Interface CallMetaDataProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
Db2CallMetaDataProvider, DerbyCallMetaDataProvider, GenericCallMetaDataProvider, HanaCallMetaDataProvider, OracleCallMetaDataProvider, PostgresCallMetaDataProvider, SqlServerCallMetaDataProvider, SybaseCallMetaDataProvider

public interface CallMetaDataProvider
Interface specifying the API to be implemented by a class providing call meta-data.

This is intended for internal use by Spring's SimpleJdbcCall.

Thomas Risberg
  • Method Details

    • initializeWithMetaData

      void initializeWithMetaData(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData) throws SQLException
      Initialize using the provided DatabaseMetData.
      databaseMetaData - used to retrieve database specific information
      SQLException - in case of initialization failure
    • initializeWithProcedureColumnMetaData

      void initializeWithProcedureColumnMetaData(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData, @Nullable String catalogName, @Nullable String schemaName, @Nullable String procedureName) throws SQLException
      Initialize the database specific management of procedure column meta-data.

      This is only called for databases that are supported. This initialization can be turned off by specifying that column meta-data should not be used.

      databaseMetaData - used to retrieve database specific information
      catalogName - name of catalog to use (or null if none)
      schemaName - name of schema name to use (or null if none)
      procedureName - name of the stored procedure
      SQLException - in case of initialization failure
      See Also:
    • getCallParameterMetaData

      List<CallParameterMetaData> getCallParameterMetaData()
      Get the call parameter meta-data that is currently used.
      a List of CallParameterMetaData
    • procedureNameToUse

      @Nullable String procedureNameToUse(@Nullable String procedureName)
      Provide any modification of the procedure name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.

      This could include altering the case.

    • catalogNameToUse

      @Nullable String catalogNameToUse(@Nullable String catalogName)
      Provide any modification of the catalog name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.

      This could include altering the case.

    • schemaNameToUse

      @Nullable String schemaNameToUse(@Nullable String schemaName)
      Provide any modification of the schema name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.

      This could include altering the case.

    • metaDataCatalogNameToUse

      @Nullable String metaDataCatalogNameToUse(@Nullable String catalogName)
      Provide any modification of the catalog name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.

      The returned value will be used for meta-data lookups. This could include altering the case used or providing a base catalog if none is provided.

    • metaDataSchemaNameToUse

      @Nullable String metaDataSchemaNameToUse(@Nullable String schemaName)
      Provide any modification of the schema name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.

      The returned value will be used for meta-data lookups. This could include altering the case used or providing a base schema if none is provided.

    • parameterNameToUse

      @Nullable String parameterNameToUse(@Nullable String parameterName)
      Provide any modification of the column name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.

      This could include altering the case.

      parameterName - name of the parameter of column
    • createDefaultOutParameter

      SqlParameter createDefaultOutParameter(String parameterName, CallParameterMetaData meta)
      Create a default out parameter based on the provided meta-data.

      This is used when no explicit parameter declaration has been made.

      parameterName - the name of the parameter
      meta - meta-data used for this call
      the configured SqlOutParameter
    • createDefaultInOutParameter

      SqlParameter createDefaultInOutParameter(String parameterName, CallParameterMetaData meta)
      Create a default in/out parameter based on the provided meta-data.

      This is used when no explicit parameter declaration has been made.

      parameterName - the name of the parameter
      meta - meta-data used for this call
      the configured SqlInOutParameter
    • createDefaultInParameter

      SqlParameter createDefaultInParameter(String parameterName, CallParameterMetaData meta)
      Create a default in parameter based on the provided meta-data.

      This is used when no explicit parameter declaration has been made.

      parameterName - the name of the parameter
      meta - meta-data used for this call
      the configured SqlParameter
    • getUserName

      @Nullable String getUserName()
      Get the name of the current user. Useful for meta-data lookups etc.
      current user name from database connection
    • isReturnResultSetSupported

      boolean isReturnResultSetSupported()
      Does this database support returning ResultSets that should be retrieved with the JDBC call: Statement.getResultSet()?
    • isRefCursorSupported

      boolean isRefCursorSupported()
      Does this database support returning ResultSets as ref cursors to be retrieved with CallableStatement.getObject(int) for the specified column?
    • getRefCursorSqlType

      int getRefCursorSqlType()
      Get the Types type for columns that return ResultSets as ref cursors if this feature is supported.
    • isProcedureColumnMetaDataUsed

      boolean isProcedureColumnMetaDataUsed()
      Are we using the meta-data for the procedure columns?
    • byPassReturnParameter

      boolean byPassReturnParameter(String parameterName)
      Should we bypass the return parameter with the specified name?

      This allows the database specific implementation to skip the processing for specific results returned by the database call.

    • isSupportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls

      boolean isSupportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls()
      Does the database support the use of catalog name in procedure calls?
    • isSupportsSchemasInProcedureCalls

      boolean isSupportsSchemasInProcedureCalls()
      Does the database support the use of schema name in procedure calls?