Interface JdbcClient.ResultQuerySpec

Enclosing interface:

public static interface JdbcClient.ResultQuerySpec
A specification for simple result queries.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieve the result as a list of rows, retaining the order from the original database result.
    Retrieve the result as a row set.
    <T> List<T>
    Retrieve a single column result, retaining the order from the original database result.
    Retrieve a single row result.
    default <T> T
    Retrieve a single value result.
  • Method Details

    • rowSet

      SqlRowSet rowSet()
      Retrieve the result as a row set.
      a detached row set representation of the original database result
    • listOfRows

      List<Map<String,Object>> listOfRows()
      Retrieve the result as a list of rows, retaining the order from the original database result.
      a (potentially empty) list of rows, with each result row represented as a map of case-insensitive column names to column values
    • singleRow

      Map<String,Object> singleRow()
      Retrieve a single row result.
      the result row represented as a map of case-insensitive column names to column values
    • singleColumn

      <T> List<T> singleColumn()
      Retrieve a single column result, retaining the order from the original database result.
      a (potentially empty) list of rows, with each row represented as a column value of the given type
    • singleValue

      default <T> T singleValue()
      Retrieve a single value result.
      the single row represented as its single column value of the given type
      See Also: