection of utilities for working with ContextCaches.
Web application listener that cleans up remaining disposable attributes in the ServletContext, i.e.
Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets closed.
@ContextConfiguration defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to load and configure an ApplicationContext for integration tests.
ContextConfigurationAttributes encapsulates the context configuration attributes declared via @ContextConfiguration.
Strategy interface for customizing application contexts that are created and managed by the Spring TestContext Framework.
Factory for creating ContextCustomizers.
HttpServletRequest decorator that makes all Spring beans in a given WebApplicationContext accessible as request attributes, through lazy checking once an attribute gets accessed.
@ContextHierarchy is a class-level annotation that is used to define a hierarchy of ApplicationContexts for integration tests.
ScheduledTaskRegistrar subclass which redirects the actual scheduling of tasks to the ContextLifecycleScheduledTaskRegistrar.afterSingletonsInstantiated() callback (as of 4.1.2).
Strategy interface for loading an ApplicationContext for an integration test managed by the Spring TestContext Framework.
Performs the actual initialization work for the root application context.
Bootstrap listener to start up and shut down Spring's root WebApplicationContext.
NamespaceHandler for the 'context' namespace.
HttpHandler delegating requests to one of several HttpHandler's based on simple, prefix-based mappings.
Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets initialized or refreshed.
Extended interface for a resource that is loaded from an enclosing 'context', e.g.
Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets started.
Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets stopped.
WebSocketHandler decorator that enriches the context of the target handler.
No-op resolver for method arguments of type Continuation.
No-op resolver for method arguments of type Continuation.
No-op resolver for method arguments of type Continuation.
Pointcut and method matcher for use in simple cflow-style pointcut.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Controller" (e.g.
Base Controller interface, representing a component that receives HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse instances just like a HttpServlet but is able to participate in an MVC workflow.
Specialization of @Component for classes that declare @ExceptionHandler, @InitBinder, or @ModelAttribute methods to be shared across multiple @Controller classes.
Encapsulates information about an @ControllerAdvice Spring-managed bean without necessarily requiring it to be instantiated.
Provides methods to support various naming and other conventions used throughout the framework.
Base class for exceptions thrown by the conversion system.
Exception to be thrown when an actual type conversion attempt fails.
Exception thrown when no suitable editor or converter can be found for a bean property.
A service interface for type conversion.
Interceptor that places the configured ConversionService in request scope so it's available during request processing.
A factory for common ConversionService configurations.
A factory providing convenient access to a ConversionService configured with converters appropriate for most environments.
A converter converts a source object of type S to a target of type T.
A factory for "ranged" converters that can convert objects from S to subtypes of R.
Exception to be thrown when a suitable converter could not be found in a given conversion service.
For registering converters with a type conversion system.
A Comparator that converts values before they are compared.
Base class that can be used to implement a standard Encoder and/or Decoder.
A binary jakarta.websocket.Encoder that delegates to Spring's conversion service.
A binary jakarta.websocket.Encoder that delegates to Spring's conversion service.
A Text jakarta.websocket.Encoder that delegates to Spring's conversion service.
A text jakarta.websocket.Encoder that delegates to Spring's conversion service.
Adapter that exposes a PropertyEditor for any given ConversionService and specific target type.
Assertions on cookies of the response.
as of 6.0 in favor of ResponseCookie
LocaleResolver implementation that uses a cookie sent back to the user in case of a custom setting, with a fallback to the configured default locale, the request's Accept-Language header, or the default locale for the server.
Factory for response cookie assertions.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Annotation to indicate that a method parameter is bound to an HTTP cookie.
HttpServiceArgumentResolver for @CookieValue annotated arguments.
Resolve method arguments annotated with @CookieValue.
Cookie-based WebSessionIdResolver.
Utilities for working with Kotlin Coroutines.
BeanDefinitionParser that parses a cors element in order to set the CORS configuration in the various {AbstractHandlerMapping} beans created by AnnotationDrivenBeanDefinitionParser, ResourcesBeanDefinitionParser and ViewControllerBeanDefinitionParser.
A container for CORS configuration along with methods to check against the actual origin, HTTP methods, and headers of a given request.
Interface to be implemented by classes (usually HTTP request handlers) that provides a CorsConfiguration instance based on the provided request.
Interface to be implemented by classes (usually HTTP request handlers) that provides a CorsConfiguration instance based on the provided reactive request.
Filter to handle CORS pre-flight requests and intercept CORS simple and actual requests with a CorsProcessor, and to update the response, e.g.
A strategy that takes a request and a CorsConfiguration and updates the response.
A strategy to apply CORS validation checks and updates to a ServerWebExchange, either rejecting through the response or adding CORS related headers, based on a pre-selected CorsConfiguration.
Assists with the creation of a CorsConfiguration instance for a given URL path pattern.
Assists with the creation of a CorsConfiguration instance for a given URL path pattern.
Assists with the registration of global, URL pattern based CorsConfiguration mappings.
Assists with the registration of global, URL pattern based CorsConfiguration mappings.
Utility class for CORS request handling based on the CORS W3C recommendation.
Utility class for CORS reactive request handling based on the CORS W3C recommendation.
WebFilter that handles CORS preflight requests and intercepts CORS simple and actual requests thanks to a CorsProcessor implementation (DefaultCorsProcessor by default) in order to add the relevant CORS response headers (like Access-Control-Allow-Origin) using the provided CorsConfigurationSource (for example an UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource instance.
Representation of a crontab expression that can calculate the next time it matches.
as of 5.3, in favor of CronExpression
TriggerTask implementation defining a Runnable to be executed according to a standard cron expression.
Trigger implementation for cron expressions.
A Spring FactoryBean for creating a Quartz CronTrigger instance, supporting bean-style usage for trigger configuration.
Annotation for permitting cross-origin requests on specific handler classes and/or handler methods.
A ResourceTransformer implementation that modifies links in a CSS file to match the public URL paths that should be exposed to clients (e.g.
A ResourceTransformer implementation that modifies links in a CSS file to match the public URL paths that should be exposed to clients (e.g.
Abstract base class for CssLinkResourceTransformer.LinkParser implementations.
Abstract base class for CssLinkResourceTransformer.LinkParser implementations.
Extract content chunks that represent links.
Extract content chunks that represent links.
Editor for java.util.Currency, translating currency codes into Currency objects.
A BigDecimal formatter for number values in currency style.
Formatter for JSR-354 CurrencyUnit values, from and to currency code Strings.
A BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementation that allows for convenient registration of custom autowire qualifier types.
Property editor for Boolean/boolean properties.
Property editor for Collections, converting any source Collection to a given target Collection type.
Property editor for java.util.Date, supporting a custom java.text.DateFormat.
BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementation that allows for convenient registration of custom property editors.
Simple customizable helper class for creating new Thread instances.
Implementation of the ThreadFactory interface, allowing for customizing the created threads (name, priority, etc).
MethodInterceptor implementation that allows for highly customizable method-level tracing, using placeholders.
Customizes key types for KeyFactory when building equals, hashCode, and toString.
Property editor for Maps, converting any source Map to a given target Map type.
Property editor for any Number subclass such as Short, Integer, Long, BigInteger, Float, Double, BigDecimal.
Simple BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementation that registers custom Scope(s) with the containing ConfigurableBeanFactory.
JavaBean for holding custom JDBC error codes translation for a particular database.
Registry for custom SQLExceptionTranslator instances for specific databases.
Registry for custom SQLExceptionTranslator instances associated with specific databases allowing for overriding translation based on values contained in the configuration file named "sql-error-codes.xml".
Configurable bean class that exposes a specific JSR-303 Validator through its original interface as well as through the Spring Validator interface.
Generic base class for DAOs, defining template methods for DAO initialization.
Root of the hierarchy of data access exceptions discussed in Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development.
Data access exception thrown when a resource fails completely: for example, if we can't connect to a database using JDBC.
Miscellaneous utility methods for DAO implementations.
Enumeration for common database platforms.
A non-blocking, reactive client for performing database calls requests with Reactive Streams back pressure.
A mutable builder for creating a DatabaseClient.
Contract for specifying an SQL call along with options leading to the execution.
A callback interface used by the JdbcUtils class.
Strategy used to populate, initialize, or clean up a database.
Strategy used to populate, initialize, or clean up a database.
Utility methods for executing a DatabasePopulator.
Bean that checks if a database has already started up.
Binder that allows for setting property values on a target object, including support for validation and binding result analysis.
A MethodResolver variant for data binding purposes, using reflection to access instance methods on a given target object.
A PropertyAccessor variant for data binding purposes, using reflection to access properties for reading and possibly writing.
Basic abstraction over byte buffers.
Simple pass-through decoder for DataBuffers.
Simple pass-through encoder for DataBuffers.
A factory for DataBuffers, allowing for allocation and wrapping of data buffers.
Exception that indicates the cumulative number of bytes consumed from a stream of DataBuffer's exceeded some pre-configured limit.
Utility class for working with DataBuffers.
Contract to find delimiter(s) against one or more data buffers that can be passed one at a time to the DataBufferUtils.Matcher.match(DataBuffer) method.
Provides a convenient implementation of the DataBuffer interface that can be overridden to adapt the delegate.
RowMapper implementation that converts a row into a new instance of the specified mapped target class.
Interface that defines contract of incrementing any data store field's maximum value.
Exception thrown when an attempt to insert or update data results in violation of an integrity constraint.
Exception thrown if certain expected data could not be retrieved, e.g.
A data size, such as '12MB'.
DataSourceFactory encapsulates the creation of a particular DataSource implementation such as a non-pooling SimpleDriverDataSource or a HikariCP pool setup in the shape of a HikariDataSource.
Used to set up a database during initialization and clean up a database during destruction.
Strategy interface for looking up DataSources by name.
Exception to be thrown by a DataSourceLookup implementation, indicating that the specified DataSource could not be obtained.
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JDBC DataSource.
Helper class that provides static methods for obtaining JDBC Connections from a DataSource.
A standard set of DataSize units.
A formatter for Date types.
Configures basic date formatting for use with Spring, primarily for DateTimeFormat declarations.
A context that holds user-specific java.time (JSR-310) settings such as the user's Chronology (calendar system) and time zone.
A holder for a thread-local user DateTimeContext.
Declares that a field or method parameter should be formatted as a date or time.
Common ISO date time format patterns.
Formats fields annotated with the DateTimeFormat annotation using a DateFormatter.
Factory that creates a JSR-310 DateTimeFormatter.
FactoryBean that creates a JSR-310 DateTimeFormatter.
Configures the JSR-310 java.time formatting system for use with Spring.
DB2 specific implementation for the CallMetaDataProvider interface.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given sequence on DB2 LUW (for Linux, Unix and Windows).
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given sequence on DB2 for the mainframe (z/OS, DB2/390, DB2/400).
Generic exception thrown when the current process was a deadlock loser, and its transaction rolled back.
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that can be introduced in a chain to display verbose information about intercepted invocations to the logger.
Introduction advisor delegating to the given object.
Strategy for decoding a DataBuffer input stream into an output stream of elements of type <T>.
HttpMessageReader that wraps and delegates to a Decoder.
Indicates an issue with decoding the input stream with a focus on content related issues such as a parse failure.
Base class for decorating ClassLoaders such as OverridingClassLoader and ShadowingClassLoader, providing common handling of excluded packages and classes.
Base class for JSF NavigationHandler implementations that want to be capable of decorating an original NavigationHandler.
Interface to be implemented by decorating proxies, in particular Spring AOP proxies but potentially also custom proxies with decorator semantics.
Default implementation of the ActiveProfilesResolver strategy that resolves active bean definition profiles based solely on profiles configured declaratively via ActiveProfiles.profiles() or ActiveProfiles.value().
Default implementation of the AdvisorAdapterRegistry interface.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that creates AOP proxies based on all candidate Advisors in the current BeanFactory.
A simple but definitive way of working out an advice chain for a Method, given an Advised object.
Default AopProxyFactory implementation, creating either a CGLIB proxy or a JDK dynamic proxy.
Default implementation of the BeanDefinitionDocumentReader interface that reads bean definitions according to the "spring-beans" DTD and XSD format (Spring's default XML bean definition format).
Concrete BeanFactory-based PointcutAdvisor that allows for any Advice to be configured as reference to an Advice bean in the BeanFactory, as well as the Pointcut to be configured through a bean property.
Default BindingErrorProcessor implementation.
Default implementation of the BootstrapContext interface.
Default implementation of the CacheAwareContextLoaderDelegate interface.
Default implementation of ClientCodecConfigurer.
Default implementation for a ClientHttpObservationConvention, extracting information from the ClientHttpObservationContext.
Default implementation for a WebClient ObservationConvention, extracting information from the ClientObservationContext.
A default ContentTypeResolver that checks the MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE header or falls back to a default value.
Default implementation of the ContextCache API.
Default LoadTimeWeaver bean for use in an application context, decorating an automatically detected internal LoadTimeWeaver.
A specialization of GenericConversionService configured by default with converters appropriate for most environments.
The default implementation of CorsProcessor, as defined by the CORS W3C recommendation.
The default implementation of CorsProcessor, as defined by the CORS W3C recommendation.
Create a WebRequestDataBinder instance and initialize it with a WebBindingInitializer.
Default implementation of the DataBuffer interface that uses a ByteBuffer internally.
Default implementation of the DataBufferFactory interface.
A default Deserializer implementation that reads an input stream using Java serialization.
Spring's default DocumentLoader implementation.
Default EventListenerFactory implementation that supports the regular EventListener annotation.
A specialization of FormattingConversionService configured by default with converters and formatters appropriate for most applications.
Default GenerationContext implementation.
The default implementation of the HandlerExceptionResolver interface, resolving standard Spring MVC exceptions and translating them to corresponding HTTP status codes.
A default HandshakeHandler implementation, extending AbstractHandshakeHandler with Servlet-specific initialization support.
Simple IntroductionAdvisor implementation that by default applies to any class.
The default JCacheOperationSource implementation delegating default operations to configurable services with sensible defaults when not present.
A JmsListenerContainerFactory implementation to build a JCA-based JmsMessageEndpointManager.
Default implementation of the JmsActivationSpecFactory interface.
Default implementation of the JpaDialect interface.
Default implementation of the LifecycleProcessor strategy.
Spring's default implementation of the ConfigurableListableBeanFactory and BeanDefinitionRegistry interfaces: a full-fledged bean factory based on bean definition metadata, extensible through post-processors.
Default implementation of the LobHandler interface.
JNDI-based variant of CustomizableThreadFactory, performing a default lookup for JSR-236's "java:comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory" in a Jakarta EE environment, falling back to the local CustomizableThreadFactory setup if not found.
JNDI-based variant of ConcurrentTaskExecutor, performing a default lookup for JSR-236's "java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService" in a Jakarta EE/8 environment.
JNDI-based variant of ConcurrentTaskScheduler, performing a default lookup for JSR-236's "java:comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService" in a Jakarta EE environment.
Default implementation of the MessageCodesResolver interface.
Common message code formats.
The default MessageHandlerMethodFactory implementation creating an InvocableHandlerMethod with the necessary HandlerMethodArgumentResolver instances to detect and process most of the use cases defined by MessageMapping.
Message listener container variant that uses plain JMS client APIs, specifically a loop of MessageConsumer.receive() calls that also allow for transactional reception of messages (registering them with XA transactions).
Spring's default implementation of the MessageSourceResolvable interface.
Default MetadataExtractor implementation that relies on Decoders to deserialize the content of metadata entries.
Default MethodReference implementation based on a MethodSpec.
A concrete implementation of AbstractMockMvcBuilder that provides the WebApplicationContext supplied to it as a constructor argument.
Default implementation of the MultipartHttpServletRequest interface.
Default implementation of the NamespaceHandlerResolver interface.
The default policy used by AbstractClassGenerator.
Default implementation of the ParameterNameDiscoverer strategy interface, using the Java 8 standard reflection mechanism (if available), and falling back to the ASM-based LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer for checking debug information in the class file.
Default HttpMessageReader for parsing "multipart/form-data" requests to a stream of Parts.
Default implementation of the PersistenceUnitManager interface.
Convenient Pointcut-driven Advisor implementation.
Default implementation of the PropertiesPersister interface.
The default implementation for PropertySourceFactory, wrapping every resource in a ResourcePropertySource.
Default implementation of RequestExpectation that simply delegates to the request matchers and the response creator it contains.
Helper class that keeps track of actual vs expected request count.
RequestToViewNameTranslator that simply transforms the URI of the incoming request into a view name.
Default implementation of the ResourceLoader interface.
ClassPathResource that explicitly expresses a context-relative path through implementing the ContextResource interface.
A ResponseCreator with builder-style methods for adding response details.
Spring's default implementation of the ResponseErrorHandler interface.
Default implementation of the ScopedObject interface.
Marker interface for a defaults definition, extending BeanMetadataElement to inherit source exposure.
A Serializer implementation that writes an object to an output stream using Java serialization.
Default implementation of ServerCodecConfigurer.
Default implementation of ServerWebExchange.
Configures a request handler for serving static resources by forwarding the request to the Servlet container's "default" Servlet.
An HttpRequestHandler for serving static files using the Servlet container's "default" Servlet.
Default implementation of the SessionAttributeStore interface, storing the attributes in the WebRequest session (i.e.
A default implementation of SimpUserRegistry that relies on AbstractSubProtocolEvent application context events to keep track of connected users and their subscriptions.
Generic registry for shared bean instances, implementing the SingletonBeanRegistry.
A default implementation of SockJsFrameFormat that relies on String.format(String, Object...)..
A default implementation of SockJsService with all default TransportHandler implementations pre-registered.
Default implementation of ConnectionHandlingStompSession.
Implementation of SubscriptionRegistry that stores subscriptions in memory and uses a PathMatcher for matching destinations.
Default implementation of the TestContext interface.
Default implementation of the TestContextBootstrapper SPI.
Spring's default toString() styler.
Spring's common transaction attribute implementation.
Default implementation of the TransactionDefinition interface, offering bean-style configuration and sensible default values (PROPAGATION_REQUIRED, ISOLATION_DEFAULT, TIMEOUT_DEFAULT, readOnly=false).
Default implementation of the TransactionStatus interface, used by AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.
UriBuilderFactory that relies on UriComponentsBuilder for the actual building of the URI.
Enum to represent multiple URI encoding strategies.
A default implementation of UserDestinationResolver that relies on a SimpUserRegistry to find active sessions for a user.
Converts objects to String form, generally for debugging purposes, using Spring's toString styling conventions.
Default implementation of WebFilterChain.
Default implementation of WebSessionManager delegating to a WebSessionIdResolver for session id resolution and to a WebSessionStore.
A variation of ImportSelector that runs after all @Configuration beans have been processed.
Interface used to group results from different import selectors.
An entry that holds the AnnotationMetadata of the importing Configuration class and the class name to import.
DeferredResult provides an alternative to using a Callable for asynchronous request processing.
Handles a DeferredResult value when set.
Handler for return values of type DeferredResult, ListenableFuture, and CompletionStage.
Intercepts concurrent request handling, where the concurrent result is obtained by waiting for a DeferredResult to be set from a thread chosen by the application (e.g.
Convenient implementation of the IntroductionInterceptor interface.
ConnectionFactory implementation that delegates all calls to a given target ConnectionFactory, adapting specific create(Queue/Topic)Connection calls to the target ConnectionFactory if necessary (e.g.
R2DBC ConnectionFactory implementation that delegates all calls to a given target ConnectionFactory.
JDBC DataSource implementation that delegates all calls to a given target DataSource.
EntityResolver implementation that delegates to a BeansDtdResolver and a PluggableSchemaResolver for DTDs and XML schemas, respectively.
Runnable wrapper that catches any exception or error thrown from its delegate Runnable and allows an ErrorHandler to handle it.
Proxy for a standard Servlet Filter, delegating to a Spring-managed bean that implements the Filter interface.
Convenient implementation of the IntroductionInterceptor interface.
Simple Quartz Job adapter that delegates to a given Runnable instance.
Empty MessageSource that delegates all calls to the parent MessageSource.
JSF NavigationHandler implementation that delegates to a NavigationHandler bean obtained from the Spring root WebApplicationContext.
JSF PhaseListener implementation that delegates to one or more Spring-managed PhaseListener beans coming from the Spring root WebApplicationContext.
Implementation of ServerHttpResponse that delegates all calls to a given target ServerHttpResponse.
Delegating implementation of ServletInputStream.
Delegating implementation of ServletOutputStream.
DelegatingSmartContextLoader is a concrete implementation of AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader that delegates to a GenericXmlContextLoader (or a GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader if Groovy is present in the classpath) and an AnnotationConfigContextLoader.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
TransactionAttribute implementation that delegates all calls to a given target TransactionAttribute instance.
TransactionDefinition implementation that delegates all calls to a given target TransactionDefinition instance.
Implementation of WebConnection that allows delegating to various WebConnection implementations.
The delegate web connection.
A subclass of WebFluxConfigurationSupport that detects and delegates to all beans of type WebFluxConfigurer allowing them to customize the configuration provided by WebFluxConfigurationSupport.
A subclass of WebMvcConfigurationSupport that detects and delegates to all beans of type WebMvcConfigurer allowing them to customize the configuration provided by WebMvcConfigurationSupport.
A variation of WebSocketConfigurationSupport that detects implementations of WebSocketConfigurer in Spring configuration and invokes them in order to configure WebSocket request handling.
A WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport extension that detects beans of type WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer and delegates to all of them allowing callback style customization of the configuration provided in WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport.
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP DELETE requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP DELETE requests onto specific handler methods.
Descriptor for a specific dependency that is about to be injected.
TestExecutionListener which provides support for dependency injection and initialization of test instances.
Beans on which the current bean depends.
Bean factory post processor that logs a warning for @Deprecated beans.
Derby specific implementation for the CallMetaDataProvider interface.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given Derby table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column.
The Derby specific implementation of TableMetaDataProvider.
Adds a textual description to bean definitions derived from Component or Bean.
Simple Resource implementation that holds a resource description but does not point to an actually readable resource.
A strategy interface for converting from data in an InputStream to an Object.
A Converter that delegates to a Deserializer to convert data in a byte array to an object.
MessageCondition to match the destination header of a Message against one or more patterns through a RouteMatcher.
Thrown by a DestinationResolver when it cannot resolve a destination name.
Thrown by a DestinationResolver when it cannot resolve a destination.
Strategy interface for resolving JMS destinations.
Strategy for resolving a String destination name to an actual destination of type <D>.
Extends MessageReceivingOperations and adds operations for receiving messages from a destination specified as a (resolvable) String name.
Extends MessageRequestReplyOperations and adds operations for sending and receiving messages to and from a destination specified as a (resolvable) String name.
Extends MessageSendingOperations and adds operations for sending messages to a destination specified as a (resolvable) String name.
A Principal can also implement this contract when getName() isn't globally unique and therefore not suited for use with "user" destinations.
Annotation that indicates a method parameter should be bound to a template variable in a destination template string.
Resolve for @DestinationVariable method parameters.
Resolve for @DestinationVariable method parameters.
Subinterface of BeanPostProcessor that adds a before-destruction callback.
Adapter that implements the Servlet HttpSessionBindingListener interface, wrapping a session destruction callback.
Miscellaneous methods for calculating digests.
ConfigurablePropertyAccessor implementation that directly accesses instance fields.
Special implementation of the Errors and BindingResult interfaces, supporting registration and evaluation of binding errors on value objects.
Test annotation which indicates that the ApplicationContext associated with a test is dirty and should therefore be closed and removed from the context cache.
Defines modes which determine how @DirtiesContext is interpreted when used to annotate a test class.
Defines modes which determine how the context cache is cleared when @DirtiesContext is used in a test whose context is configured as part of a hierarchy via @ContextHierarchy.
Defines modes which determine how @DirtiesContext is interpreted when used to annotate a test method.
TestExecutionListener which provides support for marking the ApplicationContext associated with a test as dirty for both test classes and test methods annotated with the @DirtiesContext annotation.
TestExecutionListener which provides support for marking the ApplicationContext associated with a test as dirty for both test classes and test methods annotated with the @DirtiesContext annotation.
@DisabledIf is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is disabled and should not be executed if the supplied DisabledIf.expression() evaluates to true.
DisabledIfCondition is an ExecutionCondition that supports the @DisabledIf annotation when using the Spring TestContext Framework in conjunction with JUnit 5's Jupiter programming model.
Dispatching Enhancer callback.
Central dispatcher for HTTP request handlers/controllers.
Central dispatcher for HTTP request handlers/controllers, e.g.
Strategy interface for customizing DispatcherServlet instances that are managed by MockMvc.
ServletWebRequest subclass that is aware of DispatcherServlet's request context, such as the Locale determined by the configured LocaleResolver.
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to release resources on destruction.
Subinterface of SqlTypeValue that adds a cleanup callback, to be invoked after the value has been set and the corresponding statement has been executed.
Simple JavaBean that holds the defaults specified at the <beans> level in a standard Spring XML bean definition document: default-lazy-init, default-autowire, etc.
Strategy interface for loading an XML Document.
Convenience methods for working with the DOM API, in particular for working with DOM Nodes and DOM Elements.
Simple implementation of the standard JDBC DataSource interface, configuring the plain old JDBC DriverManager via bean properties, and returning a new Connection from every getConnection call.
Exception thrown when an attempt to insert or update data results in violation of a primary key or unique constraint.
ClassLoader used to expose dynamically generated content.
Simple DestinationResolver implementation resolving destination names as dynamic destinations.
Abstract base class for dynamically generated files.
Assertion methods for DynamicFile instances.
Subinterface of AOP Alliance Advice that allows additional interfaces to be implemented by an Advice, and available via a proxy using that interceptor.
Convenient abstract superclass for dynamic method matchers, which do care about arguments at runtime.
Convenient superclass when we want to force subclasses to implement MethodMatcher interface, but subclasses will want to be pointcuts.
Registry used with @DynamicPropertySource methods so that they can add properties to the Environment that have dynamically resolved values.
Method-level annotation for integration tests that need to add properties with dynamic values to the Environment's set of PropertySources.
JpaDialect implementation for Eclipse Persistence Services (EclipseLink).
JpaVendorAdapter implementation for Eclipse Persistence Services (EclipseLink).
Interface to be implemented by JSP tags that expose a PropertyEditor for a property that they are currently bound to.
Strategy implementation for parsing EJB3's TransactionAttribute annotation.
Represents the elvis operator ?:.
EmbeddedDatabase serves as a handle to an embedded database instance.
A builder that provides a convenient API for constructing an embedded database.
EmbeddedDatabaseConfigurer encapsulates the configuration required to create, connect to, and shut down a specific type of embedded database such as HSQL, H2, or Derby.
Factory for creating an EmbeddedDatabase instance.
A subclass of EmbeddedDatabaseFactory that implements FactoryBean for registration as a Spring bean.
A supported embedded database type.
Convenient base class for components with a need for embedded value resolution (i.e.
StringValueResolver adapter for resolving placeholders and expressions against a ConfigurableBeanFactory.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of a StringValueResolver for the resolution of embedded definition values.
Empty implementation of the ReaderEventListener interface, providing no-op implementations of all callback methods.
Data access exception thrown when a result was expected to have at least one row (or element) but zero rows (or elements) were actually returned.
A simple empty implementation of the SqlParameterSource interface.
Canonical TargetSource when there is no target (or just the target class known), and behavior is supplied by interfaces and advisors only.
Enables support for handling components marked with AspectJ's @Aspect annotation, similar to functionality found in Spring's <aop:aspectj-autoproxy> XML element.
Enables Spring's asynchronous method execution capability, similar to functionality found in Spring's <task:*> XML namespace.
Enables Spring's annotation-driven cache management capability, similar to the support found in Spring's <cache:*> XML namespace.
@EnabledIf is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is enabled and should be executed if the supplied EnabledIf.expression() evaluates to true.
EnabledIfCondition is an ExecutionCondition that supports the @EnabledIf annotation when using the Spring TestContext Framework in conjunction with JUnit 5's Jupiter programming model.
@EnabledIfRuntimeHintsAgent signals that the annotated test class or test method is only enabled if the RuntimeHintsAgent is loaded on the current JVM.
Enable JMS listener annotated endpoints that are created under the cover by a JmsListenerContainerFactory.
Activates a Spring LoadTimeWeaver for this application context, available as a bean with the name "loadTimeWeaver", similar to the <context:load-time-weaver> element in Spring XML.
AspectJ weaving enablement options.
Enables default exporting of all standard MBeans from the Spring context, as well as all @ManagedResource annotated beans.
Enables Spring's scheduled task execution capability, similar to functionality found in Spring's <task:*> XML namespace.
Signals the current application context to apply dependency injection to non-managed classes that are instantiated outside the Spring bean factory (typically classes annotated with the @Configurable annotation).
Enables Spring's annotation-driven transaction management capability, similar to the support found in Spring's <tx:*> XML namespace.
Adding this annotation to an @Configuration class imports the Spring WebFlux configuration from WebFluxConfigurationSupport that enables use of annotated controllers and functional endpoints.
Adding this annotation to an @Configuration class imports the Spring MVC configuration from WebMvcConfigurationSupport, e.g.:
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to configure processing WebSocket requests.
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to enable broker-backed messaging over WebSocket using a higher-level messaging sub-protocol.
Holder that combines a Resource descriptor with a specific encoding or Charset to be used for reading from the resource.
Resolver that delegates to the chain, and if a resource is found, it then attempts to find an encoded (e.g.
Resolver that delegates to the chain, and if a resource is found, it then attempts to find an encoded (e.g.
Strategy to encode a stream of Objects of type <T> into an output stream of bytes.
HttpMessageWriter that wraps and delegates to an Encoder.
Indicates an issue with encoding the input Object stream with a focus on not being able to encode Objects.
WebSocket connection manager that connects to the server via WebSocketContainer and handles the session with an Endpoint.
Generates dynamic subclasses to enable method interception.
ExchangeResult sub-class that exposes the response body fully extracted to a representation of type <T>.
Base class for any class that needs to access a JPA EntityManagerFactory, usually in order to obtain a JPA EntityManager.
Metadata interface for a Spring-managed JPA EntityManagerFactory.
Helper class featuring methods for JPA EntityManager handling, allowing for reuse of EntityManager instances within transactions.
Resource holder wrapping a JPA EntityManager.
Subinterface of EntityManager to be implemented by EntityManager proxies.
Entity-specific subtype of ServerResponse that exposes entity data.
Entity-specific subtype of ServerResponse that exposes entity data.
Defines a builder for EntityResponse.
Defines a builder for EntityResponse.
A PropertySource implementation capable of interrogating its underlying source object to enumerate all possible property name/value pairs.
Interface representing the environment in which the current application is running.
Read-only EL property accessor that knows how to retrieve keys of a Spring Environment instance.
Interface to be implemented by any bean that wishes to be notified of the Environment that it runs in.
Interface indicating a component that contains and exposes an Environment reference.
A strategy for handling errors.
A GenericMessage with a Throwable payload.
Representation of a complete RFC 7807 error response including status, headers, and an RFC 7808 formatted ProblemDetail body.
RuntimeException that implements ErrorResponse to expose an HTTP status, response headers, and a body formatted as an RFC 7808 ProblemDetail.
Stores and exposes information about data-binding and validation errors for a specific object.
Resolves Errors method arguments.
Resolve Errors or BindingResult method arguments.
The <errors> tag renders field errors in an HTML 'span' tag.
The <escapeBody> tag is used to escape its enclosed body content, applying HTML escaping and/or JavaScript escaping.
Errors wrapper that adds automatic HTML escaping to the wrapped instance, for convenient usage in HTML views.
The <eval> tag evaluates a Spring expression (SpEL) and either prints the result or assigns it to a variable.
Expressions are executed in an evaluation context.
Represent an exception that occurs during expression evaluation.
Annotation that marks a method as a listener for application events.
Strategy interface for creating ApplicationListener for methods annotated with EventListener.
Registers EventListener methods as individual ApplicationListener instances.
Interceptor that publishes an ApplicationEvent to all ApplicationListeners registered with an ApplicationEventPublisher after each successful method invocation.
TestExecutionListener that publishes test execution events to the ApplicationContext for the currently executing test.
A TransportHandler for sending messages via Server-Sent Events:
ExceptionCollector is a test utility for executing code blocks, collecting exceptions, and generating a single AssertionError containing any exceptions encountered as suppressed exceptions.
Executable is a functional interface that can be used to implement any generic block of code that potentially throws a Throwable.
Comparator capable of sorting exceptions based on their depth from the thrown exception type.
Annotation for handling exceptions in specific handler classes and/or handler methods.
An AbstractHandlerMethodExceptionResolver that resolves exceptions through @ExceptionHandler methods.
Discovers @ExceptionHandler methods in a given class, including all of its superclasses, and helps to resolve a given Exception to the exception types supported by a given Method.
WebHandler decorator that invokes one or more WebExceptionHandlers after the delegate WebHandler.
An InstanceFilter implementation that handles exception types.
An exception handling WebSocketHandlerDecorator.
Represents a function that filters an exchange function.
Static factory methods providing access to built-in implementations of ExchangeFilterFunction for basic authentication, error handling, etc.
as of Spring 5.1 in favor of using HttpHeaders.setBasicAuth(String, String) while building the request.
Represents a function that exchanges a request for a (delayed) ClientResponse.
Static factory methods to create an ExchangeFunction.
Container for request and response details for exchanges performed through WebTestClient.
Provides strategies for use in an ExchangeFunction.
A mutable builder for an ExchangeStrategies.
A hint that describes the need for reflection on a Method or Constructor.
Builder for ExecutableHint.
Represent the need of reflection for a given Executable.
Represents a function that executes a Statement for a (delayed) Result stream.
Parser for the 'executor' element of the 'task' namespace.
An extension of ChannelInterceptor with callbacks to intercept the asynchronous sending of a Message to a specific subscriber through an Executor.
Base class for setting up a ExecutorService (typically a ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor).
Adapter that takes a Spring TaskExecutor and exposes a full java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService for it.
A SubscribableChannel that sends messages to each of its subscribers.
A simple type representing a range for an expected count.
Implementation of BackOff that increases the back off period for each retry attempt.
Convenient methods for creating advisors that may be used when autoproxying beans created with the Spring IoC container, binding the bean name to the current invocation.
Interceptor that exposes the current MethodInvocation as a thread-local object.
An expression capable of evaluating itself against context objects.
Superclass for exceptions that can occur whilst processing expressions.
This exception wraps (as cause) a checked exception thrown by some method that SpEL invokes.
Parses expression strings into compiled expressions that can be evaluated.
Interface to be implemented by pointcuts that use String expressions.
An ExpressionState is for maintaining per-expression-evaluation state, any changes to it are not seen by other expressions but it gives a place to hold local variables and for component expressions in a compound expression to communicate state.
Common utility functions that may be used by any Expression Language provider.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @Value.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @Value.
BeanInfoFactory implementation that evaluates whether bean classes have "non-standard" JavaBeans setter methods and are thus candidates for introspection by Spring's (package-visible) ExtendedBeanInfo implementation.
Delegate for creating a variety of EntityManager proxies that follow the JPA spec's semantics for "extended" EntityManagers.
Subclass of ModelMap that implements the Model interface.
Subclass of ServletRequestDataBinder that adds URI template variables to the values used for data binding.
Implementation of ResponseErrorHandler that uses HttpMessageConverters to convert HTTP error responses to RestClientExceptions.
Convenience methods to retrieve Spring's root WebApplicationContext for a given JSF FacesContext.
RequestAttributes adapter for a JSF FacesContext.
WebRequest adapter for a JSF FacesContext.
All enhanced instances returned by the Enhancer class implement this interface.
Interface to be implemented by objects used within a BeanFactory which are themselves factories for individual objects.
Exception to be thrown from a FactoryBean's getObject() method if the bean is not fully initialized yet, for example because it is involved in a circular reference.
Support base class for singleton registries which need to handle FactoryBean instances, integrated with DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry's singleton management.
Simple ProblemReporter implementation that exhibits fail-fast behavior when errors are encountered.
A speedy alternative to ByteArrayOutputStream.
Thrown on an unrecoverable problem encountered in the beans packages or sub-packages, e.g.
Union type for fetching results.
Encapsulates a field error, that is, a reason for rejecting a specific field value.
A hint that describes the need for reflection on a Field.
FactoryBean which retrieves a static or non-static field value.
Customizes key types for KeyFactory right in constructor.
A visitor to visit a Java field.
Simple utility methods for file and stream copying.
Editor for, to directly populate a File property from a Spring resource location.
A NativeConfigurationWriter implementation that writes the configuration to disk.
Specialization of Part that represents an uploaded file received in a multipart request.
Represents an event triggered for a file upload.
Register the necessary resource hints for loading files from the classpath.
GeneratedFiles implementation that stores generated files using a FileSystem.
Resource implementation for and java.nio.file.Path handles with a file system target.
ResourceLoader implementation that resolves plain paths as file system resources rather than as class path resources (the latter is DefaultResourceLoader's default strategy).
Utility methods for working with the file system.
Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the file system or from URLs, interpreting plain paths as relative file system locations (e.g.
Subclass of UrlResource which assumes file resolution, to the degree of implementing the WritableResource interface for it.
WebHandlerDecorator that invokes a chain of WebFilters before invoking the delegate WebHandler.
Enumeration of the type filters that may be used in conjunction with @ComponentScan.
A simple BackOff implementation that provides a fixed interval between two attempts and a maximum number of retries.
A ContentNegotiationStrategy that returns a fixed content type.
Resolver that always resolves to a fixed list of media types.
Specialization of IntervalTask for fixed-delay semantics.
A simple strategy for making reconnect attempts at a fixed interval.
LocaleContextResolver implementation that always returns a fixed locale and optionally time zone.
LocaleResolver implementation that always returns a fixed default locale and optionally time zone.
Specialization of IntervalTask for fixed-rate semantics.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Enhancer callback that simply returns the value to return from the proxied method.
A VersionStrategy that relies on a fixed version applied as a request path prefix, e.g.
A VersionStrategy that relies on a fixed version applied as a request path prefix, e.g.
Factory for "output" flash attribute assertions.
A FlashMap provides a way for one request to store attributes intended for use in another.
A strategy interface for retrieving and saving FlashMap instances.
ApplicationStartup implementation for the Java Flight Recorder.
Expression language AST node that represents a float literal.
ExchangeResult variant with the response body decoded as Flux<T> but not yet consumed.
A Spring FactoryBean that builds and exposes a preconfigured ForkJoinPool.
Formats objects of type T.
Adapter that bridges between Formatter and PropertyEditor.
Registers Converters and Formatters with a FormattingConversionService through the FormatterRegistry SPI.
A registry of field formatting logic.
A ConversionService implementation designed to be configured as a FormatterRegistry.
A factory providing convenient access to a FormattingConversionService configured with converters and formatters for common types such as numbers and datetimes.
Filter that parses form data for HTTP PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests and exposes it as Servlet request parameters.
Specialization of Part for a form field.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter to read and write 'normal' HTML forms and also to write (but not read) multipart data (e.g.
Implementation of an HttpMessageReader to read HTML form data, i.e.
HttpMessageWriter for writing a MultiValueMap<String, String> as HTML form data, i.e.
Represents an event triggered for a form field.
The <form> tag renders an HTML 'form' tag and exposes a binding path to inner tags for binding.
Extract values from "Forwarded" and "X-Forwarded-*" headers, wrap the request and response, and make they reflect the client-originated protocol and address in the following methods: getServerName() getServerPort() getScheme() isSecure() sendRedirect(String).
Extract values from "Forwarded" and "X-Forwarded-*" headers to override the request URI (i.e.
Base servlet for Spring's web framework.
Interface to be implemented by objects that configure and manage a FreeMarker Configuration object in a web environment.
Interface to be implemented by objects that configure and manage a FreeMarker Configuration object in a web environment.
Factory that configures a FreeMarker Configuration.
Factory bean that creates a FreeMarker Configuration and provides it as bean reference.
Configures FreeMarker for web usage via the "configLocation" and/or "freemarkerSettings" and/or "templateLoaderPath" properties.
JavaBean to configure FreeMarker for web usage, via the "configLocation" and/or "freemarkerSettings" and/or "templateLoaderPath" properties.
Parse the <mvc:freemarker-configurer> MVC namespace element and register FreeMarkerConfigurer bean.
Utility class for working with FreeMarker.
A View implementation that uses the FreeMarker template engine.
View using the FreeMarker template engine.
A ViewResolver for resolving FreeMarkerView instances, i.e.
Convenience subclass of UrlBasedViewResolver that supports FreeMarkerView (i.e.
An extension of AnnotationBeanNameGenerator that uses the fully qualified class name as the default bean name if an explicit bean name is not supplied via a supported type-level annotation such as @Component (see AnnotationBeanNameGenerator for details on supported annotations).
A function reference is of the form "#someFunction(a,b,c)".
as of 6.0, with no concrete replacement
Convenience utilities for working with Future and implementations.
A single generated class.
A managed collection of generated classes.
Interface that can be used to add source, resource, or class files generated during ahead-of-time processing.
The various kinds of generated files that are supported.
The standard implementation of the KeyHolder interface, to be used for holding auto-generated keys (as potentially returned by JDBC insert statements).
A generated method.
A managed collection of generated methods.
A TypeReference for a generated type.
Central interface used for code generation.
The GeneratorStrategy is responsible for taking a ClassGenerator and producing a byte array containing the data for the generated Class.
Generic ApplicationContext implementation that holds a single internal DefaultListableBeanFactory instance and does not assume a specific bean definition format.
Extended variant of the standard ApplicationListener interface, exposing further metadata such as the supported event and source type.
GenericApplicationListener adapter that determines supported event types through introspecting the generically declared type of the target listener.
GenericBeanDefinition is a one-stop shop for standard bean definition purposes.
A generic implementation of the CallMetaDataProvider interface.
Base ConversionService implementation suitable for use in most environments.
Generic converter interface for converting between two or more types.
Holder for a source-to-target class pair.
Simple base implementation of Filter which treats its config parameters (init-param entries within the filter tag in web.xml) as bean properties.
An ApplicationContext implementation that extends GenericApplicationContext and implements GroovyObject such that beans can be retrieved with the dot de-reference syntax instead of using AbstractApplicationContext.getBean(java.lang.String).
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericContextLoader that reads bean definitions from Groovy scripts and XML configuration files.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that loads bean definitions from Groovy scripts and XML configuration files.
A specialization of HttpMessageConverter that can convert an HTTP request into a target object of a specified generic type and a source object of a specified generic type into an HTTP response.
Subinterface of Marshaller that has support for generics.
An implementation of Message with a generic payload.
An extension of the SimpleMessageConverter that uses a ConversionService to convert the payload of the message to the requested type.
Generic implementation of the JCA 1.7 MessageEndpointFactory interface, providing transaction management capabilities for any kind of message listener object (e.g.
Internal exception thrown when a ResourceException has been encountered during the endpoint invocation.
Generic bean that manages JCA 1.7 message endpoints within a Spring application context, activating and deactivating the endpoint as part of the application context's lifecycle.
A messaging template that resolves destinations names to MessageChannel's to send and receive messages from.
Default implementation of the ReactiveTransaction interface, used by AbstractReactiveTransactionManager.
A concrete variant of SqlQuery which can be configured with a RowMapper.
Concrete implementation making it possible to define the RDBMS stored procedures in an application context without writing a custom Java implementation class.
A generic implementation of the TableMetaDataProvider interface which should provide enough features for all supported databases.
Basic AutowireCandidateResolver that performs a full generic type match with the candidate's type if the dependency is declared as a generic type (e.g.
Helper class for resolving generic types against type variables.
Subinterface of Unmarshaller that has support for generics.
Subclass of GenericApplicationContext, suitable for web environments.
Convenient application context with built-in XML support.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericContextLoader that reads bean definitions from XML resources.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that loads bean definitions from XML resources.
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP GET requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP GET requests onto specific handler methods.
LoadTimeWeaver implementation for GlassFish's org.glassfish.api.deployment.InstrumentableClassLoader InstrumentableClassLoader.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Oracle's GlassFish 4.1 and higher.
Singleton to publish a shared DefaultAdvisorAdapterRegistry instance.
A Groovy-based reader for Spring bean definitions: like a Groovy builder, but more of a DSL for Spring configuration.
Interface to be implemented by objects that configure and manage a Groovy MarkupTemplateEngine for automatic lookup in a web environment.
An extension of Groovy's TemplateConfiguration and an implementation of Spring MVC's GroovyMarkupConfig for creating a MarkupTemplateEngine for use in a web application.
Parse the <mvc:groovy-configurer> MVC namespace element and register a GroovyConfigurer bean.
An AbstractTemplateView subclass based on Groovy XML/XHTML markup templates.
Convenience subclass of AbstractTemplateViewResolver that supports GroovyMarkupView (i.e.
Strategy used by GroovyScriptFactory to allow the customization of a created GroovyObject.
Groovy-based implementation of Spring's ScriptEvaluator strategy interface.
ScriptFactory implementation for a Groovy script.
WebApplicationContext implementation which takes its configuration from Groovy bean definition scripts and/or XML files, as understood by a GroovyBeanDefinitionReader.
A simple utility class for obtaining a Google Gson 2.x GsonBuilder which Base64-encodes byte[] properties when reading and writing JSON.
A FactoryBean for creating a Google Gson 2.x Gson instance.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write JSON using the Google Gson library.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can read and write JSON using Google Gson.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given H2 sequence.
SAP HANA specific implementation for the CallMetaDataProvider interface.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given SAP HANA sequence.
A reference to a field or a method.
Contract that decouples the DispatcherHandler from the details of invoking a handler and makes it possible to support any handler type.
MVC framework SPI, allowing parameterization of the core MVC workflow.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can resolve exceptions thrown during handler mapping or execution, in the typical case to error views.
A HandlerExceptionResolver that delegates to a list of other HandlerExceptionResolvers.
Handler execution chain, consisting of handler object and any handler interceptors.
Represents a function that filters a handler function.
Represents a function that filters a handler function.
Represents a function that handles a request.
Represents a function that handles a request.
HandlerAdapter implementation that supports HandlerFunctions.
HandlerAdapter implementation that supports HandlerFunctions.
Workflow interface that allows for customized handler execution chains.
Interface to be implemented by objects that define a mapping between requests and handler objects.
Interface to be implemented by objects that define a mapping between requests and handler objects.
Helper class to get information from the HandlerMapping that would serve a specific request.
Encapsulates information about a handler method consisting of a method and a bean.
Encapsulates information about a handler method consisting of a method and a bean.
Strategy interface for resolving method parameters into argument values in the context of a given Message.
Strategy interface for resolving method parameters into argument values in the context of a given Message.
Strategy interface for resolving method parameters into argument values in the context of a given request.
Strategy to resolve the argument value for a method parameter in the context of the current HTTP request.
Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers.
Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers.
Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers.
Base class for HandlerMethodArgumentResolver implementations with access to a ReactiveAdapterRegistry and methods to check for method parameter support.
A strategy for assigning a name to a handler method's mapping.
Strategy interface to handle the value returned from the invocation of a method handling a Message.
Handle the return value from the invocation of an annotated Message handling method.
Strategy interface to handle the value returned from the invocation of a handler method .
A HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler that wraps and delegates to others.
A HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler that wraps and delegates to others.
Handles method return values by delegating to a list of registered HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlers.
Represent the result of the invocation of a handler or a handler method.
Process the HandlerResult, usually returned by an HandlerAdapter.
Base class for HandlerResultHandler with support for content negotiation and access to a ReactiveAdapter registry.
Factory for assertions on the selected handler or handler method.
Defines the strategies to be used for processing HandlerFunctions.
A mutable builder for a HandlerStrategies.
A Predicate to match request handling component types if any of the following selectors match: Base packages -- for selecting handlers by their package.
Thrown when handshake processing failed to complete due to an internal, unrecoverable error.
Contract for processing a WebSocket handshake request.
Simple container of information related to the handshake request that started the WebSocketSession session.
Interceptor for WebSocket handshake requests.
A helper class that assists with invoking a list of handshake interceptors.
WebSocketService implementation that handles a WebSocket HTTP handshake request by delegating to a RequestUpgradeStrategy which is either auto-detected (no-arg constructor) from the classpath but can also be explicitly configured.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a message header.
Assertions on headers of the response.
A ContentNegotiationStrategy that checks the 'Accept' request header.
Resolver that looks at the 'Accept' header of the request.
Generic strategy interface for mapping MessageHeaders to and from other types of objects.
Resolver for @Header arguments.
Resolver for @Header arguments.
Factory for response header assertions.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to the headers of a message.
Argument resolver for headers.
Argument resolver for headers.
A logical conjunction (' && ') request condition that matches a request against a set of header expressions with syntax defined in RequestMapping.headers().
A logical conjunction (' && ') request condition that matches a request against a set of header expressions with syntax defined in RequestMapping.headers().
Request and response header-based WebSessionIdResolver.
Exception that represents a transaction failure caused by a heuristic decision on the side of the transaction coordinator.
Callback interface for Hibernate code.
Convenient superclass for Hibernate-based data access objects.
PersistenceExceptionTranslator capable of translating HibernateException instances to Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy.
Hibernate-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for JDBC exceptions that Hibernate wrapped.
JpaDialect implementation for Hibernate.
JpaVendorAdapter implementation for Hibernate.
Hibernate-specific subclass of ObjectRetrievalFailureException.
Interface that specifies a common set of Hibernate operations as well as a general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method for Session-based lambda expressions.
Hibernate-specific subclass of ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.
Hibernate-specific subclass of InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException, thrown on invalid HQL query syntax.
Hibernate-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for Hibernate system errors that do not match any concrete org.springframework.dao exceptions.
Helper class that simplifies Hibernate data access code.
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single Hibernate SessionFactory.
Filter that converts posted method parameters into HTTP methods, retrievable via HttpServletRequest.getMethod().
Reactive WebFilter that converts posted method parameters into HTTP methods, retrievable via HttpRequest.getMethod().
The <hidden> tag renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'hidden' using the bound value.
Sub-interface implemented by bean factories that can be part of a hierarchy.
Sub-interface of MessageSource to be implemented by objects that can resolve messages hierarchically.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Constants and convenience methods for working with hints.
Main types of RuntimeHints.
A WebRequestMatcher that allows matching on the host and optionally the port of WebRequest#getUrl().
TargetSource implementation that caches a local target object, but allows the target to be swapped while the application is running.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given HSQL table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given HSQL sequence.
The HSQL specific implementation of TableMetaDataProvider.
The <htmlEscape> tag sets default HTML escape value for the current page.
Superclass for tags that output content that might get HTML-escaped.
An HTTP TransportHandler that uses a famous browser document.domain technique.
Utility class for HTML escaping.
Base class for RestTemplate and other HTTP accessing gateway helpers, defining common properties such as the ClientHttpRequestFactory to operate on.
Contract to abstract the underlying HTTP client and decouple it from the HTTP service proxy.
Exception thrown when an HTTP 4xx is received.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 400 Bad Request.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 409 Conflict.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 403 Forbidden.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 410 Gone.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 406 Not Acceptable.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 404 Not Found.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 429 Too Many Requests.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 401 Unauthorized.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type.
ClientHttpConnector implementation for the Apache HttpComponents HttpClient 5.x.
ClientHttpRequestFactory implementation that uses Apache HttpComponents HttpClient to create requests.
Represents an HTTP cookie as a name-value pair consistent with the content of the "Cookie" request header.
Represents an HTTP request or response entity, consisting of headers and body.
Resolves method arguments of type HttpEntity or RequestEntity by reading the body of the request through a compatible HttpMessageReader.
Resolves HttpEntity and RequestEntity method argument values, as well as return values of type HttpEntity, ResponseEntity, ErrorResponse and ProblemDetail.
Annotation to declare a method on an HTTP service interface as an HTTP endpoint.
Lowest level contract for reactive HTTP request handling that serves as a common denominator across different runtimes.
Connector that handles requests by invoking an HttpHandler rather than making actual requests to a network socket.
Indicates that an error occurred after the server response was completed, via ReactiveHttpOutputMessage.writeWith(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends>) or ReactiveHttpOutputMessage.setComplete(), and can no longer be changed.
Contract for applying a decorator to an HttpHandler.
A data structure representing HTTP request or response headers, mapping String header names to a list of String values, also offering accessors for common application-level data types.
Handles HttpHeaders return values.
ServerHttpResponse decorator for HTTP HEAD requests.
Represents an HTTP input message, consisting of headers and a readable body.
Holds the shared logger named "org.springframework.web.HttpLogging" for HTTP related logging when "org.springframework.http" is not enabled but "org.springframework.web" is.
Abstract base for exceptions related to media types.
Exception thrown when the request handler cannot generate a response that is acceptable by the client.
Exception thrown when a client POSTs, PUTs, or PATCHes content of a type not supported by request handler.
Represents the base interface for HTTP request and response messages.
Thrown by HttpMessageConverter implementations when a conversion attempt fails.
Strategy interface for converting from and to HTTP requests and responses.
Response extractor that uses the given entity converters to convert the response into a type T.
Extension of Decoder exposing extra methods relevant in the context of HTTP request or response body decoding.
Extension of Encoder exposing extra methods relevant in the context of HTTP request or response body encoding.
Strategy for reading from a ReactiveHttpInputMessage and decoding the stream of bytes to Objects of type <T>.
Strategy for encoding a stream of objects of type <T> and writing the encoded stream of bytes to an ReactiveHttpOutputMessage.
View that writes model attribute(s) with an HttpMessageWriter.
Represents an HTTP request method.
HttpServiceArgumentResolver that resolves the target request's HTTP method from an HttpMethod argument.
The outcome of an HTTP request.
Represents an HTTP output message, consisting of headers and a writable body.
Represents an HTTP (byte) range for use with the HTTP "Range" header.
Represents an HTTP request message, consisting of a method and a URI.
Plain handler interface for components that process HTTP requests, analogous to a Servlet.
Adapter to use the plain HttpRequestHandler interface with the generic DispatcherServlet.
Simple HttpServlet that delegates to an HttpRequestHandler bean defined in Spring's root web application context.
Exception thrown when a request handler does not support a specific request method.
Context that holds information for metadata collection during observations for Servlet web application.
Context that holds information for metadata collection during observations for reactive web applications.
Interface for an ObservationConvention related to Servlet HTTP exchanges.
Interface for an ObservationConvention related to reactive HTTP exchanges.
Documented KeyValues for the HTTP server observations for Servlet-based web applications.
Documented KeyValues for the HTTP server observations for reactive web applications.
Filter that creates observations for HTTP exchanges.
WebFilter that creates observations for HTTP exchanges.
Container for HTTP request values extracted from an @HttpExchange-annotated method and argument values passed to it.
Builder for HttpRequestValues.
Provides a convenient implementation of the HttpRequest interface that can be overridden to adapt the request.
Extended interface for a Resource to be written to an HTTP response.
Extended interface for a Resource to be written to an HTTP response.
Exception thrown when an HTTP 5xx is received.
HttpServerErrorException for HTTP status 502 Bad Gateway.
HttpServerErrorException for status HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout.
HttpServerErrorException for status HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
HttpServerErrorException for status HTTP 501 Not Implemented.
HttpServerErrorException for status HTTP 503 Service Unavailable.
Resolve an argument from an @HttpExchange-annotated method to one or more HTTP request values.
Factory for creating a client proxy given an HTTP service interface with @HttpExchange methods.
Simple extension of HttpServlet which treats its config parameters (init-param entries within the servlet tag in web.xml) as bean properties.
An interceptor to copy information from the HTTP session to the "handshake attributes" map to be made available via WebSocketSession.getAttributes().
Servlet HttpSessionListener that automatically exposes the session mutex when an HttpSession gets created.
Exception thrown when an HTTP request handler requires a pre-existing session.
Enumeration of HTTP status codes.
Enumeration of HTTP status series.
Represents an HTTP response status code.
Abstract base class for exceptions based on an HttpStatusCode.
Default adapter of WebHandler to the HttpHandler contract.
An 'identifier' SpelNode.
An implementation of the ObjectNamingStrategy interface that creates a name based on the identity of a given instance.
Contract for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).
A MessageHeaderInitializer to customize the strategy for ID and TIMESTAMP message header generation.
Test annotation for use with JUnit 4 to indicate whether a test is enabled or disabled for a specific testing profile.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS IllegalStateException.
Exception thrown when the existence or non-existence of a transaction amounts to an illegal state according to the transaction propagation behavior that applies.
A simpler interceptor that calls MessageHeaderAccessor.setImmutable() on the headers of messages passed through the preSend method.
Indicates one or more component classes to import — typically @Configuration classes.
Interface to be implemented by any @Configuration class that wishes to be injected with the AnnotationMetadata of the @Configuration class that imported it.
A BeanPostProcessor that honours ImportAware callback using a mapping computed at build time.
Interface to be implemented by types that register additional bean definitions when processing @Configuration classes.
Representation of an import that has been processed during the parsing process.
Indicates one or more resources containing bean definitions to import.
Indicates that one or more RuntimeHintsRegistrar implementations should be processed.
Interface to be implemented by types that determine which @Configuration class(es) should be imported based on a given selection criteria, usually one or more annotation attributes.
Data access exception thrown when a result set did not have the correct column count, for example when expecting a single column but getting 0 or more than 1 columns.
Data access exception thrown when a result was not of the expected size, for example when expecting a single row but getting 0 or more than 1 rows.
Data access exception thrown when something unintended appears to have happened with an update, but the transaction hasn't already been rolled back.
Indicate that the annotated element represents a stereotype for the index.
An Indexer can index into some proceeding structure to access a particular piece of it.
A component that can execute the SockJS "Info" request that needs to be performed before the SockJS session starts in order to check server endpoint capabilities such as whether the endpoint permits use of WebSocket.
Auto-proxy creator that considers infrastructure Advisor beans only, ignoring any application-defined Advisors.
Interface to be implemented by transparent resource proxies that need to be considered as equal to the underlying resource, for example for consistent lookup key comparisons.
Annotation that identifies methods that initialize the WebDataBinder which will be used for populating command and form object arguments of annotated handler methods.
Adds initialization to a WebDataBinder via @InitBinder methods.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that invokes annotated init and destroy methods.
Interface to be implemented by beans that need to react once all their properties have been set by a BeanFactory: e.g.
Internal class for managing injection metadata.
A single injected element.
A simple descriptor for an injection point, pointing to a method/constructor parameter or a field.
Represent a list in an expression, e.g.
Represent a map in an expression, e.g.
GeneratedFiles implementation that keeps generated files in-memory.
Simple Map-based storage for WebSession instances.
Editor for org.xml.sax.InputSource, converting from a Spring resource location String to a SAX InputSource object.
One-way PropertyEditor which can convert from a text String to a, interpreting the given String as a Spring resource location (e.g.
Resource implementation for a given InputStream.
Simple interface for objects that are sources for an InputStream.
The <input> tag renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'text' using the bound value.
Compares objects based on an arbitrary class order.
A simple instance filter that checks if a given instance match based on a collection of includes and excludes element.
Specialized Supplier that can be set on a BeanDefinition when details about the registered bean are needed to supply the instance.
Formatter implementation for a JSR-310 Instant, following JSR-310's parsing rules for an Instant (that is, not using a configurable DateTimeFormatter): accepting the default ISO_INSTANT format as well as RFC_1123_DATE_TIME (which is commonly used for HTTP date header values), as of Spring 4.3.
Subinterface of BeanPostProcessor that adds a before-instantiation callback, and a callback after instantiation but before explicit properties are set or autowiring occurs.
Interface to be implemented by Spring AOP Advisors wrapping AspectJ aspects that may have a lazy initialization strategy.
Interface responsible for creating instances corresponding to a root bean definition.
Java agent that saves the Instrumentation interface from the JVM for later use.
This class should only be used by the runtime-hints agent when instrumenting bytecode and is not considered public API.
A MessageChannel that maintains a list ChannelInterceptors and allows interception of message sending.
Base class for RestTemplate and other HTTP accessing gateway helpers, adding interceptor-related properties to HttpAccessor's common properties.
This interface represents a generic interceptor.
Assists with the creation of a MappedInterceptor.
Helps with configuring a list of mapped interceptors.
Subclass of AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler that allows for the management interface of a bean to be defined using arbitrary interfaces.
Generates new interfaces at runtime.
Wraps a real parse exception.
Wrapper for a JSP or other resource within the same web application.
Convenient subclass of UrlBasedViewResolver that supports InternalResourceView (i.e.
Editor for java.mail.internet.InternetAddress, to directly populate an InternetAddress property.
Extension of the BatchPreparedStatementSetter interface, adding a batch exhaustion check.
Task implementation defining a Runnable to be executed at a given millisecond interval which may be treated as fixed-rate or fixed-delay depending on context.
Expression language AST node that represents an integer literal.
Superinterface for advisors that perform one or more AOP introductions.
A specialized type of MethodMatcher that takes into account introductions when matching methods.
Interface supplying the information necessary to describe an introduction.
Support for implementations of IntroductionInfo.
Subinterface of AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that allows additional interfaces to be implemented by the interceptor, and available via a proxy using that interceptor.
Listener that flushes the JDK's JavaBeans Introspector cache on web app shutdown.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS InvalidClientIDException.
Exception thrown on incorrect usage of the API, such as failing to "compile" a query object that needed compilation before execution.
Root for exceptions thrown when we use a data access resource incorrectly.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS InvalidDestinationException.
Thrown when trying to invoke an operation on a proxy that is not exposed by the proxied MBean resource's management interface.
Exception that gets thrown when an invalid isolation level is specified, i.e.
Exception thrown from MediaType.parseMediaType(String) in case of encountering an invalid media type specification String.
Thrown by the JmxAttributeSource when it encounters incorrect metadata on a managed resource or one of its methods.
Exception thrown from MimeTypeUtils.parseMimeType(String) in case of encountering an invalid content type specification String.
Exception thrown when referring to an invalid bean property.
Exception thrown when a ResultSet has been accessed in an invalid fashion.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS InvalidSelectorException.
Exception that gets thrown when an invalid timeout is specified, that is, the specified timeout valid is out of range or the transaction manager implementation doesn't support timeouts.
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method with argument values resolved from the current HTTP request through a list of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method with argument values resolved from the current HTTP request through a list of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method with argument values resolved from the current HTTP request through a list of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method with argument values resolved from the current HTTP request through a list of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
This interface represents an invocation in the program.
Thrown when an invocation on an MBean resource failed with an exception (either a reflection exception or an exception thrown by the target method itself).
InvocationHandler replacement (unavailable under JDK 1.2).
Enumeration that represents transaction isolation levels for use with the Transactional annotation, corresponding to the TransactionDefinition interface.
An adapter for a target DataSource, applying the current Spring transaction's isolation level (and potentially specified user credentials) to every getConnection call.
DataSource that routes to one of various target DataSources based on the current transaction isolation level.
Decode bytes into CBOR and convert to Object's with Jackson.
Encode from an Object to bytes of CBOR objects using Jackson.
Base class providing support methods for Jackson 2.9 encoding and decoding.
Decode a byte stream into JSON and convert to Object's with Jackson 2.9, leveraging non-blocking parsing.
Encode from an Object stream to a byte stream of JSON objects using Jackson 2.9.
A builder used to create ObjectMapper instances with a fluent API.
A FactoryBean for creating a Jackson 2.x ObjectMapper (default) or XmlMapper (createXmlMapper property set to true) with setters to enable or disable Jackson features from within XML configuration.
Decode a byte stream into Smile and convert to Object's with Jackson 2.9, leveraging non-blocking parsing.
Encode from an Object stream to a byte stream of Smile objects using Jackson 2.9.
A Jackson 2.6+ codec for encoding and decoding SockJS messages.
Extended MailSender interface for JavaMail, supporting MIME messages both as direct arguments and through preparation callbacks.
Production implementation of the JavaMailSender interface, supporting both JavaMail MimeMessages and Spring SimpleMailMessages.
Utility class for JavaScript escaping.
A hint that describes the need for Java serialization at runtime.
An HttpMessageConverter that can read XML collections using JAXB2.
Implementation of the GenericMarshaller interface for JAXB 2.2.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write XML using JAXB2.
Decode from a bytes stream containing XML elements to a stream of Objects (POJOs).
Encode from single value to a byte stream containing XML elements.
LoadTimeWeaver implementation for JBoss's instrumentable ClassLoader.
Base class for JSR-107 caching aspects, such as the JCacheInterceptor or an AspectJ aspect.
Cache implementation on top of a javax.cache.Cache instance.
CacheManager implementation backed by a JCache javax.cache.CacheManager.
Extension of CachingConfigurer for the JSR-107 implementation.
as of 6.0 in favor of implementing JCacheConfigurer directly
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor for declarative cache management using JSR-107 caching annotations.
FactoryBean for a JCache javax.cache.CacheManager, obtaining a pre-defined CacheManager by name through the standard JCache javax.cache.Caching class.
Model the base of JSR-107 cache operation through an interface contract.
Interface used by JCacheInterceptor.
A Pointcut that matches if the underlying JCacheOperationSource has an operation for a given method.
Default implementation of the SqlXmlHandler interface.
Base class for JdbcTemplate and other JDBC-accessing DAO helpers, defining common properties such as DataSource and exception translator.
as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common bean definition formats and/or custom reader implementations
Convenient superclass for JDBC-based data access objects.
NamespaceHandler for JDBC configuration namespace.
Interface specifying a basic set of JDBC operations.
This is the central class in the JDBC core package. It simplifies the use of JDBC and helps to avoid common errors.
JdbcTestUtils is a collection of JDBC related utility functions intended to simplify standard database testing scenarios.
JdbcAccessor-aligned subclass of the plain DataSourceTransactionManager, adding common JDBC exception translation for the commit and rollback step.
Convenient base class for JDBC-aware transaction objects.
Exception thrown when a JDBC update affects an unexpected number of rows.
Generic utility methods for working with JDBC.
Factory to manage JDK HttpClient resources such as a shared Executor within the lifecycle of a Spring ApplicationContext.
A hint that describes the need for a JDK interface-based Proxy.
Builder for JdkProxyHint.
Regular expression pointcut based on the java.util.regex package.
NamespaceHandler for the 'jee' namespace.
ClientHttpConnector for the Jetty Reactive Streams HttpClient.
ServletHttpHandlerAdapter extension that uses Jetty APIs for writing to the response with ByteBuffer.
A RequestUpgradeStrategy for Jetty 11.
A RequestUpgradeStrategy for Jetty 11.
Factory to manage Jetty resources, i.e.
A WebSocketClient implementation for use with Jetty WebSocketClient.
Initiates WebSocket requests to a WebSocket server programmatically through the Jetty WebSocket API.
Jetty @WebSocket handler that delegates events to a reactive WebSocketHandler and its session.
Adapts WebSocketHandler to the Jetty 9 WebSocket API.
Spring WebSocketSession implementation that adapts to a Jetty WebSocket Session.
A WebSocketSession for use with the Jetty 9.4 WebSocket API.
An XHR transport based on Jetty's HttpClient.
Base class for JmsTemplate and other JMS-accessing gateway helpers, defining common properties such as the JMS ConnectionFactory to operate on.
Common configuration object for activating a JMS message endpoint.
Strategy interface for creating JCA 1.5 ActivationSpec objects based on a configured JmsActivationSpecConfig object.
@Configuration class that registers a JmsListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor bean capable of processing Spring's @JmsListener annotation.
Base class for JmsTemplate and other JMS-accessing gateway helpers, adding destination-related properties to JmsAccessor's common properties.
Base class for exception thrown by the framework whenever it encounters a problem related to JMS.
Convenient superclass for application classes that need JMS access.
Strategy interface for mapping Message headers to an outbound JMS Message (e.g.
Pre-defined names and prefixes to be used for setting and/or retrieving JMS attributes from/to generic message headers.
Annotation that marks a method to be the target of a JMS message listener on the specified JmsListener.destination().
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with JmsListener to be invoked by a JMS message listener container created under the cover by a JmsListenerContainerFactory according to the attributes of the annotation.
Optional interface to be implemented by a Spring managed bean willing to customize how JMS listener endpoints are configured.
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
Factory of MessageListenerContainer based on a JmsListenerEndpoint definition.
Model for a JMS listener endpoint.
Helper bean for registering JmsListenerEndpoint with a JmsListenerEndpointRegistry.
Creates the necessary MessageListenerContainer instances for the registered endpoints.
Container annotation that aggregates several JmsListener annotations.
JMS-specific implementation of the JCA 1.7 MessageEndpointFactory interface, providing transaction management capabilities for a JMS listener object (e.g.
Internal exception thrown when a ResourceException has been encountered during the endpoint invocation.
Extension of the generic JCA 1.5 GenericMessageEndpointManager, adding JMS-specific support for ActivationSpec configuration.
A MessageHeaderAccessor implementation giving access to JMS-specific headers.
A specialization of MessageSendingOperations, MessageReceivingOperations and MessageRequestReplyOperations for JMS related operations that allow to specify a destination name rather than the actual Destination.
An implementation of JmsMessageOperations.
A NamespaceHandler for the JMS namespace.
Specifies a basic set of JMS operations.
Resource holder wrapping a JMS Connection and a JMS Session.
Return type of any JMS listener method used to indicate the actual response destination alongside the response itself.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS JMSSecurityException.
Helper class that simplifies synchronous JMS access code.
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JMS ConnectionFactory.
Generic utility methods for working with JMS.
Interface used by the MetadataMBeanInfoAssembler to read source-level metadata from a managed resource's class.
General base exception to be thrown on JMX errors.
Utility methods for converting Spring JMX metadata into their plain JMX equivalents.
Collection of generic utility methods to support Spring JMX.
Convenient superclass for JNDI accessors, providing "jndiTemplate" and "jndiEnvironment" bean properties.
Callback interface to be implemented by classes that need to perform an operation (such as a lookup) in a JNDI context.
JNDI-based DataSourceLookup implementation.
DestinationResolver implementation which interprets destination names as JNDI locations (with a configurable fallback strategy).
JndiLocatorSupport subclass with public lookup methods, for convenient use as a delegate.
Convenient superclass for classes that can locate any number of JNDI objects.
RuntimeException to be thrown in case of JNDI lookup failures, in particular from code that does not declare JNDI's checked NamingException: for example, from Spring's JndiObjectTargetSource.
FactoryBean that looks up a JNDI object.
Convenient superclass for JNDI-based service locators, providing configurable lookup of a specific JNDI resource.
AOP TargetSource that provides configurable JNDI lookups for getTarget() calls.
PropertySource implementation that reads properties from an underlying Spring JndiLocatorDelegate.
Helper class that simplifies JNDI operations.
Properties editor for JndiTemplate objects.
A Spring FactoryBean for creating a Quartz JobDetail instance, supporting bean-style usage for JobDetail configuration.
Unchecked exception that wraps an exception thrown from a target method.
This interface represents a generic runtime joinpoint (in the AOP terminology).
CommandLinePropertySource implementation backed by a JOpt OptionSet.
SPI strategy that encapsulates certain functionality that standard JPA 3.0 does not offer, such as access to the underlying JDBC Connection.
JPA-specific subclass of ObjectRetrievalFailureException.
JPA-specific subclass of ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.
JPA-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for JPA system errors that do not match any concrete org.springframework.dao exceptions.
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JPA EntityManagerFactory.
SPI interface that allows to plug in vendor-specific behavior into Spring's EntityManagerFactory creators.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write JSON using the JSON Binding API.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can read and write JSON using the JSON Binding API.
A helper class for assertions on JSON content.
JsonPath assertions.
A helper class for applying assertions via JSON path expressions.
Factory for assertions on the request content using JsonPath expressions.
Factory for assertions on the response content using JsonPath expressions.
A RequestBodyAdvice implementation that adds support for Jackson's @JsonView annotation declared on a Spring MVC @HttpEntity or @RequestBody method parameter.
A ResponseBodyAdvice implementation that adds support for Jackson's @JsonView annotation declared on a Spring MVC @RequestMapping or @ExceptionHandler method.
JSP-aware (and JSTL-aware) subclass of RequestContext, allowing for population of the context from a jakarta.servlet.jsp.PageContext.
Formats fields annotated with the DateTimeFormat annotation using the JSR-310 java.time package in JDK 8.
Simple ScopeMetadataResolver implementation that follows JSR-330 scoping rules: defaulting to prototype scope unless Singleton is present.
Formats MonetaryAmount fields annotated with Spring's common NumberFormat annotation.
Helper class for preparing JSTL views, in particular for exposing a JSTL localization context.
Specialization of InternalResourceView for JSTL pages, i.e.
Adapter for a JTA Synchronization, invoking the afterCommit / afterCompletion callbacks of Spring TransactionSynchronization objects callbacks after the outer JTA transaction has completed.
Strategy implementation for parsing JTA 1.2's Transactional annotation.
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for JTA, delegating to a backend JTA provider.
Parser for the <tx:jta-transaction-manager/> XML configuration element.
as of 6.0, in favor of a straight JtaTransactionManager definition
JTA transaction object, representing a UserTransaction.
Generates classes to handle multi-valued keys, for use in things such as Maps and Sets.
Marker interface for customizers of KeyFactory
Cache key generator.
Interface for retrieving keys, typically used for auto-generated keys as potentially returned by JDBC insert statements.
ObjectNamingStrategy implementation that builds ObjectName instances from the key used in the "beans" map passed to MBeanExporter.
A common delegate for detecting Kotlin's presence and for identifying Kotlin types.
ParameterNameDiscoverer implementation which uses Kotlin's reflection facilities for introspecting parameter names.
KotlinSerializationBinaryDecoder<T extends kotlinx.serialization.BinaryFormat>
Abstract base class for Decoder implementations that defer to Kotlin binary serializers.
KotlinSerializationBinaryEncoder<T extends kotlinx.serialization.BinaryFormat>
Abstract base class for Encoder implementations that defer to Kotlin binary serializers.
KotlinSerializationBinaryHttpMessageConverter<T extends kotlinx.serialization.BinaryFormat>
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverter implementations that defer to Kotlin binary serializers.
Decode a byte stream into CBOR and convert to Objects with kotlinx.serialization.
Encode from an Object stream to a byte stream of CBOR objects using kotlinx.serialization.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write CBOR using kotlinx.serialization.
Decode a byte stream into JSON and convert to Object's with kotlinx.serialization.
Encode from an Object stream to a byte stream of JSON objects using kotlinx.serialization.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write JSON using kotlinx.serialization.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can read and write JSON using kotlinx.serialization.
Decode a byte stream into a protocol Buffer and convert to Objects with kotlinx.serialization.
Decode a byte stream into a Protocol Buffer and convert to Objects with kotlinx.serialization.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write Protocol Buffers using kotlinx.serialization.
KotlinSerializationStringDecoder<T extends kotlinx.serialization.StringFormat>
Abstract base class for Decoder implementations that defer to Kotlin string serializers.
KotlinSerializationStringEncoder<T extends kotlinx.serialization.StringFormat>
Abstract base class for Encoder implementations that defer to Kotlin string serializers.
KotlinSerializationStringHttpMessageConverter<T extends kotlinx.serialization.StringFormat>
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverter implementations that defer to Kotlin string serializers.
KotlinSerializationSupport<T extends kotlinx.serialization.SerialFormat>
Base class providing support methods for encoding and decoding with Kotlin serialization.
A position in the bytecode of a method.
The <label> tag renders a form field label in an HTML 'label' tag.
NamespaceHandler that supports the wiring of objects backed by dynamic languages such as Groovy, JRuby and BeanShell.
Utilities for use with LangNamespaceHandler.
as of 5.3.9 in favor of using the checkNotModified methods in WebRequest, or from an annotated controller method, returning a ResponseEntity with an "ETag" and/or "Last-Modified" headers set.
Indicates whether a bean is to be lazily initialized.
Proxy for a target DataSource, fetching actual JDBC Connections lazily, i.e.
TargetSource that lazily accesses a singleton bean from a BeanFactory.
TargetSourceCreator that enforces a LazyInitTargetSource for each bean that is defined as "lazy-init".
Lazy-loading Enhancer callback.
Decorator to cause a MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory to instantiate only once.
A common interface defining methods for start/stop lifecycle control.
Strategy interface for processing Lifecycle beans within the ApplicationContext.
Custom List to collect data buffers with and enforce a limit on the total number of bytes buffered.
LinkedHashMap variant that stores String keys in a case-insensitive manner, for example for key-based access in a results table.
Simple implementation of MultiValueMap that wraps a LinkedHashMap, storing multiple values in an ArrayList.
Extension of the BeanFactory interface to be implemented by bean factories that can enumerate all their bean instances, rather than attempting bean lookup by name one by one as requested by clients.
as of 6.0, in favor of CompletableFuture
as of 6.0, in favor of CompletableFuture
as of 6.0, with no concrete replacement
as of 6.0, with no concrete replacement
Exception to be thrown when the execution of a listener method failed.
Simple factory for shared List instances.
Common superclass for nodes representing literals (boolean, string, number, etc).
A very simple hardcoded implementation of the Expression interface that represents a string literal.
Defines the contract for adding one or more ClassFileTransformers to a ClassLoader.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the application context's default LoadTimeWeaver.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that passes the context's default LoadTimeWeaver to beans that implement the LoadTimeWeaverAware interface.
@Configuration class that registers a LoadTimeWeaver bean.
Interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableLoadTimeWeaving that wish to customize the LoadTimeWeaver instance to be used.
Interface that abstracts potentially database-specific creation of large binary fields and large text fields.
Abstraction for handling large binary fields and large text fields in specific databases, no matter if represented as simple types or Large OBjects.
Exception to be thrown when a LOB could not be retrieved.
FactoryBean that creates a local JCA connection factory in "non-managed" mode (as defined by the Java Connector Architecture specification).
FactoryBean that creates a JPA EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard container bootstrap contract.
Subclass of Quartz's JobStoreCMT class that delegates to a Spring-managed DataSource instead of using a Quartz-managed JDBC connection pool.
Interceptor that allows for changing the current locale on every request, via a configurable request parameter (default parameter name: "locale").
Strategy interface for determining the current Locale.
Simple holder class that associates a LocaleContext instance with the current thread.
Delegates to a target MessageInterpolator implementation but enforces Spring's managed Locale.
Interface for web-based locale context resolution strategies that allows for both locale context resolution via the request and locale context modification via the HTTP exchange.
Extension of LocaleResolver that adds support for a rich locale context (potentially including locale and time zone information).
Editor for java.util.Locale, to directly populate a Locale property.
FactoryBean that creates a JPA EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard standalone bootstrap contract.
Interface for web-based locale resolution strategies that allows for both locale resolution via the request and locale modification via request and response.
Helper class for loading a localized resource, specified through name, extension and current locale.
FactoryBean that creates a Hibernate SessionFactory.
A Spring-provided extension of the standard Hibernate Configuration class, adding SpringSessionContext as a default and providing convenient ways to specify a JDBC DataSource and an application class loader.
Quartz ThreadPool adapter that delegates to a Spring-managed Executor instance, specified on SchedulerFactoryBean.
This is the central class for jakarta.validation (JSR-303) setup in a Spring application context: It bootstraps a jakarta.validation.ValidationFactory and exposes it through the Spring Validator interface as well as through the JSR-303 Validator interface and the ValidatorFactory interface itself.
A MethodVisitor that renumbers local variables in their order of appearance.
Implementation of ParameterNameDiscoverer that uses the LocalVariableTable information in the method attributes to discover parameter names.
Class that models an arbitrary location in a resource.
A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.
A convenient accessor for Commons Logging, providing not only CharSequence based log methods but also Supplier based variants for use with Java 8 lambda expressions.
Factory for common Log delegates with Spring's logging conventions.
A minimal incarnation of Apache Commons Logging's LogFactory API, providing just the common Log lookup methods.
since it is only meant to be used in the above-mentioned fallback scenario
Utility methods for formatting and logging messages.
A CacheErrorHandler implementation that logs error messages.
Base class for Encoder, Decoder, HttpMessageReader, or HttpMessageWriter that uses a logger and shows potentially sensitive request data.
A WebSocketHandlerDecorator that adds logging to WebSocket lifecycle events.
A simple log message type for use with Commons Logging, allowing for convenient lazy resolution of a given Supplier instance (typically bound to a Java 8 lambda expression) or a printf-style format string (String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)) in its LogMessage.toString().
Expression language AST node that represents a long integer literal.
An annotation that indicates 'lookup' methods, to be overridden by the container to redirect them back to the BeanFactory for a getBean call.
Represents an override of a method that looks up an object in the same IoC context, either by bean name or by bean type (based on the declared method return type).
Exception thrown on failed authentication.
Base class for all mail exceptions.
This is a common interface for mail messages, allowing a user to set key values required in assembling a mail message, without needing to know if the underlying message is a simple text message or a more sophisticated MIME message.
Exception thrown if illegal message properties are encountered.
Exception to be thrown by user code if a mail cannot be prepared properly, for example when a FreeMarker template cannot be rendered for the mail text.
This interface defines a strategy for sending simple mails.
Exception thrown when a mail sending error is encountered.
Tag collection class used to hold managed array elements, which may include runtime bean references (to be resolved into bean objects).
Method-level annotation that indicates to expose a given bean property as a JMX attribute, corresponding to the ManagedAttribute.
Metadata that indicates to expose a given bean property as JMX attribute.
Tag collection class used to hold managed List elements, which may include runtime bean references (to be resolved into bean objects).
Tag collection class used to hold managed Map values, which may include runtime bean references (to be resolved into bean objects).
Method-level annotation that indicates to expose a given bean property as a JMX attribute, with added descriptor properties to indicate that it is a metric.
Metadata that indicates to expose a given bean property as a JMX attribute, with additional descriptor properties that indicate that the attribute is a metric.
Type-level annotation that indicates a JMX notification emitted by a bean.
Metadata that indicates a JMX notification emitted by a bean.
Type-level annotation used as a container for one or more @ManagedNotification declarations.
Method-level annotation that indicates to expose a given method as a JMX operation, corresponding to the ManagedOperation attribute.
Metadata that indicates to expose a given method as JMX operation.
Method-level annotation used to provide metadata about operation parameters, corresponding to a ManagedOperationParameter attribute.
Metadata about JMX operation parameters.
Method-level annotation used as a container for one or more @ManagedOperationParameter declarations.
Tag class which represents a Spring-managed Properties instance that supports merging of parent/child definitions.
Class-level annotation that indicates to register instances of a class with a JMX server, corresponding to the ManagedResource attribute.
Metadata indicating that instances of an annotated class are to be registered with a JMX server.
Tag collection class used to hold managed Set values, which may include runtime bean references (to be resolved into bean objects).
Adapter for a managed JTA Transaction handle, taking a JTA TransactionManager reference and creating a JTA Transaction handle for it.
EL property accessor that knows how to traverse the keys of a standard Map.
Map-based implementation of the BindingResult interface, supporting registration and evaluation of binding errors on Map attributes.
Simple ConnectionFactoryLookup implementation that relies on a map for doing lookups.
Simple DataSourceLookup implementation that relies on a map for doing lookups.
Simple factory for shared Map instances.
Resolves Map method arguments and handles Map return values.
Wraps a HandlerInterceptor and uses URL patterns to determine whether it applies to a given request.
Meta annotation that indicates a web mapping annotation.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write the CBOR data format using the dedicated Jackson 2.x extension.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write JSON using Jackson 2.x's ObjectMapper.
Spring MVC View that renders JSON content by serializing the model for the current request using Jackson 2's ObjectMapper.
Message converter that uses Jackson 2.x to convert messages to and from JSON.
A Jackson 2 based MessageConverter implementation.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write Smile data format ("binary JSON") using the dedicated Jackson 2.x extension.
Spring MVC View that renders XML content by serializing the model for the current request using Jackson 2's XmlMapper.
HttpInputMessage that can eventually stores a Jackson view that will be used to deserialize the message.
A simple holder for the POJO to serialize via MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter along with further serialization instructions to be passed in to the converter.
An implementation of MediaTypeFileExtensionResolver that maintains lookups between file extensions and MediaTypes in both directions.
Reusable query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract mapRow(ResultSet, int) method to convert each row of the JDBC ResultSet into an object.
Reusable RDBMS query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract mapRow(ResultSet, int) method to map each row of the JDBC ResultSet into an object.
PropertySource that reads keys and values from a Map object.
SqlParameterSource implementation that holds a given Map of parameters.
Defines the contract for Object XML Mapping Marshallers.
Base class for exception thrown when a marshalling or unmarshalling error occurs.
Exception thrown on marshalling failure.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write XML using Spring's Marshaller and Unmarshaller abstractions.
Spring JMS MessageConverter that uses a Marshaller and Unmarshaller.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can read and write XML using Spring's Marshaller and Unmarshaller abstractions.
Source implementation that uses a Marshaller.Can be constructed with a Marshaller and an object to be marshalled.
Spring-MVC View that allows for response context to be rendered as the result of marshalling by a Marshaller.
Additional interface that a HandlerMapping can implement to expose a request matching API aligned with its internal request matching configuration and implementation.
Very simple implementation of TransactionAttributeSource which will always return the same TransactionAttribute for all methods fed to it.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a name-value pair within a path segment.
Resolves arguments of type Map annotated with @MatrixVariable where the annotation does not specify a name.
Resolves arguments of type Map annotated with @MatrixVariable where the annotation does not specify a name.
Resolves arguments annotated with @MatrixVariable.
Resolves arguments annotated with @MatrixVariable.
MultipartException subclass thrown when an upload exceeds the maximum upload size allowed.
MethodInterceptor that routes calls to an MBean running on the supplied MBeanServerConnection.
Thrown when an invocation failed because of an I/O problem on the MBeanServerConnection.
@Configuration class that registers a AnnotationMBeanExporter bean.
JMX exporter that allows for exposing any Spring-managed bean to a JMX MBeanServer, without the need to define any JMX-specific information in the bean classes.
A listener that allows application code to be notified when an MBean is registered and unregistered via an MBeanExporter.
Exception thrown in case of failure when exporting an MBean.
Interface that defines the set of MBean export operations that are intended to be accessed by application developers during application runtime.
Interface to be implemented by all classes that can create management interface metadata for a managed resource.
Thrown if an exception is encountered when trying to retrieve MBean metadata.
Creates a proxy to a managed resource running either locally or remotely.
Provides supporting infrastructure for registering MBeans with an MBeanServer.
FactoryBean that creates a JMX 1.2 MBeanServerConnection to a remote MBeanServer exposed via a JMXServerConnector.
FactoryBean that obtains a MBeanServer reference through the standard JMX 1.2 MBeanServerFactory API.
Exception thrown when we cannot locate an instance of an MBeanServer, or when more than one instance is found.
A subclass of MimeType that adds support for quality parameters as defined in the HTTP specification.
Editor for MediaType descriptors, to automatically convert String specifications (e.g.
A contract for media type expressions (e.g.
A contract for media type expressions (e.g.
A factory delegate for resolving MediaType objects from Resource handles or filenames.
Strategy to resolve a MediaType to a list of file extensions — for example, to resolve "application/json" to "json".
Represent predefined members groups.
Base hint that describes the need for reflection on a Member.
Interface representing an object whose value set can be merged with that of a parent object.
A single merged annotation returned from a MergedAnnotations collection.
Adaptations that can be applied to attribute values when creating Maps or AnnotationAttributes.
Collector implementations that provide various reduction operations for MergedAnnotation instances.
Predicate implementations that provide various test operations for MergedAnnotations.
Provides access to a collection of merged annotations, usually obtained from a source such as a Class or Method.
Fluent API for configuring the search algorithm used in the MergedAnnotations model and performing a search.
Search strategies supported by as well as MergedAnnotations.from(AnnotatedElement, SearchStrategy) and variants of that method.
Strategy interface used to select between two MergedAnnotation instances.
MergedAnnotationSelector implementations that provide various options for MergedAnnotation instances.
Post-processor callback interface for merged bean definitions at runtime.
MergedContextConfiguration encapsulates the merged context configuration declared on a test class and all of its superclasses and enclosing classes via @ContextConfiguration, @ActiveProfiles, and @TestPropertySource.
A generic message representation with headers and body.
A registry for configuring message broker options.
A builder for creating a GenericMessage (or ErrorMessage if the payload is of type Throwable).
Defines methods for sending messages.
A strategy interface for formatting message codes.
Strategy interface for building message codes from validation error codes.
Contract for mapping conditions to messages.
Thrown by MessageConverter implementations when the conversion of an object to/from a Message fails.
An exception raised by MessageConverter implementations.
Strategy interface that specifies a converter between Java objects and JMS messages.
A converter to turn the payload of a Message from serialized form to a typed Object and vice versa.
Creates a JMS message given a Session.
Exception that indicates an error occurred during message delivery.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageEOFException.
Annotation for handling exceptions thrown from message-handling methods within a specific handler class.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageFormatException.
Simple contract for handling a Message.
A factory for InvocableHandlerMethod that is suitable to process an incoming Message
Exception that indicates an error occurred during message handling.
Extension of the Runnable interface with methods to obtain the MessageHandler and Message to be handled.
Wrapper around MessageHeaders that provides extra features such as strongly typed accessors for specific headers, the ability to leave headers in a Message mutable, and the option to suppress automatic generation of id and timesteamp headers.
Callback interface for initializing a MessageHeaderAccessor.
The headers for a Message.
Message listener adapter that delegates the handling of messages to target listener methods via reflection, with flexible message type conversion.
Internal abstraction used by the framework representing a message listener container.
Annotation for mapping a Message onto a message-handling method by matching the declared patterns to a destination extracted from the message.
Extension of AbstractMethodMessageHandler for reactive, non-blocking handling of messages via @MessageMapping methods.
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver for Message method arguments.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageNotReadableException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageNotWriteableException.
To be used with JmsTemplate's send method that converts an object to a message.
A contract for processing a Message after it has been created, either returning a modified (effectively new) message or returning the same.
Operations for receiving messages from a destination.
Operations for sending messages to and receiving the reply from a destination.
Operations for sending messages to a destination.
Strategy interface for resolving messages, with support for the parameterization and internationalization of such messages.
Helper class for easy access to messages from a MessageSource, providing various overloaded getMessage methods.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the MessageSource (typically the ApplicationContext) that it runs in.
Interface for objects that are suitable for message resolution in a MessageSource.
Helper class that allows for accessing a Spring MessageSource as a ResourceBundle.
Implementation of Hibernate Validator 4.3/5.x's ResourceBundleLocator interface, exposing a Spring MessageSource as localized MessageSourceResourceBundle.
Base class for message source implementations, providing support infrastructure such as MessageFormat handling but not implementing concrete methods defined in the MessageSource.
The <message> tag looks up a message in the scope of this page.
Constants that indicate a target message type to convert to: a TextMessage, a BytesMessage, a MapMessage or an ObjectMessage.
Represents a Spring-managed bean with cross-cutting functionality to be applied to one or more Spring beans with annotation-based message handling methods.
The base exception for any failures related to messaging.
Convert a Message from the messaging abstraction to and from a Message using an underlying MessageConverter for the payload and a JmsHeaderMapper to map the JMS headers to and from standard message headers.
A MessageListener adapter that invokes a configurable InvocableHandlerMethod.
Exception indicating that something went wrong during JDBC meta-data lookup.
RSocketServiceArgumentResolver for metadata entries.
Subinterface of AspectInstanceFactory that returns AspectMetadata associated with AspectJ-annotated classes.
Strategy to extract a map of value(s) from Payload metadata, which could be composite metadata with multiple entries.
Stores registrations of extractors for metadata entries.
Implementation of the MBeanInfoAssembler interface that reads the management interface information from source level metadata.
An implementation of the ObjectNamingStrategy interface that reads the ObjectName from the source-level metadata.
Simple facade for accessing class metadata, as read by an ASM ClassReader.
Factory interface for MetadataReader instances.
A ConversionNotSupportedException raised while resolving a method argument.
Exception to be thrown when a method argument fails validation perhaps as a result of @Valid style validation, or perhaps because it is required.
Exception to be thrown when validation on an argument annotated with @Valid fails.
Common exception resulting from the invocation of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Exception that indicates that a method argument has not the expected type.
A TypeMismatchException raised while resolving a controller method argument.
A method-based EvaluationContext that provides explicit support for method-based invocations.
Advice invoked before a method is invoked.
Interceptor to wrap a MethodBeforeAdvice.
A common key class for a method against a specific target class, including MethodClassKey.toString() representation and Comparable support (as suggested for custom HashMap keys as of Java 8).
AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler subclass that allows method names to be explicitly excluded as MBean operations and attributes.
MethodExecutors are built by the resolvers and can be cached by the infrastructure to repeat an operation quickly without going back to the resolvers.
MethodFilter instances allow SpEL users to fine tune the behaviour of the method resolution process.
Intercepts calls on an interface on its way to the target.
General-purpose Enhancer callback which provides for "around advice".
Defines the algorithm for searching for metadata-associated methods exhaustively including interfaces and parent classes while also dealing with parameterized methods as well as common scenarios encountered with interface and class-based proxies.
A callback interface for metadata lookup on a given method.
Description of an invocation to a method, given to an interceptor upon method-call.
Thrown when a bean property getter or setter method throws an exception, analogous to an InvocationTargetException.
An implementation of the AspectJ ProceedingJoinPoint interface wrapping an AOP Alliance MethodInvocation.
Helper class that allows for specifying a method to invoke in a declarative fashion, be it static or non-static.
Simple method invoker bean: just invoking a target method, not expecting a result to expose to the container (in contrast to MethodInvokingFactoryBean).
FactoryBean which returns a value which is the result of a static or instance method invocation.
FactoryBean that exposes a JobDetail object which delegates job execution to a specified (static or non-static) method.
Quartz Job implementation that invokes a specified method.
Extension of the MethodInvokingJob, implementing the StatefulJob interface.
Adapter that implements the Runnable interface as a configurable method invocation based on Spring's MethodInvoker.
A JmsListenerEndpoint providing the method to invoke to process an incoming message for this endpoint.
FactoryBean implementation that locates a Method on a specified bean.
Simple TransactionAttributeSource implementation that allows attributes to be stored per method in a Map.
Part of a Pointcut: Checks whether the target method is eligible for advice.
Static utility methods for composing MethodMatchers.
Interface that defines abstract access to the annotations of a specific method, in a form that does not require that method's class to be loaded yet.
Subclass of AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler that allows to specify method names to be exposed as MBean operations and attributes.
Exception for errors that fit response status 405 (method not allowed).
Object representing the override of a method on a managed object by the IoC container.
Set of method overrides, determining which, if any, methods on a managed object the Spring IoC container will override at runtime.
Helper class that encapsulates the specification of a method parameter, i.e.
Classes generated by Enhancer pass this object to the registered MethodInterceptor objects when an intercepted method is invoked.
Reference to a Java method, identified by its owner class and the method name.
A reference to a method with convenient code generation for referencing, or invoking it.
Expression language AST node that represents a method reference.
Strategy for generating code for arguments based on their type.
Interface to be implemented by classes that can reimplement any method on an IoC-managed object: the Method Injection form of Dependency Injection.
A method resolver attempts to locate a method and returns a command executor that can be used to invoke that method.
Exception thrown when the Code attribute of a method produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
An AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that delegates to a JSR-303 provider for performing method-level validation on annotated methods.
A convenient BeanPostProcessor implementation that delegates to a JSR-303 provider for performing method-level validation on annotated methods.
A visitor to visit a Java method.
Represents how the measurement values of a ManagedMetric will change over time.
Represents a container for MIME attachments Concrete implementations might adapt a SOAPMessage or an email message.
Implementation of the MailMessage interface for a JavaMail MIME message, to let message population code interact with a simple message or a MIME message through a common interface.
Subinterface of Marshaller that can use MIME attachments to optimize storage of binary data.
Helper class for populating a MimeMessage.
Callback interface for the preparation of JavaMail MIME messages.
Represents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
Miscellaneous MimeType utility methods.
Subinterface of Unmarshaller that can use MIME attachments to optimize storage of binary data.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates that a matrix variable expected in the method parameters of an @RequestMapping method is not present among the matrix variables extracted from the URL.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates that a path variable expected in the method parameters of an @RequestMapping method is not present among the URI variables extracted from the URL.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates that a request cookie expected in the method parameters of an @RequestMapping method is not present.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates that a request header expected in the method parameters of an @RequestMapping method is not present.
Base class for ServletRequestBindingException exceptions that could not bind because the request value is required but is either missing or otherwise resolves to null after conversion.
ServerWebInputException subclass that indicates a missing request value such as a request header, cookie value, query parameter, etc.
Exception thrown when required properties are not found.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates a missing parameter.
Signals the part of a "multipart/form-data" request, identified by name could not be found.
MessagingException thrown when a session is missing.
Mixin allows multiple objects to be combined into a single larger object.
Mock implementation of the AsyncContext interface.
Mock implementation of the BodyContent class.
Mock implementation of ClientHttpRequest.
Mock implementation of ClientHttpRequest.
Mock implementation of ClientHttpResponse.
Mock implementation of ClientHttpResponse.
Extension of Cookie with extra attributes, as defined in RFC 6265.
Mock implementation of the FilterChain interface.
Mock implementation of the FilterConfig interface.
Mock implementation of HttpInputMessage.
Mock implementation of HttpOutputMessage.
Mock implementation of HttpServletMapping.
Mock implementation of the HttpServletRequest interface.
Default builder for MockHttpServletRequest required as input to perform requests in MockMvc.
Mock implementation of the HttpServletResponse interface.
Mock implementation of the HttpSession interface.
Mock implementation of the JspWriter class.
Mock implementation of the MultipartFile interface.
Mock implementation of the MultipartHttpServletRequest interface.
Default builder for MockMultipartHttpServletRequest.
Main entry point for server-side Spring MVC test support.
Builds a MockMvc instance.
The main class to import in order to access all available MockMvcBuilders.
Base class for MockMvc builder implementations, providing the capability to create a MockMvc instance.
A ClientHttpRequestFactory for requests executed via MockMvc.
Contract for customizing a ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder in some specific way, e.g.
An empty method implementation of MockMvcConfigurer.
MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder simplifies the building of an HtmlUnitDriver that delegates to MockMvc and optionally delegates to an actual connection for specific requests.
Connector that handles requests by invoking a MockMvc rather than making actual requests over HTTP.
Static factory methods for RequestBuilders.
Static factory methods for ResultHandler-based result actions.
Static factory methods for ResultMatcher-based result actions.
MockMvcWebClientBuilder simplifies the creation of an HtmlUnit WebClient that delegates to a MockMvc instance.
MockMvcWebConnection enables MockMvc to transform a WebRequest into a WebResponse.
Support class that simplifies the creation of a WebConnection that uses MockMvc and optionally delegates to a real WebConnection for specific requests.
The main class for testing Spring MVC applications via WebTestClient with MockMvc for server request handling.
Specification for configuring MockMvc to test one or more controllers directly, and a simple facade around StandaloneMockMvcBuilder.
Base specification for configuring MockMvc, and a simple facade around ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder.
Mock implementation of the PageContext interface.
Mock implementation of jakarta.servlet.http.Part.
Simple PropertySource implementation for use in testing.
Mock implementation of the RequestDispatcher interface.
Static factory methods for RequestMatcher classes.
Static factory methods for obtaining a ResponseCreator instance.
Main entry point for client-side REST testing.
Builder to create a MockRestServiceServer.
Simple ClientHttpResponse extension that also exposes a result object from the underlying mock server exchange for further assertions on the state of the server response after the request is performed.
Contract that frameworks or applications can use to pre-package a set of customizations to a WebTestClient.MockServerSpec and expose that as a shortcut.
Mock extension of AbstractServerHttpRequest for use in tests without an actual server.
Request builder exposing properties not related to the body.
A builder that adds a body to the request.
Mock extension of AbstractServerHttpResponse for use in tests without an actual server.
Mock implementation of ServerRequest.
Builder for MockServerRequest.
Extension of DefaultServerWebExchange for use in tests, along with MockServerHttpRequest and MockServerHttpResponse.
Builder for a MockServerWebExchange.
Mock implementation of the ServletConfig interface.
Mock implementation of the ServletContext interface.
Mock implementation of the SessionCookieConfig interface.
Simple mock SpringFactoriesLoader implementation that can be used for testing purposes.
Implementation of WebSession that delegates to a session instance obtained via InMemoryWebSessionStore.
Interface that defines a holder for model attributes.
Holder for both Model and View in the web MVC framework.
A collection of assertions intended to simplify testing scenarios dealing with Spring Web MVC ModelAndView objects.
Records model and view related decisions made by HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers and HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlers during the course of invocation of a controller method.
Exception to be thrown on error conditions that should forward to a specific view with a specific model.
Handles return values of type ModelAndView copying view and model information to the ModelAndViewContainer.
SPI for resolving custom return values from a specific handler method.
This return value handler is intended to be ordered after all others as it attempts to handle _any_ return value type (i.e.
Annotation that binds a method parameter or method return value to a named model attribute, exposed to a web view.
Resolve @ModelAttribute annotated method arguments.
Resolve @ModelAttribute annotated method arguments and handle return values from @ModelAttribute annotated methods.
Assist with initialization of the Model before controller method invocation and with updates to it after the invocation.
Implementation of Map for use when building model data for use with UI tools.
NotificationPublisher implementation that uses the infrastructure provided by the ModelMBean interface to track and send Notifications to those listeners.
Resolver for a controller method argument of type Model that can also be resolved as a Map.
Resolves Model arguments and handles Model return values.
Factory for assertions on the model.
A visitor to visit a Java module.
Formatter for JSR-354 MonetaryAmount values, delegating to MonetaryAmountFormat.format( and MonetaryAmountFormat.parse(java.lang.CharSequence).
as of 6.0, in favor of Mono.toFuture()
Prepare the body of a multipart request, resulting in a MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity>.
Builder that allows for further customization of part headers.
Exception thrown when multipart resolution fails.
A representation of an uploaded file received in a multipart request.
Servlet Filter that resolves multipart requests via a MultipartResolver.
HttpMessageReader for reading "multipart/form-data" requests into a MultiValueMap<String, Part>.
HttpMessageWriter for writing a MultiValueMap<String, ?> as multipart form data, i.e.
Provides additional methods for dealing with multipart content within a servlet request, allowing to access uploaded files.
This interface defines the multipart request access operations that are exposed for actual multipart requests.
A common delegate for HandlerMethodArgumentResolver implementations which need to resolve MultipartFile and Part arguments.
A strategy interface for multipart file upload resolution in accordance with RFC 1867.
Support class for multipart HTTP message writers.
SimpUserRegistry that looks up users in a "local" user registry as well as a set of "remote" user registries.
Extension of the Map interface that stores multiple values.
Adapts a given Map to the MultiValueMap contract.
Mutable extension to Bindings for Value and null bindings for a Statement using BindMarkers.
Spring's base implementation of the JPA PersistenceUnitInfo interface, used to bootstrap an EntityManagerFactory in a container.
The default implementation of the PropertySources interface.
The default implementation of the PropertyValues interface.
Mutable implementation of the SortDefinition interface.
NamespaceHandler for Spring MVC configuration namespace.
Convenience methods for use in MVC namespace BeanDefinitionParsers.
Provides access to the result of an executed request.
Creates instances of UriComponentsBuilder by pointing to @RequestMapping methods on Spring MVC controllers.
Builder class to create URLs for method arguments.
Method invocation information.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given MySQL table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column.
Counterpart of BeanNameAware.
A simple holder for a given bean name plus bean instance.
A CacheResolver that forces the resolution to a configurable collection of name(s) against a given CacheManager.
InheritableThreadLocal subclass that exposes a specified name as NamedInheritableThreadLocal.toString() result (allowing for introspection).
Extension of JdbcDaoSupport that exposes a NamedParameterJdbcTemplate as well.
Interface specifying a basic set of JDBC operations allowing the use of named parameters rather than the traditional '?' placeholders.
Template class with a basic set of JDBC operations, allowing the use of named parameters rather than traditional '?' placeholders.
Helper methods for named parameter parsing.
ThreadLocal subclass that exposes a specified name as NamedThreadLocal.toString() result (allowing for introspection).
Simple CacheOperationSource implementation that allows attributes to be matched by registered name.
Pointcut bean for simple method name matches, as an alternative to regexp patterns.
Convenient class for name-match method pointcuts that hold an Advice, making them an Advisor.
Simple TransactionAttributeSource implementation that allows attributes to be matched by registered name.
Base interface used by the DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader for handling custom namespaces in a Spring XML configuration file.
Used by the DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader to locate a NamespaceHandler implementation for a particular namespace URI.
Support class for implementing custom NamespaceHandlers.
A contract for "name!=value" style expression used to specify request parameters and request header conditions in @RequestMapping.
A contract for "name!=value" style expression used to specify request parameters and request header conditions in @RequestMapping.
Customize the generated class name for AbstractClassGenerator-based utilities.
Write RuntimeHints as GraalVM native configuration.
A common delegate for detecting a GraalVM native image environment.
MessageHeaderAccessor subclass that supports storage and access of headers from an external source such as a message broker.
Extension of the WebRequest interface, exposing the native request and response objects in a generic fashion.
A WebSocketSession that exposes the underlying, native WebSocketSession through a getter.
Handy class for wrapping checked Exceptions with a root cause.
Helper class for implementing exception classes which are capable of holding nested exceptions.
The <nestedPath> tag supports and assists with nested beans or bean properties in the model.
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause.
as of 6.0, in favor of standard ServletException nesting
@NestedTestConfiguration is a type-level annotation that is used to configure how Spring test configuration annotations are processed within enclosing class hierarchies (i.e., for inner test classes).
Enumeration of modes that dictate how test configuration from enclosing classes is processed for inner test classes.
Exception thrown when attempting to work with a nested transaction but nested transactions are not supported by the underlying backend.
Decoder for Buffers.
Encoder for Buffers.
Implementation of the DataBuffer interface that wraps a Netty 5 Buffer.
Implementation of the DataBufferFactory interface based on a Netty 5 BufferAllocator.
Base class for Netty-based WebSocketSession adapters that provides convenience methods to convert Netty WebSocketFrames to and from WebSocketMessages.
Decoder for ByteBufs.
Encoder for ByteBufs.
Implementation of the DataBuffer interface that wraps a Netty 4 ByteBuf.
Implementation of the DataBufferFactory interface based on a Netty 4 ByteBufAllocator.
Base class for Netty-based WebSocketSession adapters that provides convenience methods to convert Netty WebSocketFrames to and from WebSocketMessages.
By default, when the DispatcherServlet can't find a handler for a request it sends a 404 response.
A common Spring annotation to declare that annotated elements cannot be null.
A common Spring annotation to declare that parameters and return values are to be considered as non-nullable by default for a given package.
A common Spring annotation to declare that fields are to be considered as non-nullable by default for a given package.
Root of the hierarchy of data access exceptions that are considered non-transient - where a retry of the same operation would fail unless the cause of the Exception is corrected.
Data access exception thrown when a resource fails completely and the failure is permanent.
Methods using this Enhancer callback will delegate directly to the default (super) implementation in the base class.
A no operation Cache implementation suitable for disabling caching.
A basic, no operation CacheManager implementation suitable for disabling caching, typically used for backing cache declarations without an actual backing store.
Trivial implementation of Log that throws away all messages.
Tag subclass of RollbackRuleAttribute that has the opposite behavior to the RollbackRuleAttribute superclass.
Exception thrown when a BeanFactory is asked for a bean instance for which it cannot find a definition.
Exception thrown when a message can't be resolved.
Exception for errors that fit response status 406 (not acceptable).
Extension of AopConfigException thrown when trying to perform an advisor generation operation on a class that is not an AspectJ annotation-style aspect.
Helper class that aggregates a NotificationListener, a NotificationFilter, and an arbitrary handback object.
Helper class that aggregates a NotificationListener, a NotificationFilter, and an arbitrary handback object, as well as the names of MBeans from which the listener wishes to receive Notifications.
Registrar object that associates a specific NotificationListener with one or more MBeans in an MBeanServer (typically via a MBeanServerConnection).
Simple interface allowing Spring-managed MBeans to publish JMX notifications without being aware of how those notifications are being transmitted to the MBeanServer.
Interface to be implemented by any Spring-managed resource that is to be registered with an MBeanServer and wishes to send JMX
Exception thrown when an operation is attempted that relies on an existing transaction (such as setting rollback status) and there is no existing transaction.
Exception thrown on an attempt to get the value of a property that isn't readable, because there's no getter method.
Exception thrown on an attempt to set the value of a property that is not writable (typically because there is no setter method).
Exception thrown when a BeanFactory is asked for a bean instance for which multiple matching candidates have been found when only one matching bean was expected.
A common Spring annotation to declare that annotated elements can be null under some circumstance.
Expression language AST node that represents null.
A Comparator that will safely compare nulls to be lower or higher than other objects.
Simple implementation of SourceExtractor that returns null as the source metadata.
Simple serializable class that serves as a null replacement for cache stores which otherwise do not support null values.
Exception thrown when navigation of a valid nested property path encounters a NullPointerException.
Declares that a field or method parameter should be formatted as a number.
Common number format styles.
Formats fields annotated with the NumberFormat annotation.
A general-purpose number formatter using NumberFormat's number style.
Miscellaneous utility methods for number conversion and parsing.
Encapsulates an object error, that is, a global reason for rejecting an object.
Defines a factory which can return an Object instance (possibly shared or independent) when invoked.
A FactoryBean implementation that returns a value which is an ObjectFactory that in turn returns a bean sourced from a BeanFactory.
Helper class for the creation of ObjectName instances.
Strategy interface that encapsulates the creation of ObjectName instances.
Exception thrown on an optimistic locking violation for a mapped object.
A variant of ObjectFactory designed specifically for injection points, allowing for programmatic optionality and lenient not-unique handling.
Exception thrown if a mapped object could not be retrieved via its identifier.
An HttpMessageConverter that uses StringHttpMessageConverter for reading and writing content and a ConversionService for converting the String content to and from the target object type.
Miscellaneous object utility methods.
ClientHttpRequestFactory implementation that uses OkHttp 3.x to create requests.
Filter base class that aims to guarantee a single execution per request dispatch, on any servlet container.
Represents the boolean AND operation.
The JVM opcodes, access flags and array type codes.
Decrement operator.
Implements division operator.
Servlet Filter that binds a JPA EntityManager to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
Spring web request interceptor that binds a JPA EntityManager to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
Simple AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that binds a new Hibernate Session for each method invocation, if none bound before.
Servlet Filter that binds a Hibernate Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
Spring web request interceptor that binds a Hibernate Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
Implements the equality operator.
Supported operations that an OperatorOverloader can implement for any pair of operands.
Common supertype for operators that operate on either one or two operands.
A descriptor comparison encapsulates the result of comparing descriptor for two operands and describes at what level they are compatible.
Represents the between operator.
The operator 'instanceof' checks if an object is of the class specified in the right-hand operand, in the same way that instanceof does in Java.
Implements the matches operator.
Represents a NOT operation.
By default the mathematical operators Operation support simple types like numbers.
The power operator.
Implements greater-than-or-equal operator.
Implements the greater-than operator.
Increment operator.
Implements the less-than-or-equal operator.
Implements the less-than operator.
The minus operator supports: subtraction of numbers subtraction of an int from a string of one character (effectively decreasing that character), so 'd'-3='a'
Implements the modulus operator.
Implements the multiply operator.
Implements the not-equal operator.
Represents the boolean OR operation.
The plus operator will: add numbers concatenate strings
Exception thrown on an optimistic locking violation.
LocalValidatorFactoryBean subclass that simply turns Validator calls into no-ops in case of no Bean Validation provider being available.
The <options> tag renders a list of HTML 'option' tags.
The <option> tag renders a single HTML 'option'.
Oracle-specific implementation for the CallMetaDataProvider interface.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given Oracle sequence.
Oracle-specific implementation of the TableMetaDataProvider.
@Order defines the sort order for an annotated component.
Comparator implementation for Ordered objects, sorting by order value ascending, respectively by priority descending.
Strategy interface to provide an order source for a given object.
Ordered is an interface that can be implemented by objects that should be orderable, for example in a Collection.
Decorator for an ExecutorSubscribableChannel that ensures messages are processed in the order they were published to the channel.
General utility for determining the order of an object based on its type declaration.
An interceptor to check request Origin header value against a collection of allowed origins.
Internal helper for exposing dummy OutputStreams to embedded databases such as Derby, preventing the creation of a log file.
ClassLoader that does not always delegate to the parent loader as normal class loaders do.
NamespaceHandler for the 'oxm' namespace.
PagedListHolder is a simple state holder for handling lists of objects, separating them into pages.
For the efficient sorting of multiple arrays in parallel.
Bean used to pass name-value pair parameters from a ParamTag to a ParamAware tag.
Allows implementing tag to utilize nested spring:param tags.
since 6.0, use io.r2dbc.spi.Parameter instead.
Strategy that resolves the requested content type from a query parameter.
Resolver that checks a query parameter and uses it to look up a matching MediaType.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can close resources allocated by parameters like SqlLobValue objects.
Trivial controller that always returns a pre-configured view and optionally sets the response status code.
Parameterized callback interface used by the JdbcTemplate class for batch updates.
The purpose of this class is to enable capturing and passing a generic Type.
Implement this interface when parameters need to be customized based on the connection.
Interface to discover parameter names for methods and constructors.
Public delegate for resolving autowirable parameters on externally managed constructors and methods.
A logical conjunction (' && ') request condition that matches a request against a set parameter expressions with syntax defined in RequestMapping.params().
A logical conjunction (' && ') request condition that matches a request against a set parameter expressions with syntax defined in RequestMapping.params().
The <param> tag collects name-value parameters and passes them to a ParamAware ancestor in the tag hierarchy.
Holds information about a parsed SQL statement.
Represent an exception that occurs during expression parsing.
Parses text strings to produce instances of T.
Context that gets passed along a bean definition parsing process, encapsulating all relevant configuration as well as state.
Input provided to an expression parser that can influence an expression parsing/compilation routine.
Simple ArrayDeque-based structure for tracking the logical position during a parsing process.
Marker interface for entries into the ParseState.
Representation for a part in a "multipart/form-data" request.
Represents an event for a "multipart/form-data" request.
HttpMessageReader for parsing "multipart/form-data" requests to a stream of PartEvent elements.
HttpMessageWriter for writing PartEvent objects.
HttpMessageWriter for writing with Part.
Implementation of the FilterConfig interface which simply passes the call through to a given Filter/FilterChain combination (indicating the next Filter in the chain along with the FilterChain that it is supposed to work on) or to a given Servlet (indicating the end of the chain).
Simple SourceExtractor implementation that just passes the candidate source metadata object through for attachment.
The <password> tag renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'password' using the bound value.
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP PATCH requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP PATCH requests onto specific handler methods.
Structured representation of a URI path parsed via PathContainer.parsePath(String) into a sequence of PathContainer.Separator and PathContainer.PathSegment elements.
A path element, either separator or path segment.
Options to customize parsing based on the type of input path.
Path segment element.
Path separator element.
Editor for java.nio.file.Path, to directly populate a Path property instead of using a String property as bridge.
as of 5.2.4.
Assist with configuring HandlerMapping's with path matching options.
Configure path matching options.
Strategy interface for String-based path matching.
A ResourcePatternResolver implementation that is able to resolve a specified resource location path into one or more matching Resources.
Representation of a parsed path pattern.
Holder for URI variables and path parameters (matrix variables) extracted based on the pattern for a given matched path.
Holder for the result of a match on the start of a pattern.
Parser for URI path patterns producing PathPattern instances that can then be matched to requests.
RouteMatcher built on PathPatternParser that uses PathContainer and PathPattern as parsed representations of routes and patterns.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of URL path patterns.
Resource implementation for Path handles, performing all operations and transformations via the Path API.
A simple ResourceResolver that tries to find a resource under the given locations matching to the request path.
A simple ResourceResolver that tries to find a resource under the given locations matching to the request path.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a URI template variable.
Resolver for Map method arguments annotated with @PathVariable where the annotation does not specify a path variable name.
Resolves Map method arguments annotated with @PathVariable where the annotation does not specify a path variable name.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @PathVariable.
Resolves method arguments annotated with an @PathVariable.
Editor for java.util.regex.Pattern, to directly populate a Pattern property.
Utility methods for simple pattern matching, in particular for Spring's typical "xxx*", "*xxx" and "*xxx*" pattern styles.
Exception that is thrown when there is a problem with the pattern being parsed.
The messages that can be included in a PatternParseException when there is a parse failure.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of URL path patterns.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of URL path patterns.
Annotation that binds a method parameter to the payload of a message.
An ApplicationEvent that carries an arbitrary payload.
RSocketServiceArgumentResolver for @Payload annotated arguments.
A resolver to extract and decode the payload of a message using a Decoder, where the payload is expected to be a Publisher of DataBuffer.
A resolver to extract and convert the payload of a message using a MessageConverter.
Static utility methods to create Payload from DataBuffers and vice versa.
A formatter for number values in percent style.
A WebSocketHandler that initializes and destroys a WebSocketHandler instance for each WebSocket connection and delegates all other methods to it.
Simple AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor for performance monitoring.
A trigger for periodic task execution.
Exception thrown when the underlying resource denied a permission to access a specific element, such as a specific database table.
BeanPostProcessor that processes PersistenceUnit and PersistenceContext annotations, for injection of the corresponding JPA resources EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager.
Spring AOP exception translation aspect for use at Repository or DAO layer level.
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that provides persistence exception translation based on a given PersistenceExceptionTranslator.
Bean post-processor that automatically applies persistence exception translation to any bean marked with Spring's @Repository annotation, adding a corresponding PersistenceExceptionTranslationAdvisor to the exposed proxy (either an existing AOP proxy or a newly generated proxy that implements all of the target's interfaces).
Interface implemented by Spring integrations with data access technologies that throw runtime exceptions, such as JPA and Hibernate.
Provide the list of managed persistent types that an entity manager should consider.
Interface that defines an abstraction for finding and managing JPA PersistenceUnitInfos.
Callback interface for post-processing a JPA PersistenceUnitInfo.
Exception thrown on a pessimistic locking violation.
Interface for objects that may participate in a phased process such as lifecycle management.
A WebSocket ping message.
Abstract base class for property resource configurers that resolve placeholders in bean definition property values.
This is the central interface in Spring's imperative transaction infrastructure.
EntityResolver implementation that attempts to resolve schema URLs into local classpath resources using a set of mappings files.
Core Spring pointcut abstraction.
Superinterface for all Advisors that are driven by a pointcut.
ComponentDefinition implementation that holds a pointcut definition.
ParseState entry representing a pointcut.
Pointcut constants for matching getters and setters, and static methods useful for manipulating and evaluating pointcuts.
A MessageChannel from which messages may be actively received through polling.
A SockJS session for use with polling HTTP transports.
A WebSocket pong message.
Extension of DataBuffer that allows for buffers that share a memory pool.
Config interface for a pooling target source.
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP POST requests.
Postgres-specific implementation for the CallMetaDataProvider interface.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given PostgreSQL sequence.
The PostgreSQL specific implementation of TableMetaDataProvider.
Annotation for mapping HTTP POST requests onto specific handler methods.
as of 5.2, along with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
Handler for CORS pre-flight requests.
WebFilter that handles pre-flight requests through a PreFlightRequestHandler and bypasses the rest of the chain.
Extension to QueryOperation for a prepared SQL query Supplier with bound parameters.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a PreparedStatement.
One of the two central callback interfaces used by the JdbcTemplate class.
Helper class that efficiently creates multiple PreparedStatementCreator objects with different parameters based on an SQL statement and a single set of parameter declarations.
General callback interface used by the JdbcTemplate class.
Indicates that a bean should be given preference when multiple candidates are qualified to autowire a single-valued dependency.
Resolver for arguments of type Principal, including Optional<Principal>.
Resolves method argument value of type Principal.
Resolves an argument of type Principal, similar to ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver but irrespective of whether the argument is annotated or not.
Prints objects of type T for display.
Result handler that prints MvcResult details to a given output stream — for example: System.out, System.err, a custom, etc.
A contract for how to actually write result information.
ParameterNameDiscoverer implementation that tries several discoverer delegates in succession.
Extension of the Ordered interface, expressing a priority ordering: PriorityOrdered objects are always applied before plain Ordered objects regardless of their order values.
Represents a problem with a bean definition configuration.
Representation for an RFC 7807 problem detail.
An interface to associate Jackson annotations with ProblemDetail to avoid a hard dependency on the Jackson library.
SPI interface allowing tools and other external processes to handle errors and warnings reported during bean definition parsing.
Callback for sending a message to a JMS destination.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition to match a request's 'Accept' header to a list of media type expressions.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition to match a request's 'Accept' header to a list of media type expressions.
Indicates that a component is eligible for registration when one or more specified profiles are active.
Profile predicate that may be accepted by an Environment.
ProfileValueChecker is a custom JUnit Statement that checks whether a test class or test method is enabled in the current environment via Spring's @IfProfileValue annotation.
Strategy interface for retrieving profile values for a given testing environment.
ProfileValueSourceConfiguration is a class-level annotation for use with JUnit 4 which is used to specify what type of ProfileValueSource to use when retrieving profile values configured via @IfProfileValue.
General utility methods for working with profile values.
Represents projection, where a given operation is performed on all elements in some input sequence, returning a new sequence of the same size.
Enumeration that represents transaction propagation behaviors for use with the Transactional annotation, corresponding to the TransactionDefinition interface.
as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common bean definition formats and/or custom reader implementations
Custom PropertyEditor for Properties objects.
Allows for making a properties file from a classpath location available as Properties instance in a bean factory.
Base class for JavaBean-style components that need to load properties from one or more resources.
Convenient utility methods for loading of java.util.Properties, performing standard handling of input streams.
Strategy interface for persisting java.util.Properties, allowing for pluggable parsing strategies.
PropertySource implementation that extracts properties from a Properties object.
A description of a JavaBeans Property that allows us to avoid a dependency on java.beans.PropertyDescriptor.
Superclass for exceptions related to a property access, such as type mismatch or invocation target exception.
Common interface for classes that can access named properties (such as bean properties of an object or fields in an object).
A property accessor is able to read from (and possibly write to) an object's properties.
Simple factory facade for obtaining PropertyAccessor instances, in particular for BeanWrapper instances.
Utility methods for classes that perform bean property access according to the PropertyAccessor interface.
Combined exception, composed of individual PropertyAccessException instances.
PropertyComparator performs a comparison of two beans, evaluating the specified bean property via a BeanWrapper.
Interface for strategies that register custom property editors with a property editor registry.
Encapsulates methods for registering JavaBeans PropertyEditors.
Base implementation of the PropertyEditorRegistry interface.
ParseState entry representing a JavaBean property.
Helper class for calculating property matches, according to a configurable distance.
Represents a simple property or field reference.
Property resource configurer that overrides bean property values in an application context definition.
FactoryBean that evaluates a property path on a given target object.
as of 5.2; use instead which is more flexible through taking advantage of the Environment and PropertySource mechanisms.
Utility class for working with Strings that have placeholder values in them.
Strategy interface used to resolve replacement values for placeholders contained in Strings.
Strategy for providing named properties — for example, for looking up key-value pairs in a generic fashion.
Interface for resolving properties against any underlying source.
Allows for configuration of individual bean property values from a property resource, i.e.
Annotation providing a convenient and declarative mechanism for adding a PropertySource to Spring's Environment.
Abstract base class representing a source of name/value property pairs.
PropertySource to be used as a placeholder in cases where an actual property source cannot be eagerly initialized at application context creation time.
Describe a PropertySource.
Strategy interface for creating resource-based PropertySource wrappers.
Contribute property sources to the Environment.
Container annotation that aggregates several PropertySource annotations.
Holder containing one or more PropertySource objects.
Specialization of PlaceholderConfigurerSupport that resolves ${...} placeholders within bean definition property values and @Value annotations against the current Spring Environment and its set of PropertySources.
PropertyResolver implementation that resolves property values against an underlying set of PropertySources.
Object to hold information and value for an individual bean property.
Holder containing one or more PropertyValue objects, typically comprising one update for a specific target bean.
Editor for a PropertyValues object.
Base class providing support methods for Protobuf encoding and decoding.
A Decoder that reads Messages using Google Protocol Buffers.
An Encoder that writes Messages using Google Protocol Buffers.
An HttpMessageConverter that reads and writes using Google Protocol Buffers.
HttpMessageWriter that can write a protobuf Message and adds X-Protobuf-Schema, X-Protobuf-Message headers and a delimited=true parameter is added to the content type if a flux is serialized.
Subclass of ProtobufHttpMessageConverter which enforces the use of Protobuf 3 and its official library "" for JSON processing.
Subclass of ProtobufMessageConverter for use with the official "" library for JSON support.
An MessageConverter that reads and writes using Google Protocol Buffers.
A resolution strategy for protocol-specific resource handles.
AspectInstanceFactory backed by a BeanFactory-provided prototype, enforcing prototype semantics.
TargetSource implementation that creates a new instance of the target bean for each request, destroying each instance on release (after each request).
A FactoryBean implementation that returns a value which is a JSR-330 Provider that in turn returns a bean sourced from a BeanFactory.
This class is meant to be used as replacement for java.lang.reflect.Proxy under JDK 1.2.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable proxy-based asynchronous method execution.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable proxy-based annotation-driven cache management.
Convenience superclass for configuration used in creating proxies, to ensure that all proxy creators have consistent properties.
Holder for the current proxy creation context, as exposed by auto-proxy creators such as AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator.
Base class for proxy factories.
Factory for AOP proxies for programmatic use, rather than via declarative setup in a bean factory.
FactoryBean implementation that builds an AOP proxy based on beans in a Spring BeanFactory.
FactoryBean that creates a
Gather the need for using proxies at runtime.
Generator of ProxyHints predicates, testing whether the given hints match the expected behavior for proxies.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable proxy-based annotation-driven JSR-107 cache management.
Extension of the AOP Alliance MethodInvocation interface, allowing access to the proxy that the method invocation was made through.
Base class with common functionality for proxy processors, in particular ClassLoader management and the ProxyProcessorSupport.evaluateProxyInterfaces(java.lang.Class<?>, org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory) algorithm.
Dispatching Enhancer callback.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable proxy-based annotation-driven transaction management.
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP PUT requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP PUT requests onto specific handler methods.
Gather the Quality-of-Service settings that can be used when sending a message.
Represents a dot separated sequence of strings that indicate a package qualified type reference.
This annotation may be used on a field or parameter as a qualifier for candidate beans when autowiring.
AutowireCandidateResolver implementation that matches bean definition qualifiers against qualifier annotations on the field or parameter to be autowired.
ParseState entry representing an autowire candidate qualifier.
Simple implementation of the Quartz Job interface, applying the passed-in JobDataMap and also the SchedulerContext as bean property values.
Interface declaring a query operation that can be represented with a query string.
Exception to be thrown on a query timeout.
Convenient TargetSourceCreator using bean name prefixes to create one of three well-known TargetSource types: : CommonsPool2TargetSource % ThreadLocalTargetSource ! PrototypeTargetSource
ReactiveTransactionManager implementation for a single R2DBC ConnectionFactory.
The <radiobuttons> tag renders multiple HTML 'input' tags with type 'radio'.
The <radiobutton> tag renders an HTML 'input' tag with type 'radio'.
Marker for AOP proxy interfaces (in particular: introduction interfaces) that explicitly intend to return the raw target object (which would normally get replaced with the proxy object when returned from a method invocation).
An "RDBMS operation" is a multithreaded, reusable object representing a query, update, or stored procedure call.
Adapter for a Reactive Streams Publisher to and from an async/reactive type such as CompletableFuture, RxJava Observable, and others.
A registry of adapters to adapt Reactive Streams Publisher to/from various async/reactive types such as CompletableFuture, RxJava Flowable, and others.
BlockHoundIntegration for spring-core classes.
A "reactive" HTTP input message that exposes the input as Publisher.
A "reactive" HTTP output message that accepts output as a Publisher.
Reactive contract for handling a Message.
TransactionSynchronization implementation that manages a resource object bound through TransactionSynchronizationManager.
Support for single-value reactive types (like Mono or Single) as a return value type.
Representation of an ongoing reactive transaction.
This is the central interface in Spring's reactive transaction infrastructure.
Describes the semantics of a reactive type including boolean checks for ReactiveTypeDescriptor.isMultiValue(), ReactiveTypeDescriptor.isNoValue(), and ReactiveTypeDescriptor.supportsEmpty().
Reactor-Netty implementation of ClientHttpConnector.
Adapt HttpHandler to the Reactor Netty channel handling function.
Reactor Netty 2 (Netty 5) implementation of ClientHttpConnector.
Adapt HttpHandler to the Reactor Netty 5 channel handling function.
A RequestUpgradeStrategy for use with Reactor Netty for Netty 5.
Factory to manage Reactor Netty resources, i.e.
Reactor Netty based implementation of TcpOperations.
Reactor Netty based implementation of TcpConnection.
WebSocketClient implementation for use with Reactor Netty for Netty 5.
WebSocketSession implementation for use with the Reactor Netty's (Netty 5) NettyInbound and NettyOutbound.
Simple container for NettyInbound and NettyOutbound.
Simple holder for a decoding Function and an encoding BiConsumer to use with Reactor Netty.
A RequestUpgradeStrategy for use with Reactor Netty.
Reactor Netty based implementation of TcpOperations.
Reactor Netty based implementation of TcpConnection.
A STOMP over TCP client, configurable with either ReactorNettyTcpClient or ReactorNetty2TcpClient.
WebSocketClient implementation for use with Reactor Netty.
WebSocketSession implementation for use with the Reactor Netty's NettyInbound and NettyOutbound.
Simple container for NettyInbound and NettyOutbound.
Factory to manage Reactor Netty resources, i.e.
Context that gets passed along a bean definition reading process, encapsulating all relevant configuration as well as state.
One-way PropertyEditor which can convert from a text String to a, interpreting the given String as a Spring resource location (e.g.
Interface that receives callbacks for component, alias and import registrations during a bean definition reading process.
Expression language AST node that represents a real literal.
A contract to determine the frequency of reconnect attempts after connection failure.
@RecordApplicationEvents is a class-level annotation that is used to instruct the Spring TestContext Framework to record all application events that are published in the ApplicationContext during the execution of a single test.
A visitor to visit a record component.
Record of an invocation of a method relevant to RuntimeHints.
Builder for RecordedInvocation.
Publishes invocations on method relevant to RuntimeHints, as they are recorded by the RuntimeHintsAgent.
Data access exception thrown when a previously failed operation might be able to succeed if the application performs some recovery steps and retries the entire transaction or in the case of a distributed transaction, the transaction branch.
A specialization of the Model interface that controllers can use to select attributes for a redirect scenario.
Resolves method arguments of type RedirectAttributes.
A ModelMap implementation of RedirectAttributes that formats values as Strings using a DataBinder.
View that redirects to an absolute or context relative URL.
View that redirects to an absolute, context relative, or current request relative URL.
Assist with the registration of a single redirect view controller.
Utility methods used by the reflection resolver code to discover the appropriate methods/constructors and fields that should be used in expressions.
Gather the need for reflection at runtime.
Generator of ReflectionHints predicates, testing whether the given hints match the expected behavior for reflection.
ReflectionTestUtils is a collection of reflection-based utility methods for use in unit and integration testing scenarios.
Simple utility class for working with the reflection API and handling reflection exceptions.
Callback interface invoked on each field in the hierarchy.
Callback optionally used to filter fields to be operated on by a field callback.
Action to take on each method.
Callback optionally used to filter methods to be operated on by a method callback.
Indicate that the annotated element requires reflection.
Factory that can create Spring AOP Advisors given AspectJ classes from classes honoring AspectJ's annotation syntax, using reflection to invoke the corresponding advice methods.
Synthetic advisor that instantiates the aspect.
A simple ConstructorExecutor implementation that runs a constructor using reflective invocation.
A constructor resolver that uses reflection to locate the constructor that should be invoked.
LoadTimeWeaver which uses reflection to delegate to an underlying ClassLoader with well-known transformation hooks.
MethodExecutor that works via reflection.
Spring's implementation of the AOP Alliance MethodInvocation interface, implementing the extended ProxyMethodInvocation interface.
Reflection-based MethodResolver used by default in StandardEvaluationContext unless explicit method resolvers have been specified.
Process an AnnotatedElement and register the necessary reflection hints for it.
A powerful PropertyAccessor that uses reflection to access properties for reading and possibly also for writing on a target instance.
An optimized form of a PropertyAccessor that will use reflection but only knows how to access a particular property on a particular class.
Process @Reflective annotated elements.
Interface to be implemented by dynamic target objects, which support reloading and optionally polling for updates.
Subclass of BeanFactoryRefreshableTargetSource that determines whether a refresh is required through the given ScriptFactory.
A simple filter for matching a fully-qualified class name with a regex Pattern.
Convenient class for regexp method pointcuts that hold an Advice, making them an Advisor.
A RegisteredBean represents a bean that has been registered with a BeanFactory, but has not necessarily been instantiated.
Indicates that one or more Class reflection hints should be registered for data binding purpose (class, fields, properties, record components, including types transitively used on properties and record components).
A ReflectiveProcessor implementation that registers reflection hints for data binding purpose (class, constructors, fields, properties, record components, including types transitively used on properties and record components).
Indicates registration behavior when attempting to register an MBean that already exists.
Overrides HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(String) and handles it by setting the HTTP status and "Location" headers, which keeps the Servlet container from re-writing relative redirect URLs into absolute ones.
Spring-specific MessageSource implementation that accesses resource bundles using specified basenames, participating in the Spring ApplicationContext's resource loading.
Public API for HTML rendering.
Defines a builder for Rendering.
Extends Rendering.Builder with extra options for redirect scenarios.
Context passed to ScriptTemplateView render function in order to make the application context, the locale, the template loader and the url available on scripting side.
Context passed to ScriptTemplateView render function in order to make the application context, the locale, the template loader and the url available on scripting side.
Rendering-specific subtype of ServerResponse that exposes model and template data.
Rendering-specific subtype of ServerResponse that exposes model and template data.
Defines a builder for RenderingResponse.
Defines a builder for RenderingResponse.
Test annotation for use with JUnit 4 to indicate that a test method should be invoked repeatedly.
Strategy used to determine annotations that act as containers for other annotations.
Extension of MethodOverride that represents an arbitrary override of a method by the IoC container.
Exception to be thrown when the reply of a message failed to be sent.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Repository", originally defined by Domain-Driven Design (Evans, 2003) as "a mechanism for encapsulating storage, retrieval, and search behavior which emulates a collection of objects".
Annotation to bind a method parameter to a request attribute.
Resolves method arguments annotated with an @RequestAttribute.
Resolves method arguments annotated with an @RequestAttribute.
Abstraction for accessing attribute objects associated with a request.
Annotation indicating a method parameter should be bound to the body of the web request.
Allows customizing the request before its body is read and converted into an Object and also allows for processing of the resulting Object before it is passed into a controller method as an @RequestBody or an HttpEntity method argument.
A convenient starting point for implementing RequestBodyAdvice with default method implementations.
HttpServiceArgumentResolver for @RequestBody annotated arguments.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @RequestBody by reading the body of the request through a compatible HttpMessageReader.
Callback interface for code that operates on a ClientHttpRequest.
Contract for request mapping conditions.
Contract for request mapping conditions.
A holder for a RequestCondition useful when the type of the request condition is not known ahead of time, e.g.
A holder for a RequestCondition useful when the type of the request condition is not known ahead of time, e.g.
Context holder for request-specific state, like the MessageSource to use, current locale, binding errors, etc.
Context holder for request-specific state, like current web application context, current locale, current theme, and potential binding errors.
Superclass for all tags that require a RequestContext.
Servlet Filter that exposes the request to the current thread, through both LocaleContextHolder and RequestContextHolder.
Holder class to expose the web request in the form of a thread-bound RequestAttributes object.
Servlet listener that exposes the request to the current thread, through both LocaleContextHolder and RequestContextHolder.
Utility class for easy access to request-specific state which has been set by the DispatcherServlet.
A contract for inspecting and potentially modifying request data values such as URL query parameters or form field values before they are rendered by a view or before a redirect.
A contract for inspecting and potentially modifying request data values such as URL query parameters or form field values before they are rendered by a view or before a redirect.
Strategy to resolve the requested media types for a ServerWebExchange.
Builder for a composite RequestedContentTypeResolver that delegates to other resolvers each implementing a different strategy to determine the requested content type -- e.g.
Helper to create and configure ParameterContentTypeResolver.
Extension of HttpEntity that also exposes the HTTP method and the target URL.
Defines a builder that adds a body to the response entity.
Defines a builder that adds headers to the request entity.
RequestEntity initialized with a URI template and variables instead of a URI.
An extension of ResponseActions that also implements RequestMatcher and ResponseCreator
Encapsulates the behavior required to implement MockRestServiceServer including its public API (create expectations + verify/reset) along with an extra method for verifying actual requests.
Event raised when a request is handled within an ApplicationContext.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request header.
Resolves Map method arguments annotated with @RequestHeader.
Resolves Map method arguments annotated with @RequestHeader.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @RequestHeader except for Map arguments.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @RequestHeader except for Map arguments.
Annotation for mapping web requests onto methods in request-handling classes with flexible method signatures.
Supports the invocation of @RequestMapping handler methods.
Extension of AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter that supports @RequestMapping annotated HandlerMethods.
An extension of RequestMappingInfoHandlerMapping that creates RequestMappingInfo instances from class-level and method-level @RequestMapping annotations.
Creates RequestMappingInfo instances from type and method-level @RequestMapping annotations in @Controller classes.
Request mapping information.
Request mapping information.
Defines a builder for creating a RequestMappingInfo.
Defines a builder for creating a RequestMappingInfo.
Container for configuration options used for request mapping purposes.
Container for configuration options used for request mapping purposes.
Abstract base class for classes for which RequestMappingInfo defines the mapping between a request and a handler method.
Abstract base class for classes for which RequestMappingInfo defines the mapping between a request and a handler method.
A HandlerMethodMappingNamingStrategy for RequestMappingInfo-based handler method mappings.
A contract for matching requests to expectations.
Container for the result from request pattern matching via MatchableHandlerMapping with a method to further extract URI template variables from the pattern.
Enumeration of HTTP request methods.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of RequestMethods.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of RequestMethods.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request parameter.
Resolves Map method arguments annotated with an @RequestParam where the annotation does not specify a request parameter name.
Resolver for Map method arguments annotated with @RequestParam where the annotation does not specify a request parameter name.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @RequestParam, arguments of type MultipartFile in conjunction with Spring's MultipartResolver abstraction, and arguments of type jakarta.servlet.http.Part in conjunction with Servlet multipart requests.
Resolver for method arguments annotated with @RequestParam from URI query string parameters.
Annotation that can be used to associate the part of a "multipart/form-data" request with a method argument.
Resolver for @RequestPart arguments where the named part is decoded much like an @RequestBody argument but based on the content of an individual part instead.
Resolves the following method arguments: Annotated with @RequestPart Of type MultipartFile in conjunction with Spring's MultipartResolver abstraction Of type jakarta.servlet.http.Part in conjunction with Servlet multipart requests
ServerHttpRequest implementation that accesses one part of a multipart request.
Specialization of PathContainer that subdivides the path into a RequestPath.contextPath() and the remaining RequestPath.pathWithinApplication().
Extension point for applications or 3rd party libraries that wish to further initialize a MockHttpServletRequest instance after it has been built by MockHttpServletRequestBuilder or its subclass MockMultipartHttpServletRequestBuilder.
Represents a function that evaluates on a given ServerRequest.
Represents a function that evaluates on a given ServerRequest.
Implementations of RequestPredicate that implement various useful request matching operations, such as matching based on path, HTTP method, etc.
Implementations of RequestPredicate that implement various useful request matching operations, such as matching based on path, HTTP method, etc.
Receives notifications from the logical structure of request predicates.
Receives notifications from the logical structure of request predicates.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @RequestBody and handles return values from methods annotated with @ResponseBody by reading and writing to the body of the request or response with an HttpMessageConverter.
Factory for assertions on the request.
@RequestScope is a specialization of @Scope for a component whose lifecycle is bound to the current web request.
Request-backed Scope implementation.
Strategy interface for translating an incoming HttpServletRequest into a logical view name when no view name is explicitly supplied.
A strategy for upgrading an HTTP request to a WebSocket session depending on the underlying network runtime.
A server-specific strategy for performing the actual upgrade to a WebSocket exchange.
An extension of ByteArrayOutputStream that: has public ResizableByteArrayOutputStream.grow(int) and ResizableByteArrayOutputStream.resize(int) methods to get more control over the size of the internal buffer has a higher initial capacity (256) by default
Encapsulates a Java Type, providing access to supertypes, interfaces, and generic parameters along with the ability to ultimately resolve to a Class.
Any object can implement this interface to provide its actual ResolvableType.
Interface for a resource descriptor that abstracts from the actual type of underlying resource, such as a file or class path resource.
Exception thrown when an I/O error occurs.
FactoryBean that bootstraps the specified JCA 1.7 ResourceAdapter, starting it with a local BootstrapContext and exposing it for bean references.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS ResourceAllocationException.
Editor for Resource arrays, to automatically convert String location patterns (e.g.
PropertyEditor implementation for standard JDK ResourceBundles.
A hint that describes the need to access a ResourceBundle.
Builder for ResourceBundleHint.
MessageSource implementation that accesses resource bundles using specified basenames.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common view resolver variants and/or custom resolver implementations
Assists with the registration of resource resolvers and transformers.
Assists with the registration of resource resolvers and transformers.
Populates, initializes, or cleans up a database using SQL scripts defined in external resources.
Populates, initializes, or cleans up a database using SQL scripts defined in external resources.
Decoder for Resources.
Editor for Resource descriptors, to automatically convert String locations e.g.
PropertyEditorRegistrar implementation that populates a given PropertyEditorRegistry (typically a BeanWrapper used for bean creation within an ApplicationContext) with resource editors.
Encoder for Resources.
EntityResolver implementation that tries to resolve entity references through a ResourceLoader (usually, relative to the resource base of an ApplicationContext), if applicable.
DynamicFile that holds resource file content and provides ResourceFileAssert support.
Assertion methods for ResourceFile instances.
An immutable collection of ResourceFile instances.
Assist with creating and configuring a static resources handler.
Encapsulates information required to create a resource handler.
Stores registrations of resource handlers for serving static resources such as images, css files and others through Spring WebFlux including setting cache headers optimized for efficient loading in a web browser.
Stores registrations of resource handlers for serving static resources such as images, css files and others through Spring MVC including setting cache headers optimized for efficient loading in a web browser.
Gather the need for resources available at runtime.
Generator of ResourceHints predicates, testing whether the given hints match the expected behavior for resources.
Generic interface to be implemented by resource holders.
Convenient base class for resource holders.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read/write Resources and supports byte range requests.
HttpMessageReader that wraps and delegates to a ResourceDecoder that extracts the filename from the "Content-Disposition" header, if available, and passes it as the ResourceDecoder.FILENAME_HINT.
HttpMessageWriter that can write a Resource.
HttpRequestHandler that serves static resources in an optimized way according to the guidelines of Page Speed, YSlow, etc.
Strategy interface for loading resources (e.g., class path or file system resources).
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ResourceLoader (typically the ApplicationContext) that it runs in.
Wrapper that adapts from the Quartz ClassLoadHelper interface onto Spring's ResourceLoader interface.
Subclass of ShadowingClassLoader that overrides attempts to locate certain files.
A hint that describes resources that should be made available at runtime.
A collection of ResourcePatternHint describing whether resources should be made available at runtime using a matching algorithm based on include/exclude patterns.
Strategy interface for resolving a location pattern (for example, an Ant-style path pattern) into Resource objects.
Utility class for determining whether a given URL is a resource location that can be loaded via a ResourcePatternResolver.
Subclass of PropertiesPropertySource that loads a Properties object from a given Resource or resource location such as "classpath:/com/myco/" or "file:/path/to/file.xml".
Region of a Resource implementation, materialized by a position within the Resource and a byte count for the length of that region.
Encoder for ResourceRegions.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can write a single ResourceRegion or Collections of ResourceRegions.
A strategy for resolving a request to a server-side resource.
A strategy for resolving a request to a server-side resource.
A contract for invoking a chain of ResourceResolvers where each resolver is given a reference to the chain allowing it to delegate when necessary.
A contract for invoking a chain of ResourceResolvers where each resolver is given a reference to the chain allowing it to delegate when necessary.
ScriptSource implementation based on Spring's Resource abstraction.
Extended variant of TransactionDefinition, indicating a resource transaction and in particular whether the transactional resource is ready for local optimizations.
Extension of the PlatformTransactionManager interface, indicating a native resource transaction manager, operating on a single target resource.
An abstraction for transforming the content of a resource.
An abstraction for transforming the content of a resource.
A contract for invoking a chain of ResourceTransformers where each resolver is given a reference to the chain allowing it to delegate when necessary.
A contract for invoking a chain of ResourceTransformers where each resolver is given a reference to the chain allowing it to delegate when necessary.
A base class for a ResourceTransformer with an optional helper method for resolving public links within a transformed resource.
A base class for a ResourceTransformer with an optional helper method for resolving public links within a transformed resource.
A filter that wraps the HttpServletResponse and overrides its encodeURL method in order to translate internal resource request URLs into public URL paths for external use.
A central component to use to obtain the public URL path that clients should use to access a static resource.
A central component to use to obtain the public URL path that clients should use to access a static resource.
An interceptor that exposes the ResourceUrlProvider instance it is configured with as a request attribute.
Utility methods for resolving resource locations to files in the file system.
HttpRequestHandler that serves static resources in an optimized way according to the guidelines of Page Speed, YSlow, etc.
A contract for setting up request expectations and defining a response.
Annotation that indicates a method return value should be bound to the web response body.
Allows customizing the response after the execution of an @ResponseBody or a ResponseEntity controller method but before the body is written with an HttpMessageConverter.
A controller method return value type for asynchronous request processing where one or more objects are written to the response.
A simple holder of data to be written along with a MediaType hint for selecting a message converter to write with.
Handler for return values of type ResponseBodyEmitter and subclasses such as SseEmitter including the same types wrapped with ResponseEntity.
HandlerResultHandler that handles return values from methods annotated with @ResponseBody writing to the body of the request or response with an HttpMessageWriter.
An HttpCookie subclass with the additional attributes allowed in the "Set-Cookie" response header.
A builder for a server-defined HttpCookie with attributes.
A contract for creating a ClientHttpResponse.
Extension of HttpEntity that adds an HttpStatusCode status code.
Defines a builder that adds a body to the response entity.
Defines a builder that adds headers to the response entity.
A class with an @ExceptionHandler method that handles all Spring WebFlux raised exceptions by returning a ResponseEntity with RFC 7807 formatted error details in the body.
A class with an @ExceptionHandler method that handles all Spring MVC raised exceptions by returning a ResponseEntity with RFC 7807 formatted error details in the body.
Handles return values of type HttpEntity, ResponseEntity, HttpHeaders, ErrorResponse, and ProblemDetail.
Strategy interface used by the RestTemplate to determine whether a particular response has an error or not.
Generic callback interface used by RestTemplate's retrieval methods.
Marks a method or exception class with the status ResponseStatus.code() and ResponseStatus.reason() that should be returned.
Subclass of ErrorResponseException that accepts a "reason" and maps it to the "detail" property of ProblemDetail.
Handle ResponseStatusException by setting the response status.
A HandlerExceptionResolver that uses the @ResponseStatus annotation to map exceptions to HTTP status codes.
Base class for exceptions thrown by RestTemplate in case a request fails because of a server error response, as determined via ResponseErrorHandler.hasError(ClientHttpResponse), failure to decode the response, or a low level I/O error.
Common base class for exceptions that contain actual HTTP response data.
A convenience annotation that is itself annotated with @Controller and @ResponseBody.
A convenience annotation that is itself annotated with @ControllerAdvice and @ResponseBody.
Convenient superclass for application classes that need REST access.
Interface specifying a basic set of RESTful operations.
Synchronous client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a simple, template method API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as the JDK HttpURLConnection, Apache HttpComponents, and others.
An XhrTransport implementation that uses a RestTemplate.
Allows applying actions, such as expectations, on the result of an executed request.
A ResultHandler performs a generic action on the result of an executed request — for example, printing debug information.
A ResultMatcher matches the result of an executed request against some expectation.
Callback interface used by JdbcTemplate's query methods.
Common base class for ResultSet-supporting SqlParameters like SqlOutParameter and SqlReturnResultSet.
The default implementation of Spring's SqlRowSet interface, wrapping a ResultSet, catching any SQLExceptions and translating them to a corresponding Spring InvalidResultSetAccessException.
The default implementation of Spring's SqlRowSetMetaData interface, wrapping a ResultSetMetaData instance, catching any SQLExceptions and translating them to a corresponding Spring InvalidResultSetAccessException.
Assist with configuration for handler method return value handlers.
Indicates the 'role' hint for a given bean.
@Rollback is a test annotation that is used to indicate whether a test-managed transaction should be rolled back after the test method has completed.
Rule determining whether a given exception should cause a rollback.
A root bean definition represents the merged bean definition that backs a specific bean in a Spring BeanFactory at runtime.
Simple ClassFilter implementation that passes classes (and optionally subclasses).
Contract for matching routes to patterns.
A parsed representation of a route.
Represents a function that routes to a handler function.
Represents a function that routes to a handler function.
HandlerMapping implementation that supports RouterFunctions.
HandlerMapping implementation that supports RouterFunctions.
Central entry point to Spring's functional web framework. Exposes routing functionality, such as to create a RouterFunction using a discoverable builder-style API, to create a RouterFunction given a RequestPredicate and HandlerFunction, and to do further subrouting on an existing routing function.
Central entry point to Spring's functional web framework. Exposes routing functionality, such as to create a RouterFunction using a discoverable builder-style API, to create a RouterFunction given a RequestPredicate and HandlerFunction, and to do further subrouting on an existing routing function.
Represents a discoverable builder for router functions.
Represents a discoverable builder for router functions.
Receives notifications from the logical structure of router functions.
Receives notifications from the logical structure of router functions.
An interface used by JdbcTemplate for processing rows of a ResultSet on a per-row basis.
Implementation of RowCallbackHandler.
An interface used by JdbcTemplate for mapping rows of a ResultSet on a per-row basis.
Adapter implementation of the ResultSetExtractor interface that delegates to a RowMapper which is supposed to create an object for each row.
Contract for fetching tabular results.
Strategy to apply configuration to an RSocketConnector.
Annotation to declare a method on an RSocket service interface as an RSocket endpoint.
A condition to assist with mapping onto handler methods based on the RSocket frame type.
Extension of MessageMappingMessageHandler for handling RSocket requests with @ConnectMapping and @MessageMapping methods.
Extension of AbstractEncoderMethodReturnValueHandler that handles encoded content by wrapping data buffers as RSocket payloads and by passing those through the RSocketPayloadReturnValueHandler.RESPONSE_HEADER header.
A thin wrapper around a sending RSocket with a fluent API accepting and returning higher level Objects for input and for output, along with methods to prepare routing and other metadata.
Builder to create a requester by connecting to a server.
Spec for providing additional composite metadata entries.
Spec to declare the input for an RSocket request.
Spec to declare the expected output for an RSocket request.
Resolves arguments of type RSocket that can be used for making requests to the remote peer.
Container for RSocket request values extracted from an @RSocketExchange-annotated method and argument values passed to it.
Resolve an argument from an @RSocketExchange-annotated method to one or more RSocket request values.
Factory for creating a client proxy given an RSocket service interface with @RSocketExchange methods.
Access to strategies for use by RSocket requester and responder components.
The builder options for creating RSocketStrategies.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write RSS feeds.
TransactionAttribute implementation that works out whether a given exception should cause transaction rollback by applying a number of rollback rules, both positive and negative.
RunAfterTestClassCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling afterTestClass() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunAfterTestExecutionCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit 4 execution chain by calling afterTestExecution() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling afterTestMethod() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunBeforeTestClassCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling beforeTestClass() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunBeforeTestExecutionCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit 4 execution chain by calling beforeTestExecution() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunBeforeTestMethodCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling beforeTestMethod() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunPrepareTestInstanceCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling prepareTestInstance() on the supplied TestContextManager.
Immutable placeholder class used for a property value object when it's a reference to another bean name in the factory, to be resolved at runtime.
Immutable placeholder class used for a property value object when it's a reference to another bean in the factory, to be resolved at runtime.
Gather hints that can be used to optimize the application runtime.
Java Agent that records method invocations related to RuntimeHints metadata.
A wrapper for RecordedInvocation that is the starting point for RuntimeHints AssertJ assertions.
AssertJ assertions that can be applied to RuntimeHintsInvocations.
Static generator of predicates that test whether the given RuntimeHints instance matches the expected behavior for reflection, resource, serialization, or proxy generation.
Invocations relevant to RuntimeHints recorded during the execution of a block of code instrumented by the RuntimeHintsAgent.
Contract for registering RuntimeHints based on the ClassLoader of the deployment unit.
Interface that specifies an API to programmatically manage transaction savepoints in a generic fashion.
Convenient utility methods for dealing with SAX.
Extension of the GenericBeanDefinition class, based on an ASM ClassReader, with support for annotation metadata exposed through the AnnotatedBeanDefinition interface.
Annotation that marks a method to be scheduled.
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with @Scheduled to be invoked by a TaskScheduler according to the "fixedRate", "fixedDelay", or "cron" expression provided via the annotation.
FactoryBean that sets up a ScheduledExecutorService (by default: a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) and exposes it for bean references.
JavaBean that describes a scheduled executor task, consisting of the Runnable and a delay plus period.
Variant of MethodInvokingRunnable meant to be used for processing of no-arg scheduled methods.
A representation of a scheduled task at runtime, used as a return value for scheduling methods.
Common interface for exposing locally scheduled tasks.
Helper bean for registering tasks with a TaskScheduler, typically using cron expressions.
Parser for the 'scheduled-tasks' element of the scheduling namespace.
Common base class for accessing a Quartz Scheduler, i.e.
Spring bean-style class for accessing a Quartz Scheduler, i.e.
Parser for the 'scheduler' element of the 'task' namespace.
Callback interface to be implemented by Spring-managed Quartz artifacts that need access to the SchedulerContext (without having natural access to it).
FactoryBean that creates and configures a Quartz Scheduler, manages its lifecycle as part of the Spring application context, and exposes the Scheduler as bean reference for dependency injection.
Container annotation that aggregates several Scheduled annotations.
Extension of the Runnable interface, adding special callbacks for long-running operations.
@Configuration class that registers a ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor bean capable of processing Spring's @Scheduled annotation.
Optional interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableScheduling.
General exception to be thrown on scheduling failures, such as the scheduler already having shut down.
A TaskExecutor extension exposing scheduling characteristics that are relevant to potential task submitters.
Strategy interface used by a ConfigurableBeanFactory, representing a target scope to hold bean instances in.
When used as a type-level annotation in conjunction with @Component, @Scope indicates the name of a scope to use for instances of the annotated type.
An AOP introduction interface for scoped objects.
Convenient proxy factory bean for scoped objects.
Enumerates the various scoped-proxy options.
Utility class for creating a scoped proxy.
Describes scope characteristics for a Spring-managed bean including the scope name and the scoped-proxy behavior.
Strategy interface for resolving the scope of bean definitions.
A subclass of BeanCreationException which indicates that the target scope is not active, e.g.
Exception to be thrown on script compilation failure.
Spring's strategy interface for evaluating a script.
Root of the hierarchy of data access exceptions that are related to processing of SQL scripts.
Root of the hierarchy of data access exceptions that are related to processing of SQL scripts.
Script definition interface, encapsulating the configuration of a specific script as well as a factory method for creating the actual scripted Java Object.
BeanPostProcessor that handles ScriptFactory definitions, replacing each factory with the actual scripted Java object generated by it.
Thrown by ScriptUtils if an SQL script cannot be properly parsed.
Thrown by ScriptUtils if an SQL script cannot be properly parsed.
Interface that defines the source of a script.
Thrown by ScriptUtils if a statement in an SQL script failed when executing it against the target database.
Thrown by ScriptUtils if a statement in an SQL script failed when executing it against the target database.
Interface to be implemented by objects that configure and manage a JSR-223 ScriptEngine for automatic lookup in a web environment.
Interface to be implemented by objects that configure and manage a JSR-223 ScriptEngine for automatic lookup in a web environment.
An implementation of the Spring WebFlux ScriptTemplateConfig for creating a ScriptEngine for use in a web application.
An implementation of Spring MVC's ScriptTemplateConfig for creating a ScriptEngine for use in a web application.
Parse the <mvc:script-template-configurer> MVC namespace element and register a ScriptTemplateConfigurer bean.
An AbstractUrlBasedView subclass designed to run any template library based on a JSR-223 script engine.
An AbstractUrlBasedView subclass designed to run any template library based on a JSR-223 script engine.
Convenience subclass of UrlBasedViewResolver that supports ScriptTemplateView and custom subclasses of it.
Convenience subclass of UrlBasedViewResolver that supports ScriptTemplateView and custom subclasses of it.
Generic utility methods for working with SQL scripts in conjunction with JDBC.
Generic utility methods for working with SQL scripts in conjunction with R2DBC.
Represents selection over a map or collection.
The <select> tag renders an HTML 'select' element.
Interface that allows infrastructure components to provide their own ObjectNames to the MBeanExporter.
Annotation that indicates a method's return value should be converted to a Message if necessary and sent to the specified destination.
A HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler for sending to destinations specified in a SendTo or SendToUser method-level annotations.
Indicates the return value of a message-handling method should be sent as a Message to the specified destination(s) further prepended with "/user/{username}" where the user name is extracted from the headers of the input message being handled.
A convenient delegate with pre-arranged configuration state for common serialization needs.
Wrapper for the native IOException (or similar) when a Serializer or Deserializer failed.
Gather the need for Java serialization at runtime.
Generator of SerializationHints predicates, testing whether the given hints match the expected behavior for serialization.
Static utilities for serialization and deserialization using Java Object Serialization.
A strategy interface for streaming an object to an OutputStream.
A Converter that delegates to a Serializer to convert an object to a byte array.
Extension of CodecConfigurer for HTTP message reader and writer options relevant on the server side.
CodecConfigurer.DefaultCodecs extension with extra client-side options.
Detects beans of type ServerEndpointConfig and registers with the standard Java WebSocket runtime.
An implementation of ServerEndpointConfig for use in Spring-based applications.
Exception for an HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR that exposes extra information about a controller method that failed, or a controller method argument that could not be resolved.
A control that can put the processing of an HTTP request in asynchronous mode during which the response remains open until explicitly closed.
Represents a reactive server-side HTTP request.
Represents a server-side HTTP request.
Builder for mutating an existing ServerHttpRequest.
Wraps another ServerHttpRequest and delegates all methods to it.
Represents a reactive server-side HTTP response.
Represents a server-side HTTP response.
Wraps another ServerHttpResponse and delegates all methods to it.
Represents a server-side HTTP request, as handled by a HandlerFunction.
Represents a server-side HTTP request, as handled by a HandlerFunction.
Defines a builder for a request.
Defines a builder for a request.
Represents the headers of the HTTP request.
Represents the headers of the HTTP request.
Implementation of the ServerRequest interface that can be subclassed to adapt the request in a handler filter function.
Implementation of the Headers interface that can be subclassed to adapt the headers in a handler filter function.
Represents a typed server-side HTTP response, as returned by a handler function or filter function.
Represents a typed server-side HTTP response, as returned by a handler function or filter function.
Defines a builder that adds a body to the response.
Defines a builder that adds a body to the response.
Defines the context used during the ServerResponse.writeTo(ServerWebExchange, Context).
Defines a builder that adds headers to the response.
Defines a builder that adds headers to the response.
Defines a builder for a body that sends server-sent events.
HandlerResultHandler implementation that supports ServerResponses.
Representation for a Server-Sent Event for use with Spring's reactive Web support.
A mutable builder for a SseEvent.
Reader that supports a stream of ServerSentEvents and also plain Objects which is the same as an ServerSentEvent with data only.
HttpMessageWriter for "text/event-stream" responses.
Contract for an HTTP request-response interaction.
Builder for mutating an existing ServerWebExchange.
Inserts an attribute in the Reactor Context that makes the current ServerWebExchange available under the attribute name ServerWebExchangeContextFilter.EXCHANGE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE.
A convenient base class for classes that need to wrap another ServerWebExchange.
Resolves ServerWebExchange-related method argument values of the following types: ServerWebExchange ServerHttpRequest ServerHttpResponse HttpMethod Locale TimeZone ZoneId UriBuilder or UriComponentsBuilder -- for building URL's relative to the current request
Exception for errors that fit response status 400 (bad request) for use in Spring Web applications.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Service", originally defined by Domain-Driven Design (Evans, 2003) as "an operation offered as an interface that stands alone in the model, with no encapsulated state."
FactoryBean that exposes the 'primary' service for the configured service class, obtained through the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility.
FactoryBean that exposes all services for the configured service class, represented as a List of service objects, obtained through the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility.
FactoryBean that exposes the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader for the configured service class.
A FactoryBean implementation that takes an interface which must have one or more methods with the signatures MyType xxx() or MyType xxx(MyIdType id) (typically, MyService getService() or MyService getService(String id)) and creates a dynamic proxy which implements that interface, delegating to an underlying BeanFactory.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ServletConfig (typically determined by the WebApplicationContext) that it runs in.
PropertySource that reads init parameters from a ServletConfig object.
Exporter that takes Spring-defined objects and exposes them as ServletContext attributes.
FactoryBean that fetches a specific, existing ServletContext attribute.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ServletContext (typically determined by the WebApplicationContext) that it runs in.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that passes the ServletContext to beans that implement the ServletContextAware interface.
FactoryBean that retrieves a specific ServletContext init parameter (that is, a "context-param" defined in web.xml).
PropertySource that reads init parameters from a ServletContext object.
Helper class for resolving placeholders in texts.
Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the ServletContext log.
Resource implementation for ServletContext resources, interpreting relative paths within the web application root directory.
ResourceLoader implementation that resolves paths as ServletContext resources, for use outside a WebApplicationContext (for example, in an HttpServletBean or GenericFilterBean subclass).
ServletContext-aware subclass of PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver, able to find matching resources below the web application root directory via ServletContext.getResourcePaths(java.lang.String).
Scope wrapper for a ServletContext, i.e.
An AbstractCookieValueMethodArgumentResolver that resolves cookie values from an HttpServletRequest.
Spring Controller implementation that forwards to a named servlet, i.e.
Adapt HttpHandler to an HttpServlet using Servlet Async support and Servlet non-blocking I/O.
Extends InvocableHandlerMethod with the ability to handle return values through a registered HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler and also supports setting the response status based on a method-level @ResponseStatus annotation.
A Servlet-specific ModelAttributeMethodProcessor that applies data binding through a WebDataBinder of type ServletRequestDataBinder.
as of 5.2.4.
Servlet-based implementation of the RequestAttributes interface.
Fatal binding exception, thrown when we want to treat binding exceptions as unrecoverable.
Special DataBinder to perform data binding from servlet request parameters to JavaBeans, including support for multipart files.
Creates a ServletRequestDataBinder.
Servlet-specific subclass of RequestHandledEvent, adding servlet-specific context information.
Resolves servlet backed request-related method arguments.
PropertyValues implementation created from parameters in a ServletRequest.
A Filter to parse and cache a RequestPath for further access throughout the filter chain.
Utility class to assist with preparation and access to the lookup path for request mapping purposes.
Parameter extraction methods, for an approach distinct from data binding, in which parameters of specific types are required.
Resolves servlet backed response-related method arguments.
A FactoryBean for configuring ServerContainer.
A ServerHttpAsyncRequestControl to use on Servlet containers.
ServerHttpRequest implementation that is based on a HttpServletRequest.
ServerHttpResponse implementation that is based on a HttpServletResponse.
TestExecutionListener which provides mock Servlet API support to WebApplicationContexts loaded by the Spring TestContext Framework.
UriComponentsBuilder with additional static factory methods to create links based on the current HttpServletRequest.
A helper class for configuring WebSocketHandler request handling including SockJS fallback options.
WebSocketHandlerRegistry with Spring MVC handler mappings for the handshake requests.
Spring Controller implementation that wraps a servlet instance which it manages internally.
Annotation to bind a method parameter to a session attribute.
Resolves method arguments annotated with an @SessionAttribute.
Resolves method arguments annotated with an @SessionAttribute.
Annotation that indicates the session attributes that a specific handler uses.
Manages controller-specific session attributes declared via @SessionAttributes.
Strategy interface for storing model attributes in a backend session.
Variant of the standard JMS MessageListener interface, offering not only the received Message but also the underlying JMS Session object.
Callback for executing any number of operations on a provided Session.
A connected event represents the server response to a client's connect request.
Event raised when a new WebSocket client using a Simple Messaging Protocol (e.g.
Event raised when the session of a WebSocket client using a Simple Messaging Protocol (e.g.
Helper class featuring methods for Hibernate Session handling.
Store and retrieve FlashMap instances to and from the HTTP session.
Resource holder wrapping a Hibernate Session (plus an optional Transaction).
Raised when a WebSocket session has exceeded limits it has been configured for, e.g.
LocaleResolver implementation that uses a locale attribute in the user's session in case of a custom setting, with a fallback to the configured default locale, the request's Accept-Language header, or the default locale for the server.
Subinterface of Session to be implemented by Session proxies.
@SessionScope is a specialization of @Scope for a component whose lifecycle is bound to the current web session.
Session-backed Scope implementation.
Simple interface that can be injected into handler methods, allowing them to signal that their session processing is complete.
Resolves a SessionStatus argument by obtaining it from the ModelAndViewContainer.
Resolver for a SessionStatus argument obtaining it from the BindingContext.
Event raised when a new WebSocket client using a Simple Messaging Protocol (e.g.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Event raised when a new WebSocket client using a Simple Messaging Protocol (e.g.
Simple factory for shared Set instances.
as of 6.0, in favor of CompletableFuture
ClassLoader decorator that shadows an enclosing ClassLoader, applying registered transformers to all affected classes.
Filter that generates an ETag value based on the content on the response.
FactoryBean that exposes a shared JPA EntityManager reference for a given EntityManagerFactory.
Delegate for creating a shareable JPA EntityManager reference for a given EntityManagerFactory.
MockMvcConfigurer that stores and re-uses the HTTP session across multiple requests performed through the same MockMvc instance.
A representation of a method signature, containing the method name, return type, and parameter types.
A handler for messages delegating to @MessageMapping and @SubscribeMapping annotated methods.
A wrapper class for access to attributes associated with a SiMP session (e.g.
Holder class to expose SiMP attributes associated with a session (e.g.
Simple implementation of the AliasRegistry interface.
Simple implementation of the ApplicationEventMulticaster interface.
Implementation of AspectInstanceFactory that creates a new instance of the specified aspect class for every SimpleAspectInstanceFactory.getAspectInstance() call.
TaskExecutor implementation that fires up a new Thread for each task, executing it asynchronously.
A default AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler that simply logs the exception.
AutowireCandidateResolver implementation to use when no annotation support is available.
Simple implementation of the BeanDefinitionRegistry interface.
Implementation of AspectInstanceFactory that locates the aspect from the BeanFactory using a configured bean name.
Simple TargetSource implementation, freshly obtaining the specified target bean from its containing Spring BeanFactory.
Simple implementation of the JCA 1.7 BootstrapContext interface, used for bootstrapping a JCA ResourceAdapter in a local environment.
A "simple" message broker that recognizes the message types defined in SimpMessageType, keeps track of subscriptions with the help of a SubscriptionRegistry and sends messages to subscribers.
Registration class for configuring a SimpleBrokerMessageHandler.
A simple CacheErrorHandler that does not handle the exception at all, simply throwing it back at the client.
Simple cache manager working against a given collection of caches.
A simple CacheResolver that resolves the Cache instance(s) based on a configurable CacheManager and the name of the cache(s) as provided by getCacheNames().
ClientHttpRequestFactory implementation that uses standard JDK facilities.
CommandLinePropertySource implementation backed by a simple String array.
Simple implementation of the ConnectionHandle interface, containing a given JDBC Connection.
Simple NamespaceHandler implementation that maps custom attributes directly through to bean properties.
Adapter to use the plain Controller workflow interface with the generic DispatcherServlet.
Simple implementation of the standard JDBC DataSource interface, configuring a plain old JDBC Driver via bean properties, and returning a new Connection from every getConnection call.
A basic implementation of EvaluationContext that focuses on a subset of essential SpEL features and customization options, targeting simple condition evaluation and in particular data binding scenarios.
Builder for SimpleEvaluationContext.
A simple CacheResolver that resolves the exception cache based on a configurable CacheManager and the name of the cache: CacheResultOperation.getExceptionCacheName().
HandlerAdapter that allows using the plain WebHandler contract with the generic DispatcherHandler.
A simple IdGenerator that starts at 1, increments up to Long.MAX_VALUE, and then rolls over.
Simple object instantiation strategy for use in a BeanFactory.
Simplistic implementation of an instrumentable ClassLoader.
A SimpleJdbcCall is a multithreaded, reusable object representing a call to a stored procedure or a stored function.
Interface specifying the API for a Simple JDBC Call implemented by SimpleJdbcCall.
A SimpleJdbcInsert is a multithreaded, reusable object providing easy insert capabilities for a table.
Interface specifying the API for a Simple JDBC Insert implemented by SimpleJdbcInsert.
Simple implementation of JmsHeaderMapper.
A JmsListenerContainerFactory implementation to build a standard SimpleMessageListenerContainer.
A JmsListenerEndpoint simply providing the MessageListener to invoke to process an incoming message for this endpoint.
Simple JNDI-based implementation of Spring's BeanFactory interface.
A simple key as returned from the SimpleKeyGenerator.
Simple key generator.
LoadTimeWeaver that builds and exposes a SimpleInstrumentableClassLoader.
Simple implementation of the LocaleContext interface, always returning a specified Locale.
in spring-jcl (effectively equivalent to NoOpLog)
Models a simple mail message, including data such as the from, to, cc, subject, and text fields.
HandlerExceptionResolver implementation that allows for mapping exception class names to view names, either for a set of given handlers or for all handlers in the DispatcherServlet.
A simple message converter which is able to handle TextMessages, BytesMessages, MapMessages, and ObjectMessages.
A simple converter that simply unwraps the message payload as long as it matches the expected target class.
Message listener container that uses the plain JMS client API's MessageConsumer.setMessageListener() method to create concurrent MessageConsumers for the specified listeners.
Implementation of MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory that creates a new instance of the specified aspect class for every SimpleAspectInstanceFactory.getAspectInstance() call.
Simple implementation of the MetadataReaderFactory interface, creating a new ASM ClassReader for every request.
Simple javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext implementation.
Simple NamespaceHandler implementation that maps custom attributes directly through to bean properties.
Simple subclass of AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler that always votes yes for method and property inclusion, effectively exposing all public methods and properties as operations and attributes.
A simple ReflectiveProcessor implementation that registers only a reflection hint for the annotated type.
Simple RequestExpectationManager that matches requests to expectations sequentially, i.e.
RouteMatcher that delegates to a PathMatcher.
Simple org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler implementation: logs warnings using the given Commons Logging logger instance, and rethrows errors to discontinue the XML transformation.
Adapter to use the Servlet interface with the generic DispatcherServlet.
BeanPostProcessor that applies initialization and destruction callbacks to beans that implement the Servlet interface.
Simple implementation of the SessionStatus interface, keeping the complete flag as an instance variable.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Subclass of Quartz's SimpleThreadPool that implements Spring's TaskExecutor interface and listens to Spring lifecycle callbacks.
A simple thread-backed Scope implementation.
ClassLoader that can be used to load classes without bringing them into the parent loader.
Simple implementation of the TimeZoneAwareLocaleContext interface, always returning a specified Locale and TimeZone.
Simple AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that can be introduced in a chain to display verbose trace information about intercepted method invocations, with method entry and method exit info.
Default implementation of the TransactionFactory strategy interface, simply wrapping a standard JTA TransactionManager.
A simple transaction-backed Scope implementation, delegating to TransactionSynchronizationManager's resource binding mechanism.
A simple TransactionStatus implementation.
Simple javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener implementation: logs warnings using the given Commons Logging logger instance, and rethrows errors to discontinue the XML transformation.
Simple data holder implementation of the TriggerContext interface.
A Spring FactoryBean for creating a Quartz SimpleTrigger instance, supporting bean-style usage for trigger configuration.
Simple implementation of the TypeConverter interface that does not operate on a specific target object.
Implementation of the HandlerMapping interface to map from URLs to request handler beans.
Implementation of the HandlerMapping interface that maps from URLs to request handler beans.
Straightforward implementation of Cache.ValueWrapper, simply holding the value as given at construction and returning it from SimpleValueWrapper.get().
Holds the shared logger named "org.springframework.web.SimpLogging" to use for STOMP over WebSocket messaging when logging for "org.springframework.messaging.simp" is off but logging for "org.springframework.web" is on.
A base class for working with message headers in simple messaging protocols that support basic messaging patterns.
MessageCondition for SImple Messaging Protocols.
A specialization of MessageSendingOperations with methods for use with the Spring Framework support for Simple Messaging Protocols (like STOMP).
A generic representation of different kinds of messages found in simple messaging protocols like STOMP.
MessageCondition that matches by the message type obtained via SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.getMessageType(Map).
An implementation of SimpMessageSendingOperations.
Represents a session of connected user.
A Scope implementation exposing the attributes of a SiMP session (e.g.
Represents a subscription within a user session.
A strategy for matching subscriptions.
Represents a connected user.
A registry of currently connected users.
RowMapper implementation that converts a single column into a single result value per row.
Implementation of SmartDataSource that wraps a single JDBC Connection which is not closed after use.
A JMS ConnectionFactory adapter that returns the same Connection from all SingleConnectionFactory.createConnection() calls, and ignores calls to Connection.close().
Implementation of DelegatingConnectionFactory that wraps a single R2DBC Connection which is not closed after use.
An implementation of ConnectionFactoryLookup that simply wraps a single given ConnectionFactory returned for any connection factory name.
An implementation of the DataSourceLookup that simply wraps a single given DataSource, returned for any data source name.
Implementation of AspectInstanceFactory that is backed by a specified singleton object, returning the same instance for every SingletonAspectInstanceFactory.getAspectInstance() call.
Interface that defines a registry for shared bean instances.
Implementation of MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory that is backed by a specified singleton object, returning the same instance for every SingletonAspectInstanceFactory.getAspectInstance() call.
A Supplier decorator that caches a singleton result and makes it available from SingletonSupplier.get() (nullable) and SingletonSupplier.obtain() (null-safe).
Implementation of the TargetSource interface that holds a given object.
Extended variant of the standard ApplicationListener interface, exposing further metadata such as the supported event and source type.
Interface to be implemented by a reloading-aware ClassLoader (e.g.
Extension of the jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory interface, indicating how to release Connections obtained from it.
Strategy interface for loading an ApplicationContext for an integration test managed by the Spring TestContext Framework.
Extension of the javax.sql.DataSource interface, to be implemented by special DataSources that return JDBC Connections in an unwrapped fashion.
Extension of the FactoryBean interface.
Callback interface triggered at the end of the singleton pre-instantiation phase during BeanFactory bootstrap.
Extension of the InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor interface, adding a callback for predicting the eventual type of a processed bean.
An extension of the Lifecycle interface for those objects that require to be started upon ApplicationContext refresh and/or shutdown in a particular order.
An extended MessageConverter SPI with conversion hint support.
An extended MessageConverter SPI with conversion hint support.
Extension of the standard JPA PersistenceUnitInfo interface, for advanced collaboration between Spring's LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean and PersistenceUnitManager implementations.
Interface to be implemented by transaction objects that are able to return an internal rollback-only marker, typically from another transaction that has participated and marked it as rollback-only.
Extended variant of the Validator interface, adding support for validation 'hints'.
Provides additional information about a View such as whether it performs redirects.
A SockJS implementation of WebSocketClient with fallback alternatives that simulate a WebSocket interaction through plain HTTP streaming and long polling techniques.
Base class for exceptions raised while processing SockJS HTTP requests.
Represents a SockJS frame.
Applies a transport-specific format to the content of a SockJS frame resulting in a content that can be written out.
SockJS frame types.
An HttpRequestHandler that allows mapping a SockJsService to requests in a Servlet container.
Encode and decode messages to and from a SockJS message frame, essentially an array of JSON-encoded messages.
An exception thrown when a message frame was successfully received over an HTTP POST and parsed but one or more of the messages it contained could not be delivered to the WebSocketHandler either because the handler failed or because the connection got closed.
The main entry point for processing HTTP requests from SockJS clients.
Provides transport handling code with access to the SockJsService configuration options they need to have access to.
A helper class for configuring SockJS fallback options for use with an EnableWebSocket and WebSocketConfigurer setup.
SockJS extension of Spring's standard WebSocketSession.
A factory for creating a SockJS session.
Indicates a serious failure that occurred in the SockJS implementation as opposed to in user code (e.g.
Container for the base URL of a SockJS endpoint with additional helper methods to derive related SockJS URLs: specifically, the info and transport URLs.
An implementation of WebSocketHandler that adds SockJS messages frames, sends SockJS heartbeat messages, and delegates lifecycle events and messages to a target WebSocketHandler.
Definition for sorting bean instances by a property.
FactoryBean implementation that takes a list of location Strings and creates a sorted array of Resource instances.
Simple strategy allowing tools to control how source metadata is attached to the bean definition metadata.
DynamicFile that holds Java source code and provides SourceFileAssert support.
Assertion methods for SourceFile instances.
An immutable collection of SourceFile instances.
ApplicationListener decorator that filters events from a specified event source, invoking its delegate listener for matching ApplicationEvent objects only.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write Source objects.
A SpelCompiler will take a regular parsed expression and create (and load) a class containing byte code that does the same thing as that expression.
Captures the possible configuration settings for a compiler that can be used when evaluating expressions.
Root exception for Spring EL related exceptions.
A SpelExpression represents a parsed (valid) expression that is ready to be evaluated in a specified context.
SpEL parser.
Contains all the messages that can be produced by the Spring Expression Language.
Message kinds.
Represents a node in the AST for a parsed expression.
The common supertype of all AST nodes in a parsed Spring Expression Language format expression.
Root exception for Spring EL related exceptions.
Configuration object for the SpEL expression parser.
Utility class exposing constants related to Spring's internal repackaging of the ASM bytecode library: currently based on ASM 9.x plus minor patches.
Convenient base class for self-autowiring classes that gets constructed within a Spring-based web application.
Spring's implementation of Hibernate's BeanContainer SPI, delegating to a Spring ConfigurableListableBeanFactory.
JSF ELResolver that delegates to the Spring root WebApplicationContext, resolving name references to Spring-defined beans.
Subclass of AdaptableJobFactory that also supports Spring-style dependency injection on bean properties.
Strategy implementation for parsing Spring's Caching, Cacheable, CacheEvict, and CachePut annotations.
Empty class used to ensure that the org.springframework.cglib package is processed during javadoc generation.
SpringClassRule is a custom JUnit TestRule that supports class-level features of the Spring TestContext Framework in standard JUnit tests by means of the TestContextManager and associated support classes and annotations.
A ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator for initializing ServerEndpoint-annotated classes through Spring.
@Configuration class that registers an AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect capable of performing dependency injection services for non-Spring managed objects annotated with @Configurable.
JSR-303 ConstraintValidatorFactory implementation that delegates to a Spring BeanFactory for creating autowired ConstraintValidator instances.
SpringExtension integrates the Spring TestContext Framework into JUnit 5's Jupiter programming model.
General purpose factory loading mechanism for internal use within the framework.
Strategy for resolving constructor arguments based on their type.
Strategy for handling a failure that occurs when instantiating a factory.
SpringFailOnTimeout is a custom JUnit Statement which adds support for Spring's @Timed annotation by throwing an exception if the next statement in the execution chain takes more than the specified number of milliseconds.
Simple synchronization adapter that propagates a flush() call to the underlying Hibernate Session.
Allows for creating Jackson (JsonSerializer, JsonDeserializer, KeyDeserializer, TypeResolverBuilder, TypeIdResolver) beans with autowiring against a Spring ApplicationContext.
Spring-specific subclass of Hibernate's JTASessionContext, setting FlushMode.MANUAL for read-only transactions.
Adapter that implements the JTA Synchronization interface delegating to an underlying Spring TransactionSynchronization.
SpringJUnit4ClassRunner is a custom extension of JUnit's BlockJUnit4ClassRunner which provides functionality of the Spring TestContext Framework to standard JUnit tests by means of the TestContextManager and associated support classes and annotations.
@SpringJUnitConfig is a composed annotation that combines @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) from JUnit Jupiter with @ContextConfiguration from the Spring TestContext Framework.
@SpringJUnitWebConfig is a composed annotation that combines @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) from JUnit Jupiter with @ContextConfiguration and @WebAppConfiguration from the Spring TestContext Framework.
SpringMethodRule is a custom JUnit 4 MethodRule that supports instance-level and method-level features of the Spring TestContext Framework in standard JUnit tests by means of the TestContextManager and associated support classes and annotations.
Extension of the RequiredModelMBean class that ensures the thread context ClassLoader is switched for the managed resource's ClassLoader before any invocations occur.
Custom variant of CGLIB's DefaultNamingPolicy, modifying the tag in generated class names from "EnhancerByCGLIB" etc to a "SpringCGLIB" tag and using a plain counter suffix instead of a hash code suffix (as of 6.0).
Spring-specific variant of ObjenesisStd / ObjenesisBase, providing a cache based on Class keys instead of class names, and allowing for selective use of the cache.
Static holder for local Spring properties, i.e.
Marker interface implemented by all AOP proxies.
SpringRepeat is a custom JUnit Statement which adds support for Spring's @Repeat annotation by repeating the test the specified number of times.
SpringRunner is an alias for the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.
A Spring-provided ServletContainerInitializer designed to support code-based configuration of the servlet container using Spring's WebApplicationInitializer SPI as opposed to (or possibly in combination with) the traditional web.xml-based approach.
Implementation of Hibernate 3.1's CurrentSessionContext interface that delegates to Spring's SessionFactoryUtils for providing a Spring-managed current Session.
Callback for resource cleanup at the end of a Spring-managed transaction for a pre-bound Hibernate Session.
FreeMarker TemplateLoader adapter that loads via a Spring ResourceLoader.
Strategy implementation for parsing Spring's Transactional annotation.
Adapter that takes a JSR-303 javax.validator.Validator and exposes it as a Spring Validator while also exposing the original JSR-303 Validator interface itself.
Class that exposes the Spring version.
JSR-303 ConstraintValidatorFactory implementation that delegates to the current Spring WebApplicationContext for creating autowired ConstraintValidator instances.
@Sql is used to annotate a test class or test method to configure SQL Sql.scripts() and Sql.statements() to be executed against a given database during integration tests.
Enumeration of phases that dictate when SQL scripts are executed.
RdbmsOperation using a JdbcTemplate and representing an SQL-based call such as a stored procedure or a stored function.
@SqlConfig defines metadata that is used to determine how to parse and execute SQL scripts configured via the @Sql annotation.
Enumeration of modes that dictate how errors are handled while executing SQL statements.
Enumeration of modes that dictate whether SQL scripts should be executed within a transaction and what the transaction propagation behavior should be.
JavaBean for holding JDBC error codes for a particular database.
Factory for creating SQLErrorCodes based on the "databaseProductName" taken from the DatabaseMetaData.
Implementation of SQLExceptionTranslator that analyzes vendor-specific error codes.
SQLExceptionTranslator implementation which analyzes the specific SQLException subclass thrown by the JDBC driver.
Strategy interface for translating between SQLExceptions and Spring's data access strategy-agnostic DataAccessException hierarchy.
SQL "function" wrapper for a query that returns a single row of results.
Container annotation that aggregates several @Sql annotations.
Subclass of SqlOutParameter to represent an INOUT parameter.
Object to represent an SQL BLOB/CLOB value parameter.
@SqlMergeMode is used to annotate a test class or test method to configure whether method-level @Sql declarations are merged with class-level @Sql declarations.
Enumeration of modes that dictate whether method-level @Sql declarations are merged with class-level @Sql declarations.
Operation object representing an SQL-based operation such as a query or update, as opposed to a stored procedure.
Subclass of SqlParameter to represent an output parameter.
Object to represent an SQL parameter definition.
Interface that defines common functionality for objects that can offer parameter values for named SQL parameters, serving as argument for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate operations.
Class that provides helper methods for the use of SqlParameterSource, in particular with NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.
Object to represent an SQL parameter value, including parameter meta-data such as the SQL type and the scale for numeric values.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can provide SQL strings.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can provide SQL strings.
Reusable operation object representing an SQL query.
Represents a returned ResultSet from a stored procedure call.
Interface to be implemented for retrieving values for more complex database-specific types not supported by the standard CallableStatement.getObject method.
Represents a returned update count from a stored procedure call.
Mirror interface for RowSet, representing a disconnected variant of ResultSet data.
Metadata interface for Spring's SqlRowSet, analogous to JDBC's ResultSetMetaData.
ResultSetExtractor implementation that returns a Spring SqlRowSet representation for each given ResultSet.
TestExecutionListener that provides support for executing SQL scripts and inlined statements configured via the @Sql annotation.
SQL Server specific implementation for the CallMetaDataProvider interface.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given SQL Server table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column.
SQLExceptionTranslator implementation that analyzes the SQL state in the SQLException based on the first two digits (the SQL state "class").
Interface to be implemented for setting values for more complex database-specific types not supported by the standard setObject method.
Reusable operation object representing an SQL update.
Simple interface for complex types to be set as statement parameters.
Exception thrown when we're not ignoring SQLWarnings.
Exception thrown when the underlying implementation does not support the requested feature of the API.
Abstraction for handling XML fields in specific databases.
Subinterface of SqlValue that supports passing in XML data to specified column and adds a cleanup callback, to be invoked after the value has been set and the corresponding statement has been executed.
A specialization of ResponseBodyEmitter for sending Server-Sent Events.
A builder for an SSE event.
A holder for SSL session information.
A MockMvcBuilder that accepts @Controller registrations thus allowing full control over the instantiation and initialization of controllers and their dependencies similar to plain unit tests, and also making it possible to test one controller at a time.
AnnotationMetadata implementation that uses standard reflection to introspect a given Class.
Standard implementation of the BeanExpressionResolver interface, parsing and evaluating Spring EL using Spring's expression module.
ClassMetadata implementation that uses standard reflection to introspect a given Class.
Environment implementation suitable for use in 'standard' (i.e.
A powerful and highly configurable EvaluationContext implementation.
Standard implementation of the JmsActivationSpecFactory interface.
MethodMetadata implementation that uses standard reflection to introspect a given Method.
Spring MultipartHttpServletRequest adapter, wrapping a Servlet HttpServletRequest and its Part objects.
Standard implementation of OperatorOverloader.
ParameterNameDiscoverer implementation which uses JDK 8's reflection facilities for introspecting parameter names (based on the "-parameters" compiler flag).
Exception decorating a ScriptException coming out of JSR-223 script evaluation, i.e.
javax.script (JSR-223) based implementation of Spring's ScriptEvaluator strategy interface.
ScriptFactory implementation based on the JSR-223 script engine abstraction (as included in Java).
Common operations for dealing with a JSR-223 ScriptEngine.
A Servlet implementation of AsyncWebRequest.
Environment implementation to be used by Servlet-based web applications.
Standard implementation of the MultipartResolver interface, based on the Servlet Part API.
Utility methods for standard Servlet Part handling.
A subclass of WebSocketExtension that can be constructed from a Extension.
A basic TypeComparator implementation: supports comparison of Number types as well as types implementing Comparable.
Default implementation of the TypeConverter interface, delegating to a core Spring ConversionService.
A simple implementation of TypeLocator that uses the context ClassLoader (or any ClassLoader set upon it).
WebSocketClient implementation for use with the Java WebSocket API.
A WebSocketClient based on standard Java WebSocket API.
Adapter for Java WebSocket API (JSR-356) that delegates events to a reactive WebSocketHandler and its session.
Adapts a WebSocketHandler to the standard WebSocket for Java API.
Spring WebSocketSession adapter for a standard Java (JSR 356) Session.
A WebSocketSession for use with the standard WebSocket for Java API.
Step recording metrics about a particular phase or action happening during the ApplicationStartup.
Simple key/value association for storing step metadata.
Immutable collection of StartupStep.Tag.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a JDBC Statement.
Utility methods for PreparedStatementSetter/Creator and CallableStatementCreator implementations, providing sophisticated parameter management (including support for LOB values).
Represents a function that filters an execute function.
ApplicationContext implementation which supports programmatic registration of beans and messages, rather than reading bean definitions from external configuration sources.
Static BeanFactory implementation which allows one to register existing singleton instances programmatically.
Simple implementation of MessageSource which allows messages to be registered programmatically.
Convenient abstract superclass for static method matchers, which don't care about arguments at runtime.
Convenient superclass when we want to force subclasses to implement the MethodMatcher interface but subclasses will want to be pointcuts.
Convenient base class for Advisors that are also static pointcuts.
Static implementation of the ScriptSource interface, encapsulating a given String that contains the script source text.
Static WebApplicationContext implementation for testing.
Assertions on the response status.
Factory for assertions on the response status.
Convenience methods for working with the StAX API.
A MessageHandler that handles messages by forwarding them to a STOMP broker.
Contract for access to session counters.
Registration class for configuring a StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler.
Base class for STOMP client implementations.
Represents a STOMP command.
Raised after a failure to encode or decode a STOMP message.
Decodes one or more STOMP frames contained in a ByteBuffer.
An encoder for STOMP frames.
A contract for registering STOMP over WebSocket endpoints.
Contract to handle a STOMP frame.
A MessageHeaderAccessor to use when creating a Message from a decoded STOMP frame, or when encoding a Message to a STOMP frame.
Represents STOMP frame headers.
Simple delegation to StompDecoder and StompEncoder.
Represents a STOMP session with operations to send messages, create subscriptions and receive messages on those subscriptions.
A handle to use to track receipts.
A handle to use to unsubscribe or to track a receipt.
A contract for client STOMP session lifecycle events including a callback when the session is established and notifications of transport or message handling failures.
Abstract adapter class for StompSessionHandler with mostly empty implementation methods except for StompSessionHandlerAdapter.getPayloadType(org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompHeaders) which returns String as the default Object type expected for STOMP ERROR frame payloads.
A SubProtocolErrorHandler for use with STOMP.
A SubProtocolHandler for STOMP that supports versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 of the STOMP specification.
Contract for access to session counters.
A TcpConnectionHandler for use with STOMP connections, exposing further information about the connection.
TcpMessageCodec for STOMP, delegating to StompDecoder and StompEncoder.
A contract for configuring a STOMP over WebSocket endpoint.
Simple stop watch, allowing for timing of a number of tasks, exposing total running time and running time for each named task.
Nested class to hold data about one task executed within the StopWatch.
Superclass for object abstractions of RDBMS stored procedures.
Represents an HTTP output message that allows for setting a streaming body.
Defines the contract for bodies that can be written directly to an OutputStream.
A controller method return value type for asynchronous request processing where the application can write directly to the response OutputStream without holding up the Servlet container thread.
Supports return values of type StreamingResponseBody and also ResponseEntity<StreamingResponseBody>.
A SockJS session for use with streaming HTTP transports.
Simple utility methods for dealing with streams.
Custom PropertyEditor for String arrays.
Decode from a data buffer stream to a String stream, either splitting or aggregating incoming data chunks to realign along newlines delimiters and produce a stream of strings.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write strings.
Expression language AST node that represents a string literal.
A MessageConverter that supports MIME type "text/plain" with the payload converted to and from a String.
Custom PropertyEditor for converting MultipartFiles to Strings.
This class implements a simple String → int mapping for a fixed set of keys.
Property editor that trims Strings.
Miscellaneous String utility methods.
Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value.
Simple utility class to allow for convenient access to value styling logic, mainly to support descriptive logging messages.
An interface for WebSocket handlers that support sub-protocols as defined in RFC 6455.
A contract for handling sub-protocol errors sent to clients.
A contract for handling WebSocket messages as part of a higher level protocol, referred to as "sub-protocol" in the WebSocket RFC specification.
An implementation of WebSocketHandler that delegates incoming WebSocket messages to a SubProtocolHandler along with a MessageChannel to which the sub-protocol handler can send messages from WebSocket clients to the application.
Contract for access to session counters.
A MessageChannel that maintains a registry of subscribers and invokes them to handle messages sent through this channel.
Annotation for mapping subscription messages onto specific handler methods based on the destination of a subscription.
HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler for replying directly to a subscription.
Interface to be implemented by message listener objects that suggest a specific name for a durable subscription that they might be registered with.
A registry of subscription by session that allows looking up subscriptions.
Convenience utilities for Supplier handling.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given Sybase table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column.
Sybase specific implementation for the CallMetaDataProvider interface.
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given Sybase table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column.
An extension of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver for implementations that are synchronous in nature and do not block to resolve values.
An extension of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver for implementations that are synchronous in nature and do not block to resolve values.
Exception thrown when a synchronized local transaction failed to complete (after the main transaction has already completed).
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method via InvocableHandlerMethod but uses sync argument resolvers only and thus can return directly a HandlerResult with no async wrappers.
TaskExecutor implementation that executes each task synchronously in the calling thread.
A MethodParameter variant which synthesizes annotations that declare attribute aliases via @AliasFor.
Specialization of MapPropertySource designed for use with system environment variables.
Implementation of ProfileValueSource which uses system properties as the underlying source.
Helper class for resolving placeholders in texts.
Class to manage context meta-data used for the configuration and execution of operations on a database table.
Interface specifying the API to be implemented by a class providing table meta-data.
Factory used to create a TableMetaDataProvider implementation based on the type of database being used.
Holder of meta-data for a specific parameter that is used for table processing.
Utility class for tag library related code, exposing functionality such as translating Strings to web scopes.
Utility class for writing HTML content to a Writer instance.
Minimal interface for exposing the target class behind a proxy.
A TargetSource is used to obtain the current "target" of an AOP invocation, which will be invoked via reflection if no around advice chooses to end the interceptor chain itself.
Implementations can create special target sources, such as pooling target sources, for particular beans.
Holder class defining a Runnable to be executed as a task, typically at a scheduled time or interval.
A callback interface for a decorator to be applied to any Runnable about to be executed.
Simple task executor interface that abstracts the execution of a Runnable.
Adapter that takes a JDK java.util.concurrent.Executor and exposes a Spring TaskExecutor for it.
FactoryBean for creating ThreadPoolTaskExecutor instances, primarily used behind the XML task namespace.
A registration class for customizing the properties of ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
NamespaceHandler for the 'task' namespace.
Exception thrown when a TaskExecutor rejects to accept a given task for execution.
Task scheduler interface that abstracts the scheduling of Runnables based on different kinds of triggers.
as of 5.3.16 since the common executors do not support start timeouts
Utility methods for decorating tasks with error handling.
A contract for sending messages and managing a TCP connection.
A contract for managing lifecycle events for a TCP connection including the handling of incoming messages.
Contract to encode and decode a Message to and from a ByteBuffer allowing a higher-level protocol (e.g.
A contract for establishing TCP connections.
An expression parser that understands templates.
Configurable ParserContext implementation for template parsing.
Parser implementation for a JSR-310 TemporalAccessor, using a DateTimeFormatter (the contextual one, if available).
Printer implementation for a JSR-310 TemporalAccessor, using a DateTimeFormatter) (the contextual one, if available).
LobCreator implementation based on temporary LOBs, using JDBC 4.0's Connection.createBlob() / Connection.createClob() mechanism.
Represents a ternary expression, for example: "someCheck()?true:false".
Collection of utility methods for working with Spring's core testing annotations.
Filesystem-based ahead-of-time (AOT) processing base implementation that scans the provided classpath roots for Spring integration test classes and then generates AOT artifacts for those test classes in the configured output directories.
Utility that can be used to dynamically compile and test Java source code.
@TestConstructor is a type-level annotation that is used to configure how the parameters of a test class constructor are autowired from components in the test's ApplicationContext.
Defines autowiring modes for parameters in a test constructor.
Utility methods for working with @TestConstructor.
TestContext encapsulates the context in which a test is executed, agnostic of the actual testing framework in use.
TestContextAnnotationUtils is a collection of utility methods that complements the standard support already available in AnnotationUtils and AnnotatedElementUtils, while transparently honoring @NestedTestConfiguration semantics.
Descriptor for an Annotation, including the class on which the annotation is declared as well as the merged annotation instance.
Untyped extension of TestContextAnnotationUtils.AnnotationDescriptor that is used to describe the declaration of one of several candidate annotation types where the actual annotation type cannot be predetermined.
Thrown if an error occurs during AOT build-time processing or AOT run-time execution in the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextAotGenerator generates AOT artifacts for integration tests that depend on support from the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextBootstrapper defines the SPI for bootstrapping the Spring TestContext Framework.
Base class for events published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
TestContextManager is the main entry point into the Spring TestContext Framework.
Utility methods for working with resources within the Spring TestContext Framework.
Utility methods for working with transactions and data access related beans within the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestExecutionListener defines a listener API for reacting to test execution events published by the TestContextManager with which the listener is registered.
TestExecutionListeners defines class-level metadata for configuring which TestExecutionListeners should be registered with a TestContextManager.
Enumeration of modes that dictate whether explicitly declared listeners are merged with the default listeners when @TestExecutionListeners is declared on a class that does not inherit listeners from a superclass or enclosing class.
GenerationContext test implementation that uses InMemoryGeneratedFiles and can configure a TestCompiler instance.
@TestPropertySource is a class-level annotation that is used to configure the TestPropertySource.locations() of properties files and inlined to be added to the Environment's set of PropertySources for an ApplicationContext for integration tests.
@TestPropertySources is a container for one or more @TestPropertySource declarations.
Utility methods for working with @TestPropertySource and adding test PropertySources to the Environment.
Contract for registering RuntimeHints for integration tests run with the Spring TestContext Framework based on the ClassLoader of the deployment unit.
TestTransaction provides a collection of static utility methods for programmatic interaction with test-managed transactions within test methods, before methods, and after methods.
The <textarea> tag renders an HTML 'textarea'.
A text WebSocket message.
A convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementations that process text messages only.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
Alternative to an object pool.
Statistics for a ThreadLocal TargetSource.
JavaBean that allows for configuring a ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties) and exposing it as a bean reference of its native ExecutorService type.
JavaBean that allows for configuring a ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties) and exposing it as a Spring TaskExecutor.
Implementation of Spring's TaskScheduler interface, wrapping a native ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.
A BiFunction that allows invocation of code that throws a checked exception.
A Consumer that allows invocation of code that throws a checked exception.
A Function that allows invocation of code that throws a checked exception.
A Supplier that allows invocation of code that throws a checked exception.
Tag interface for throws advice.
Interceptor to wrap an after-throwing advice.
Test annotation for use with JUnit 4 to indicate that a test method has to finish execution in a specified time period.
Sends a 503 (SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) in case of a timeout if the response is not already committed.
Sends a 503 (SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) in case of a timeout if the response is not already committed.
Extension of LocaleContext, adding awareness of the current time zone.
Editor for java.util.TimeZone, translating timezone IDs into TimeZone objects.
ServletHttpHandlerAdapter extension that uses Tomcat APIs for reading from the request and writing to the response with ByteBuffer.
LoadTimeWeaver implementation for Tomcat's new org.apache.tomcat.InstrumentableClassLoader.
A RequestUpgradeStrategy for use with Tomcat.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Apache Tomcat.
WebSocketClient implementation for use with the Java WebSocket API.
Spring WebSocketSession adapter for Tomcat's Session.
Utility class that builds pretty-printing toString() methods with pluggable styling conventions.
A strategy interface for pretty-printing toString() methods.
Extension of DataBuffer that allows for buffers that can be given hints for debugging purposes.
Describes a transaction attribute on an individual method or on a class.
An ApplicationListener that is invoked according to a TransactionPhase.
Callback to be invoked on synchronization-driven event processing, wrapping the target listener invocation (TransactionalApplicationListener.processEvent(E)).
TransactionalApplicationListener adapter that delegates the processing of an event to a target ApplicationListener instance.
GenericApplicationListener adapter that delegates the processing of an event to a TransactionalEventListener annotated method.
An EventListener that is invoked according to a TransactionPhase.
EventListenerFactory implementation that handles TransactionalEventListener annotated methods.
Operator class that simplifies programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling.
A marker interface for manually created transactional proxies.
TestExecutionListener that provides support for executing tests within test-managed transactions by honoring Spring's @Transactional annotation.
Strategy interface for parsing known transaction annotation types.
Base class for transactional aspects, such as the TransactionInterceptor or an AspectJ aspect.
Coroutines-supporting extension of the callback interface.
Simple callback interface for proceeding with the target invocation.
Opaque object used to hold transaction information.
This interface adds a rollbackOn specification to TransactionDefinition.
PropertyEditor for TransactionAttribute objects.
Strategy interface used by TransactionInterceptor for metadata retrieval.
Advisor driven by a TransactionAttributeSource, used to include a TransactionInterceptor only for methods that are transactional.
Property editor that converts a String into a TransactionAttributeSource.
Cache decorator which synchronizes its TransactionAwareCacheDecorator.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), TransactionAwareCacheDecorator.evict(java.lang.Object) and TransactionAwareCacheDecorator.clear() operations with Spring-managed transactions (through Spring's TransactionSynchronizationManager), performing the actual cache put/evict/clear operation only in the after-commit phase of a successful transaction.
Proxy for a target CacheManager, exposing transaction-aware Cache objects which synchronize their Cache.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) operations with Spring-managed transactions (through Spring's TransactionSynchronizationManager), performing the actual cache put operation only in the after-commit phase of a successful transaction.
Proxy for a target JMS ConnectionFactory, adding awareness of Spring-managed transactions.
Proxy for a target R2DBC ConnectionFactory, adding awareness of Spring-managed transactions.
Proxy for a target JDBC DataSource, adding awareness of Spring-managed transactions.
Callback interface for reactive transactional code.
Callback interface for transactional code.
Simple convenience class for TransactionCallback implementation.
Mutable transaction context that encapsulates transactional synchronizations and resources in the scope of a single transaction.
Delegate to register and obtain transactional contexts.
Interface that defines Spring-compliant transaction properties.
Superclass for all transaction exceptions.
Common representation of the current state of a transaction.
Strategy interface for creating JTA Transaction objects based on specified transactional characteristics.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS TransactionInProgressException.
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor for declarative transaction management using the common Spring transaction infrastructure (PlatformTransactionManager/ ReactiveTransactionManager).
Selects which implementation of AbstractTransactionManagementConfiguration should be used based on the value of EnableTransactionManagement.mode() on the importing @Configuration class.
Interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableTransactionManagement that wish to (or need to) explicitly specify the default PlatformTransactionManager bean (or ReactiveTransactionManager bean) to be used for annotation-driven transaction management, as opposed to the default approach of a by-type lookup.
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
Marker interface for Spring transaction manager implementations, either traditional or reactive.
Interface specifying basic transaction execution operations.
The phase in which a transactional event listener applies.
Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative transaction handling.
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS TransactionRolledBackException.
Representation of the status of a transaction.
Exception thrown when attempting to suspend an existing transaction but transaction suspension is not supported by the underlying backend.
Interface for reactive transaction synchronization callbacks.
Interface for transaction synchronization callbacks.
as of 5.3, in favor of the default methods on the TransactionSynchronization interface
Central delegate that manages resources and transaction synchronizations per subscriber context.
Central delegate that manages resources and transaction synchronizations per thread.
Utility methods for triggering specific TransactionSynchronization callback methods on all currently registered synchronizations.
Exception thrown when a general transaction system error is encountered, like on commit or rollback.
Template class that simplifies programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling.
Exception to be thrown when a transaction has timed out.
Superclass for exceptions caused by inappropriate usage of a Spring transaction API.
An extension of ByteArrayResource that a ResourceTransformer can use to represent an original resource preserving all other information except the content.
An extension of ByteArrayResource that a ResourceTransformer can use to represent an original resource preserving all other information except the content.
Contains common behavior relating to Transformers and the javax.xml.transform package in general.
The <transform> tag provides transformation for reference data values from controllers and other objects inside a spring:bind tag (or a data-bound form element tag from Spring's form tag library).
Root of the hierarchy of data access exceptions that are considered transient - where a previously failed operation might be able to succeed when the operation is retried without any intervention by application-level functionality.
Data access exception thrown when a resource fails temporarily and the operation can be retried.
A client-side implementation for a SockJS transport.
Handle a SockJS session URL, i.e.
A basic implementation of SockJsService with support for SPI-based transport handling and session management.
Exposes information, typically to Transport and session implementations, about a request to connect to a SockJS server endpoint over a given transport.
SockJS transport types.
Common interface for trigger objects that determine the next execution time of a task that they get associated with.
Context object encapsulating last execution times and last completion time of a given task.
Task implementation defining a Runnable to be executed according to a given Trigger.
NamespaceHandler allowing for the configuration of declarative transaction management using either XML or using annotations.
A Java field or method type.
Captures primitive types and their corresponding class objects, plus one special entry that represents all reference (non-primitive) types.
Instances of a type comparator should be able to compare pairs of objects for equality.
Interface that defines type conversion methods.
A type converter can convert values between different types encountered during expression evaluation.
Base implementation of the TypeConverter interface, using a package-private delegate.
Contextual descriptor about a type to convert from or to.
Holder for a typed String value.
Encapsulates an object and a TypeDescriptor that describes it.
Base interface for type filters using a MetadataReader.
Collection of utilities for working with @ComponentScan type filters.
A hint that describes the need for reflection on a type.
Builder for TypeHint.
Implementers of this interface are expected to be able to locate types.
Exception thrown on mismatch between Java type and database type: for example on an attempt to set an object of the wrong type in an RDBMS column.
Exception thrown on a type mismatch when trying to set a bean property.
Exception thrown if a type mismatch is encountered for an object located in a JNDI environment.
The path to a type argument, wildcard bound, array element type, or static inner type within an enclosing type.
Spring AOP ClassFilter implementation using AspectJ type matching.
Type abstraction that can be used to refer to types that are not available as a Class yet.
A reference to a type appearing in a class, field or method declaration, or on an instruction.
Represents a reference to a type, for example "T(String)" or "T(com.somewhere.Foo)".
Utility to work with generic type parameters.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Exception thrown when we are unable to register an MBean, for example because of a naming conflict.
Thrown when a JMX Notification is unable to be sent.
Normal superclass when we can't distinguish anything more specific than "something went wrong with the underlying resource": for example, an SQLException from JDBC we can't pinpoint more precisely.
JmsException to be thrown when no other matching subclass found.
Exception that indicates that the cause cannot be distinguished further.
Exception thrown when we can't classify a R2dbcException into one of our generic data access exceptions.
Thrown when we cannot determine anything more specific than "something went wrong while processing an SQL script": for example, a SQLException from JDBC that we cannot pinpoint more precisely.
Thrown when we cannot determine anything more specific than "something went wrong while processing an SQL script": for example, an R2dbcException from R2DBC that we cannot pinpoint more precisely.
Exception thrown when we can't classify an SQLException into one of our generic data access exceptions.
Used by Proxy as a replacement for java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException.
A GeneratorStrategy suitable for use with org.springframework.cglib.Enhancer which causes all undeclared exceptions thrown from within a proxied method to be wrapped in an alternative exception of your choice.
Adapt HttpHandler to the Undertow HttpHandler.
A RequestUpgradeStrategy for use with Undertow.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for WildFly and its underlying Undertow web server.
Undertow based implementation of WebSocketClient.
Undertow WebSocketConnectionCallback implementation that adapts and delegates to a Spring WebSocketHandler.
Spring WebSocketSession implementation that adapts to an Undertow WebSocketChannel.
An XHR transport based on Undertow's UndertowClient.
Thrown when an attempt to commit a transaction resulted in an unexpected rollback.
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to use an unsupported Advisor or Advice type.
Raised when no suitable HttpMessageConverter could be found to extract the response.
Exception thrown when an unknown (or custom) HTTP status code is received.
Exception thrown when an unknown (or custom) HTTP status code is received.
Defines the contract for Object XML Mapping unmarshallers.
Exception thrown on unmarshalling failure.
RequestExpectationManager that matches requests to expectations regardless of the order of declaration of expected requests.
Exception thrown when a bean depends on other beans or simple properties that were not specified in the bean factory definition, although dependency checking was enabled.
ServerWebInputException subclass that indicates an unsatisfied parameter condition, as typically expressed using an @RequestMapping annotation at the @Controller type level.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates an unsatisfied parameter condition, as typically expressed using an @RequestMapping annotation at the @Controller type level.
Exception thrown to indicate that a Content-Type is not supported.
Exception for errors that fit response status 415 (unsupported media type).
Reusable RDBMS query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract updateRow(ResultSet, int, context) method to update each row of the JDBC ResultSet and optionally map contents into an object.
Contract for fetching the number of affected rows.
Builder-style methods to prepare and expand a URI template with variables.
Factory to create UriBuilder instances with shared configuration such as a base URI, an encoding mode strategy, and others across all URI builder instances created through a factory.
Represents an immutable collection of URI components, mapping component type to String values.
Defines the contract for URI Template variables.
Builder for UriComponents.
Resolvers argument values of type UriComponentsBuilder.
Strategy for contributing to the building of a UriComponents by looking at a method parameter and an argument value and deciding what part of the target URL should be updated.
Editor for, to directly populate a URI property instead of using a String property as bridge.
Representation of a URI template that can be expanded with URI variables via UriTemplate.expand(Map), UriTemplate.expand(Object[]), or matched to a URL via UriTemplate.match(String).
Defines methods for expanding a URI template with variables.
Utility methods for URI encoding and decoding based on RFC 3986.
HttpServiceArgumentResolver that resolves the URL for the request from a URI argument.
CorsConfigurationSource that uses URL patterns to select the CorsConfiguration for a request.
CorsConfigurationSource that uses URL path patterns to select the CorsConfiguration for a request.
A ViewResolver that allows direct resolution of symbolic view names to URLs without explicit mapping definitions.
Simple implementation of the ViewResolver interface, allowing for direct resolution of symbolic view names to URLs, without explicit mapping definitions.
Assist with configuring properties of a UrlBasedViewResolver.
Assist with configuring a UrlBasedViewResolver.
Editor for, to directly populate a URL property instead of using a String property as bridge.
Simple Controller implementation that transforms the virtual path of a URL into a view name and returns that view.
Helper class for URL path matching.
A WebRequestMatcher that allows matching on WebRequest#getUrl().toExternalForm() using a regular expression.
Resource implementation for locators.
The <url> tag creates URLs.
An adapter for a target JMS ConnectionFactory, applying the given user credentials to every standard createConnection() call, that is, implicitly invoking createConnection(username, password) on the target.
An adapter for a target JDBC DataSource, applying the specified user credentials to every standard getConnection() call, implicitly invoking getConnection(username, password) on the target.
MessageHandler with support for "user" destinations.
A strategy for resolving a "user" destination by translating it to one or more actual destinations one per active user session.
Contains the result from parsing a "user" destination from a source message and translating it to target destinations (one per active user session).
MessageHandler that handles user registry broadcasts from other application servers and periodically broadcasts the content of the local user registry.
Interceptor that checks the authorization of the current user via the user's roles, as evaluated by HttpServletRequest's isUserInRole method.
Adapter for a JTA UserTransaction handle, taking a JTA TransactionManager reference and creating a JTA UserTransaction handle for it.
NamespaceHandler for the util namespace.
Editor for java.util.UUID, translating UUID String representations into UUID objects and back.
Variant of JSR-303's Valid, supporting the specification of validation groups.
Utility class for handling validation annotations.
Exception thrown on marshalling validation failure.
Utility class offering convenient methods for invoking a Validator and for rejecting empty fields.
A validator for application-specific objects.
Annotation used at the field or method/constructor parameter level that indicates a default value expression for the annotated element.
Common annotation value constants.
Common value constants shared between bind annotations.
Represents a reference to a value.
A ValueRef for the null value.
A ValueRef holder for a single value, which cannot be set.
Strategy that encapsulates value String styling algorithms according to Spring conventions.
Represents a variable reference, eg.
A strategy for extracting and embedding a resource version in its URL path.
Resolves request paths containing a version string that can be used as part of an HTTP caching strategy in which a resource is cached with a date in the distant future (e.g.
Resolves request paths containing a version string that can be used as part of an HTTP caching strategy in which a resource is cached with a date in the distant future (e.g.
A strategy to determine the version of a static resource and to apply and/or extract it from the URL path.
An extension of VersionPathStrategy that adds a method to determine the actual version of a Resource.
JBoss VFS based Resource implementation.
Utility for detecting and accessing JBoss VFS in the classpath.
Contract to render HandlerResult to the HTTP response.
MVC View for a web interaction.
Assist with the registration of a single view controller.
Assists with the registration of simple automated controllers pre-configured with status code and/or a view.
Handles return values that are of type View.
Handles return values of types void and String interpreting them as view name reference.
HandlerResultHandler that encapsulates the view resolution algorithm supporting the following return types: Void or no value -- default view name String -- view name unless @ModelAttribute-annotated View -- View to render with Model -- attributes to add to the model Map -- attributes to add to the model Rendering -- use case driven API for view resolution @ModelAttribute -- attribute for the model Non-simple value -- attribute for the model
Contract to resolve a view name to a View instance.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can resolve views by name.
A ViewResolver that delegates to others.
Assist with the configuration of a chain of ViewResolver's supporting different template mechanisms.
Assist with the configuration of a chain of ViewResolver instances.
Parses the view-resolvers MVC namespace element and registers ViewResolver bean definitions.
Base class for ViewResolver implementations with shared properties.
Factory for assertions on the selected view.
Allows to check for object equality, yet the class does not keep strong reference to the target.
ClassFileTransformer-based weaver, allowing for a list of transformers to be applied on a class byte array.
@WebAppConfiguration is a class-level annotation that is used to declare that the ApplicationContext loaded for an integration test should be a WebApplicationContext.
Interface to provide configuration for a web application.
Special JSF ELResolver that exposes the Spring WebApplicationContext instance under a variable named "webApplicationContext".
Convenience methods for retrieving the root WebApplicationContext for a given ServletContext.
Interface to be implemented in Servlet environments in order to configure the ServletContext programmatically -- as opposed to (or possibly in conjunction with) the traditional web.xml-based approach.
Convenient superclass for application objects running in a WebApplicationContext.
Listener that sets a system property to the web application root directory.
SPI for resolving custom arguments for a specific handler method parameter.
The central class for managing asynchronous request processing, mainly intended as an SPI and not typically used directly by application classes.
Holder for a Callable, a timeout value, and a task executor.
Utility methods related to processing asynchronous web requests.
Callback interface for initializing a WebDataBinder for performing data binding in the context of a specific web request.
Non-blocking, reactive client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a fluent, reactive API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as Reactor Netty.
A mutable builder for creating a WebClient.
Contract for specifying request headers and body leading up to the exchange.
Contract for specifying request headers, body and URI for a request.
Contract for specifying request headers leading up to the exchange.
Contract for specifying request headers and URI for a request.
Contract for specifying response operations following the exchange.
Contract for specifying the URI for a request.
HttpClientAdapter that enables an HttpServiceProxyFactory to use WebClient for request execution.
Abstract base class for exception published by WebClient in case of errors.
Exceptions that contain actual HTTP request data.
Exceptions that contain actual HTTP response data.
WebClientResponseException for HTTP status 502 Bad Gateway.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 400 Bad Request.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 409 Conflict.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 403 Forbidden.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 410 Gone.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 406 Not Acceptable.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 404 Not Found.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 501 Not Implemented.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 503 Service Unavailable.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 429 Too Many Requests.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 401 Unauthorized.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type.
WebConnectionHtmlUnitDriver enables configuration of the WebConnection for an HtmlUnitDriver instance.
Convenient superclass for any kind of web content generator, like AbstractController and WebContentInterceptor.
Handler interceptor that checks the request for supported methods and a required session and prepares the response by applying the configured cache settings.
Special DataBinder for data binding from web request parameters to JavaBean objects.
A factory for creating a WebDataBinder instance for a named target object.
WebDelegatingSmartContextLoader is a concrete implementation of AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader that delegates to a GenericXmlWebContextLoader (or a GenericGroovyXmlWebContextLoader if Groovy is present on the classpath) and an AnnotationConfigWebContextLoader.
Contract for handling exceptions during web server exchange processing.
ServerWebInputException subclass that indicates a data binding or validation failure.
Specialized DataBinder to perform data binding from URL query parameters or form data in the request data to Java objects.
Contract for interception-style, chained processing of Web requests that may be used to implement cross-cutting, application-agnostic requirements such as security, timeouts, and others.
Contract to allow a WebFilter to delegate to the next in the chain.
The main class for Spring WebFlux configuration.
Defines callback methods to customize the configuration for WebFlux applications enabled via @EnableWebFlux.
A WebFluxConfigurer that delegates to one or more others.
Common WebFlux exception handler that detects instances of ResponseStatusException (inherited from the base class) as well as exceptions annotated with @ResponseStatus by determining the HTTP status for them and updating the status of the response accordingly.
Contract to handle a web request.
WebHandler that decorates and delegates to another WebHandler.
This builder has two purposes:
BlockHoundIntegration for spring-web classes.
A ResourceResolver that delegates to the chain to locate a resource and then attempts to find a matching versioned resource contained in a WebJar JAR file.
A ResourceResolver that delegates to the chain to locate a resource and then attempts to find a matching versioned resource contained in a WebJar JAR file.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Oracle's WebLogic.
WebMergedContextConfiguration encapsulates the merged context configuration declared on a test class and all of its superclasses and enclosing classes via @ContextConfiguration, @WebAppConfiguration, @ActiveProfiles, and @TestPropertySource.
This is the main class providing the configuration behind the MVC Java config.
Defines callback methods to customize the Java-based configuration for Spring MVC enabled via @EnableWebMvc.
A registry for STOMP over WebSocket endpoints that maps the endpoints with a HandlerMapping for use in Spring MVC.
An abstract base class for configuring STOMP over WebSocket/SockJS endpoints.
Generic interface for a web request.
Special DataBinder to perform data binding from web request parameters to JavaBeans, including support for multipart files.
Adapter that implements the Servlet HandlerInterceptor interface and wraps an underlying WebRequestInterceptor.
Interface for general web request interception.
Strategy for matching on a WebRequest.
Main contract for using a server-side session that provides access to session attributes across HTTP requests.
Contract for session ID resolution strategies.
Main class for access to the WebSession for an HTTP request.
Resolves method argument value of type WebSession.
Strategy for WebSession persistence.
A subclass of SimpAnnotationMethodMessageHandler to provide support for ControllerAdvice with global @MessageExceptionHandler methods.
Contract for reactive-style handling of a WebSocket session.
Contract for initiating a WebSocket request.
An extension of AbstractClientSockJsSession wrapping and delegating to an actual WebSocket session.
Configuration support for WebSocket request handling.
Defines callback methods to configure the WebSocket request handling via @EnableWebSocket.
WebSocket connection manager that connects to the server via WebSocketClient and handles the session with a WebSocketHandler.
A FactoryBean for creating and configuring a WebSocketContainer through Spring XML configuration.
Represents a WebSocket extension as defined in the RFC 6455.
Handler for a WebSocket session.
A handler for WebSocket messages and lifecycle events.
HandlerAdapter that allows DispatcherHandler to support handlers of type WebSocketHandler with such handlers mapped to URL patterns via SimpleUrlHandlerMapping.
Wraps another WebSocketHandler instance and delegates to it.
A factory for applying decorators to a WebSocketHandler.
Extension of SimpleUrlHandlerMapping with support for more precise mapping of WebSocket handshake requests to handlers of type WebSocketHttpRequestHandler.
Provides methods for configuring a WebSocket handler.
Provides methods for configuring WebSocketHandler request mappings.
An HttpHeaders variant that adds support for the HTTP headers defined by the WebSocket specification RFC 6455.
A HttpRequestHandler for processing WebSocket handshake requests.
Representation of a WebSocket message.
A message that can be handled or sent on a WebSocket connection.
WebSocket message types.
Extends AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration and adds configuration for receiving and responding to STOMP messages from WebSocket clients.
Defines methods for configuring message handling with simple messaging protocols (e.g.
A central class for aggregating information about internal state and counters from key infrastructure components of the setup that comes with @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker for Java config and <websocket:message-broker> for XML.
NamespaceHandler for Spring WebSocket configuration namespace.
A SockJS session for use with the WebSocket transport.
A service to delegate WebSocket-related HTTP requests to.
Represents a WebSocket session.
A WebSocket session abstraction.
Wraps another WebSocketSession instance and delegates to it.
A STOMP over WebSocket client that connects using an implementation of WebSocketClient including SockJsClient.
Adapter class to convert a WebSocketExtension to a Jetty ExtensionConfig.
Adapt an instance of WebSocketExtension to the Extension interface.
A SockJS Transport that uses a WebSocketClient.
WebSocket-based TransportHandler.
Configure the processing of messages received from and sent to WebSocket clients.
WebSphere support for upgrading an HttpServletRequest during a WebSocket handshake.
Client for testing web servers that uses WebClient internally to perform requests while also providing a fluent API to verify responses.
Spec for expectations on the response body content.
Spec for expectations on the response body decoded to a single Object.
Steps for customizing the WebClient used to test with, internally delegating to a WebClient.Builder.
Specification for customizing controller configuration equivalent to, and internally delegating to, a WebFluxConfigurer.
Spec for expectations on the response body decoded to a List.
Base specification for setting up tests without a server.
Specification for providing body of a request.
Specification for providing the body and the URI of a request.
Specification for adding request headers and performing an exchange.
Specification for providing request headers and the URI of a request.
Chained API for applying assertions to a response.
Specification for customizing router function configuration.
Specification for providing the URI of a request.
Contract that frameworks or applications can use to pre-package a set of customizations to a WebTestClient.Builder and expose that as a shortcut.
Web-specific implementation of the TestContextBootstrapper SPI.
Miscellaneous utilities for web applications.
Callback interface used to write file content.
Extended interface for a resource that supports writing to it.
An extension of AbstractClientSockJsSession for use with HTTP transports simulating a WebSocket session.
A TransportHandler based on XHR (long) polling.
A TransportHandler that receives messages over HTTP.
A TransportHandler that sends messages over an HTTP streaming request.
A SockJS Transport that uses HTTP requests to simulate a WebSocket interaction.
Bean definition reader for XML bean definitions.
XML-specific BeanDefinitionStoreException subclass that wraps a SAXException, typically a SAXParseException which contains information about the error location.
Interface defining handling involved with providing OutputStream data for XML input.
Interface defining handling involved with providing Writer data for XML input.
Decodes a DataBuffer stream into a stream of XMLEvents.
A helper class for assertions on XML content.
Root of the hierarchy of Object XML Mapping exceptions.
Extension of ReaderContext, specific to use with an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.
Interface defining handling involved with providing Result data for XML input.
Detects whether an XML stream is using DTD- or XSD-based validation.
as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common view resolver variants and/or custom resolver implementations
WebApplicationContext implementation which takes its configuration from XML documents, understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.
XPath assertions for the WebTestClient.
A helper class for applying assertions via XPath expressions.
Factory methods for request content RequestMatcher implementations that use an XPath expression.
Factory for assertions on the response content using XPath expressions.
XSLT-driven View that allows for response context to be rendered as the result of an XSLT transformation.
ViewResolver implementation that resolves instances of XsltView by translating the supplied view name into the URL of the XSLT stylesheet.
Implementation of the Marshaller interface for XStream.
Factory for a Map that reads from a YAML source, preserving the YAML-declared value types and their structure.
Base class for YAML factories.
Strategy interface used to test if properties match.
Callback interface used to process the YAML parsing results.
Method to use for resolving resources.
Factory for Properties that reads from a YAML source, exposing a flat structure of String property values.
Sub-interface of ReactiveOutputMessage that has support for "zero-copy" file transfers.
Editor for java.time.ZoneId, translating zone ID Strings into ZoneId objects.