Class JmsActivationSpecConfig

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JmsActivationSpecConfig extends Object
Common configuration object for activating a JMS message endpoint. Gets converted into a provider-specific JCA 1.5 ActivationSpec object for activating the endpoint.

Typically used in combination with JmsMessageEndpointManager, but not tied to it.

Juergen Hoeller, Stephane Nicoll, Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JmsActivationSpecConfig

      public JmsActivationSpecConfig()
  • Method Details

    • setDestinationName

      public void setDestinationName(@Nullable String destinationName)
    • getDestinationName

      @Nullable public String getDestinationName()
    • setPubSubDomain

      public void setPubSubDomain(boolean pubSubDomain)
    • isPubSubDomain

      public boolean isPubSubDomain()
    • setReplyPubSubDomain

      public void setReplyPubSubDomain(boolean replyPubSubDomain)
    • isReplyPubSubDomain

      public boolean isReplyPubSubDomain()
    • setReplyQosSettings

      public void setReplyQosSettings(@Nullable QosSettings replyQosSettings)
    • getReplyQosSettings

      @Nullable public QosSettings getReplyQosSettings()
    • setSubscriptionDurable

      public void setSubscriptionDurable(boolean subscriptionDurable)
    • isSubscriptionDurable

      public boolean isSubscriptionDurable()
    • setSubscriptionShared

      public void setSubscriptionShared(boolean subscriptionShared)
    • isSubscriptionShared

      public boolean isSubscriptionShared()
    • setSubscriptionName

      public void setSubscriptionName(@Nullable String subscriptionName)
    • getSubscriptionName

      @Nullable public String getSubscriptionName()
    • setDurableSubscriptionName

      public void setDurableSubscriptionName(@Nullable String durableSubscriptionName)
    • getDurableSubscriptionName

      @Nullable public String getDurableSubscriptionName()
    • setClientId

      public void setClientId(@Nullable String clientId)
    • getClientId

      @Nullable public String getClientId()
    • setMessageSelector

      public void setMessageSelector(@Nullable String messageSelector)
    • getMessageSelector

      @Nullable public String getMessageSelector()
    • setAcknowledgeModeName

      public void setAcknowledgeModeName(String constantName)
      Set the JMS acknowledgement mode by the name of the corresponding constant in the JMS Session interface — for example, "CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE".

      Note that JCA resource adapters generally only support auto and dups-ok (see Spring's StandardJmsActivationSpecFactory). ActiveMQ also supports "SESSION_TRANSACTED" in the form of RA-managed transactions (automatically translated by Spring's DefaultJmsActivationSpecFactory).

      constantName - the name of the Session acknowledge mode constant
      See Also:
    • setAcknowledgeMode

      public void setAcknowledgeMode(int acknowledgeMode)
      Set the JMS acknowledgement mode to use.
      See Also:
    • getAcknowledgeMode

      public int getAcknowledgeMode()
      Return the JMS acknowledgement mode to use.
    • setConcurrency

      public void setConcurrency(String concurrency)
      Specify concurrency limits via a "lower-upper" String, for example, "5-10", or a simple upper limit String, for example, "10".

      JCA listener containers will always scale from zero to the given upper limit. A specified lower limit will effectively be ignored.

      This property is primarily supported for configuration compatibility with DefaultMessageListenerContainer. For this activation config, generally use setMaxConcurrency(int) instead.

    • setMaxConcurrency

      public void setMaxConcurrency(int maxConcurrency)
      Specify the maximum number of consumers/sessions to use, effectively controlling the number of concurrent invocations on the target listener.
    • getMaxConcurrency

      public int getMaxConcurrency()
      Return the maximum number of consumers/sessions to use.
    • setPrefetchSize

      public void setPrefetchSize(int prefetchSize)
      Specify the maximum number of messages to load into a session (a kind of batch size).
    • getPrefetchSize

      public int getPrefetchSize()
      Return the maximum number of messages to load into a session.
    • setMessageConverter

      public void setMessageConverter(@Nullable MessageConverter messageConverter)
      Set the MessageConverter strategy for converting JMS Messages.
      messageConverter - the message converter to use
    • getMessageConverter

      @Nullable public MessageConverter getMessageConverter()
      Return the MessageConverter to use, if any.