Uses of Package
Packages that use org.springframework.util
Provides miscellaneous interceptor implementations.
SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories.
Classes supporting the
package.Classes supporting the org.springframework.beans package,
such as utility classes for sorting and holding lists of beans.
This package builds on the beans package to add support for
message sources and for the Observer design pattern, and the
ability for application objects to obtain resources using a
consistent API.
Support classes for application events, like standard context events.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package,
such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext
implementations and a MessageSource implementation.
Provides basic classes for exception handling and version detection,
and other core helpers that are not specific to any part of the framework.
Core support package for annotations, meta-annotations, and merged
annotations with attribute overrides.
Support classes for Spring's resource abstraction.
This package defines Spring's core TaskExecutor abstraction,
and provides SyncTaskExecutor and SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor implementations.
Core support package for type introspection.
Support classes for the formatting package,
providing common implementations as well as adapters.
Contains a basic abstraction over client/server-side HTTP.
Contains an abstraction over client-side HTTP.
Abstractions for reactive HTTP client support including
as well as a
.CBOR encoder and decoder support.
JSON encoder and decoder support.
Multipart support.
Provides an encoder and a decoder for
Google Protocol Buffers.
XML encoder and decoder support.
Provides an HttpMessageConverter abstraction to convert between Java objects and HTTP input/output messages.
Contains an abstraction over server-side HTTP.
Abstractions for reactive HTTP server support including a
along with an
for processing.This package provides internal HTTP support classes,
to be used by higher-level client and server classes.
Support package for declarative messaging configuration,
with Java configuration and XML schema support.
This package contains the base message listener container facility.
Support for working with messaging APIs and protocols.
Provides support for message conversion.
Basic abstractions for working with message handler methods.
Support classes for working with annotated message-handling methods with
non-blocking, reactive contracts.
Common infrastructure for invoking message handler methods with non-blocking,
and reactive contracts.
Support for the RSocket protocol.
Support classes for working with annotated RSocket stream handling methods.
Annotations to declare an RSocket service contract with request methods along
with a proxy factory backed by an
.Support classes for handling messages from simple messaging protocols
(like STOMP).
Provides a "simple" message broker implementation along with an abstract base
class and other supporting types such as a registry for subscriptions.
Configuration support for WebSocket messaging using higher level messaging protocols.
Generic support for simple messaging protocols (like STOMP).
Provides implementations of
along with
a MessageBuilder and MessageHeaderAccessor for building and working with messages and
message headers, as well as various MessageChannel
implementations and channel interceptor support.Mock implementations of reactive HTTP client contracts.
Mock implementations of reactive HTTP server contracts.
A comprehensive set of Servlet API 6.0 mock objects, targeted at usage with
Spring's Web MVC framework.
Mock objects for the functional web framework.
Annotation support for asynchronous method execution.
Scheduling convenience classes for the
and jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
packages, allowing to set up a
ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as a bean in a Spring
context.Support classes for the open source scheduler
allowing to set up Quartz Schedulers, JobDetails and
Triggers as beans in a Spring context.
Generic support classes for scheduling.
Contains built-in
implementations.Contains built-in
implementations.Support for testing Spring WebFlux server endpoints via
.Contains built-in
implementations.Contains built-in
and ResultHandler
implementations.AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation.
Miscellaneous utility classes, such as utilities for working with strings,
classes, collections, reflection, etc.
Support for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing),
based on a common
strategy.Multipart resolution framework for handling file uploads.
Support classes for the multipart resolution framework.
Provides a foundation for both the reactive client and server subpackages.
Provides a reactive
that builds on top of the
reactive HTTP adapter layer.Classes supporting the
package.Provides the types that make up Spring's functional web framework for Reactive environments.
Classes supporting the
package.Infrastructure for annotation-based handler method processing.
Abstractions and support classes for reactive WebSocket interactions.
Core interfaces and classes for Spring's generic, reactive web support.
Implementations to adapt to the underlying
reactive HTTP adapter
and HttpHandler
.Support for creating a client proxy for an HTTP service annotated with
methods.Provides servlets that integrate with the application context
infrastructure, and the core interfaces and classes for the
Spring web MVC framework.
Annotation-based setup for Spring MVC.
Provides the types that make up Spring's functional web framework for Servlet environments.
Provides standard HandlerMapping implementations,
including abstract base classes for custom implementations.
Standard controller implementations for the Servlet MVC framework that comes with
Common MVC logic for matching incoming requests based on conditions.
Servlet-based infrastructure for handler method processing,
building on the
package.MVC infrastructure for annotation-based handler method processing, building on the
package.Support classes for serving static resources.
Common abstractions and Spring configuration support for WebSocket applications.
Classes adapting Spring's WebSocket API to and from WebSocket providers.
Support for annotation-based WebSocket setup in configuration classes.
Miscellaneous web utility classes, such as HTML escaping and cookie handling.
Dedicated support for matching HTTP request paths.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.aop.interceptorClassDescriptionSupport class for throttling concurrent access to a specific resource.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.beans.factory.configClassDescriptionHelper class that allows for specifying a method to invoke in a declarative fashion, be it static or non-static.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.beans.factory.supportClassDescriptionStrategy interface for persisting
, allowing for pluggable parsing strategies.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.beans.supportClassDescriptionHelper class that allows for specifying a method to invoke in a declarative fashion, be it static or non-static.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.context
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.context.event
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.context.supportClassDescriptionStrategy interface for persisting
, allowing for pluggable parsing strategies.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.coreClassDescriptionCallback optionally used to filter methods to be operated on by a method callback.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.core.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.core.codecClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by interface for
-based path matching.Strategy interface for persistingjava.util.Properties
, allowing for pluggable parsing strategies. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.core.task
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.core.type
Classes in org.springframework.util used by
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.httpClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.Extension of the
interface that stores multiple values. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.client
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.client.reactive
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.codecClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.Extension of the
interface that stores multiple values. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.codec.cborClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.codec.jsonClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.codec.multipart
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.codec.protobufClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.codec.xmlClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.converter
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.server
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.http.server.reactive
Classes in org.springframework.util used by
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.jms.configClassDescriptionA strategy for handling errors.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.jms.listener
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.converterClassDescriptionException thrown from
in case of encountering an invalid content type specification String.Represents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.handlerClassDescriptionStrategy interface for
-based path matching.Contract for matching routes to patterns. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.reactiveClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.Contract for matching routes to patterns.A parsed representation of a route.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.reactiveClassDescriptionExtension of the
interface that stores multiple values.A parsed representation of a route. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.rsocketClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.Contract for matching routes to patterns.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.rsocket.annotation.supportClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.Contract for matching routes to patterns.A parsed representation of a route.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.rsocket.serviceClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.simp.annotation.supportClassDescriptionStrategy interface for
-based path matching.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.simp.brokerClassDescriptionExtension of the
interface that stores multiple values.Strategy interface forString
-based path matching. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.simp.config
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.simp.stompClassDescriptionRepresents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.Extension of the
interface that stores multiple values. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.messaging.supportClassDescriptionContract for generating universally unique identifiers (
).Represents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.Extension of theMap
interface that stores multiple values. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.mock.http.client.reactive
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.mock.http.server.reactive
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.mock.web
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.mock.web.reactive.function.server
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.scheduling.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.scheduling.concurrentClassDescriptionSimple customizable helper class for creating new
instances.A strategy for handling errors. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.scheduling.quartzClassDescriptionHelper class that allows for specifying a method to invoke in a declarative fashion, be it static or non-static.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.scheduling.supportClassDescriptionA strategy for handling errors.Helper class that allows for specifying a method to invoke in a declarative fashion, be it static or non-static.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.test.web.client.match
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.test.web.client.response
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.test.web.reactive.server
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.utilClassDescriptionTests whether a string matches against a pattern via a
.Factory interface for creating elements for an index-based access data structure such as aList
.Exception to be thrown from ElementFactory.A single map entry.A reference to anConcurrentReferenceHashMap.Entry
contained in the map.Strategy class used to manageReferences
.Various reference types supported by this map.The types of restructuring that can be performed.A single segment used to divide the map to allow better concurrent performance.Default implementation of thePropertiesPersister
interface.Contract for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs
).A simple instance filter that checks if a given instance match based on a collection of includes and excludes element.LinkedHashMap
variant that stores String keys in a case-insensitive manner, for example for key-based access in a results table.Simple implementation ofMultiValueMap
that wraps aLinkedHashMap
, storing multiple values in anArrayList
.Represents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.Extension of theMap
interface that stores multiple values.Adapts a givenMap
to theMultiValueMap
contract.Strategy interface forString
-based path matching.Strategy interface for persistingjava.util.Properties
, allowing for pluggable parsing strategies.Strategy interface used to resolve replacement values for placeholders contained in Strings.Callback interface invoked on each field in the hierarchy.Callback optionally used to filter fields to be operated on by a field callback.Action to take on each method.Callback optionally used to filter methods to be operated on by a method callback.Contract for matching routes to patterns.A parsed representation of a route.Nested class to hold data about one task executed within theStopWatch
. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.cors
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.multipart
Classes in org.springframework.util used by
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.reactive.function
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client
Classes in org.springframework.util used by
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server
Classes in org.springframework.util used by
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.reactive.socket
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.server
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.server.adapter
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.service.invokerClassDescriptionExtension of the
interface that stores multiple values.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.servlet
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.servlet.function
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.servlet.handler
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.condition
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotationClassDescriptionCallback optionally used to filter methods to be operated on by a method callback.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value.
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.servlet.resourceClassDescriptionStrategy interface for
-based path matching.Simple strategy interface for resolving a String value. -
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.socket
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.socket.adapter
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.socket.config.annotation
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.util
Classes in org.springframework.util used by org.springframework.web.util.patternClassDescriptionExtension of the
interface that stores multiple values.Contract for matching routes to patterns.A parsed representation of a route.