Interface DynamicPropertyRegistry

public interface DynamicPropertyRegistry
Registry that is used to add properties with dynamically resolved values to the Environment.

A DynamicPropertyRegistry is supplied as an argument to static @DynamicPropertySource methods in integration test classes.

As of Spring Framework 6.2, a DynamicPropertyRegistry is also registered as a singleton bean in the test's ApplicationContext. This allows a DynamicPropertyRegistry to be autowired into a @Configuration class or supplied to a @Bean method as an argument, making it possible to register a dynamic property from within a test's ApplicationContext. For example, a @Bean method can register a property whose value is dynamically sourced from the bean that the method returns. Note that such a @Bean method can optionally be annotated with @DynamicPropertySource to enforce eager initialization of the bean within the context, thereby ensuring that any dynamic properties sourced from that bean are available to other singleton beans within the context. See @DynamicPropertySource for an example.

Phillip Webb, Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(String name, Supplier<Object> valueSupplier)
    Add a Supplier for the given property name to this registry.
  • Method Details

    • add

      void add(String name, Supplier<Object> valueSupplier)
      Add a Supplier for the given property name to this registry.
      name - the name of the property for which the supplier should be added
      valueSupplier - a supplier that will provide the property value on demand