Uses of Interface

Packages that use BeanNameAware
Bean post-processors for use in ApplicationContexts to simplify AOP usage by automatically creating AOP proxies without the need to use a ProxyFactoryBean.
SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories.
Implementation package for java.util.concurrent based caches.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package, such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext implementations and a MessageSource implementation.
This package provides a facility for generic JCA message endpoint management.
This package contains the base message listener container facility.
This package provides JCA-based endpoint management for JMS message listeners.
Support classes for working with annotated message-handling methods with non-blocking, reactive contracts.
Common infrastructure for invoking message handler methods with non-blocking, and reactive contracts.
Support classes for working with annotated RSocket stream handling methods.
Provides implementations of Message along with a MessageBuilder and MessageHeaderAccessor for building and working with messages and message headers, as well as various MessageChannel implementations and channel interceptor support.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.hibernate5 package.
Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.jpa package.
Annotation support for asynchronous method execution.
Scheduling convenience classes for the java.util.concurrent and jakarta.enterprise.concurrent packages, allowing to set up a ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as a bean in a Spring context.
Support package for declarative scheduling configuration, with XML schema being the primary configuration format.
Support classes for the open source scheduler Quartz, allowing to set up Quartz Schedulers, JobDetails and Triggers as beans in a Spring context.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.context package, such as WebApplicationContext implementations and various utility classes.
Provides generic filter base classes allowing for bean-style configuration.
Support classes for the multipart resolution framework.
Instrumentation for observing web applications.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server package.
Provides HandlerMapping implementations including abstract base classes.
Infrastructure for handler method processing.
Infrastructure for annotation-based handler method processing.
Support for result handling through view resolution.
Support classes for the integration of FreeMarker as Spring web view technology.
Support classes for views based on the JSR-223 script engine abstraction (as included in Java 6+), e.g.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.servlet.function package.
Provides standard HandlerMapping implementations, including abstract base classes for custom implementations.
Standard controller implementations for the Servlet MVC framework that comes with Spring.
Servlet-based infrastructure for handler method processing, building on the org.springframework.web.method package.
MVC infrastructure for annotation-based handler method processing, building on the org.springframework.web.method.annotation package.
Support classes for serving static resources.
Provides standard View and ViewResolver implementations, including abstract base classes for custom implementations.
Support classes for document generation, providing View implementations for PDF and Excel.
Support classes for feed generation, providing View implementations for Atom and RSS.
Support classes for the integration of FreeMarker as Spring web view technology.
Support classes for the integration of Groovy Templates as Spring web view technology.
Support classes for providing a View implementation based on JSON serialization.
Support classes for views based on the JSR-223 script engine abstraction (as included in Java 6+), e.g.
Support classes for providing a View implementation based on XML Marshalling.
Support classes for XSLT, providing a View implementation for XSLT stylesheets.
Server-side support classes including container-specific strategies for upgrading a request.