Class MockMvcWebConnection

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, org.htmlunit.WebConnection

public final class MockMvcWebConnection extends Object implements org.htmlunit.WebConnection
MockMvcWebConnection enables MockMvc to transform a WebRequest into a WebResponse.

This is the core integration with HtmlUnit.

Example usage can be seen below.

 WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
 MockMvc mockMvc = ...
 MockMvcWebConnection webConnection = new MockMvcWebConnection(mockMvc, webClient);

 // Use webClient as normal ...
Rob Winch, Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MockMvcWebConnection

      public MockMvcWebConnection(MockMvc mockMvc, org.htmlunit.WebClient webClient)
      Create a new instance that assumes the context path of the application is "" (i.e., the root context).

      For example, the URL http://localhost/test/this would use "" as the context path.

      mockMvc - the MockMvc instance to use; never null
      webClient - the WebClient to use. never null
    • MockMvcWebConnection

      public MockMvcWebConnection(MockMvc mockMvc, org.htmlunit.WebClient webClient, @Nullable String contextPath)
      Create a new instance with the specified context path.

      The path may be null in which case the first path segment of the URL is turned into the contextPath. Otherwise it must conform to HttpServletRequest.getContextPath() which states that it can be an empty string and otherwise must start with a "/" character and not end with a "/" character.

      mockMvc - the MockMvc instance to use (never null)
      webClient - the WebClient to use (never null)
      contextPath - the contextPath to use
  • Method Details

    • setWebClient

      public void setWebClient(org.htmlunit.WebClient webClient)
    • getResponse

      public org.htmlunit.WebResponse getResponse(org.htmlunit.WebRequest webRequest) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      getResponse in interface org.htmlunit.WebConnection
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface org.htmlunit.WebConnection