Uses of Interface

Packages that use BeanFactoryAware
AspectJ integration package.
Classes enabling AspectJ 5 @Annotated classes to be used in Spring AOP.
Base classes enabling auto-proxying based on AspectJ.
Support package for declarative AOP configuration, with XML schema being the primary configuration format.
Package containing Spring's basic AOP infrastructure, compliant with the AOP Alliance interfaces.
Bean post-processors for use in ApplicationContexts to simplify AOP usage by automatically creating AOP proxies without the need to use a ProxyFactoryBean.
Provides miscellaneous interceptor implementations.
Support for AOP-based scoping of target objects, with configurable backend.
Convenience classes for using Spring's AOP API.
Support package for annotation-driven bean configuration.
SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories.
Support package for the Java ServiceLoader facility.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.beans.factory package.
Mechanism to determine bean wiring metadata from a bean instance.
AOP-based solution for declarative caching demarcation.
AOP-based solution for declarative caching demarcation using JSR-107 annotations.
Annotation support for the Application Context, including JSR-250 "common" annotations, component-scanning, and Java-based metadata for creating Spring-managed objects.
Support classes for application events, like standard context events.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package, such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext implementations and a MessageSource implementation.
Load-time weaving support for a Spring application context, building on Spring's LoadTimeWeaver abstraction.
Annotation support for DAOs.
Support classes for DAO implementations, providing miscellaneous utility methods.
Defines the Spring JDBC configuration namespace.
Provides a strategy for looking up JDBC DataSources by name.
Annotations and support classes for declarative JMS listener endpoints.
Support package for declarative messaging configuration, with Java configuration and XML schema support.
Support classes for Spring's JMS framework.
This package provides declarative creation and registration of Spring-managed beans as JMX MBeans.
Annotations for MBean exposure.
The classes in this package make JNDI easier to use, facilitating the accessing of configuration stored in JNDI, and provide useful superclasses for JNDI access classes.
Defines interfaces and implementation classes for messaging templates.
Support classes for working with annotated message-handling methods.
Package providing integration of Hibernate 5.x with Spring concepts.
Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.jpa package.
Provides a strategy for looking up R2DBC ConnectionFactories by name.
Annotation support for asynchronous method execution.
Support classes for the open source scheduler Quartz, allowing to set up Quartz Schedulers, JobDetails and Triggers as beans in a Spring context.
Package providing integration of Groovy into Spring's scripting infrastructure.
Support classes for Spring's scripting package.
AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation.
Support classes for integrating a JSR-303 Bean Validation provider (such as Hibernate Validator) into a Spring ApplicationContext and in particular with Spring's data binding and validation APIs.
Support for asynchronous request processing.
MVC infrastructure for annotation-based handler method processing, building on the org.springframework.web.method.annotation package.
Client-side classes for use with standard Jakarta WebSocket endpoints.
Convenient WebSocketHandler implementations and decorators.
Server-side classes for use with standard JSR-356 WebSocket endpoints.