Class TransactionSynchronizationManager


public abstract class TransactionSynchronizationManager extends Object
Central delegate that manages resources and transaction synchronizations per thread. To be used by resource management code but not by typical application code.

Supports one resource per key without overwriting, that is, a resource needs to be removed before a new one can be set for the same key. Supports a list of transaction synchronizations if synchronization is active.

Resource management code should check for thread-bound resources, for example, JDBC Connections or Hibernate Sessions, via getResource. Such code is normally not supposed to bind resources to threads, as this is the responsibility of transaction managers. A further option is to lazily bind on first use if transaction synchronization is active, for performing transactions that span an arbitrary number of resources.

Transaction synchronization must be activated and deactivated by a transaction manager via initSynchronization() and clearSynchronization(). This is automatically supported by AbstractPlatformTransactionManager, and thus by all standard Spring transaction managers, such as JtaTransactionManager and DataSourceTransactionManager.

Resource management code should only register synchronizations when this manager is active, which can be checked via isSynchronizationActive(); it should perform immediate resource cleanup else. If transaction synchronization isn't active, there is either no current transaction, or the transaction manager doesn't support transaction synchronization.

Synchronization is for example used to always return the same resources within a JTA transaction, for example, a JDBC Connection or a Hibernate Session for any given DataSource or SessionFactory, respectively.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also: