Uses of Interface
Packages that use ResultMatcher
Contains server-side support for testing Spring MVC applications.
Support for testing Spring MVC applications via
with MockMvc
for server request
handling.Contains built-in
and ResultHandler
implementations.Contains built-in
Uses of ResultMatcher in org.springframework.test.web.servlet
Methods in org.springframework.test.web.servlet that return ResultMatcherModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ResultMatcher
(ResultMatcher... matchers) Deprecated.Methods in org.springframework.test.web.servlet with parameters of type ResultMatcherModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionResultActions.andExpect
(ResultMatcher matcher) Perform an expectation.default ResultActions
(ResultMatcher... matchers) Perform multiple expectations, with the guarantee that all expectations will be asserted even if one or more expectations fail with an exception.static ResultMatcher
(ResultMatcher... matchers) of Spring Framework 5.3.10, in favor ofResultActions.andExpectAll(ResultMatcher...)
Method parameters in org.springframework.test.web.servlet with type arguments of type ResultMatcherModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected final MockMvc
(Filter[] filters, MockServletConfig servletConfig, WebApplicationContext webAppContext, RequestBuilder defaultRequestBuilder, Charset defaultResponseCharacterEncoding, List<ResultMatcher> globalResultMatchers, List<ResultHandler> globalResultHandlers, List<DispatcherServletCustomizer> dispatcherServletCustomizers) Delegates toMockMvcBuilderSupport.createMockMvc(Filter[], MockServletConfig, WebApplicationContext, RequestBuilder, List, List, List)
for creation of theMockMvc
instance and configures that instance with the supplieddefaultResponseCharacterEncoding
.protected final MockMvc
(Filter[] filters, MockServletConfig servletConfig, WebApplicationContext webAppContext, RequestBuilder defaultRequestBuilder, List<ResultMatcher> globalResultMatchers, List<ResultHandler> globalResultHandlers, List<DispatcherServletCustomizer> dispatcherServletCustomizers) -
Uses of ResultMatcher in org.springframework.test.web.servlet.client
Methods in org.springframework.test.web.servlet.client with parameters of type ResultMatcherModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends B>
(ResultMatcher resultMatcher) Define a global expectation that should always be applied to every response. -
Uses of ResultMatcher in org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result
Methods in org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result that return ResultMatcherModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRequestResultMatchers.asyncNotStarted()
Assert that asynchronous processing was not started.RequestResultMatchers.asyncResult
(Object expectedResult) Assert the result from asynchronous processing.<T> ResultMatcher
(Matcher<? super T> matcher) Assert the result from asynchronous processing with the given matcher.RequestResultMatchers.asyncStarted()
Assert whether asynchronous processing started, usually as a result of a controller method returningCallable
.Assert a flash attribute's value.<T> ResultMatcher
Assert a flash attribute's value with the given HamcrestMatcher
.Assert a model attribute value.<T> ResultMatcher
Assert a model attribute value with the given HamcrestMatcher
.Assert a request attribute value.<T> ResultMatcher
Assert a request attribute value with the given HamcrestMatcher
(int count) Assert the number of flash attributes.ModelResultMatchers.attributeDoesNotExist
(String... names) Assert the given model attributes do not exist.ModelResultMatchers.attributeErrorCount
(String name, int expectedCount) Assert the given model attribute(s) have errors.FlashAttributeResultMatchers.attributeExists
(String... names) Assert the existence of the given flash attributes.ModelResultMatchers.attributeExists
(String... names) Assert the given model attributes exist.ModelResultMatchers.attributeHasErrors
(String... names) Assert the given model attribute(s) have errors.ModelResultMatchers.attributeHasFieldErrorCode
(String name, String fieldName, String error) Assert a field error code for a model attribute using exact String match.ModelResultMatchers.attributeHasFieldErrorCode
(String name, String fieldName, Matcher<? super String> matcher) Assert a field error code for a model attribute using aMatcher
(String name, String... fieldNames) Assert the given model attribute field(s) have errors.ModelResultMatchers.attributeHasNoErrors
(String... names) Assert the given model attribute(s) do not have errors.XpathResultMatchers.booleanValue
(Boolean value) Evaluate the XPath and assert theBoolean
value found.ContentResultMatchers.bytes
(byte[] expectedContent) Assert the response body content as a byte array.Assert a cookie's comment.Assert a cookie's comment with a HamcrestMatcher
(String contentType) Assert the ServletResponse content type.ContentResultMatchers.contentType
(MediaType contentType) Assert the ServletResponse content type after parsing it as a MediaType.ContentResultMatchers.contentTypeCompatibleWith
(String contentType) Assert the ServletResponse content type is compatible with the given content type as defined byMediaType.isCompatibleWith(MediaType)
(MediaType contentType) Assert the ServletResponse content type is compatible with the given content type as defined byMediaType.isCompatibleWith(MediaType)
.Assert the primary value of the named response header parsed into a date using the preferred date format described in RFC 7231.CookieResultMatchers.doesNotExist
(String name) Assert a cookie does not exist.HeaderResultMatchers.doesNotExist
(String name) Assert that the named response header does not exist.JsonPathResultMatchers.doesNotExist()
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that a non-null value does not exist at the given path.XpathResultMatchers.doesNotExist()
Evaluate the XPath and assert that content doesn't exist.JsonPathResultMatchers.doesNotHaveJsonPath()
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the suppliedcontent
and assert that a value, includingnull
values, does not exist at the given path.Assert a cookie's domain.Assert a cookie's domain with a HamcrestMatcher
.Assert the character encoding in the ServletResponse.Assert the character encoding in the ServletResponse.ModelResultMatchers.errorCount
(int expectedCount) Assert the total number of errors in the model.Assert a cookie exists.Assert that the named response header exists.JsonPathResultMatchers.exists()
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that a non-null value, possibly an empty array or map, exists at the given path.XpathResultMatchers.exists()
Evaluate the XPath and assert that content exists.static ResultMatcher
(String expectedUrl) Asserts the request was forwarded to the given URL.static ResultMatcher
(String urlPattern) Asserts the request was forwarded to the given URL.static ResultMatcher
(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) Asserts the request was forwarded to the given URL template.HandlerResultMatchers.handlerType
(Class<?> type) Assert the type of the handler that processed the request.ModelResultMatchers.hasErrors()
Assert the model has errors.JsonPathResultMatchers.hasJsonPath()
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that a value, possiblynull
, exists.ModelResultMatchers.hasNoErrors()
Assert the model has no errors.Assert whether the cookie must be HTTP
(int status) Assert the response status code is equal to an integer value.Assert the response status code with the given HamcrestMatcher
Assert the response status code is in the 1xx range.StatusResultMatchers.is2xxSuccessful()
Assert the response status code is in the 2xx range.StatusResultMatchers.is3xxRedirection()
Assert the response status code is in the 3xx range.StatusResultMatchers.is4xxClientError()
Assert the response status code is in the 4xx range.StatusResultMatchers.is5xxServerError()
Assert the response status code is in the 5xx range.StatusResultMatchers.isAccepted()
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.ACCEPTED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.ALREADY_REPORTED
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is an array.StatusResultMatchers.isBadGateway()
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is aBoolean
.StatusResultMatchers.isCheckpoint() favor ofStatusResultMatchers.isEarlyHints()
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.CONFLICT
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.CONTINUE
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.CREATED
Deprecated.matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.DESTINATION_LOCKED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.EARLY_HINTS
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that an empty value exists at the given path.StatusResultMatchers.isExpectationFailed()
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.EXPECTATION_FAILED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.FAILED_DEPENDENCY
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.FORBIDDEN
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.FOUND
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.GONE
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.I_AM_A_TEAPOT
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.IM_USED
Deprecated.matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ON_RESOURCE
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.LENGTH_REQUIRED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.LOCKED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.LOOP_DETECTED
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is aMap
Deprecated.matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.METHOD_FAILURE
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY
(301).StatusResultMatchers.isMovedTemporarily() favor ofStatusResultMatchers.isFound()
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.MULTIPLE_CHOICES
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.MULTI_STATUS
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.NO_CONTENT
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that a non-empty value exists at the given path.StatusResultMatchers.isNotExtended()
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.NOT_EXTENDED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.NOT_FOUND
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is aNumber
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.OK
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.PERMANENT_REDIRECT
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.PRECONDITION_FAILED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.PRECONDITION_REQUIRED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.PROCESSING
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE
Deprecated.matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT
Deprecated.matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.RESET_CONTENT
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.SEE_OTHER
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is aString
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.TOO_EARLY
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.UPGRADE_REQUIRED
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG
Deprecated.matching the deprecation ofHttpStatus.USE_PROXY
Assert the response status code isHttpStatus.VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES
(506).Parse the expected and actual strings as JSON and assert the two are "similar" - i.e.Parse the response content and the given string as JSON and assert the two are "similar" - i.e.static <T> ResultMatcher
static <T> ResultMatcher
Assert the primary value of the named response header as along
.Assert a cookie's maxAge.Assert a cookie's maxAge with a HamcrestMatcher
.Assert the controller method used to process the request.HandlerResultMatchers.methodCall
(Object obj) Assert the controller method used to process the request.HandlerResultMatchers.methodName
(String name) Assert the name of the controller method used to process the request.HandlerResultMatchers.methodName
(Matcher<? super String> matcher) Assert the name of the controller method used to process the request using the given HamcrestMatcher
.Assert the selected view name.Assert the selected view name with the given HamcrestMatcher
(int expectedCount) Evaluate the XPath and assert the number of nodes found.Evaluate the XPath and assert the number of nodes found with the given HamcrestMatcher
.Evaluate the XPath and assert theDouble
value found.Assert a cookie's path.Assert a cookie's path with a HamcrestMatcher
.Assert the Servlet response error message.Assert the Servlet response error message with the given HamcrestMatcher
.static ResultMatcher
(String expectedUrl) Asserts the request was redirected to the given URL.static ResultMatcher
(String urlPattern) Asserts the request was redirected to the given URL.static ResultMatcher
(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) Asserts the request was redirected to the given URL template.Assert whether the cookie must be sent over a secure protocol or not.RequestResultMatchers.sessionAttribute
(String name, Object value) Assert a session attribute value.<T> ResultMatcher
(String name, Matcher<? super T> matcher) Assert a session attribute value with the given HamcrestMatcher
(String... names) Assert the given session attributes do not exist.ModelResultMatchers.size
(int size) Assert the number of model attributes.Assert the response body content as a String.Assert the response body content with a HamcrestMatcher
.Assert the primary value of the response header as a String value.Assert the primary value of the response header with the given Hamcrest StringMatcher
.Apply the XPath and assert theString
value found.HeaderResultMatchers.stringValues
(String name, String... values) Assert the values of the response header as String values.HeaderResultMatchers.stringValues
(String name, Matcher<? super Iterable<String>> matcher) Assert the values of the response header with the given Hamcrest IterableMatcher
.Assert a cookie value.Assert a cookie value with the given HamcrestMatcher
.Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is equal to the supplied value.<T> ResultMatcher
Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert the resulting value with the given HamcrestMatcher
.<T> ResultMatcher
An overloaded variant ofJsonPathResultMatchers.value(Matcher)
that also accepts a target type for the resulting value that the matcher can work reliably against.Assert a cookie's version.Assert a cookie's version with a HamcrestMatcher
.Parse the response content and the given string as XML and assert the two are "similar" - i.e. -
Uses of ResultMatcher in org.springframework.test.web.servlet.setup
Methods in org.springframework.test.web.servlet.setup with parameters of type ResultMatcherModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal <T extends B>
(ResultMatcher resultMatcher) <T extends B>
(ResultMatcher resultMatcher) Define a global expectation that should always be applied to every response.