Class SockJsClient

All Implemented Interfaces:
Lifecycle, WebSocketClient

public class SockJsClient extends Object implements WebSocketClient, Lifecycle
A SockJS implementation of WebSocketClient with fallback alternatives that simulate a WebSocket interaction through plain HTTP streaming and long polling techniques.

Implements Lifecycle in order to propagate lifecycle events to the transports it is configured with.

Rossen Stoyanchev, Sam Brannen, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SockJsClient

      public SockJsClient(List<Transport> transports)
      Create a SockJsClient with the given transports.

      If the list includes an XhrTransport (or more specifically an implementation of InfoReceiver) the instance is used to initialize the infoReceiver property, or otherwise is defaulted to RestTemplateXhrTransport.

      transports - the (non-empty) list of transports to use
  • Method Details

    • setHttpHeaderNames

      public void setHttpHeaderNames(@Nullable String... httpHeaderNames)
      The names of HTTP headers that should be copied from the handshake headers of each call to WebSocketClient.doHandshake(WebSocketHandler, WebSocketHttpHeaders, URI) and also used with other HTTP requests issued as part of that SockJS connection, for example, the initial info request, XHR send or receive requests.

      By default if this property is not set, all handshake headers are also used for other HTTP requests. Set it if you want only a subset of handshake headers (for example, auth headers) to be used for other HTTP requests.

      httpHeaderNames - the HTTP header names
    • getHttpHeaderNames

      @Nullable public String[] getHttpHeaderNames()
      The configured HTTP header names to be copied from the handshake headers and also included in other HTTP requests.
    • setInfoReceiver

      public void setInfoReceiver(InfoReceiver infoReceiver)
      Configure the InfoReceiver to use to perform the SockJS "Info" request before the SockJS session starts.

      If the list of transports provided to the constructor contained an XhrTransport or an implementation of InfoReceiver that instance would have been used to initialize this property, or otherwise it defaults to RestTemplateXhrTransport.

      infoReceiver - the transport to use for the SockJS "Info" request
    • getInfoReceiver

      public InfoReceiver getInfoReceiver()
      Return the configured InfoReceiver (never null).
    • setMessageCodec

      public void setMessageCodec(SockJsMessageCodec messageCodec)
      Set the SockJsMessageCodec to use.

      By default Jackson2SockJsMessageCodec is used if Jackson is on the classpath.

    • getMessageCodec

      public SockJsMessageCodec getMessageCodec()
      Return the SockJsMessageCodec to use.
    • setConnectTimeoutScheduler

      public void setConnectTimeoutScheduler(TaskScheduler connectTimeoutScheduler)
      Configure a TaskScheduler for scheduling a connect timeout task where the timeout value is calculated based on the duration of the initial SockJS "Info" request. The connect timeout task ensures a more timely fallback but is otherwise entirely optional.

      By default this is not configured in which case a fallback may take longer.

      connectTimeoutScheduler - the task scheduler to use
    • start

      public void start()
      Description copied from interface: Lifecycle
      Start this component.

      Should not throw an exception if the component is already running.

      In the case of a container, this will propagate the start signal to all components that apply.

      Specified by:
      start in interface Lifecycle
      See Also:
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Description copied from interface: Lifecycle
      Stop this component, typically in a synchronous fashion, such that the component is fully stopped upon return of this method. Consider implementing SmartLifecycle and its stop(Runnable) variant when asynchronous stop behavior is necessary.

      Note that this stop notification is not guaranteed to come before destruction: On regular shutdown, Lifecycle beans will first receive a stop notification before the general destruction callbacks are being propagated; however, on hot refresh during a context's lifetime or on aborted refresh attempts, a given bean's destroy method will be called without any consideration of stop signals upfront.

      Should not throw an exception if the component is not running (not started yet).

      In the case of a container, this will propagate the stop signal to all components that apply.

      Specified by:
      stop in interface Lifecycle
      See Also:
    • isRunning

      public boolean isRunning()
      Description copied from interface: Lifecycle
      Check whether this component is currently running.

      In the case of a container, this will return true only if all components that apply are currently running.

      Specified by:
      isRunning in interface Lifecycle
      whether the component is currently running
    • execute

      public CompletableFuture<WebSocketSession> execute(WebSocketHandler handler, String uriTemplate, Object... uriVars)
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketClient
      Execute a handshake request to the given url and handle the resulting WebSocket session with the given handler.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface WebSocketClient
      handler - the session handler
      uriTemplate - the url template
      uriVars - the variables to expand the template
      a future that completes when the session is available
    • execute

      public final CompletableFuture<WebSocketSession> execute(WebSocketHandler handler, @Nullable WebSocketHttpHeaders headers, URI url)
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketClient
      Execute a handshake request to the given url and handle the resulting WebSocket session with the given handler.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface WebSocketClient
      handler - the session handler
      url - the url
      a future that completes when the session is available
    • buildSockJsUrlInfo

      protected SockJsUrlInfo buildSockJsUrlInfo(URI url)
      Create a new SockJsUrlInfo for the current client execution.

      The default implementation builds a SockJsUrlInfo which calculates a random server id and session id if necessary.

      url - the target URL
      See Also:
    • getUser

      @Nullable protected Principal getUser()
      Return the user to associate with the SockJS session and make available via WebSocketSession.getPrincipal().

      By default this method returns null.

      the user to associate with the session (possibly null)
    • clearServerInfoCache

      public void clearServerInfoCache()
      By default, the result of a SockJS "Info" request, including whether the server has WebSocket disabled and how long the request took (used for calculating transport timeout time) is cached. This method can be used to clear that cache hence causing it to re-populate.