Class AbstractJdbcInsert

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractJdbcInsert extends Object
Abstract class to provide base functionality for easy (batch) inserts based on configuration options and database meta-data.

This class provides the processing arrangement for SimpleJdbcInsert.

Thomas Risberg, Juergen Hoeller
  • Field Details

    • logger

      protected final Log logger
      Logger available to subclasses.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractJdbcInsert

      protected AbstractJdbcInsert(DataSource dataSource)
      Constructor to be used when initializing using a DataSource.
      dataSource - the DataSource to be used
    • AbstractJdbcInsert

      protected AbstractJdbcInsert(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate)
      Constructor to be used when initializing using a JdbcTemplate.
      jdbcTemplate - the JdbcTemplate to use
  • Method Details

    • getJdbcTemplate

      public JdbcTemplate getJdbcTemplate()
      Get the configured JdbcTemplate.
    • setTableName

      public void setTableName(@Nullable String tableName)
      Set the name of the table for this insert.
    • getTableName

      @Nullable public String getTableName()
      Get the name of the table for this insert.
    • setSchemaName

      public void setSchemaName(@Nullable String schemaName)
      Set the name of the schema for this insert.
    • getSchemaName

      @Nullable public String getSchemaName()
      Get the name of the schema for this insert.
    • setCatalogName

      public void setCatalogName(@Nullable String catalogName)
      Set the name of the catalog for this insert.
    • getCatalogName

      @Nullable public String getCatalogName()
      Get the name of the catalog for this insert.
    • setColumnNames

      public void setColumnNames(List<String> columnNames)
      Set the names of the columns to be used.
    • getColumnNames

      public List<String> getColumnNames()
      Get the names of the columns used.
    • setGeneratedKeyName

      public void setGeneratedKeyName(String generatedKeyName)
      Specify the name of a single generated key column.
    • setGeneratedKeyNames

      public void setGeneratedKeyNames(String... generatedKeyNames)
      Set the names of any generated keys.
    • getGeneratedKeyNames

      public String[] getGeneratedKeyNames()
      Get the names of any generated keys.
    • setAccessTableColumnMetaData

      public void setAccessTableColumnMetaData(boolean accessTableColumnMetaData)
      Specify whether the parameter meta-data for the call should be used. The default is true.
    • setOverrideIncludeSynonymsDefault

      public void setOverrideIncludeSynonymsDefault(boolean override)
      Specify whether the default for including synonyms should be changed. The default is false.
    • getInsertString

      public String getInsertString()
      Get the insert string to be used.
    • getInsertTypes

      public int[] getInsertTypes()
      Get the array of Types to be used for insert.
    • compile

      public final void compile() throws InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException
      Compile this JdbcInsert using provided parameters and meta-data plus other settings. This finalizes the configuration for this object and subsequent attempts to compile are ignored. This will be implicitly called the first time an un-compiled insert is executed.
      InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException - if the object hasn't been correctly initialized, for example if no DataSource has been provided
    • compileInternal

      protected void compileInternal()
      Delegate method to perform the actual compilation.

      Subclasses can override this template method to perform their own compilation. Invoked after this base class's compilation is complete.

    • onCompileInternal

      protected void onCompileInternal()
      Hook method that subclasses may override to react to compilation.

      This implementation is empty.

    • isCompiled

      public boolean isCompiled()
      Is this operation "compiled"?
      whether this operation is compiled and ready to use
    • checkCompiled

      protected void checkCompiled()
      Check whether this operation has been compiled already; lazily compile it if not already compiled.

      Automatically called by all doExecute*(...) methods.

    • checkIfConfigurationModificationIsAllowed

      protected void checkIfConfigurationModificationIsAllowed()
      Method to check whether we are allowed to make any configuration changes at this time.

      If the class has been compiled, then no further changes to the configuration are allowed.

    • doExecute

      protected int doExecute(Map<String,?> args)
      Delegate method that executes the insert using the passed-in Map of parameters.
      args - a Map with parameter names and values to be used in insert
      the number of rows affected
    • doExecute

      protected int doExecute(SqlParameterSource parameterSource)
      Delegate method that executes the insert using the passed-in SqlParameterSource.
      parameterSource - parameter names and values to be used in insert
      the number of rows affected
    • doExecuteAndReturnKey

      protected Number doExecuteAndReturnKey(Map<String,?> args)
      Method that provides execution of the insert using the passed-in Map of parameters and returning a generated key.
      args - a Map with parameter names and values to be used in insert
      the key generated by the insert
    • doExecuteAndReturnKey

      protected Number doExecuteAndReturnKey(SqlParameterSource parameterSource)
      Method that provides execution of the insert using the passed-in SqlParameterSource and returning a generated key.
      parameterSource - parameter names and values to be used in insert
      the key generated by the insert
    • doExecuteAndReturnKeyHolder

      protected KeyHolder doExecuteAndReturnKeyHolder(Map<String,?> args)
      Method that provides execution of the insert using the passed-in Map of parameters and returning all generated keys.
      args - a Map with parameter names and values to be used in insert
      the KeyHolder containing keys generated by the insert
    • doExecuteAndReturnKeyHolder

      protected KeyHolder doExecuteAndReturnKeyHolder(SqlParameterSource parameterSource)
      Method that provides execution of the insert using the passed-in SqlParameterSource and returning all generated keys.
      parameterSource - parameter names and values to be used in insert
      the KeyHolder containing keys generated by the insert
    • doExecuteBatch

      protected int[] doExecuteBatch(Map<String,?>... batch)
      Delegate method that executes a batch insert using the passed-in Maps of parameters.
      batch - maps with parameter names and values to be used in the batch insert
      an array of number of rows affected
    • doExecuteBatch

      protected int[] doExecuteBatch(SqlParameterSource... batch)
      Delegate method that executes a batch insert using the passed-in SqlParameterSources.
      batch - parameter sources with names and values to be used in the batch insert
      an array of number of rows affected
    • matchInParameterValuesWithInsertColumns

      protected List<Object> matchInParameterValuesWithInsertColumns(SqlParameterSource parameterSource)
      Match the provided in parameter values with registered parameters and parameters defined via meta-data processing.
      parameterSource - the parameter values provided as a SqlParameterSource
      a List of values
    • matchInParameterValuesWithInsertColumns

      protected List<Object> matchInParameterValuesWithInsertColumns(Map<String,?> args)
      Match the provided in parameter values with registered parameters and parameters defined via meta-data processing.
      args - the parameter values provided as a Map
      a List of values