Interface ConfigurableApplicationContext

All Superinterfaces:
ApplicationContext, ApplicationEventPublisher, AutoCloseable, BeanFactory, Closeable, EnvironmentCapable, HierarchicalBeanFactory, Lifecycle, ListableBeanFactory, MessageSource, ResourceLoader, ResourcePatternResolver
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractApplicationContext, AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext, AbstractRefreshableConfigApplicationContext, AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContext, AbstractXmlApplicationContext, AnnotationConfigApplicationContext, AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext, ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, FileSystemXmlApplicationContext, GenericApplicationContext, GenericGroovyApplicationContext, GenericWebApplicationContext, GenericXmlApplicationContext, GroovyWebApplicationContext, StaticApplicationContext, StaticWebApplicationContext, XmlWebApplicationContext

public interface ConfigurableApplicationContext extends ApplicationContext, Lifecycle, Closeable
SPI interface to be implemented by most if not all application contexts. Provides facilities to configure an application context in addition to the application context client methods in the ApplicationContext interface.

Configuration and lifecycle methods are encapsulated here to avoid making them obvious to ApplicationContext client code. The present methods should only be used by startup and shutdown code.

Juergen Hoeller, Chris Beams, Sam Brannen
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setId

      void setId(String id)
      Set the unique id of this application context.
    • setParent

      void setParent(@Nullable ApplicationContext parent)
      Set the parent of this application context.

      Note that the parent shouldn't be changed: It should only be set outside a constructor if it isn't available when an object of this class is created, for example in case of WebApplicationContext setup.

      parent - the parent context
      See Also:
    • setEnvironment

      void setEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment)
      Set the Environment for this application context.
      environment - the new environment
    • getEnvironment

      ConfigurableEnvironment getEnvironment()
      Return the Environment for this application context in configurable form, allowing for further customization.
      Specified by:
      getEnvironment in interface EnvironmentCapable
    • setApplicationStartup

      void setApplicationStartup(ApplicationStartup applicationStartup)
      Set the ApplicationStartup for this application context.

      This allows the application context to record metrics during startup.

      applicationStartup - the new context event factory
    • getApplicationStartup

      ApplicationStartup getApplicationStartup()
      Return the ApplicationStartup for this application context.
    • addBeanFactoryPostProcessor

      void addBeanFactoryPostProcessor(BeanFactoryPostProcessor postProcessor)
      Add a new BeanFactoryPostProcessor that will get applied to the internal bean factory of this application context on refresh, before any of the bean definitions get evaluated. To be invoked during context configuration.
      postProcessor - the factory processor to register
    • addApplicationListener

      void addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener<?> listener)
      Add a new ApplicationListener that will be notified on context events such as context refresh and context shutdown.

      Note that any ApplicationListener registered here will be applied on refresh if the context is not active yet, or on the fly with the current event multicaster in case of a context that is already active.

      listener - the ApplicationListener to register
      See Also:
    • removeApplicationListener

      void removeApplicationListener(ApplicationListener<?> listener)
      Remove the given ApplicationListener from this context's set of listeners, assuming it got registered via addApplicationListener(org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener<?>) before.
      listener - the ApplicationListener to deregister
    • setClassLoader

      void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
      Specify the ClassLoader to load class path resources and bean classes with.

      This context class loader will be passed to the internal bean factory.

      See Also:
    • addProtocolResolver

      void addProtocolResolver(ProtocolResolver resolver)
      Register the given protocol resolver with this application context, allowing for additional resource protocols to be handled.

      Any such resolver will be invoked ahead of this context's standard resolution rules. It may therefore also override any default rules.

    • refresh

      void refresh() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException
      Load or refresh the persistent representation of the configuration, which might be from Java-based configuration, an XML file, a properties file, a relational database schema, or some other format.

      As this is a startup method, it should destroy already created singletons if it fails, to avoid dangling resources. In other words, after invocation of this method, either all or no singletons at all should be instantiated.

      BeansException - if the bean factory could not be initialized
      IllegalStateException - if already initialized and multiple refresh attempts are not supported
    • registerShutdownHook

      void registerShutdownHook()
      Register a shutdown hook with the JVM runtime, closing this context on JVM shutdown unless it has already been closed at that time.

      This method can be called multiple times. Only one shutdown hook (at max) will be registered for each context instance.

      The name of the shutdown hook thread should be SHUTDOWN_HOOK_THREAD_NAME.

      See Also:
    • close

      void close()
      Close this application context, releasing all resources and locks that the implementation might hold. This includes destroying all cached singleton beans.

      Note: Does not invoke close on a parent context; parent contexts have their own, independent lifecycle.

      This method can be called multiple times without side effects: Subsequent close calls on an already closed context will be ignored.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • isClosed

      boolean isClosed()
      Return whether this context has been closed already, that is, whether close() has been called on an active context in order to initiate its shutdown.

      Note: This does not indicate whether context shutdown has completed. Use isActive() for differentiating between those scenarios: a context becomes inactive once it has been fully shut down and the original close() call has returned.

    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Determine whether this application context is active, that is, whether it has been refreshed at least once and has not been closed yet.
      whether the context is still active
      See Also:
    • getBeanFactory

      Return the internal bean factory of this application context. Can be used to access specific functionality of the underlying factory.

      Note: Do not use this to post-process the bean factory; singletons will already have been instantiated before. Use a BeanFactoryPostProcessor to intercept the BeanFactory setup process before beans get touched.

      Generally, this internal factory will only be accessible while the context is active, that is, in-between refresh() and close(). The isActive() flag can be used to check whether the context is in an appropriate state.

      the underlying bean factory
      IllegalStateException - if the context does not hold an internal bean factory (usually if refresh() hasn't been called yet or if close() has already been called)
      See Also: