Interface TableMetaDataProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
DerbyTableMetaDataProvider, GenericTableMetaDataProvider, HsqlTableMetaDataProvider, OracleTableMetaDataProvider, PostgresTableMetaDataProvider

public interface TableMetaDataProvider
Interface specifying the API to be implemented by a class providing table meta-data.

This is intended for internal use by the Simple JDBC classes.

Thomas Risberg, Sam Brannen
  • Method Details

    • initializeWithMetaData

      void initializeWithMetaData(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData) throws SQLException
      Initialize using the database meta-data provided.
      databaseMetaData - used to retrieve database specific information
      SQLException - in case of initialization failure
    • initializeWithTableColumnMetaData

      void initializeWithTableColumnMetaData(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData, @Nullable String catalogName, @Nullable String schemaName, @Nullable String tableName) throws SQLException
      Initialize using provided database meta-data, table and column information.

      This initialization can be turned off by specifying that column meta-data should not be used.

      databaseMetaData - used to retrieve database specific information
      catalogName - name of catalog to use (or null if none)
      schemaName - name of schema name to use (or null if none)
      tableName - name of the table
      SQLException - in case of initialization failure
    • tableNameToUse

      @Nullable String tableNameToUse(@Nullable String tableName)
      Get the table name formatted based on meta-data information.

      This could include altering the case.

    • columnNameToUse

      @Nullable String columnNameToUse(@Nullable String columnName)
      Get the column name formatted based on meta-data information.

      This could include altering the case.

    • catalogNameToUse

      @Nullable String catalogNameToUse(@Nullable String catalogName)
      Get the catalog name formatted based on meta-data information.

      This could include altering the case.

    • schemaNameToUse

      @Nullable String schemaNameToUse(@Nullable String schemaName)
      Get the schema name formatted based on meta-data information.

      This could include altering the case.

    • metaDataCatalogNameToUse

      @Nullable String metaDataCatalogNameToUse(@Nullable String catalogName)
      Provide any modification of the catalog name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.

      The returned value will be used for meta-data lookups.

      This could include altering the case used or providing a base catalog if none is provided.

    • metaDataSchemaNameToUse

      @Nullable String metaDataSchemaNameToUse(@Nullable String schemaName)
      Provide any modification of the schema name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.

      The returned value will be used for meta-data lookups.

      This could include altering the case used or providing a base schema if none is provided.

    • isTableColumnMetaDataUsed

      boolean isTableColumnMetaDataUsed()
      Are we using the meta-data for the table columns?
    • isGetGeneratedKeysSupported

      boolean isGetGeneratedKeysSupported()
      Does this database support the JDBC feature for retrieving generated keys?
      See Also:
    • isGetGeneratedKeysSimulated

      boolean isGetGeneratedKeysSimulated()
      Does this database support a simple query to retrieve generated keys when the JDBC feature for retrieving generated keys is not supported?
      See Also:
    • getSimpleQueryForGetGeneratedKey

      @Nullable String getSimpleQueryForGetGeneratedKey(String tableName, String keyColumnName)
      Get the simple query to retrieve generated keys when the JDBC feature for retrieving generated keys is not supported.
      See Also:
    • isGeneratedKeysColumnNameArraySupported

      boolean isGeneratedKeysColumnNameArraySupported()
      Does this database support a column name String array for retrieving generated keys?
      See Also:
    • getTableParameterMetaData

      List<TableParameterMetaData> getTableParameterMetaData()
      Get the table parameter meta-data that is currently used.
      a List of TableParameterMetaData
    • getIdentifierQuoteString

      String getIdentifierQuoteString()
      Get the string used to quote SQL identifiers.

      This method returns a space (" ") if identifier quoting is not supported.

      database identifier quote string
      See Also: